Dena Messer / Food Fight

Dena Messer / Food Fight

Share a journey to a healthier life. Healthy Clean food verses Fast foods. Learn to cook for your fa


How funny we are now on day 8 of the new year and this is the first time I have posted. LOL although I have been in the devotionals everyday, praying way more, leaving my worries in GODS lap, and even eating better, PAETON is still here and if any one knows Paeton. ( NO SCHEDULE )


I maybe starting my count down a little to early but only 4 more days......


The New Year is coming. I for one love, love, love a clean slate. Fresh start, new beginnings. I am ready.... STAY TUNED.


The new year is coming ! This year will be the one! 2018 stay tuned


Who else is on the " I'm Gonna " boat? I ride that boat everywhere I go. I want to say that I have decided to actually show some constant dedication to posting and sharing and yes one more and eating better. Okay so starting tomorrow LOL I will. be posting regularly we need to stick together on this. I am reading and studying the Bible more to I have dedicatied the morning to this. working so far


Good Morning , havent written anything in sometime so much has happened ! One thing hasn't changed is my constant struggle with sugar ! Love it πŸ’› anyway so I am getting ready to start back on my shakeology so stay tuned people stay tuned ! 🐼


I didn't realize how many people struggle with the same thing i do. Well, not until i started this page, i really don't write on here much cause who the heck really wants to read about a girl and her fight with the TW***IE? But ,......alot of people can relate. It i have found to be more :Hey you have to have self discipline and i can tell you now i don't want any. GOT IT DONT really like using it. Sucks that means i can't over indulge in the things i like. Whether it be drugs, s*x, shopping, eating, talking, smoking. Lets be truthful if i like it i do it and really do not put limitations on myself. Thats being real, I think the more i share the more people will feel the same way. MANIC


Some times starting over is the only way to get it right !


My Struggle is so real. I hate the word struggle because then it would appear that that it just may be a tussel. When in fact it is a full blown knock down drag out fight for me to resist the urge to over feed my chubby little cheeks with lil debbie and sugar and i really want to eat it but it some how calms the storm. Of course i couldn't get hooked on grapes or broccoli it has to be what is really bad for me. Like i am addicted to food. Gee!!! Man time to re evaluate somethings.


Even right now i am chowing on a box of snickerdoodles. OMG they are good. I am a stress eater, happy eater, sad eater, when ever eater. Like anything that is happening i am craving food. It is a constant struggle for me push away from the table. I recognize the problem but continue to have another helping of both the food and the issue that is causing me to eat...Does any one else do this. Tell me your story . I was 300 lbs at one time. My body calls it quits at 200lbs now i never go over. but i would like to set the weight lower like it quits at 160-145 some where in there. Just keep praying just keep keeping on ......

Timeline photos 13/01/2017

If you know me at all you know I am a sugar freak! Little Debbie's and cake icing , confectioners sugar, donuts with cream fillings, oh god let me stop! & have an addictive personality ! So I decided to try to make my food addiction a healthy one! Lol gonna do my best oh did I mention no self control ! Tie it all together lol here I go


I am not doing so well on my New Year Resolution to start eating healthy. Seems that I can not get motivated. Wearing sweat pants everyday and not having to do my hair and make-up and the fact that little Debbie TAUNTS me with her love. Ok maybe its not love she taunts me with but CAKES. Darn her. I will not be overthrown. I will take charge of what goes in my body.


I am not going to let it ruin my year. No way. BUT i did not do as well today as i should have. I ate blueberries until i got home. Yikes a bowl of mac and cheese , 2 home made hamburgers, and its only 7 shooooooooo i got 3 more hours before bed. Fine i know you can smell them . Brownies in the oven. There HAPPY ! They are for Paeton.


I haven't been on here much. In fact I am always on Facebook but not my page ! So anyway, it's 2017 and I know it's time for New Years resolutions and to do list and new bucket list , new turnovers. I have them all myself ! One of them is to make sure I stay posted and man I hate this word but accountable ! Fingers crossed here we go!


July 5 Th did good today a banana and watermelon my smoothie and a little spaghetti ! But man oh man do I want some
Key lime pie


Not all hope is lost the 10 lbs I lost I have not put back on shew thanks I needed that !


I haven't been doing to good lately with the whole eating clean but started back today ! Back on the smoothies and shakes no fried foods no sweets no bread no pasta no ice cream! Wow seems like a lot of no's !

Timeline photos 11/05/2016

Blackberry shakeology I am still doing the smoothie thing had to take a break! The scale shows 2 lbs gained back still eating healthy but no exercise ! Lol I will I will I pinky promise !

Timeline photos 05/05/2016

Still drinking my shakeology also! This one is blueberry


I am well past the 10 day detox and i can honestly say i didnt notice. I am in love with the smoothies. They are good for me and make me feel amazing. So excited about life and what the next step has for me. I am and will succeed.


Day 8 and still holding the weight off that i lost. Thats good but i did break down and eat a chicken taco salad. Well 1/2 a one. I wasn't feeling so well so i had to get some food in me. BUT tomorrow right back on the smoothie run. Not stopping till i reach my goal. I really wish that i could get into the exercise part but still no motivation after i work like a man all day > Wish me luck.

Timeline photos 30/04/2016

Day 6 and 1 more lb that's a total of 9 ! I am so ready to succeed at getting healthy! When you lose the first 5 lbs it's so encouraging ! Just makes you want to keep going ! Do better get better clear your body of the toxins built up over the years and the mind cleaning the toxins from it ! I am just going to keep smiling !


It's Day 4: I am doing great I keeping posting on my home page and forget to post it here! Lol anyway doing really great ! Feel good ! I did eat a salad yesterday for lunch brought me to tears I was so hungry ! But I am pushing on !


Good Morning, I am doing it i say. I have my first day under my belt and the second day under way. If i knew i didnt have to chew my meals anymore i so would have been doing this long time ago. Second day is Apple Berry and it isnt half bad. Its the color of the smoothie that can make you go EWWWWWW. Flaxseed has a lot of benefits for me but i am not a fan of the way it feels in my mouth. EWWWWW again but I can and WILL>.


Okay so Today I have started the 10 day green detox smoothie. Its not bad and i love it because i don't have to chew. I can snack on fruits and veggies and unsalted or raw nuts so there is some food and you can eat a meal if you want but i don't. I use to eat myself sick and now sometimes i tend to dry heave after eating and the chewing actually makes me sick to my stomach.So getting to drink my meal is so nice. I am so addictive and i know i could get hooked on these. I just wish i could get addicted to exercising. So i will be checking in each day and letting you know how i am doing. So far So good. Oh and BONUS I can drink my shakeology for a snack .


Worked out again today. Bam that is two in a row. Not much for some but leaps and bounds for others. We all move at our own pace and that is completely OK. If you move to fast and you aren't ready then you give up and if you move to slow then you lose interest. Move at your own speed everyones progress is different.

Photos from Dena Messer / Food Fight's post 04/04/2016

Try this kale salad ! Cut kale up small and it's amazing


I am struggling so bad! It's a food fight constantly ! πŸ”πŸŸ/🍌🍊 what do we do ! Well sometimes you just rely on your momma ! She motivated me to work out and I feel awesome !!!!

Timeline photos 28/03/2016

Starting my day with vanilla and peanut butter ! Today is start day ! Gotta let the yesterday's be gone and the tomorrow's inspire

Timeline photos 28/03/2016

So the truth is the food has been winning ! I have been struggling and feeding my struggles with food! I want to be held accountable so I will be posting more and really making an effort to do better! We all fall it's not how you fell it's how do you get yourself up ! I am not going to be a lay about I am getting up ! Helps cause I went to my fathers house tonight ! He's so encouraging ! πŸ’›πŸ’›STARTING OVER AND THANKFUL