Joia Vida Wellness

Joia Vida Wellness

I coach others to embrace a life of Joia Vida transforming their gut health and healthy habits w/ease


Week 4 of the Lifestyle Reboot group coaching program is complete! Only 2 more weeks to go! How?!

The women inside this coaching container always amaze me! They show up authentic and real & because of that have an amazing community experience to make them recognize they are not alone with these simple things!

This week we talked all about emotional eating and sugar. The big theme… SLOW DOWN. Put the fork down between bites.

I want to challenge you to do the same this week for ONE meal. Mindfully eat and put your utensils down between bites and see what happens. You ready?


Many of you know me as Brandi the Nationally Board Certified Health Coach specializing in gut health. Many of you don’t know that I was a personal trainer and group fitness instructor until the world broke in 2020. Being a group fitness instructor fed me through college and all of my schooling to become the coach I am today. I absolutely loved it & still do. I tell Cody weekly I want to get back to group fitness 🤣🤣 (more on that who knows when!)

Richard Simmons was the IT guy. He was boldly himself. He was empowering. He inspired movement no matter your shape or size. The fitness industry lost a legend this week. Now he’s in the sky empowering in a new way. 🫶🏻


The sign wins EVERY TIME 🤣 Had the best time celebrating 2nd business birthday & meeting so many patients!

For my Active Chrio Community be sure to DM me your email to be entered into my FREE GIVEAWAYS for either 1- a free coaching session 2- access to my 6 week lifestyle reboot group coaching program! 🤩

Photos from Joia Vida Wellness's post 14/06/2024

But do you?

In the world we live in, it’s hard not to be mindful of healthy habits?

The question is.. what are yours? 🧐

🤔Are the solid?
🤔Do they need a refresh?
🤔Do you need to be held accountable to them?

If so.. you should join my newest 6 week group coaching program as a beta tester!

Over the 6 weeks we will discuss a variety of topics that play into your overall health and wellness that may need a reboot.

Head to the link and my bio to enroll ASAP! We begin 6/24!

Photos from Joia Vida Wellness's post 08/06/2024

Introducing my very first 6 week group coaching program- LIFESTYLE REBOOT!

Let’s face it, I know that you know what it means to be healthy and take care of yourself. The problem is, you don’t have any accountability and you let yourself slip. This is exactly why the lifestyle reboot six group coaching program was born.

We know that community makes things better. When you were able to go along the same journey alongside someone else, it fosters change that lasts. It empowers you. It motivates you. How can it get any better than that!?

During the six weeks we will cover a wide variety of topics that set you up for your success so you feel more in control. We begin 6/24. Who’s joining me?

Photos from Joia Vida Wellness's post 04/06/2024

You read that right! When was the last time you gave your internal system a good deep clean? 🧼 🧐

A functional medicine detox is the perfect way to cleanse your inner system without doing anything to harsh. Over 7 days.. You will have 2 days of a liquid fast with a protein shake, followed by 5 days of guided meals that are plant and paleo based along with 2 protein shakes to help you feel like your healthiest self yet!

And the best part? You get me and my supportive community to help you along the way.

Ready for change?

The enrollment link is in my bio!

Photos from Joia Vida Wellness's post 28/05/2024

Detoxing doesn’t have to be some big scary thing! Think of it as a “deep clean” for your body. Kind of like when you pull your nightstand away from the wall and bed and see all the dust that’s been collected. It happens, even if you live your healthiest best life!  If you said YES to any of the reasons listed above, consider joining my supportive community for a 7 day functional medicine detox the week of 6/10. Link in bio to enroll ASAP to get access to my free masterclass

Photos from Joia Vida Wellness's post 24/05/2024

In our modern world, we come in contact with thousands of chemicals, toxins and pollutants on a daily basis. As they accumulate in our body, it can have a number of adverse affects on our health — from weight gain and fatigue to brain fog, bloating and more. The Dr. Cabral Detox is a comprehensive, full body Functional Medicine detoxification system that gently eliminates harmful toxins while rebalancing the body at an underlying root cause level.

What’s included:
-Detox Kit that will last you the full 7 days
-Private Community Support with me via a Facebook Group
-A Custom Meal Plan to follow

-Powerful weight loss, anti-aging and wellness solution
-Helps to restore nutrient deficiencies while safely removing toxins
-Provides complete nutritional support throughout
Functional Medicine ingredients and Ayurvedic herbs support Phase 1 & 2 liver detoxification

Link in bio to enroll TODAY! Can’t wait to head into spring with you as your healthiest self!


What a special morning!!! My first ever tabling event for Joia Vida Wellness 🤩

It was a complete blast & the “Have you pooped today?” Sign was a hit!

Thanks to the best mother Debbie Solomon Mazzuca for coming out and helping me work my table & share your amazing experience with the Functional Medicine Detox. Next round begins 6/10!

Order your kits this week and you get access to a free masterclass!


Hey I’m so excited to be at your Fitness Sampler today showing off the functional medicine detox on 6/10 & teaching you about gut health! Be sure to stop by and say hi! 🤩🙂

Photos from Joia Vida Wellness's post 16/05/2024

Learning proper things that support you and your health is what matters! There is no one size fits all approach.

As a coach, my secret super power is being able to support you with refining habits that work for you. A strategy that works for person a might not work for a person be and that’s OK. In order to make healthy habits stick we have to find what works best for you and make it joyful!

Is your health and health strategy joyful? Are you ready to get started and have a transformation that you were proud of?

Then consider signing up for a FREE discovery session with the link in my bio & get started with one of my one on one coaching programs!


I am SO EXCITED to be partnering with this weekend and talking all things functional medicine detox & gut health! Be sure to stop by for a quick gut health assessment & samples!


If you know me personally or feel like you know me thanks to being my internet friend you know that me saying “be good to you” is a non negotiable.

Life throws us the highest of highs and the lowest of lows and in both of those spaces & even the in between you need to hold space for yourself.

For me personally, I’ve been experiencing the highs and the lows very close to another and it can be really hard to navigate.

Have I cried? YES
Have I emotionally ate? YES I am human here
Have I done the breath work and journaling like my therapists have taught me? YES
Have I moved my body? YES
Have I prioritized sleep? YES
Have I prioritized healthy foods? YES

Has it been easy? HECK NO!

Building a solid foundation for my health has taken time. And I know a lot of this is because I am being good to me.

My secret coaching superpower is teaching you to do the same. You can have crappy days and be good to you. I’m here to help! Schedule your discovery session with the link in my bio.


If there’s one thing this conference is reminding me.. it’s the power of simplicity. If you aren’t doing the simple things to live a healthy life like move your body, eat good food, drink clean water… then working on bigger health concerns will only be that much harder.

This is exactly why you need a coach. One of my core values is simplicity and I lead with that in every coaching session. You can take the fancy vitamins and see all the best doctors, but if you aren’t consistent with the simple things.. YOUR HEALTH WILL NEVER CHANGE.

It’s your choice to stay exactly where you are. It’s your choice to change. Small simple steps lead to big results overtime. Imagine what could happen if you hired me and a year from now.. your health was totally different? You had more energy and confidence. Your pooped with ease. Your clothes fit better. How does it feel to show up as that version of yourself?? 🤔🧐


Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you recognize that your breathing has become very shallow?

What happens to you? Do you get clammy? Clench your jaw? Pace? I know this happens to me occasionally due to internalizing stress.

In the past, this would lead to panic attacks. Now, I am able to recognize the signs when my body may be internalizing stress.

Here’s the thing- I believe that nutrition is anything that feeds you. Physically, mentally, or spiritually.

In a situation where I sense my breathing is shallow, I need to properly feed my mind.

Some of my favorite ways to do that are: taking a new deep breaths, changing my position (ex/ go from sitting to standing), put on a favorite song, walk away from technology.

When you recognize internal destress, how do you deescalate the internal threat? Share a strategy below!

It’s okay to not be okay.. Talking about it and learning strategies to help yourself is so important.


1,000th post. I have so much to say but I’ll keep it simple.

This past weekend I had the honor of being at with my dear friend Ana Lee ( ) And let me tell you it was transformative.

Quite frankly, Ana Lee is transformative. Her falling into my life has helped me turn into the woman and business owner I want to be. I’ve been feeling so disconnected from my coaching practice and how I represent myself because I’ve grown so much as a woman over the past few years.

This photo represents ME. All the growth, healing, and change that has led me into my Mamba Year.

We’re only a quarter of the way through 2024 and holy cow. I have ZERO clue what the end of the year will look like but I know it will require massive change and growth.

Thanks for hanging along as I embrace this journey. As enlightening and bumpy as it may be, I’ll keep showing up and teaching you what I know best.. which is how to be good to you and your gut even on the hard days. Keep it simple, keep it fun. This is what the Joia Vida Mentality is all about. -Brandi


A story about salad..

yesterday I finished work late and did NOT want to cook dinner. My husband and I forgot to pull our salmon out of the freezer so it was still frozen. I immediately go… “We should just go out.”

But something deep inside me went “HELL NO SISTER! You planned out your meals for the week. By the time you get to wherever you decide your salmon would be defrosted. And you know you use cleaner ingredients free of inflammatory oils.”

So what did I do?? I cooked. And in cooking, I was able to unwind from the work day and fuel my body with foods that nourish and support my goals.

This was the perfect example of me, continuing to be good to myself and stay in alignment with my goals. It’s in moments like these where your discipline kicks in and overrules temptation. Make those choices. Continue to show up for your future self. be good to you!

Dinner: salmon salad seasoned with lemon juice, dill, and garlic. Over a bed of Romaine with cherry tomatoes, avocado, and cucumber. Vegan dill dressing not pictured.


we did it! 200 🤩😭🥳 Thank you to every instructor & classmate that has supported me to getting to this huge milestone!! Paragraph

7:30 crew.. I adore you & this wouldn’t have been possible without you!!! Accountability is SO important to helping you achieve your goals. Pair that with community & you’ve got a special place. 🫶🏻

Over the last 100 classes I’ve gained more core strength and can plank off my toes! This was something I never thought I could do again due to a foot injury.. and well tone killed that limiting belief 😂 if you’re looking for a workout that never get easier and supports your mental health.. come join me at. Tone at 7:30am! I’ll be there rooting for you!


Pesto Spaghetti Squash ?! 11/10 for this dinner.

Typically I find myself defaulting to a red sauce for this meal but wow was I pleasantly surprised by the swap go pesto! I felt like the meal actually had more flavor and depth. 😋

This is just one of my MANY new favorite meals you can get with my meal planning service! Need a little help creating some new healthy recipes? I got you!

Link in bio to sign up for your discovery session now!


Would you believe me if I told you I’ve gained weight when you see this photo? Probably not.

But the reality is that I have. Why?

Because I’ve GAINED MUSCLE, eliminated toxins, reduced inflammation, parasite cleansed and took control of my hormones.

All of these play into the bigger picture of gut health.

It’s not just what you eat and drink. It’s your thoughts. It’s how you move your body with intention & consistency (thanks & 7:30am crew).

I genuinely practice what I preach with Joia Vida. It’s ALWAYS about being good to you. It’s never about the meal plan. That is a tool. Macros are a tool. A certain diet is a tool.

You only have one body for this lifetime. Are you being good to it.. or treating it like 💩?

If you are ready to finally start being good to you, lose some inches, and work on healing your gut then it’s time to join my group coaching program or sign up for one on one coaching.

Either option is great and both have availability. Click the link in my bio to sign up for your discovery session to figure out which would be best for you!


May your meals today be filled with real nourishing foods that are colorful & make your gut happy! This is being good to you. This is Joia Vida.

Photos from Joia Vida Wellness's post 19/03/2024

Goodbye, winter! I don’t know about you, but i’m ready for long, summer nights and warmer weather!

That means healthier foods and peoples gardens. That means more moving our bodies and I am here for it!

Swipe to see three simple tips, you can implement the spring to embrace your healthy habits that elevate your gut health!


Anyone else excited for more daylight in the evenings?! I AM!!!! 🎉

But as a kind reminder, springing forward can put a plot twist in your routines and sleep schedule. Give yourself grace over the next week if your bedtime is a little earlier or you start winding down at a different time.

What matters more is that you continue to be good to you. Nourish your body with good foods, take screen breaks, move your body, get enough sleep, say no to some of the extras on your calendar!! It’s okay!

This is being in alignment with Joia Vida.


Well HI THERE! I’m Brandi Anderson. The creator and founder of Joia Vida Wellness.
It’s been a while since I have done an intro post & since my following has grown a wee bit.. it was time for another hello. 👋🏼

To my old followers- thank you for your loyalty, support, and trust as this account has evolved over the years! It means the world to me that you’re still here! 🫶🏻

To my new followers: THANKS for joining the party. ☺️

Some things you may not know about me:
1- I’ve been coaching over 12 years both in the private and corporate setting.

2- I have multiple degrees and certifications in coaching, gut health, wellness, and movement that set me apart from other coaches you may follow. 🤓🥸🤓

3- I’m a nationally board certified health and wellness coach! (There’s only 10k of us in the world as of now 🤩🤯)

4- I’m a dog mom to two loving doodles, Joy & Jean. They are absolutely spoiled and love lettuce.

5- I’m married to my best friend & biggest supporter of Joia Vida. If it wasn’t for Cody.. I would have given up a long time ago!

6- I’m a socal girl who relocated to Idaho. While I miss me some ocean and palm trees.. Idaho has become home with all the incredible things we can do outside from camping, paddle boarding, hiking, and even skiing!

7- I’m a tall girl! 6’0 in fact. Something you definitely can’t tell through you phone. It’s one of my favorite qualities and I always love when my internet friends become real in person friends and go WOW! You really are tall! 😝

I look forward to sharing content with you to help you live a more joyful life and be good to you!

Now tell me.. what’s one thing I should know about you?!

Photos from Joia Vida Wellness's post 03/03/2024

LAST CALL YALL! I am so excited for the small community that is building for the 7 Day functional medicine detox the week of 3/18!

The results myself and beta testers experienced was quite impressive and exciting! From more energy, clearer skin, improved digestion, better eating habits.. the list goes on!

In addition to your detox kit, you also get recipes to follow along with and a group community. Lastly, you get support from me! A Nationally board-certified health and wellness coach and certified transformational nutrition coach to help guide you through the week.

What are you waiting for? Link bio to enroll!

Photos from Joia Vida Wellness's post 28/02/2024

Detoxing doesn’t have to be some big scary thing! Think of it as a “deep clean” for your body. Kind of like when you pull your nightstand away from the wall and bed and see all the dust that’s been collected. It happens, even if you live your healthiest best life!  If you said YES to any of the reasons listed above, consider joining my supportive community for a 7 day functional medicine detox the week of 3/18! Link in bio to enroll by 3/4!


I am so excited for the next round of my Functional Medicine Detox with Brandi! We start 3/18. Who wants to join?!

Photos from Joia Vida Wellness's post 16/02/2024

Alright friends.. here’s the OFFICAL DETOX POST! I am so excited to bring this to you after running my beta group 🤩

In our modern world, we come in contact with thousands of chemicals, toxins and pollutants on a daily basis. As they accumulate in our body, it can have a number of adverse affects on our health — from weight gain and fatigue to brain fog, bloating and more. The Dr. Cabral Detox is a comprehensive, full body Functional Medicine detoxification system that gently eliminates harmful toxins while rebalancing the body at an underlying root cause level.

What’s included:
-Detox Kit that will last you the full 7 days
-Private Community Support with me via a Facebook Group
-A Custom Meal Plan to follow

-Powerful weight loss, anti-aging and wellness solution
-Helps to restore nutrient deficiencies while safely removing toxins
-Provides complete nutritional support throughout
Functional Medicine ingredients and Ayurvedic herbs support Phase 1 & 2 liver detoxification

Link in comments to enroll TODAY! Can’t wait to head into spring with you as your healthiest self!

Videos (show all)

Is your WHY bigger than your WHY NOT? Tell me more. Breaking apart this question is what sets me apart when you hire me ...
Are you over all the health scaring on social media
If you work with your mind… you need to play with your hands. Read that again. This is the lifestyle reboot!!! It’s not ...
Let’s face it. We’ve all hit a wall when it comes to caring for our health. There’s been many moments in my life where I...
REAL TALK about bs happening in the health industry. I’ve been waiting to make a reel series out this for some time now....
REAL TALK about bs happening in the health industry. I’ve been waiting to make a reel series out this for some time now....
You might be thinking, why do I need to do this detox that she keeps talking about? Well, the simple answer is because y...
This is exactly why I do what I do!!!!!!!! My superpower is teaching my clients simple sustainable habits to elevate the...
LETS PLAY A GAME!!!!! Being a mindful eater is so important to not only your digestion, but also your overall health. Wh...
This is the power of COACHING. Having some one guide you through the process of making your WHY bigger than your why NOT...
This #groceryhack is meant to save you for those of you who lose your pen while shopping. Idk about you but I’m not a fa...