Victoria Garlick

Victoria Garlick

This page is full of incredible resources and ideas that can help change your life and transform your business into 7 Figure-Empire. Meet Victoria Garlick.


Waking up on a Saturday morning to a $200K sale is life-changing…

Especially when you have already done the work and now get to enjoy the money you’ve made.

Are you ready to spend a few weeks building a digital asset (a B2B Global Platform) and sell it over and over and over again, for very high-ticket and finally stop trading time for money?

If you are ready to be beautifully compensated for your work and welcome $100K-$500K months, having a B2B Global Platform is definitely something you should think about!

You package your content (IP) into a platform (think Go High Level, Kajabi, Click Funnels etc) and sell for very high ticket as a 12-month license. So an organisation will purchase a 12-month license to get access to all of your content hosted in a platform.

You offer a free trial so it is either an effortless yes, or a no and it enables you to stop trading time for money and really scale your business and make what I love to call, “unreasonable wealth”.

If you are ready to be beautifully compensated and find out more about how you can do this for yourself, I would love to invite you to watch this quick 54-min training video below and reach out with any questions at all.

Watch now if you are ready to change your life.

Victoria x

Watch Now: ⬇️⬇️⬇️


If you are ready to be beautifully compensated for your work and welcome $100K-$500K months, having a B2B Global Platform is definitely something you should think about!

You package your content (IP) into a platform (think Go High Level, Kajabi, Click Funnels etc) and sell for very high ticket as a 12-month license. So an organisation will purchase a 12-month license to get access to all of your content hosted in a platform.

You offer a free trial so it is either an effortless yes, or a no and it enables you to stop trading time for money and really scale your business and make what I love to call, “unreasonable wealth”.

If you are ready to be beautifully compensated and find out more about how you can do this for yourself, I would love to invite you to watch this quick 24-min training video below and reach out with any questions at all.

Here’s to your success,

Victoria x

Watch Now: ⬇️⬇️⬇️


How is your business REALLY doing right now?

Are you making the kind of money you deeply desire and being beautifully compensated for the work you do?

Are you working around the clock, or picking and choosing when you work and really enjoying your life?

Is it time to have the most honest conversation with yourself about your business?

If you feel like you are playing small, chasing clients and not getting the financial and lifestyle results you desire, the UNICORN methodology might be exactly what you need right now.

Your Invitation…
If you are ready to spend the next 30-days to build and launch 3 x digital products and become a Category of One, UNICORN BRAND ACCELERATOR is perfect for you.

Together we will build and launch:

🦄 A UNICORN B2B Global Platform that you will build once and sell over and over again (for very high-ticket) starting at $50K. You sell a 12-month license to an organisation to your content (IP). This is one of the fastest ways to hit consistent $100K-$500K months.

🦄 A UNICORN Amazon FBA e-commerce product to get you paid every day. We choose the best-selling private label product together, and your logo, branding and premium, iconic packaging is done-for-you. This is a brand we will build together for you to SELL!

🦄 A UNICORN Digital Magazine to launch you as a Category of One and this is 100% done-for-you. It will be in the style of “Buzzfeed” so you will be an instant thought leader and add to your multiple revenue stream by selling advertising space to your digital magazine (your Media Kit is done for you too).

The aim is to build all 3 digital assets together in the next 30-days and then spend the next 12-months growing and scaling the 3 products with the option to work together to SELL the digital assets in 12-months time.

This is all about building, launching and selling 3 LEGACY BUSINESSES 🤍

If you are ready to stop playing small, be beautifully compensated for your work and welcome $100K-$500K months, NOW is the time for you to roll up your sleeves and TAKE ACTION.

Providing you VALUE BEFORE TRANSACTION is so important so you can see and feel if this is a good fit for you, so please comment 🦄 below if you would like the first 5 micro-masterclasses for you to watch for FREE to get started. This will introduce you to the UNICORN methodology so you can see what you need to do to build, launch and sell these 3 legacy UNICORN opportunities.

UNICORN BRAND ACCELERATOR is a $50,000USD investment and as part of my birthday offer, it is now $20,000USD for the 30-day intensive and you will also receive 12-months access to the UNICORN MASTERMIND (where we meet once a week) for FREE. Value: $52,000USD

You will receive the 30-day intensive AND 12-month UNICORN Mastermind for a one-time payment of $20,000 (saving $30,000 and free Mastermind valued at $52,000). This is without a doubt my most exciting birthday offer ever. 🎉

Simply comment 🦄 below or send me a DM if you’d like the first 5 micro-masterclasses for FREE, so you can get started implementing the UNICORN methodology yourself and see if UBA is the perfect next step for you. It must be an effortless yes.

Victoria x


Love a birthday promotion! 🎉Every year on my birthday I share my biggest offer of the year and today is THE day. 🤍

If you are ready to spend the next 30-days to build and launch 3 x digital products and become a Category of One, UNICORN BRAND ACCELERATOR is perfect for you.

Together we will build and launch:

🦄 A UNICORN B2B Global Platform that you will build once and sell over and over again (for very high-ticket) starting at $50K. You sell a 12-month license to an organisation to your content (IP). This is one of the fastest ways to hit consistent $100K-$500K months.

🦄 A UNICORN Amazon FBA e-commerce product to get you paid every day. We choose the best-selling private label product together, and your logo, branding and premium, iconic packaging is done-for-you. This is a brand we will build together for you to SELL!

🦄 A UNICORN Digital Magazine to launch you as a Category of One and this is 100% done-for-you. It will be in the style of “Buzzfeed” so you will be an instant thought leader and add to your multiple revenue stream by selling advertising space to your digital magazine (your Media Kit is done for you too).

The aim is to build all 3 digital assets together in the next 30-days and then spend the next 12-months growing and scaling the 3 products with the option to work together to SELL the digital assets in 12-months time.

This is all about building, launching and selling 3 LEGACY BUSINESSES 🤍

If you are ready to stop playing small, be beautifully compensated for your work and welcome $100K-$500K months, NOW is the time for you to roll up your sleeves and TAKE ACTION.

Providing you VALUE BEFORE TRANSACTION is so important so you can see and feel if this is a good fit for you, so please comment 🦄 below if you would like the first 5 micro-masterclasses for you to watch for FREE to get started. This will introduce you to the UNICORN methodology so you can see what you need to do to build, launch and sell these 3 legacy UNICORN opportunities.

UNICORN BRAND ACCELERATOR is a $50,000USD investment and as part of my birthday offer, it is now $20,000USD for the 30-day intensive and you will also receive 12-months access to the UNICORN MASTERMIND (where we meet once a week) for FREE. Value: $52,000USD

You will receive the 30-day intensive AND 12-month UNICORN Mastermind for a one-time payment of $20,000 (saving $30,000 and free Mastermind valued at $52,000). This is without a doubt my most exciting birthday offer ever. 🎉

Simply comment 🦄 below or send me a DM if you’d like the first 5 micro-masterclasses for FREE, so you can get started implementing the UNICORN methodology yourself and see if UBA is the perfect next step for you. It must be an effortless yes.

Victoria x


Every year on my birthday I share my biggest offer of the year and today is THE day. 🤍

I have a beautiful day planned with my family and lots of surprises, but couldn’t start my day without sharing my birthday offer.

Welcome to the UNICORN UNIVERSE 🦄

If you are ready to spend the next 30-days to build and launch 3 x digital products and become a Category of One, UNICORN BRAND ACCELERATOR is perfect for you.

Together we will build and launch:

🦄 A UNICORN B2B Global Platform that you will build once and sell over and over again (for very high-ticket) starting at $50K. You sell a 12-month license to an organisation to your content (IP). This is one of the fastest ways to hit consistent $100K-$500K months.

🦄 A UNICORN Amazon FBA e-commerce product to get you paid every day. We choose the best-selling private label product together, and your logo, branding and premium, iconic packaging is done-for-you. This is a brand we will build together for you to SELL!

🦄 A UNICORN Digital Magazine to launch you as a Category of One and this is 100% done-for-you. It will be in the style of “Buzzfeed” so you will be an instant thought leader and add to your multiple revenue stream by selling advertising space to your digital magazine (your Media Kit is done for you too).

The aim is to build all 3 digital assets together in the next 30-days and then spend the next 12-months growing and scaling the 3 products with the option to work together to SELL the digital assets in 12-months time.

This is all about building, launching and selling 3 LEGACY BUSINESSES 🤍

If you are ready to stop playing small, be beautifully compensated for your work and welcome $100K-$500K months, NOW is the time for you to roll up your sleeves and TAKE ACTION.

Providing you VALUE BEFORE TRANSACTION is so important so you can see and feel if this is a good fit for you, so please comment 🦄 below if you would like the first 5 micro-masterclasses for you to watch for FREE to get started. This will introduce you to the UNICORN methodology so you can see what you need to do to build, launch and sell these 3 legacy UNICORN opportunities.

UNICORN BRAND ACCELERATOR is a $50,000USD investment and as part of my birthday offer, it is now $20,000USD for the 30-day intensive and you will also receive 12-months access to the UNICORN MASTERMIND (where we meet once a week) for FREE. Value: $52,000USD

You will receive the 30-day intensive AND 12-month UNICORN Mastermind for a one-time payment of $20,000 (saving $30,000 and free Mastermind valued at $52,000). This is without a doubt my most exciting birthday offer ever. 🎉

Simply comment 🦄 below or send me a DM if you’d like the first 5 micro-masterclasses for FREE, so you can get started implementing the UNICORN methodology yourself and see if UBA is the perfect next step for you. It must be an effortless yes.

Off now to celebrate my 48th birthday (photos to follow).

Victoria x

Embrace Radical Self-Ownership: The Power of Accountability for Women - Australian Business Gals 05/06/2024

Are you taking radical self-ownership and accountability in your business and life?

Today inside the Australian Business Gals digitial magazine you can read more about how you can do this, and included are 20 self-reflection questions to guide your introspection. 🤍

Read here now:

Embrace Radical Self-Ownership: The Power of Accountability for Women - Australian Business Gals Let’s talk about radical self-ownership and accountability. It’s not just a catchphrase or a trending hashtag—it’s a game-changer. As women, we often navigate many societal expectations, self-doubt, and external pressures. But guess what? We hold the key to empowerment, starting with taking ...


If you are ready to welcome $100K-$500K months through implementing a multiple revenue stream business model, THIS post could change everything for YOU.

Read now 👀

I get asked frequently how my clients and I create $500K, $750K, $1M months and whilst I cannot share my step-by-step formula here (as that is my IP for my private clients only) I wanted to share some suggestions for you to get started, and some things for you to ponder and work on…

If you would like to find out more about working together to launch “3 Build Once & Sell Over & Over again” digital assets, comment UNICORN below or send me a DM and let’s chat 🦄

1. What is your “WHY”? Why do you actually want a 7 or 8 figure business? Why do you want $500K+ months? For me, it is and always has been to create financial freedom for my family and I. For the past 27-years I have been able to work from home, be with my 3 children and hubby and TRAVEL, when and where we want. With zero worries about how much is it going to cost.
What is your why???

TO DO: Write yourself a one page (brutally honest) letter about your why and don’t hold back.

2. Ask yourself this: “Am I taking radical self-ownership over my life and business, or am I just letting it happen?”.

To create unfathomable wealth, you MUST take radical self-ownership and be incredibly intentional. I work with my clients to create “intentional strategies” EVERY SINGLE DAY so they are never throwing things at the wall and hoping they stick.

3. What streams of revenue can you inject in your business that is enabling you to hit these months?

A $297 offer you need to sell 1,683 to hit a $500,000 month, or sell your $2,500 offer and sell 250 to hit this number, or do what my clients and I do and sell 2 x $250,000 offers a month to welcome $500,000 a month.

TO DO: Look at your numbers…how do they look to you? Ask yourself, are you ready to move from mainstream to iconic? If yes, send me a PM TODAY!

4. You need to be extremely specific with your dream buyer (as $50K+ offers and beyond are a small segment of the marketplace only and they need to feel that you truly honour and respect them).

You must have a customer-centric business model where you understand that your dream buyer will buy when THEY are ready. They don’t need manipulation, fake scarcity or a zillion follow-ups and they definitely don’t want smoke and mirrors blown up their 🍑

TO DO: Go super niche with your dream buyer for your $50K+ offer and truly create the most irresistible offer possible by joining the conversation they are having in their mind right now and make the offer bespoke, so it is a one-of-a-kind. One of our clients Stephanie has a weekend away with her clients where they craft their Personal Brand from scratch, and map out their business content for the next 12-months and it is a $65K offer, she makes it 100% bespoke on exactly what they need from their personal brand and content creation. It is 100% customised for the client.

TO DO: Create your dream buyer avatar and be as specific as possible, think about what they desire. Aim for 2-3 pages minimum.

5. There are more than enough people selling $97, $1,997 and $3,000 offers. Playing in this ultra premium field is taking your business to the NEXT-LEVEL and you must be starting your offers at $50K minimum. There are people waiting to buy what you are selling, but they don’t see the value in a $2K or $5K offer. In this space, you are connecting with people that want massive transformation in their life/business and are willing to compensate you beautifully for that. We work with our clients in either B2C or B2B and the people we connect with are often ready to buy.


Begin crafting your first $50K offer as an overview. What can you help your client(s) with specifically.

6. Implementing a value before transaction (VBT) strategy is one of the biggest game-changers in selling premium offers. People are more skeptical in the online space than ever before (as we have all been ghosted or burnt) and by showing your audience HOW you can help them upfront before inviting them to buy gives them a sense of confidence.

Many of our clients that are selling B2B (so creating platforms full of content that we sell to organisations for $50K, $250K, $500K or even $4M which one of our clients is currently doing) give a free unlimited access trial upfront for 21-days, 30-days etc and then the organisation is invited to purchase a 12-month license after the free trial, and this converts very high, as they have had a chance to use the product before buying.


One of the things I love about B2B is organisations have budgets to spend on employee retention (think how much it costs them to attract and retain top talent), personal development, mindset, productivity etc. You are speaking with people who have money to spend.

TO DO: Brainstorm your very first $50K offer and focus on the BENEFITS, what does your client get out of it? Are you more drawn to B2C or B2B? Remember, features tell and benefits SELL, so put your benefits up in lights!

7. Focus on overcoming any feelings of Imposter Syndrome, as we must be a Creator of Confidence when selling our premium offers. Our audience must see us showing up constantly online and sharing value before transaction (be sure to ALWAYS share a crystal clear call-to-action) as if you give too many options it is too overwhelming, and remember, a confused mind never buys!

TO DO: Put an alarm on for 30-mins and write down ALL of your accomplishments…everything! You will find when the alarm goes off you will still be writing! I personally keep my accomplishment list (which is 7 pages) in my handbag and take it out everytime I feel the dreaded imposter syndrome creeping in.

8. Strategy, Strategy, Strategy! I see so many people talking about how easy it is to make money online and that can be incredibly frustrating, because you often feel like you just cannot crack the code!

It takes work to reach multi 6-figures months and you won’t do it just by wishing or hoping! You need to roll up your sleeves and implement proven marketing and sales strategies that move you from connecting with your potential clients (through lead -generation strategies) and then consistently be testing marketing strategies until you find the “sweet spot” and then (and only then) can it become a rinse and repeat system in your business. This is where automation comes in and enables leads and sales to come in, whilst you are out for dinner, walking the dog, sleeping or for me…while we are travelling 🏝️

TO DO: Spend the next 3-days working as normal and journalling your day. What are you working on, how long does each task take, what marketing strategies (if any) are you executing? At the end of the 3-days analyse how you are spending your time and ask yourself, am I implementing proven strategies and focusing on the profit-generating tasks and activities in my business? This task is a MASSIVE eye-opener!

I really hope these points activate and inspire you to have the most honest conversation with yourself.

Do you want to take your business to the next-level?

If you are happy with where you are, that’s amazing ($100K-$500K months is not for everyone).

However if you have a stirring inside that you want more (more freedom, more money, more time with your family, more travel) and if you have a WHY (pay off your mortgage, retire your partner, help your kids out financially, invest, take your loved ones on a first-class holiday, retire yourself in 2-3 years) whatever it might be. I invite you to send me a DM and let’s chat about your goals and how you can get there the fastest.

Victoria x


If you are ready to build a UNICORN brand where you are being beautifully compensated and welcoming 7 or 8 figures, embracing a MULTIPLE REVENUE STREAM model is a must!

This year I am celebrating 28-years in business and owe my success to having multiple offers within my business. Here are 4 things for you to think about:

1. Diversification is your safety net, by having various income sources, you are protecting yourself against market fluctuations and economic downturns. This is focused on exponential growth and drastically expands your earning potential. Think of it as planting multiple seeds that grow into a forest of $$$. This multi-faceted business model not only cushions your business from unforeseen challenges but also moves you closer to achieving a 7 or 8 figure business, with greater confidence and stability. Imagine $100K-$500K months consistently.

2. Multiple revenue streams allows you to tap into different customer bases and markets, exponentially increasing your earning potential without relying on one avenue. It is like casting a much wider net, the more streams you have, the more opportunities you capture. The more money you make!

3. Fun and creativity! I love working on our in-house media and publishing house (this is our digital magazines, where we sell adverting space to brands), marketing and selling our e-commerce brands through Amazon FBA that brings in money every single day, and as I have built my B2B Global Platform, it is a digital asset that I can sell over and over and over again. Plus, working with my private clients, hosting our 7 & 8 figure Mastermind, there is so much playfulness, fun and creativity when you have multiple streams of revenue coming in.

4. Innovation becomes your secret weapon. By exploring different streams you stay ahead of the curve, constantly adapting, which keeps your business fresh and positions you as a leader and Category of One in your industry.

If you would like to find out more about how you can implement the UNICORN multiple revenue stream model into your business, comment UNICORN below or send me a DM and I’ll share some more information with you.

Victoria x

Meet Australia’s Richest Movers and Shakers - Australian Business Gals 31/05/2024

Just Released! Read now on the Australian Business Gals Digital Magazine 🤍

Meet Australia’s Richest Movers and Shakers - Australian Business Gals Alright, let’s talk about Australia’s richest movers and shakers, because they’ve had quite the year! The wealthiest 200 Australians now control a staggering $625 billion. That’s right, tech is back in action, resources are on a wild ride, and property growth is surging. This mix has boosted...

Meet Best-Selling Children’s Author, Leesa McGregor. - Australian Business Gals 30/05/2024

Meet one of our inspiring Australian Business Gals Leesa McGregor Best-selling Author of the childrens book, “Alphabet for Humanity” and children’s educational Advocate. 🤍

Making a meaningful difference to children all around the world is at the heart of everything Leesa does, and you can read her featured interview on the Australian Business Gals digital magazine now. It’s a fabulous and inspirational read.

Read here: ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Meet Best-Selling Children’s Author, Leesa McGregor. - Australian Business Gals Today we celebrate Leesa McGregor, one of the most talented, kind and beautiful business gals we know! Based in stunning Byron Bay, Leesa has lots of businesses and projects that she is passionate about, and we are thrilled to share one of her most successful endeavours, her international best-selli...

Photos from Victoria Garlick's post 30/05/2024

Advertising Opportunity ⬇️⬇️⬇️

If you would like to showcase your product, service or offer in front of 40,600 Australian Business Gals, and introduce yourself to a whole new audience, and connect to influential female readers who are ready to buy, you can get your $4,997 advertising package for only $497 today 🤍

ABG targets Australian women 23-60, with a core readership between 28-55. You can read our full Media Kit here:

Business Coach Lou advertised her Mastermind and sold her last 2 spots in less than 48-hours with her “Sponsored Post” inside the ABG digital magazine.

For a limited time when you purchase one of the $497 advertising packages, you will receive the $4,997 package for FREE. This is 10 pieces of content done-for-you, this includes sponsored post, display ad, lead magnet link, opportunity to present a masterclass and more - all for a one time payment of only $497 and all 10 pieces will be featured for 30-days.

See how your content will look here: ⬇️

At ABG, we believe that amazing things happen when women come together to uplift, inspire, connect and collaborate. Our mission is to give women the knowledge, resources, inspiration, and connections they need to achieve success.

Comment “ME” below or send me a PM if you would like to get more eyeballs on your product, service or offer, or click on any of the $497 packages and pay here inside our Media Kit and our Editorial team will be in touch today to begin curating your 10 pieces of content for your advertising package.

Click and pay on one of the $497 offers here:

This is an opportunity to showcase your product, service or offer to a very engaged audience of 40,600 women. 🤍

8 Things I've Learned in Business Over 27 Years - Australian Business Gals 30/05/2024

27 years in business and what a journey!

A wild, wild ride… 🎢

Here are 8 things I’ve learned and hope they help and inspire you x

Read here on Australian Business Gals:

8 Things I've Learned in Business Over 27 Years - Australian Business Gals I’ve spent the last 27 years in business, and let me tell you, it’s been a wild ride. I’ve had my fair share of wins, losses, and everything in between. Today, I want to share the eight most valuable lessons I’ve learned along the way. These insights have been hard-earned, but they’ve shap...

The Path to Self-Mastery - Australian Business Gals 28/05/2024

“The one person who will never leave us, whom we will never lose, is ourself. Learning to love ourselves is where our search for love must begin”. Bell Hooks. 🤍

Today’s featured article on the Australian Business Gals Digitial Magazine is “The Path to Self-Mastery” and it includes 23 self-reflection questions for you to consider on your personal journey.

Read here: ⬇️

If you would like to showcase your product, service or offer to 40,000 Australian women, please comment below or send me a DM as we have some amazing promotions on for our advertising packages right now (starting at only $33).

Victoria x

The Path to Self-Mastery - Australian Business Gals Hey there, lovely souls! Today, let’s dive deep into a subject that’s close to my heart and vital to your growth journey: self-mastery. Now, I’m not talking about some mythical, unattainable state of perfection. Nope. Self-mastery is all about embracing your imperfections, learning, growing, a...

Discover the Magical Music of Natalie Ryan Hebert: Perfect for Your Next Project - Australian Business Gals 28/05/2024

One of our most popular articles today in the Australian Business Gals Digital Magazine ❤️

Here it is:

Natalie Ryan Hebert is a gifted musician and you can license her music now for projects, such as movies, productions, commercials, ads, corporate videos, trailers, promos and so much more.

If you would like to be featured in front of 40,000 Australian women in business, please comment below or send a DM to get access to our current advertising promotions (starting from $33).

Victoria x

Discover the Magical Music of Natalie Ryan Hebert: Perfect for Your Next Project - Australian Business Gals Hailing from Australia and now based between Sydney and Copenhagen, singer-songwriter Natalie Ryan Hebert has a unique talent for captivating audiences with her ethereal melodies and soul-stirring lyrics. With influences ranging from the iconic Sarah McLachlan, Kate Bush, and Tori Amos to Jewel and....


One of the things that I love the most about having multiple businesses is how creative, innovative and fun it gets to be! 🤍

Just one of my businesses is “Australian Business Gals” which is a Digital Media Company and Publishing House and we now have just over 40,000 Australian women in our private FB group and have released the official Australian Business Gals Digital Magazine, and you can find it @

The digital magazine has been created with the mission to empower Australian women in business, providing them with the tools, resources, and visibility needed to thrive in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

If you have a product, service or offer that you would LOVE to get in front of this target audience, I would love to invite you to have a look at our Media Kit as we have advertising packages starting from $33, all the way up to $30,000.

Media Kit: ⤵️⤵️⤵️

You can follow ABG on IG too:

↪️ IG:

We have some fun giveaways coming up (including being featured in the ABG Digital Magazine) so keep your eyes peeled 👁️👁️

If you would like a custom advertising package to get more eyeballs on your product, service or offer, comment below or send me a DM.

Victoria x


Having a MULTIPLE REVENUE STREAM business model that is enabling you to be beautifully compensated every month ($100K-$500K every month) is such an amazing feeling, especially when you are helping people and making an impact.

Are you ready to create your own multiple revenue stream (such as a B2B Global Platform, App, Online Course, Membership Platform etc) and get off the rollercoaster of sales, stop throwing spaghetti at the wall and create a business model that you build ONCE and get paid on repeat?

If this is something you deeply desire and you are willing to roll up your sleeves and get it done, comment YES below or send me a DM and let’s chat to make sure this is the right next step for you.

Please more, my consulting offers start at $20,000.

Victoria x


For a very limited time I am offering my Signature Program “UNICORN” for FREE for all of my members inside the “How to Make Money Every Day” App! 🦄

It is a 30-day intensive showing you what you need to do to move from where you now to a UNICORN business and brand and is usually $11,111USD.

Day 1 and 2 have now been added to the app and you can start watching NOW with your 7-day FREE TRIAL of my money-making, legacy-building app.

Watch here: ⬇️⬇️⬇️

See you on the inside,

Victoria x

Victoria Garlick (public figure)

Victoria Garlick is the Founder and CEO of air events global, Movers, Shakers, Disruptors & Innovators and EMPIRE STRATEGY™.

air events global is a trusted online community that connects clients and freelancers, anywhere in the world.

Movers, Shakers, Disruptors & Innovators is a Facebook Group created for women in business that are looking to collaborate and connect.

EMPIRE STRATEGY™ is a 10-week online course designed for women in business looking to scale and grow their business rapidly and drastically through offering high end packages to their clients.

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