Home Remedies and such Videos

Videos by Home Remedies and such. I love antidotes and remedies. Even superstitions play a part in Appalachia cures. Please join and

Broody chicken...a hen that sets on unfertilized eggs...or just stays on the nest regardless. She will act just like a sttin hen.

Other Home Remedies and such videos

Broody chicken...a hen that sets on unfertilized eggs...or just stays on the nest regardless. She will act just like a sttin hen.

This is how I tie any bag of food that goes back into the freezer. Like this bag of tater tots. Not good for long term but for at least 30 days.

Beet seed harvest. Now is the time to winter over plants for next year's seed.

Kombucha tea (Fermented)
This looks gross but it is healthy...it has part of the mother from Apple Cider Vinegar, called a Scoby.

Homestead soft soap.
Homestead soft soap from ashes, rain water, and rendered fat.

Slide show of making soap from ashes and rain water. Music composed and written by Josh Shoemaker.