Unlimiting Yourself - Finding Joy and Abundant Health in a Toxic World

Unlimiting Yourself - Finding Joy and Abundant Health in a Toxic World

AFT Practitioner helping you to change your life by resolving emotional blocks. Why not try it for yourself? I felt comfortable and not rushed at all. I just did!

Testimonials for my AFT Services

These people had Aroma Freedom Sessions with me and wanted to share their experiences. It worked for them, it worked for me, it has worked for everyone who has spent time in a session. Marianne Wiggins
I was writing to let you all know if you were thinking about doing an AFT session with Maggie that it’s 100% worth it! While Maggie was doing her final pieces befor


Just a reminder that the new program, "Healing the Past, Empowering the Present" is open for enrolment now.
We all start together on September 9, but enrol now to get your Early Bird Special! Don't forget, I'm only accepting 10 people so that I have time to support you 1:1.
This program will help you heal from the unpleasant memories and emotions of the past. This is geared towards women, but if there are men who are interested, I might offer a separate group just for them. An all female group or an all male group would be more comfortable for all concerned.
Check out the link and see all the topics being covered: https://www.margrecoskie.com/healing-the-past


Don't forget, the zoom meeting starts in 2 hours! Hope to see you there. Need the link? Just ask!


Don't miss it!
Please join me in a free webinar tonight at 7 pm Eastern (Toronto) time. It's an amazing presentation where you'll learn more about childhood abuse and trauma. Sounds like a dark subject, but so many of us have experienced it. Why not learn more, either for yourself or someone you know - it's free. Invite your friends!

Just message me for the link!


Join me on Zoom!

Do you have unhappy or frightful memories from the past? Do you easily get triggered for no reason? Do you feel left out, abandoned or invisible?

You may have experienced Childhood Trauma. In this Zoom webinar, you will learn that it's not your fault, and I'll explain what/who your Inner Child is, and how she was helpless in her situation. You'll learn that your trauma has been with you, unresolved, even through adulthood. And I will show you how to heal from your emotional wounds.

The webinar will start at 7:00 p.m. Eastern (Toronto) time on Wednesday, August 14, 2024. There will be ample time for questions afterwards.

Please invite your friends!

Just comment below (or message me) to get the link. I look forward to seeing you there!


Do you have unresolved, unwanted memories that keep cropping up and robbing you of peace and joy?

I know I have had them, and because I'm a work in progress just like everyone else on the planet, I don't still have a few. I don't like them.

If you want to find out how to heal your past, so you can be free again, join me on Wednesday, August 14 at 7 pm Eastern (Toronto) time for my webinar titled "Healing the Past, Empowering the Present" where I'll discuss who the Inner Child is, how we can identify a wounded Inner Child, and how we can heal our Inner Child. Whether you experience grief, sadness, anger, rage, frustration, fear, shame, guilt or any other unwanted emotion, you'll want to attend this webinar. Comment below (or message me here on Facebook) if you'd like the Zoom link to attend live. There will be ample time for questions and answers as well. And I may have an extraordinary surprise for one lucky viewer.

Healing the Past, Empowering the Future 09/08/2024

I’m so excited! After months and months of work, I’m finally releasing my new master program to heal your past. Yes, I’m talking about all those memories that keep cropping up, robbing you of your joy. All those triggers that make you inappropriately lash out in anger. All the terrifying events you went through as a child, with no voice and no power to stop them.

Well guess what – you don’t have to feel that way any more. Isn’t that exciting? I only wish there was a program like this for me when I needed it so badly.

If you’re excited to learn more, just click the link and see if it’s a good fit for you. I hope to see you there!

Healing the Past, Empowering the Future If you’d like to make monthly payments, Enrol with the button below. You’ll pay $250 up front, and $250 per month for 4 months.

Understanding the Impact of Childhood Trauma 03/08/2024

I haven't written a blog post for awhile, since I was so busy the last few months creating my new program for healing childhood trauma. This blog post helps understand the impact of childhood trauma, what it is, and some steps to take for healing.
If you read it, would you be kind enough to leave me a comment below, letting me know what you thought of it. I would love your input. Thanks!

Understanding the Impact of Childhood Trauma


So sad to say that time does not heal all wounds. It dims them, until the memories pop up again.

Every time you think about that person, that problem, that event, that memory - you open the wound and relive it over and over again.

It isn't until you change your limbic system's reaction that you heal the wound. That's when you finally get the peace you deserve.

Before you think "I don't have Trauma", consider this:

1. Trauma isn't just about the major stuff
2. Trauma is also about things you might consider "life", but yet it really bothered you at the time - and still does occasionally
3. If you still feel uncomfortable about a memory, that's a type of Trauma
4. The body doesn't care how intense or how insignificant the Trauma is, it reacts the same way
5. Trauma lives forever, unless you resolve it and dissolve those emotional reactions
6. Trauma, if left untreated, can cause physical disease, including cancer and autoimmune diseases

If you would like to be free from childhood trauma, I'll be releasing my new master class on September 9, 2024. I'll only be accepting 10 people so I can spend time with each of you. Therefore, since this is a much-sought-after subject, I urge you to get on the waiting list now. Just comment below or message me "wait list" and I'll let you know as soon as it's available.

There will be written lessons, a full workbook to download (or you can purchase a hard copy on amazon), multiple pdf downloads, many recorded meditations, weekly Zoom chats. And so much more.

Secure your spot now.


There seems to be some misconceptions about AFT (Aroma Freedom Technique) and how it can help resolve unhappy memories and emotions. So I’ve decided to post some of the questions, along with answers. Hopefully this will clear matters up.

QUESTION: Does AFT use essential oils?
ANSWER: Yes, and no. Essential oils are definitely preferred, but you can use other things like flowers, pine needles, etc. I will help you decide what to use.

QUESTION: Is this just another way for you to get essential oil customers?
ANSWER: No, I no longer sell essential oils. If you want recommendations as to which ones work best with AFT, I can help you, but I will not receive any compensation for that.

QUESTION: I don’t believe just using essential oils can help resolve my unwanted emotions, such as unhappiness/sadness/grief/anger/rage/blame/shame. It seems like a scam to me. How can you justify that they do?
ANSWER: First of all, it’s not just about using essential oils – they can help somewhat on their own. But the best way of using essential oils to resolve your unwanted emotions is by using them in conjunction with an AFT Practitioner, who can lead you through the process. We use our training along with our personal experiences and calm, non-judgmental demeanor to expertly guide you through the whole process.

QUESTION: How do I know you won’t post about me on social media or tell my friends/family about what I’m going through?
ANSWER: I can’t speak for every AFT Practitioner, but I am bound by my moral ethics, and live by the same code as a medical doctor – never discuss anyone’s personal information with someone else, unless specifically told to do so. And I want that permission in writing.

QUESTION: How can AFT help my grief? My loved one is gone, and can’t ever come back to me. You can’t change that.
ANSWER: Yes, it’s true if your loved one has died, then he/she can’t ever come back. But I can help you process your grief so you can feel happiness again. You will retain all your memories, good and bad, but you just won’t feel so devastated, and the memories won’t make you so sad. Some people are completely free of grief, while others may shed a tear or two when they remember, but that’s okay. It’s a far cry from devastating grief. They quickly return to a happier mood, as opposed to someone who has never resolved their grief. They will always feel devastating sadness, blame, shame, anger and more for the rest of their lives.

QUESTION: I have PTSD (or any other issue). You can’t help me.
ANSWER: While I am not a licensed Psychologist, and cannot claim to cure your PTSD, I do know that sometimes a client gets stuck, and the Psychologist will reach out to an AFT Practitioner for help to get them unstuck. I’ve also known AFT Practitioners who have helped PTSD sufferers resolve at least some, if not all, of their issues. You will never know if you don’t try it. After all, resolving some of your issues is better than nothing, right?

QUESTION: What is this AFT process?
ANSWER: AFT was created by a licensed Psychologist named Dr. Benjamin Perkus, who has been helping clients for well over 20 years. He found, during a number of client sessions, that when the client smelled a particular essential oil, the client’s emotions became calmer and more focused. He was then able, in far less time, to resolve the particular issues being addressed. In fact, with the use of essential oils, he was able to help resolve issues that had lain dormant for decades.

I, too, have been able to help clients resolve dormant memories/emotions that they didn’t even realize were affecting them in their present lives. After one session in particular, the client was so ecstatic that she was jumping and dancing and laughing in glee. She had come into the session in a reserved manner, but that resolution allowed her to finally become the person she was meant to be.

If you’d like to view a video I made which describes AFT more fully, I encourage you to watch this one that I created: https://youtu.be/IGqaCuVu3D0

QUESTION: How much does it cost for an AFT session?
ANSWER: It depends on the Practitioner. Each one charges according to their abilities and experience. If you wish to find out what I charge, please visit my website and click on Appointments. https://www.margrecoskie.com

QUESTION: Will I be cured in one session?
ANSWER: Some clients fully resolve their issue in one session. But remember, we can only deal with one issue at a time. It's like peeling an onion - one layer gets taken away, and another one is below, so some people need multiple sessions to fully resolve what's been bothering them for years. That's why I have bundles where you can save money. Keep in mind, that AFT usually offers a much quicker solution than going to weekly talk sessions with a psychologist. That's one of the most attractive traits of AFT - it saves you money and time.

If you'd like to subscribe to my newsletter, just visit my website https://www.margrecoskie.com

I also have a group on Facebook called Chronic Pain, Trauma and Resolving Toxic Emotions, if you'd like to join. https://www.facebook.com/groups/chronicpaintraumaandresolvingtoxicemotions


If you see a post by Fezile Fehr saying I invested in anything, please be informed that this is spam and an outright lie. She's using other people's pages to "recommend" them and then saying they helped grow her investments. LIES!!!

Photos from Unlimiting Yourself - Finding Joy and Abundant Health in a Toxic World's post 28/02/2024

Having trouble losing weight? Feeling like crap? Want to know why many people (maybe even you or someone in your family) are coming down with unexplained illness, or even autoimmune diseases or cancer?

It's no secret that disease is running rampant in North America. Cancers, leaky gut, hormone imbalance, and a host of other diseases.

What's the common factor? Hmm, have you considered that it could be the food you're eating? No, I'm not just talking about junk food - we all know that's not good for us. Nope, I'm talking about the supposedly "healthy" foods that really aren't so healthy after all.

Want to know more? Check out my newest program "Food - Friend or Foe?". It's NOT a weight loss program. It's a deep down look at our foods and sources, and what makes it healthy or unhealthy.

It's actually all about the additives, herbicides, pesticides, and other harmful things in our food products. It's about what's been done to our food over the past 50 years. It's not a secret that some of these things can cause severe health issues - so why not learn about them and how to avoid them in order to preserve your health and the health of your family?
Check it out here: https://www.margrecoskie.com/knowyourfood


Hey, guess what!! I've just finished creating my new course "Food - Friend or Foe?". No, it's not a weight loss course.

It's actually all about the additives, herbicides, pesticides, and other harmful things in our food products. It's about what's been done to our food over the past 50 years. It's not a secret that some of these things can cause severe health issues - so why not learn about them and how to avoid them in order to preserve your health and the health of your family?

Check it out here: https://www.margrecoskie.com/knowyourfood