Fertility Global Network

Fertility Global Network

Fertility Global Network is a specialized consultant which provides all treatments and care in the field of infertility.

Especially IUI, Egg Donation, IVF, Surrogacy Treatments with transparent practice, standard & ethics.

საკვერცხის სტიმულაციის პროტოკოლები - Beta Plus GE 13/04/2019

საკვერცხის სტიმულაციის პროტოკოლები - Beta Plus GE ინვიტრო-განაყოფიერებით მკურნალობის დროს საკვერცხის სტიმულაციის ეტაპის ჩასატარებლად სხვადასხვა მეთოდები გამ.....

Does Low S***m Quality Affects IVF Success Rate - Beta Plus Fertility 28/01/2019

Various abnormalities in the s***m like low motility or irregular shape have an influence on fertility. But this does not mean that the problem cannot be corrected.

Does Low S***m Quality Affects IVF Success Rate - Beta Plus Fertility Let us begin with the good news! Low s***m count in your partner does not mean that you cannot get pregnant! Yes, read it correct. Various abnormalities in the s***m like low motility or irregular shape have an influence on fertility. But this does not mean that the problem cannot be corrected. IVF....


Egg donors give the gift of life

Timeline photos 16/01/2017

For more information send inbox message,
or email at [email protected]
call or wats app number- 9953471568

Timeline photos 05/01/2017

Time to go for a check up..?!!

Timeline photos 23/12/2016

NOBLE CAUSE - Be an egg donor, with your help, their dream of having a baby can finally come true

Timeline photos 21/12/2016

NOBLE CAUSE- Urgent Requirement of girls for activity of egg donation.
Simple work and good payout and no side effects.
Just donation of unwanted eggs (gametes) for the hopeful future parents.
Best compensation is promised.
Inbox for more details.


NOBLE CAUSE- Urgent Requirement of girls for activity of egg donation.
Simple work and good payout and no side effects.
Just donation of unwanted eggs (gametes) for the hopeful future parents.
Best compensation is promised.
Inbox for more details.

Timeline photos 06/12/2016

Timeline photos 05/12/2016

Our surrogates are our pride

Timeline photos 05/12/2016

Happy and healthy one week old twin girls!

Timeline photos 02/12/2016

When no one understands your pain and you feel lonely because something is missing inside you, feel free to share your words with us. We are always happy to help you and see you smiling with your dream in your arms. Inbox us for any type of query related to your infertility issue.

Timeline photos 10/11/2016

Best wishes to surrogate mother Kristy and her intended fathers R&A who transferred 2 embryos at our Fertility Center..!!

Timeline photos 10/11/2016

Congratulations to Australian parents S*M and their surrogate L who welcomed twin girls this morning weighing 6.1lbs and 5.15lbs!

Timeline photos 18/10/2016

Surrogacy,Egg donation and In Vitro Fertilisation . Multiple destinations for single,married and LGBT intended parents.Contact one of our caring and compassionate professional to assist you on your turning point to become successful parent. We are waiting your e - mail at: [email protected]

Timeline photos 03/10/2016

If you have questions, want to share your experience, if you are parents already or you are willing to become parents, if you don't know whether you are ready for parenting, you can ask questions here [email protected] Or inbox us.

Timeline photos 30/09/2016

Our Surrogates, Our Pride..!!

Timeline photos 29/09/2016

And the day starts with this at our clinic :)
The best news to receive for any intended parents and of course for us as well.

Timeline photos 28/09/2016

"After rounds of fertility treatments, the fight to love motherhood was the last battle I expected to face. But I fought, and I won."-
One of our Intended Parents from Mexico on arrival of their baby girl.

Timeline photos 28/09/2016

Our goal is to make you ready for this :D

Timeline photos 28/09/2016

“I don’t think of it as my baby,” says the soon-to-be surrogate mother. “I’ve bonded with it as if my sister was pregnant. It’s not my baby.”
One of our surrogate mother shares her emotional thoughts with us. This journey is mix of emotions, happiness, doubts and satisfaction for those 3 people. Too much left to share, even words will fall short if we try to write their emotions here.

Timeline photos 13/09/2016

We are always there for you :)
Please feel free to share your infertility history, experience, successful or failed stories or any kind of discussion. For personal queries, please email on [email protected].

Timeline photos 13/09/2016

We are absolutely thrilled for intended parents-to-be L&M and their surrogate mother.. IT'S POSITIVE!!

Incredible Real Photography of the journey from a s***m to human baby- Developing in the womb 06/09/2016

Explaining the process- 9 MONTHS IN THE WOMB

Incredible Real Photography of the journey from a s***m to human baby- Developing in the womb Incredible Real Photography of the journey from a s***m to human baby- Developing in the womb photography by Lennart Nilsson All photographs are real , click...

Timeline photos 06/09/2016

Happiness that you get from parent hood can't be expressed through words. We help you to bring your dream of parenting come true..!!
Inbox or Contact us on [email protected] for any type of infertility issue.

Timeline photos 30/08/2016

One of our former Intended Parent from Canada sent the picture of their 9 months baby girl