University Fellowship of Christians Alumni

University Fellowship of Christians Alumni

UFC-UTAS Alumni is a network of Hobart UTAS graduates who want to keep in touch with one another and the mission @ UTAS, wherever they are in the world.


As we talk with local pastors, youth leaders and parents, we're discussing the need to be very proactive in helping school leavers and young adults connect with inter-church ministries at this next phase of life.

This infographic sums up 5 elements of the 'best practices' that can help this.

The next big event for Christian young adults is Launch 2024 ( . We'd love to see a good number of registrations before Christmas!

Amplify with Sam Chan 06/10/2023

City Bible Forum are hosting a free evangelism training event with Sam Chan on Friday 3rd October:

"Sam Chan is a passionate communicator and evangelist. He'll be sharing some insights on modern Australian culture to help us to remove some of our blockers, and instead amplify our personal evangelism.

"There'll be plenty of practical advice on how we can share our faith in a post-Christendom world, as well as an introduction to a new evangelism program: EvQ."

Amplify with Sam Chan Equip. Empower. Excite

‎Deeper Questions: Ep 11: "What’s with our obsession with True Crime?" with Michael Guerzoni on Apple Podcasts 13/09/2023

Uni Fellowship alumnus Michael Guerzoni talking about criminology and true crime podcasts on the Third Space Deeper Questions podcast.

‎Deeper Questions: Ep 11: "What’s with our obsession with True Crime?" with Michael Guerzoni on Apple Podcasts ‎Show Deeper Questions, Ep Ep 11: "What’s with our obsession with True Crime?" with Michael Guerzoni - Sep 6, 2023

QPay :: Event 23/08/2023

QPay :: Event Events made easy for uni clubs

QPay :: Event 10/08/2023

Coming up in a few weeks. For more information and to buy tickets go to our QPay event.

A night of song and story, with space for reflection and discussion.

Open to people of any religious beliefs or none at all. You are also welcome to simply come, sit and listen if you like: there will be no need or expectation for you to talk or respond to anything, if you don't want to.

QPay :: Event Events made easy for uni clubs

Greg Cooper - Child 27/07/2023

While Greg Cooper is in Hobart for our 'Take One Step' concert, he will also be running a songwriting workshop.

This will be for Christian songwriters, whether writing for church or performance in other settings.

If you are interested in attending, please email [email protected] , as we want to find a time that works, as best as possible.

Greg Cooper - Child Written by Greg CooperVideo directed and animated by Veronika Belcheva LYRICSChild, you don’t have to worry todayOr any dayFor I am your GodChild, you don’t...

Challenge Conference 29/06/2023

For Tasmanian graduates: Challenge Conference is coming up in about 6 weeks' time!

Challenge Conference

2023 Pilgrim Artists Festival - A small festival of art, music, & words 07/06/2023

A $75 prize for each of poetry, fiction and non-fiction has been donated to the Pilgrim Artists Festival for pieces by uni students or recent graduates.

Do you have something you could submit?

2023 Pilgrim Artists Festival - A small festival of art, music, & words Come enjoy our small arts festival in the Christian tradition, 15-18 Sep, with exhibition thru 25 Sep. All are welcome. On: Beauty in the Everyday

Photos from Challenge Conference's post 05/06/2023
QPay :: Event 02/06/2023

For Tasmanian graduates: you are welcome to join us on the 24th August.

"Take One Step—A Concert with Greg Cooper"

This concert is planned with both Christians and those who aren't Christians in mind.

It will not feature 'praise and worship' nor 'altar calls': rather it is a Christian musician playing their music and sharing their personal faith and life in between songs.

Tickets on sale now:

QPay :: Event Events made easy for uni clubs

‎Deeper Questions on Apple Podcasts 23/05/2023

an excellent new podcast by two UTAS alumni, Aaron Johnstone and Amy Isham, that is designed to be accessible to those who are not Christians, too.

‎Deeper Questions on Apple Podcasts ‎Society & Culture · 2023


Uni Fellowship alumnus Paul Matthews will be preaching at the CMS Tasmania Youth mission night this year.

This has quickly become one of the highlights of the of the Tasmanian Christian calendar.


To foster a healthy working relationship between the AFES-employed staff, and the local student executive committee of the TUSA student society, a member of staff serves as a General Member of the executive committee, and the student President has an open invite to all staff meetings.

This coming year, Mikey will continue in his role as the staff-appointed General Member of the student executive committee.


Sarah Jaeger will be a General Member of our 2023 student executive committee, in addition to continuing to help lead groups for the Health Sciences faculty:

"To be a Christian is to experience God’s love, tenderness, justice, goodness, righteousness and grace every day. Despite the struggles of this life, God is the same yesterday, today and forever, and his attitude towards us never changes. His perfection never dims. In the sorrow and brokenness of this world, God gives us a joy and a hope that reaches beyond this place; hope that reaches beyond death. Hope for a future in which there will be no more tears, mourning, death or pain, where our bodies will be redeemed and creation restored, and we will dwell with God for eternity. God has done all of this for us through the death of his Son, Jesus Christ, who took our place on the cross and bore the sins of the world. Who conquered death, and rose to life, giving us hope of resurrection.

"This truth has defined my life since I was sixteen. Although raised in a Christian family, it was not until I experienced my own defining moments, searched my heart, and the Bible, that I saw my need for Jesus, and realised that I needed to share my hope with others. My greatest delight is to share Jesus with those around me.
I go to St John’s Presbyterian Church, and am studying a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery through the University of Tasmania. In my spare time, I love to read, write, play violin or piano, hike, surf and swim.

"I have accepted this nomination because I believe that the Uni Fellowship can have a powerful impact on the lives of Christians and in the lives of those who do not yet know Christ. Being in community with other Christians is a great blessing, joy and comfort, and one of God’s greatest gifts."


One of our 2022 student vice presidents, Dave Humphrey, will be returning in 2023 as a General Committee Member of our student executive committee:

"Being a Christian is not just a unique part of my overly complex life, but the backbone of everything else that I do. I was raised in a Christian family, but I only came to repentance and faith in our Lord Jesus when I was 15. When that change occurred and that I had now found myself knowing Jesus, I have devoted my life in pursuit of ministry. I am studying at UTAS at the moment, doing a double degree in business and IT, but I also do my own personal theological study.

"In my spare time, I like to just sit down and relax with mates and watch films to recuperate from my busy lifestyle.

"I hope to be an encouraging voice on the executive and I pray that my experience in many other ministry positions will be a good addition to the ideas that will be floated to make Uni Fellowship a great group to be a part of, for both Christians and those that are yet to know Jesus. In all that I do, in all the struggles that I go through in my life and every uphill battle I face living in our modern age, I always find comfort to keep pursuing Christ in the salvation of the Cross and the hope of the resurrection. I wish for all who I meet to know Jesus as I know him, as Lord, Saviour, and most surprisingly, friend."


a brief introduction to our 2023 student executive committee Treasurer, Hamish Allen:

"I am currently studying a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Physics and Chemistry. When I graduate, I plan to return to university for research. I accept and agree with my upbringing as a Christian. I regularly read the Bible and keep its words written on my heart. I often serve at Wellspring Anglican Church’s evening service by operating the sound desk.

"In my free time, when I’m not studying or sleeping, I can be found playing PC video games, particularly first-person shooters. I also cook and bake. Last year I was privileged to serve the University Fellowship of Christians as a general member and this year I offer my affinity for spreadsheets for the role of Treasurer."


meet our 2023 student executive committee Secretary, Caleb Brett:

"As long as I can remember I’ve been an analytical thinker and loved solving problems. So, when I approached the problem of life and meaning I didn’t care about a fluffy philosophical answer, I wanted the truth. And I came to the conclusion that the truth could be found in the Bible, the eternal word of God. While I would have called myself a Christian for as long as I could speak, it wasn’t until I was about 15, when I started attending Huon Anglican, that I really started to grow in my faith. This was a result of having people around me that could challenge and disciple me. Looking back, I am extremely thankful to God for the people He has used to grow and shape me. And I look forward to what he still has in store for me.

"At Huon Anglican I am the main AV guy, meaning you’ll usually find me sitting in the corner pushing a button for the entire service. Beyond this, I also play guitar at church every now and then and lead at St Jimmy’s Youth Group. Outside of church I’m studying a double degree, a Bachelor of Engineering and a Bachelor of Science, at the University of Tasmania.

"I believe having a Christian community and Christian voice on campus is extremely important and I am thrilled about the opportunity to use the gifts God has given me to help grow Uni Fellowship by being on the student committee.

"God has graciously given me every breath I breathe, and so I joyfully give all that I am back to Him. “I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” Philippians 3:12b"


our 2023 student executive committee Vice President, Micah Roberts:

"G'day, my name is Micah. I study an Arts & Science degree at UTAS which keeps me fairly busy but in my spare time I play the guitar, read, listen to music, walk the dog and sometimes do a combination of the latter two (wow, I seem like a really mundane person).

"I was born into a Christian family and grew up in the church but it was only a few years ago when I really dug into my faith and asked a bunch of questions which I was lucky enough to get good answers to from people who took the time to nurture my faith. This really instilled in me the importance of asking questions and discussing them thoroughly in order to grow in maturity in the faith.

"I currently attend (and have attended for a number of years) Good News Christian Church on the Eastern Shore. Christianity is really important to me because it offers salvation and rightness with God which is absolutely invaluable."


introducing the President of our 2023 student executive committee, Sarah Eddleston:

"Hi! I’m Sarah, I’m a Christian, and I thank God that I can live each day as his child. Amongst the beautiful calamity of life, I am able to not only find refuge and peace, but a love and goodness that is infinite and unconditional. Owning my faith and giving my life wholeheartedly to God is a journey, and a journey which I am so blessed to share with friends from all over the UTAS community. The time that I spend at Uni Fellowship is one of the biggest encouragements and blessings in my life. Each of us cling to the same God and trust him to be our anchor, supporting one another on our own faith journeys.

"I attend church at Summerleas Christian Church, a gospel-centred family who have a real heart for supporting and loving one another in their walks with the Lord. Being part of that church has grown me in my faith and love for the Lord, pushing me to really reflect on what God’s plan is for my life.

"I’m currently studying a Bachelor of Music at the Hedberg, specialising in Jazz Piano Performance. Music has always been my passion and I believe that it has such a power to move people. Creating music that has meaning and makes people feel something really excites me and spurs me on in my studies.
Being a part of the Student Committee is a real blessing for me, as I know how much of an impact Uni Fellowship has already had on my life. Having the opportunity to help lead something which is making such a difference in the lives of students during their time at university is something I thank and praise God for."

Between Two Flickering Worlds — Ekstasis Magazine 24/03/2022

thoughtful and poetic little piece about what it's like being a Christian in the world today, from Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES) Tasmanian Board rep, Emma Wilkins

Between Two Flickering Worlds — Ekstasis Magazine Emma Wilkins on Foolishness & the Freedom of Self Forgetfulness


Wow! Thanks for all those who have given over the last few days! We have now raised $3620 towards our mission in 2022!

Only $1880 to reach the $5500 target.

You can make a once-off donation online here:

AFES donation portal AFES donation portal


Can you contribute to our fundraising drive? We are hoping to raise $5500 towards our mission on campus.

You can make a once-off donation online here:

This week we are meeting with 30 UTAS students (and those taking gap years or on placements in Tasmania) for our Pre-Season Conference... next week, the university year begins!

AFES donation portal AFES donation portal


$800 already raised! Thanks for those who have contributed.


We are hoping to raise $5 500 towards our general mission costs by O Week 2022 (22nd February). Can you help us? We are looking for:

Five large donations:

2 donations of $1000
3 donations of $500
Twenty smaller donations:

4 donations of $200
8 donations of $100
8 donations of $50
To make a donation click here:

AFES donation portal AFES donation portal


especially trying to help Christian uni students find accommodation in Hobart.


Being born into a Christian family is only a very small part of my journey as a follower of Christ. Learning how to own my faith and give my life wholeheartedly to God is a journey that I am forever on, and being able to travel it whilst surrounded by friends from all over the UTAS community, is one of the biggest encouragements and blessings in my life. Seeing the ways that God works through my life and the lives of those around me is a constant reminder of His great power and love. Rather than being a group of friends who cling onto one another in the roller coaster of life, we all cling onto the same God and trust Him to be our anchor, supporting one another that way. I believe that is a very powerful part of Uni Fellowship for me.

I attend church at Summerleas Christian Church, a gospel-centred family who have a real heart for supporting and loving one another in their walks with the Lord. Being part of that church has really grown me in my faith and love for the Lord, pushing me to really reflect on what God’s plan is for my life.

Currently, I’m studying my Bachelor of Music at the Hedberg, specialising in Jazz Piano Performance. Music is really my passion and I believe that it has such a power to move people. Creating music that has meaning and makes people feel something, maybe even feel the love of God, that is something that really excites me and spurs me on in my studies.

Being part of the Student Committee is such a blessing for me, as I know how much of an impact Uni Fellowship has had in my life this year alone. Having the opportunity to help lead something which is making such a difference in the lives of both Christians and non-Christians is something I thank and praise God for.


Uni Fellowship alumna and AFES's Tasmania board rep, Emma Wilkins on some of the books she appreciated in 2021


My name is Faith Bartlett and I am 18 years old . I study a Bachelor of Surveying and Spatial Sciences at UTAS. I was baptised on the 13th of December 2013 because I wanted to serve and praise God forever. I currently attend Cornerstone Presbyterian Church and I do worship leading there.

I have been enjoying attending the University Fellowship of Christians for these past few months and would like to accept the nomination to be a General member.


I was raised in a Christian family, so I’ve been a Christian my whole life. I wholeheartedly believe the Christian doctrines and I, of course, want to keep reading and spreading God’s word. I regularly attend church at Wellspring Anglican Church, at their evening service (Resonate), where I also help on the sound desk.

I’m a first-year Bachelor of Science student at UTAS, planning on completing a double major in Physics and Chemistry. In my free time, I’m an avid computer gamer, especially first-person shooters. I have chosen to accept this nomination because I feel I may be able to have valuable contributions to make to the Fellowship. For example, I would like to try organising events such as hospitality evangelism events.


I had the privilege of being raised in a Christian family and have been a member of Redeemer Christian Church since its beginning in 2009. My spiritual life has been an incredible journey with many rough seasons, and my life is testament to the ever-abounding grace of God. Pursuing a deeper relationship with God and becoming more like Him is the ultimate purpose and joy of my life.

I am currently studying a Bachelor of Primary Education and became involved with Uni Fellowship in early 2021. Growing up in small churches, Christian peers were few and far between, and to have found a group of like-minded, godly people whom I admire at Uni Fellowship is amazing. I also work as a private Maths and English tutor to primary and secondary students. When I am not working or studying, I enjoy playing rugby, reading, and spending time with the people closest to me.

I feel most fulfilled when serving others, and being able to do this through Uni Fellowship by bringing Jesus’ word to campus and my fellow students is an absolute joy and privilege. Over the past few years, people have invested a lot of time and energy into supporting and loving me on a continual journey of growth in faith and knowledge of God. Being a part of Uni Fellowship is also an amazing opportunity for me to do the same for others.

Videos (show all)

Jackson getting baptised
Walking to Boronia Beach for Jackson's Baptism
O Week Mission 2016