Defence Technology and Global Strategy

Defence Technology and Global Strategy

A center of knowledge for Defence Technology and Global Strategy pertaining to history as well as a developments in future.


India needs a big change to its procurement policies, which successive governments have promised but not delivered. Their fighter fleet is declining big time, most of the naval vessels have single arm launchers of their army only uses Russian tanks which blow up after one hit. Something needs to change and fast.

Here’s the Terrifying Nickname That U.S. Marines Give to the F-35 10/11/2021

Here’s the Terrifying Nickname That U.S. Marines Give to the F-35 Its indicative of how strong the fighter jet is.

Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Calls the Island a ‘Sea Fortress’ Against China 10/11/2021

Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Calls the Island a ‘Sea Fortress’ Against China Amid China’s continual claims that Taiwan is Chinese territory, Wu said that Taiwan has been dealing with increased cyberattacks and disinformation campaigns.

India's move towards hydrogen power 10/11/2021

India's move towards hydrogen power How tech is helping greenify

Can Artificial Intelligence Help Kill Russian and Chinese Drone Swarms? 08/11/2021

Can Artificial Intelligence Help Kill Russian and Chinese Drone Swarms? AI will enable a lot of promising military technology, but humans must be kept in the loop.


The Soviet art of bad timing.

The Bolsheviks took over Imperial Russia in October 1917. They immediately decided to withdraw from the war. Peace talks were initiated with the Central Powers in early November.

The Germans and Austrians offered extremely harsh terms: They wanted Poland, Latvia and Lithuania. Leon Trotsky, head of the Russian delegation, decided to try and waste time and prolong the negotiations.
That is the exact point in time that Soviet Commander-in-Chief Nikolai Krylenko picked to start the "democratisation" of the Russian army: Ranks were abolished and commanders were elected instead!

On the 29th of January, Krylenko went one step further and ordered the demobilisation of the Russian armed forces!

Vienna and Berlin could not believe their luck! On the 18th of February 1918, they unleashed 53 divisions on the Soviets (Operation Faustschlag)!

700,000 German and Autro-Hungarian soldiers steamrolled East in a three pronged attack. Within 7 days, the Central Powers armies had advanced over 150 miles (240 km) and had taken cities such as Pskov, Kiev, Narva and Minsk. They were 100 miles from Petrograd, the Russian capital, forcing the Soviets to move said capital to Moscow. As the Soviets were debating whether or not to accept German terms, the Central Powers took Tallinn.

The Bolsheviks finally surrendered on the 3rd of March, accepting even harsher German terms: By signing the Brest Litovsk treaty, they gave up Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania!

You'd think they'd learn from such mistakes, right?!?!

Stalin came to power in 1924, two years after Mussolini became Italian prime minister. Stalin watched as Mussolini built an autocratic state apparatus in Italy before expanding Italian influence in Albania and Northern Africa.

Stalin also witnessed Hi**er take over Germany in 1933. After having observed both European dictators, listened to their claims, watched their speeches and taken note of their ambitions, Stalin decided that 1936 was the perfect time to enact his great purge!

The Red Army was the prime recipient of said purge and between 1936 and 1938, Stalin killed or imprisoned 3 out of 5 marshals, 13 out of 15 army commanders, 8 out of 9 admirals, 50 out of 57 corps commanders and 154 out of 186 division commanders.

In June 1941, Hi**er initiated Operation Barbarossa and unsurprisingly, the Red Army did not perform very well: 800,000 soldiers dead, 1.3 million soldiers wounded, 2.3 million soldiers MIA or captured, including half a million reservists captured while mobilising, 21,000 planes lost and 20,000 tanks destroyed! All inside of 5 months!

Perfect timing!



NEWS: Britain tracked Chinese submarines and was ready to intercept jets in SCS...


US stepping up operations in South China Sea, researchers say

Is the U.S. Navy Destined to Be Obsolete? 03/11/2021

Is the U.S. Navy Destined to Be Obsolete? Naval analysts and practitioners should ask ourselves frankly whether we’re guardians of an increasingly obsolescent paradigm of naval warfare.

Israel's Iron Dome Just Put on a Rocket Defense Clinic 03/11/2021

Israel's Iron Dome Just Put on a Rocket Defense Clinic The recent use of the Iron Dome may have just been the best sales presentation ever for a military platform.


Spot the odd one out!
The USN has deployed with the first bunch of F-35C. Interestingly the carrier has deployed to the South China Sea with its fleet of stealthy aircraft. Interesting because China has unveiled its own stealthy carrier borne fighter.It will be very very likely that we will soon see stealthy fighters of US and China will see these intercept each others aircraft in the region.


Over and Out: Russia Should Give Up on the Su-35 Fighter 24/10/2021

Over and Out: Russia Should Give Up on the Su-35 Fighter While the Su-35 grabs the headlines as Russia’s most advanced fighter, the majority of its air force consists of older types.

Russia and China have Embraced Anti-Access Weapons. What's America's move? 24/10/2021

Russia and China have Embraced Anti-Access Weapons. What's America's move? Could anti-access weapons lead to the use of increasingly risky tactics to complete military missions?

Radar Love: How Raytheon Uses New Technology to Detect Threats 23/10/2021

Radar Love: How Raytheon Uses New Technology to Detect Threats A key advantage of the radar is its ability to update as threats such as cruise missiles maneuver and reposition in flight.

Why The U.S. Navy Needs to Keep Up Appearances 23/10/2021

Why The U.S. Navy Needs to Keep Up Appearances Navies that skimp on the basics in peacetime seldom triumph in wartime.

Russia’s Nuclear-Powered Cruise Missile Is a Danger to America—And Moscow 23/10/2021

Russia’s Nuclear-Powered Cruise Missile Is a Danger to America—And Moscow While there’s a tactical rationale behind Russia’s development of a fast, surface-skimming cruise missile with an unlimited range as a means of bypassing American missile defenses, it strikes many analysts as an inordinately expensive, extremely technically challenging, and—evidently!—downri...

‘I See You’: U.S. Submarines Might Not Be Invisible for Long 23/10/2021

‘I See You’: U.S. Submarines Might Not Be Invisible for Long How can the silent service stay in tune with the times?

Missiles in Venezuela Could Risk Starting a U.S.-Russian War 23/10/2021

Missiles in Venezuela Could Risk Starting a U.S.-Russian War Calls for Russian missiles in Venezuela could trigger conflict between the United States and Russia.

China's Nuclear Weapons Program: A Threat to the U.S. Military? 23/10/2021

China's Nuclear Weapons Program: A Threat to the U.S. Military? The country has its own nuclear triad.

More Than Just a Bomber: America’s Skywarrior Saved Hundreds Over Vietnam 23/10/2021

More Than Just a Bomber: America’s Skywarrior Saved Hundreds Over Vietnam Lt. Commander Schaffert’s Crusader was only of an estimated 700 aircraft saved by the timely intervention of a Skywarrior tanker.

Meet the X-32 Fighter: The U.S. Military's Alternative to the F-35 23/10/2021

Meet the X-32 Fighter: The U.S. Military's Alternative to the F-35 Built to the same specifications, the X-32 and the F-35 had relatively similar performance parameters.

Should the U.S. Navy Think Twice about Its Ford-Class Carriers? 23/10/2021

Should the U.S. Navy Think Twice about Its Ford-Class Carriers? The vulnerabilities of the big carriers are real.

Armed to the Teeth, America’s Ohio-Class Submarines Can Kill Anything 23/10/2021

Armed to the Teeth, America’s Ohio-Class Submarines Can Kill Anything The closest competitor to the Ohio-class submarine is Russia’s sole remaining Typhoon-class submarine, a larger vessel with twenty ballistic-missile launch tubes.

Photos from U.S. Navy's post 19/10/2021
The Army’s Bradley-Replacement Vehicle Could Rely on an All-Digital Design 19/10/2021

The Army’s Bradley-Replacement Vehicle Could Rely on an All-Digital Design The Army has tried to replace the Bradley before, though previous attempts have been unsuccessful.

The Department of Defense Has its Own 26 Page Brownie Recipe, Here's Why 14/10/2021

The Department of Defense Has its Own 26 Page Brownie Recipe, Here's Why The US military is famous for its ability to have a plan for every single scenario imaginable. Whether that be nuclear deterrents, war on its own soil,

U.S. set to resume trade talks with China 05/10/2021

U.S. set to resume trade talks with China New trade rep Tai plans to resurrect exemptions on some tariffs

Arrow-4: Israel Has a Plan for a Hypersonic Interceptor Missile 05/10/2021

Arrow-4: Israel Has a Plan for a Hypersonic Interceptor Missile The upcoming Arrow-4 could provide a more efficient means of countering the growing threat of multiple independent re-entry vehicle missiles.
