Norway Power Yoga

Norway Power Yoga

Join our digital studio “Wild. Alive. by NPY” and experience your body in a whole new way. Norway's first authentic power vinyasa yoga studio, est. 2015.

Photos from Norway Power Yoga's post 12/06/2024

If two of our most popular class formats had an aesthetic… 🤍

Notice any similarities…?😉

Now, which one are you…? Or are you like us and you’re both?


Have you seen? Have you heard?

We now have audio-only practices in our digital studio. Plug in your AirPods, fill your water bottle, and just flow.

Eyes open or closed.
Music on or off.

It’s an experience.

More audio only practices will be added the next couple of months.. what’s the format you would like to have in audio-only?
Share it with us.

NPY Online
Sweat. Mind body fitness. Transformation.
Every Day.


Don’t let your circumstances determine whether you show up on your mat or not.

NPY Online
Yoga. Mindbodyfitness. Sweat. Presence. Transformation.
Every Day.
Want a free trial? Enter “FREETRIAL” on checkout and try a full month.


It’s not a choice anymore.
It’s devotion.

Don’t need to find time.
Don’t neee to be in a specific place.

You do it.

Because you know who you become because of it.

A woman who walks with courage, confidence, and compassion.
A woman who thinks before she speaks.
A woman who isn’t triggered by what other’s actions to her means..

Because you show up
As you are
Every day

For you.

You respect yourself enough now, to never miss a day.

Because one day you said: I choose me.

My evolution.
My growth.
My power.
My health.
My well-being.
My body.
My heart.

And the mind went quiet… for good.


It’s a good day to have a good day 💃🕺

Here’s my recipe for fantastic mornings that bring me endless energy for my day:

🔥Morning meditation
🔥Coffee in bed before kiddo gets up

In that order.

(Yes, SMWYP on a Wednesday .. because it’s available every day in NPY Online)

Today’s class intention was “the energy that we choose” and it’s such an important reminder. That we get to choose our thoughts, feelings, and actions every day.

I hope you have the best HUMP day, my loves. I’ve posted the OG HUMP playlist in the stories to get in the vibes if you feel like Wednesday is a bit *cough* humpy. 😘😘

Love you,
always & forever,


Most people wait for perfect…and wait forever for:

The right time.
The right place.
The right idea.

SMWYP is about perfection being in the imperfect NOW.

About deciding that THIS moment, in its intentionality, in its intensity, in its authenticity .. is perfect.

The evolution of SMWYP brings tears to my eyes, as an offering to “solve” why Saturday classes were the least attended when we opened in Sandefjord.

I’ve always loved teaching “off” hours.

The people who are there are “no matter what” kind of people.

But with SMWYP they told me I made them into people who would show up on the weekend.

What was the recipe?

Did I say fun?

And with the knowledge of that … I wonder why we have to make it hard.. and do the stuff we don’t wanna do?

I think that’s why people don’t stick to their programs or just have memberships they don’t use..and why the fitness industry is the least successful in the world judging by the growing obesity rates & health decline.

Because they “don’t wanna” so they don’t.

But if you want to. If you looooove it.. you will make it a priority. SMWYP is evidence of that.

If you wanna fall in love with movement, SMWYP is the thing.
If you wanna fall in love with your body, SMWYP is the thing.
If you wanna fall in love and be ignited, SMWYP is the thing.

It’s far from perfect - but that’s the thing, NOW can only be NOW. And only when we are present can we tap into true perfection. The perfection that just is.

SMWYP is moving from love.
Not for love.
Minor shift.
Big difference.

Try it for only $1 by dropping “❤️‍🔥” below in the comments and we’ll send you the link, or join NPY Online and get access to a big library of SMWYP classes that are seeped in joy, fun, and lots of contagious energy.

always & forever,
NPY Founder
& creator of our fusion formats SMWYP, HUMP, JUMP, SWEAT by NPY, AWAKE by NPY, and hot yoga & hiit.

Photos from Norway Power Yoga's post 31/10/2023

Go from doing to BEING.
Go from aligning your body to experiencing your body.

Express yourself and allow your body to express through the movements.

Move like it’s the greatest gift of self-discovery, because it is.


The experience … the class.

Carefully curated..

Every word.
Every pose included.
Every pose excluded.
The transition.
The language.

There to empower the student to BE and FEEL limitless.

Anyone can teach a basic class, but to create an experience of every class.

A journey … individual to each client at the same time..

Is art.

And for 11 years I have made it my mission to cultivate my art, to be a guide, a teacher, and access point for you to explore your depths, expand your heights, and experience ALL OF YOU in the highest regard.

The fitness industry is highly flawed.

Thriving on brokenness.

We don’t use language in low frequency at NPY, we only speak to your wholeness.

We encourage you to move from your wholeness, as a ceremony to the gift you have been given … a life, a body that is able to move, love, strengthen.

My genuine love for the art of teaching, for the body as a tool for expansion, and as the mind as a place to dream.. makes NPY a very unique place.

If you value and treasure the spaciousness of life, the experience to be seen and met as an individual, the exhilarating experience of your heart beating out of your chest, being drenched in sweat, and genuinely tapped into your bliss…

I’d love to welcome you to NPY.

There’s no place like it.

I know, because I created the space - the intensity of the classes - the offer I desired to experience …myself.

With reverence for our collective impact on each other and the ripples of love,


You show up because it’s the only option.

You will not be celebrated for showing up.. it’s the minimum.

Your devotion.
Your effort.
Your commitment.

Is on you.

What’s on us?

The intensity.
The intention.
The product.
The consistency in our delivery.
The promise … that for 60-minutes you get to breathe, move, sweat, and BE.

When you value yourself…. you show up different.

But you’ve mastered step one a long time ago.

You show up.
And you don’t need the celebration.
It’s the foundation. It’s the standard.

Because you are a priority…in your life.

NPY Sandefjord 25/07/2023

NPY opens in less than 2 weeks and here’s everything you need to know:

The studio is gorgeous.
We have less than 20 memberships left before we are sold out.
The membership lasts from Aug 6- Dec 10.
We’ll have 5 classes in studio + 1 class online every week.
You come as much as you want, just book in advance.
We have free parking.
The classes merge sweat + zen in the very best way, still.
The studio is “only” 26 degrees (like Framnes) unless it’s a veeeery warm summer day then we usually touch about 30.
If you’re new to us there’s a whole page on our website with free classes and workshops to see if you vibe with our style and to get your comfortable to come to class.
We start our week on Sunday at 19:00 with WILD.ALIVE. A class that mixes cardio yoga with ecstatic dance & meditation that has our members raving because it’s THE most incredible experience of their lives.
Caroline is teaching ALL the classes on the schedule (Ole will sub on occasion)
We will not offer drop-in or class passes.
The door still locks 5 min before class begins.
Memberships are 4500,- or 5 x 999,-
Right now we have people from 9 different countries (including Norway!)

Want to be a part of this incredible community?
Just click the link ❤️‍🔥

Ps: If you get your membership today you’ll be invited to an exclusive pre-opening class😘

NPY Sandefjord Norway Power Yoga Sandefjord re-opens at Nordre Kullerød in August 2023. NPY Online is an online studio that offers authentic NPY power vinyasa & mind-body fitness.


The experience …

Whether it’s exactly what you needed or the exact opposite is. perfect.

After teaching for over a decade I know, the experience of class is what matters.

Because the experience and how you perceive it will determine if you come back or not…or if you’ll make it a priority in your life.

Did you get what you came for?

This question is why most people stop coming to class..

Because their intention with class was “to get” something .. not to experience the class, the practice, the community, the movement, the energy.

We do a lot of things differently at NPY, we’ve abolished the hierarchy. We’ve made class an interactive experience. We encourage you to experience YOU in the pose, rather than the pose through the words or hands of the teacher.

The experience and how ready you are for take command of your practice will determine IF you integrate the practice as your own.

And at NPY we’ve taken the experience to a whole new level.

It’s raw. It’s real.
It’s community and connection at its finest.
It’s activation and transformation.
It’s facilitation of humans who master their experience.
It’s so much more than a class…

Because once you start coming to class you realize .. the work begins each time you leave, not when you enter..

I can’t wait to move, love, meditate, and elevate with you all again, my loves..

We are 2 weeks out❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥… eeeeekkk


As you walk towards the door .. I’ll greet you with a squeak and a smile…
You can smell the lavender as you enter …
You walk up the stairs..and you hear
Laughs, conversations, music ..

You remove your shoes, hang your coat, and pull the curtain aside..

And you exhale … you’ve arrived. You can breathe now… and release all the ish you’ve carried all week.

We open in 2(!) weeks but all those who snagged their memberships already will be invited to a sneak -peek event very soon.

Claim your spot today 👇


Less than 20 memberships left before we’re sold out.⚡️

We open August 6. Here’s the schedule👇

Hope you join us for chapter 3🫶


This 1 thing created the re-birth of NPY

It makes me cry, really. The gratitude I feel about our history. We’ve been through so much. So many evolutions. So many experiences.

Your smiles as you show up night after night after night.
Your excitement about being a part of this.
Your tight, warm hugs as we embrace both before and after class.
Your EPIC conversations before class that are soooo loud that most new people question if they’ve walked into a yoga studio.
Your fire as I make you scream “ahhhhhh” from the top of your lungs.
Your ecstatic surrender to our dance breaks.
Your eyes that sparkle as I make you do 1 more…4 times.

Your enthusiasm as your favorite song comes on.
You jumping in your yoga poses just because you can.
You crying tears of aliveness in our WILD.ALIVE. meditation.

You showing up in all of you, and us demanding more of you, and your surrender to BE MORE YOU.

I absolutely love what I do, but I love who I do it with more…

The community.

A community I honestly could only ever dream of being a part of…of feeling a belonging to, until I made NPY.

A community of people who “get me” when when our eyes meet and there's no need to exchange words.

A community that feels like coming home, every time… whether you were here yesterday or last year.

My passion for my work is something you can sense, but my passion for being in service of you as a community…is something you can FEEL.

When you walk in. When you sign-up. When you say YES.

Because I was born to do this. I was born to facilitate transformation through the body and mind. I was born to empower you with energy that is wildly alive. I was born to show you your strength and hold you in your weakest moments. I was born to guide you into self-led expansion. I was born to help translate ancient principles into new words that “make sense” today. I was born to use the body, movement, and community to do so.

The 1 thing that created NPY this time around…was me.
I was born to do this.
And I hope you consider joining me for chapter number 3.

With massive love and appreciation,


This video describes HOW I FEEL selling these early-bird memberships to the new studio ❤️‍🔥

If you haven’t heard, NPY is back.. this time waaay smaller than we used to be - with only me as the teacher .. which means limited number of memberships.. because you all love to come to class soooo much that .. that’s how it’s gotta be with a capacity of only 20 humans at a time.

We open Aug 6
At Nordre Kullerød

Sunday 19:00 wild.alive. (SMWYP Sunday version)
Monday 20:00 expanded (strong & slow)
Tuesday 20:00 power hour (faster & stronger)
Wednesday 20:00 weightless (1 breath 1 pose + dumbbell)
Thursday 20:00 ONE (power1, the new way)
Friday 16:45 R&R ONLINE w/the online family
(Note. We’re closed over fall break)

👉ONLY 6 early-bird memberships left (5x 749,- or 3500,-)
Then the price goes to 5 x 999,- (or 4500,-) for the remaining 15 memberships.

If youre considering it, message us with your questions so you don’t miss out and have to wait until after Christmas to be a part of this when we drop next round of memberships.

Eeekkk so excited to squeeze you tight on the regular again, NPYers.


Update: only 8 early-bird memberships left😘🫶

Get yours here 👇


We say …

Use your practice to grow.
Use your practice as a ceremony to your wholeness.
Use your practice to explore where you don’t feel it… whole, and choose again.
Use your practice to experience freedom from the things that weigh on you.
Use your practice to be in community with others.
Use your practice to practice being alive.
all aspects of it.
The fun, the exciting, the challenging, the yuck, the meh, the ecstasy… and everything in between.

Use your practice to feel wild. alive.

We say… that’s the only way to live.

Only 10 early-bird memberships left for our re-birth happening in August. Secure your NPY membership before they sell out 😘 that’s the difference this time around, limited memberships available… and we only have 25 left before you have to wait until spring for your chance to flow with us❤️‍🔥



Whether you’re new to yoga, new to NPY, or want to brush up on your technique… we’ve decided to make a whole bunch of those resources free for you right on our website.

explore our new website right here👇

inspiring strength, flexibility, and community through yoga and mind-body fitness since 2015.


It isn’t just a yoga studio …

It’s a family.

It isn’t just a yoga studio…

It’s belonging to a community of people who show up for their own development and growth.

It isn’t just a yoga studio…

It’s where we go on good days, bad days, the days where everything is nuts, the days when we really just want to stay on the couch, the days we are so excited to move and the days we feel like bleh..

It isn’t just a yoga studio…

It’s a lifestyle
Of showing up to discover yourself
Of awareness

Of sweating, moving, breathing…through all of life.
Because the only thing constant in life is change.

But most of all it’s about BEing…. all of you, more of you.
In your body, through your body.
In this moment.
Every day.


You can’t open your eyes, every time you do…
the sweat puddles them..and it burns

…sooo good.

Your heart is beating out of your chest, your body is moving your breath … you don’t get the saying “out of breath” because you’ve never felt so full. FULL. OF. BREATH.

Somewhere between the sensations of “I gotta catch my breath and I can’t breathe.,” You’ve come face to face with the part of you that believes in your potential IN YOUR BODY, you’ve learned what absolute presence means, and you’ve laughed, loved, danced, smiled.

And then you hear it “one more round,” and a part of you wants to cry.

But the other part of you knows it means IT’s right around the corner.

The moment you’ve been waiting for.

The moment that moves you to tears because you feel so WHOLE. SO. SO. WHOLE.

You squint your eyes open, wipe them on your shoulder, and you show up for the last round like it’s the first one.

This one pushes every edge you have.

Your presence.
Your coordination.
Your flexibility.
Your mobility.
Your strength.

Somewhere between “I can’t do this” and “whoooaaaa” you find it… the grove. what they call it.
And then…its over.
And you’re laying there…
Heart racing.
Being breathed.
You’re home.
In you.
And you get it, what the name of the class REALLY means.
WILD. ALIVE. Is a feeling.
And you’re holding it, anchoring it, and soaking it up…with every cell in your being.

Photos from Norway Power Yoga's post 28/05/2023

SMWYP is something else, and unless you’ve been there - you just won’t ever know the energy it brings.

People planned their weekends after Saturday morning yoga. People show up and change who they be through that class. It opens you. It pushes you. It allows you space to bring more awareness into your day… those days that everything is crazy, you just anchor back to how you felt and life opens up again. It’s absolutely our secret tool in life over here at NPY.

And NOW.. when we re-open with a new schedule SMWYP is moving to Sunday night and being renamed.. WILD. ALIVE.

The class where you allow the imperfections of your practice to be the biggest invitation to grace.
The class that brings you into the moment with the first breath. The class that releases inhibitions and your minds’ cages.
The class that empowers your and holds your potential in your face…for you to witness.
The class where nothing else exists.. except this moment.
And the moment stays with you for the rest of the week.

It’s not a beginners class, but if you’ve got great coordination, you’re athletic, and you don’t take yourself too seriously… you’ll do fine even if you’re new to us.
Drop-in is 299,- and class begins at 19:00 tonight 😘
Message us for a chat and the link to sign up.

And ps. Did you hear?! NPY is baaaack in Sandefjord this fall!! 😘😘

Open 5 days per week, come as much as you like with a membership.. and come experience the authentic NPY poweryoga with our founder and she’ll also introduce you to two new formats on the schedule: ONE and WEIGHTLESS.

Hi 👋
If you’re new here, we’re NPY, Norway’s first authentic poweryoga studio est. in 2015. For the past 8 yrs we have been serving high-performers (like you) in the space of mind-body fitness.

With a focus on intensity (physical and spiritual), intention (every element of class is on purpose), and consistency (once you learn the lingo, the poses, the rhythm you realize it’s consistent throughout the whole product) we have served people on their journey to cultivate a powerful body, and a peaceful mind.

And this fall, we’re doing it again, with studio number 3. Welcome to our world. Welcome to WILD. ALIVE.


Sandefjord, we’ve missed you.

We’re moving into The EXHALE Center permanently, and we’re going to bring you all the things you loved about NPY.

-the schedule
-the NPY Community
-the flexible membership
-bigger class sizes up to 20 souls in a room (yay!!)
-warm room: 24-26 degrees

Want to get access to early bird memberships?
Drop a “❤️‍🔥” in the inbox and we’ll message you the waitlist sign-up link.

We’ve missed you.
We love you.
We’re ready for chapter 3.

Here’s to health, happiness, and lots of Chaturangas,


When we step on our mat, we step into the moment.
We bring awareness to who we are, what we be.. as we come home to our body, our mind, and our breath..and we get to choose.. who we become from this moment on.


Want to join Caroline for classes at The Exhale Center?

Classes begin Jan 17 and run through April 1st.
Tuesdays 20:00 Power Hour (3 spots)
Thursday 20:00 Power1 (4 spots)
Saturday 09:00 SMWYP (2 spots)

Only a few spots left, click here to register and secure your spot

Photos from Norway Power Yoga's post 10/01/2023

As a member of Home by NPY all you need to do is show up… and yeah we know, actually DOing it is a struggle for most.

Until now…

Because when you learn our method, your practice isn’t conditional on peace and “having time.”

It’s based in a desire for personal growth and evolution. It’s based in a desire to learn and explore. It’s based in creating a HOME in the practice, a practice that will serve you, transform you, and help you for the rest of your life.

SWIPE through for the breakdown, and when you decide it’s a YES we’ll be absolutely delighted to welcome you to our growing community of people dedicated to spiritual and personal growth and evolution.


Thank you to everyone who came out to community class tonight. Your guys are epic🪩🫶Reminder that early bird for class-passes expires tonight. Link👇
Love you all,


When you join our community you say yes to this👇

Showing up in all of you (even the parts of you you judge)
Cultivating love for all of you (even the parts they told you were broken)
Learning to love you deeper, harder, with more intention (even the parts … well you get the drift, yeah?)

At NPY we hold nothing back. We show up in all of us. We learn about all of us. Because a yoga journey is about self-observance, and choosing to either stay the same or change yourself into someone who is more aligned with your values.

In yoga class, do you pay attention to:

-your automatic thoughts?
-your thoughts about other people?
-when you take a break? (or even if you allow yourself a break?)
-how you feel in each pose?

Are you able to create space between the moments? Between who you used to be and who you are?

When you join our community you say yes to taking radical responsibility for who you BE. You say yes to unleashing a more authentic version of you. You say yes to more confidence and self-assurance. You say yes to belonging to a community that welcomes all of you.

It’s way more than a subscription or a membership, it’s a YES that will change your life …. if you let it.

Ready to say YES to you?
Online: HOME by NPY (get your first 3months at 50% off with the code “IMHOME”)

In-person: Caroline has 3 classes scheduled per week at and we have about 5 of each pass left.

Our inbox is open for questions and info🫶

Videos (show all)

NPY Opens August 6.❤️‍🔥 Get your membership now, less than 20 left.
This video describes HOW I FEEL selling these early-bird memberships to the new studio ❤️‍🔥If you haven’t heard, NPY is ...
And early-bird memberships for NPY are available… we are so excited to welcome you in August! ❤️‍🔥
WANT FREE WORKSHOP, BEGINNER, AND FOUNDATIONAL VIDEOS?Whether you’re new to yoga, new to NPY, or want to brush up on you...
When we step on our mat, we step into the moment.We bring awareness to who we are, what we be.. as we come home to our b...
For the next couple of weeks, Caroline will tell you all aboutSACR Ed.sacred education: a mind-body fitness TT by Norway...
By popular demand we’ve added Power1 Sundays.class is from 19-20 at the NPY POP-UP Studiobuy all access pass here 👇https...
Welcome to NPY Online, where we aim be a part of your yoga journey through your  life, all of the seasons.. those with m...