E-Shirt Wearable Health

E-Shirt Wearable Health

eShirt connects people simply, comfortably and affordably to medical professionals and to those they love for a healthier, safer and more independent life.

eShirt is a wireless, wearable health system – a “smart garment” – that continuously monitors and transmits vital sign data – heart rate, ECG, respiratory rate, respiratory effort, temperature, posture and activity – to create a detailed picture of health status at all times and from all places. It connects people simply, comfortably, and affordably to medical professionals and to those they love

If You Can Solve This Math Equation, Then You Really Are A Genius! Can You Do It? 02/05/2020

If You Can Solve This Math Equation, Then You Really Are A Genius! Can You Do It? Many people dislike math because of the strict rules involved. This test will challenge that idea completely. YOU might actually be a math genius! Click to reveal the solution...


CARES Act Break for remote care services provided by high deductible health plans. "For plan years beginning before 2021, the CARES Act allows high deductible health plans to pay for expenses for tele-health and OTHER REMOTE SERVICES without regard to the deductible amount for the plan.

Photos from E-Shirt Wearable Health's post 30/03/2020

eShirt team is now developing a new version of the shirt with more features and monitoring capability. While we are in a "shelter in place" modality, we are making use of remote conferencing and utilizing our tools to assist with the Corona-virus outbreak. Our new 3D printer has been making face shields that can be sterilized and providing them for care providers and a food distribution team. We are also printing respirators that can be re-used with a filter made from a surgical mask.

Hand's Free Data Collection for High Quality Insights 08/09/2016

In the last video in our series, Mitesh Patel MD, a board certified emergency physician and chair of eShirt's medical advisory board, explains how eShirt's passive data collection can greatly reduce the operator error associated with many of today's discrete monitoring devices, and helps healthcare providers extend their reach beyond the hospital or doctor's office without compromising the quality of data needed to ensure proper care.

Hand's Free Data Collection for High Quality Insights Mitesh Patel MD, a board certified emergency physician and chair of eShirt's medical advisory board, explains how eShirt's passive data can greatly reduce…

eShirt Addresses the New Healthcare Landscape 08/09/2016

Welcome to the first in a series of interviews with Mitesh Patel, MD, chair of eShirt's scientific advisory board. These videos will focus on the emerging challenges in today's healthcare landscape, and how eShirt as a next-generation remote patient monitoring system can play a role in addressing them.

eShirt Addresses the New Healthcare Landscape As hospitals look for ways to shorten patient stays and prevent readmissions, they are looking for ways to continue to care for and watch over patients as they transition…

eShirt and Transitional Care 08/09/2016

As hospitals look for ways to shorten patient stays and prevent readmissions, they are looking for ways to continue to care for and watch over patients as they transition from the hospital to their home. In the third video in our series, Dr. Mitesh Patel, chair of eShirt's medical advisory board, explains the role eShirt can play in ensuring patients continue to receive the care they need during the critical period following a hospital stay. https://vimeo.com/181700764

eShirt and Transitional Care Dr. Mitesh Patel, chair of eShirt's medical advisory board, talks about eShirt as a means to extend the reach of healthcare providers beyond the hospital and…

eShirt: High Tech Monitoring Made Simple 08/09/2016

In the 5th clip from our video interview, Medical Design Solution's Medical Advisory Board Chair Dr. Mitesh Patel describes how eShirt's wireless, integrated and wearable design makes collecting high-quality vital sign data simple enough for users of all ages and abilities.

Dr. Patel is a board certified emergency room physician, a fellow of both the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) and the American Institute for Healthcare Quality, and a Certified Physician Executive (CPE). In his many roles as a senior executive with Dignity Healthcare, he implements and oversees forward-thinking programs designed to address the needs of an aging population faced with increasing rates of chronic disease, a shortage of physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers to care for them, and ever-increasing costs of care.

eShirt: High Tech Monitoring Made Simple Medical Design Solution's Medical Advisory Board Chair Dr. Mitesh Patel on how eShirt's wireless, integrated and wearable design makes collecting high-quality…

eShirt: Deeper Insights for Healthy Changes 08/09/2016

Episode 4: armed with 24/7 vital sign data and direct insights into their patients' daily activity levels, Dr. Mitesh Patel, Medical Advisory Board chair, explains how eShirt can help healthcare professionals suggest small lifestyle changes with the potential for big impacts on overall health.

eShirt: Deeper Insights for Healthy Changes Armed with clear insights into their patients' actual daily activity levels and 24/7 vital sign data, Dr. Mitesh Patel, Medical Advisory Board chair, explains…

Quite a "Bit" Better: Medical Quality Data in Context 08/09/2016

In the second of our series of videos on how the eShirt is addressing the needs of a rapidly changing healthcare landscape, Mitesh Patel MD, chair of eShirt's Medical Advisory Board, explains how the quality of data collected and the context of that data to multiple different physiological parameters sets eShirt apart from the existing crowd of discrete wearable devices.

Quite a "Bit" Better: Medical Quality Data in Context Mitesh Patel MD, chair of eShirt's Medical Advisory Board, explains how the quality of data collected and the context of that data to multiple different physiological…

Timeline photos 22/04/2016

eShirt is testing remote monitoring under the most extreme conditions on the planet. Himalaya 2016 is a collaboration of leading wireless technology companies that will monitor and stream climber's vital signs and location in real time as they scale some of the world's highest peaks.