Suzanne Wesley - Freelance Writing & Design

Suzanne Wesley - Freelance Writing & Design

Offers professional copy writing and graphic design services to businesses and individuals who need


Learning more about social media design and specifically trying out both Canva and Adobe Express to make quick posts. What’s your preferred method for social post creation?


There are definitely times when that extra comma is SUPER important!

Our Commitment to Support Ukraine 11/03/2022

If you are a creative who would like to support Ukrainian creatives by purchasing some of their lincensed work to use in your next project - here's a great link from Creative Market. Hope you find something useful!

Our Commitment to Support Ukraine Over the last decade, we’ve had the honor to welcome talented Ukrainian creatives to this community: more than 94,000 Dribbble designers and 1,200


During my full time freelance days I was blessed to do some creative work for a missionary organization that was at that time named Russian Ministries. They rebranded several years ago into Mission Eurasia, as they care for and minister to a broader area than just Russia - including the Ukraine. If you feel led to pray for, or donate to this organization I know they will appreciate it and put any funds to good use. Currently they are trying to raise $100,000 to provide $50 gift boxes of food that will support a family of 4-5 for 5 days. A donation of any amount (and prayer) is appreciated!

In recent days, we have been speaking with a number of Ukrainian Christian leaders, who are pleading with the global Christian community to pray that war with Russia will not occur. At the same time, they are boldly leading their churches and mobilizing them spiritually, even as fear hangs over their nation. We are so proud of these leaders and their congregations who are gathering each evening in the heart of Kyiv, near St. Andrew’s Hill, where, according to ancient tradition, the Apostle Andrew first brought the gospel to this region. Here these Ukrainian believers are kneeling, fasting, and courageously calling on God with one voice to stop an imminent Russian invasion. ⁣

Just like these Ukrainian believers, we at Mission Eurasia are steadfastly praying as well as making plans and mobilizing resources, volunteers, and churches to prepare for a larger ministry response that would provide humanitarian assistance for potentially thousands of refugees from the war. While we are still hoping for the best, we are preparing for the worst-case scenario in the event of war. ⁣

Once again, we are appealing to you to join us and the Christian community in Ukraine to pray that God would stop any further Russian military action in Ukraine. ⁣

We also ask that you please consider a generous gift to our “I Care” Refugee Assistance program to help us deliver 2,000 emergency food packages to families in Ukraine who are facing a humanitarian crisis if war breaks out. Each food package costs $50 and contains enough food to sustain a family of four-five for a week, as well as a Scripture to provide hope. Total funds in the amount of $100,000 are needed immediately. Will you partner with us? Visit


Happy Valentine's Day, everyond. ;)


Here's a sneak peak at the latest cover I'm working on for a fellow Hoosier -- Cara Putman. I still have back cover text to fit on here but I almost hate to cover up the photography! It makes me want to ride the rails in 1940s Hollywood style. How about you?

40 Honest Advertising Slogans 17/06/2021

Brutal brand honesty here.

40 Honest Advertising Slogans What if brand slogans were brutally honest about the products they represent? That's the question Nashville-based graphic designer Clif Dickens wanted to