Monash Med Confessions

Monash Med Confessions

There's clearly been a need for rants in med, so submit any confession/crush/apology on your mind x


Year 3 / placements

Is it necessary to buy your own scrubs? If so, which colours stand out the least and how many would you need?

Thanks in adv


Year 4 / notes

Entering Year 4 and I'm properly scared. Raman please tell me you made notes for 4c :(( If not does anyone have any other good 4c notes? Thank you muchly bless you all kind souls for saving my life during 3b


Year All / Life after exams

Hey guyyssss, I’ve got a serious question. I genuinely have no clue what to do with myself after exams are over. What does everyone get up to during their break? Give me some inspo, or else I’ll just sleep for 10 hours a day lol ✌️


Graduated/Helping students for CV

Hello anyone who needs help with making resume/CV for work or applications, feel free to join this group and contact me.


Year 3 / Appreciation post

jainam, you are an extraordinary person. thank you so much for everything you and your psp have done for us over the last three years. you've always been kind, considerate and approachable, and you always respond to our messages when we need help. i love your warm personality and humour, and the fact that you go out of your way to support others around you. i've crushed on you since y2 and i still do. keep being wholesome, sweet and caring!


Med confessions getting deleted was the end of my life. So glad she’s back and slaying. Pop off


Anyone who is E2E or ERC //

Just curious whether anyone has ever been able to transfer out of the E2E or ERC due to extenuating circumstances? Also who did you speak to if attempting to do this?
Please help

Thanks :)


Year 4C

When are we finding out our rural placements for next year?

Stressing hard


Year all
Why do all theatre staff and/or most doctors on surgical teams get SO angry and passive aggressive when you wear your own scrubs? Obviously not while scrubbing in, but just showing up to the rotation in your own scrubs is enough to make them lose their minds 🤯


Year 4 / Experiences

How were everyone’s experiences for psych and women’s at Dandenong/Casey this year?


Clin years

Everyone keeps saying faculty reads the page but what if they were actually the admins?


Year 3B Compliant;

Learn Pathology they said. Learn them buzzwords they said. 50% of the paper will be Pathology they said. It will be easy, don't worry they said.

Well that was a total lie.

Best Regards,

A student who knows they will be re-writing the exam now...


Year 4/Placement Hours

Just wondering how full on year 4 is in terms of placement hours and study. Would there be enough time to work a part time job on some afternoons/keep up with extracurricular interests? I’ve heard a lot of things about how full on 4th year is so I’m just a bit scared going into it


How do I pass these exams? I know barely anything and there's too much BS with arteries, internal capsules and gyruses in head and neck and Idk how to revise pelvis. Send help


Year 1 / Entertainment

Does anyone play ETS2 with a map combo?
I am down for a convoy if anyone is down for it too.


Year 2/ how to prepare for year 3?

Any ideas on how I can use this time to prepare for year 3? Like past notes/ankis/international cards?

Tyyyyy in advanceeeeee


Clin years (3B)/Bendigo

Good times in Bendigo this year in particular semester 2. So sad we all get split up for 4th year and we never get to be all together again. Just wanted to give a shout out to the 4th and 5th years who helped us so much and made it so much fun being away from the city and much better than Churchill was.

Special mention to the 4th year who was the really tall local- great vibes and so lovely!



Great year and Great People - you will all be missed

Love you all # #


Year 3

Paper 1 was a joke


Year 2 / Placements

Does anyone know if there are any safe bike parking spots? Thanks in advance!


Year 4

Shout out to Yash!! So keen to see our new president in action. Great man, so friendly and helpful and hear he absolutely dominates the wards. Finally some rural representation on exec!!!!


Year 2 / workload

When is the busiest time of the year for 3rd year? Is it different from school to school?


Year 5/SIP Eastern Health

I have my SIP at eastern health in rotation 3 right before holidays.

Is EHCS SIP run online or in person?

Would it be possible to leave for my overseas holiday 1-2 weeks before holidays, meaning leaving for overseas in the middle of SIP?
If the Sip is online would this be doable so I can get a few more weeks of holiday?


Year 2/ Help pls

for past studentsssss

What are the central clinical hours and eastern clinical hours like


Year 3 / Eastern
What is the schedule of a typical week like in Eastern Year 3? Would we have days off during the week for a part-time job?



last year, I said that I wouldn't leave the entire matrix until swotvac, but here we are again 👍



to the 3 almost couples, the rest of us are shivering in anticipation watching this slow burn start to burn even slower. Please, turn the orange couches flirting sessions into a real thing. im losing quality study time to watching this play out in the afternoons


5D/ Intern next year

Hey everyone who has insight into this, how looked down upon is it to have a sick day as an intern? I know we have annual leave rostered, but we are all human and might get sick right? I've just seen interns being gossiped about or talked badly about for being sick. I understand that with an intern absent, the workload shifts to the rest of the team which can be stressful, but surely we aren't expected to drag ourselves to work if we are really feeling crook?

Sincerely someone who gets sick very easily


How do i volunteer to run a session at revision lectures or PSPs? I love teaching and always wanted to run them but don't see any recruitment posts anywhere. Do they usually just choose amongst people they know?


Year 4 / Announcement
Dear students,

BMedSc(Hons) applications for 2024 will be open until the end of December 2023.

Please visit our website for information about BMedSc(Hons):

Kind regards


Year 4/ Gippsland

oh Ihraam my sweet, tall Pakistani prince
how I wish you'd take me out on "dates"

yours truly


Year 2A/ 3B Placements

How the f**k did year 3s get their placements for 4th year before us??? Also @ SCS peeps what happened to 3rd Oct site visits


MUMUS appreciation
Big love to MUMUS for the work on the 4C Attendance document. As a current 3B student I really thank you for your work


Years all

Bendigo Ball > Gippy Ball > Med ball


Year 2A / VIA

uh so like what happens if you fail the VIA? Is there a supplementary assessment? What’s the pass mark?

Same with end of year exams actually… will they just give me a supp if I borderline don’t pass?


3B / Help
SOS does anyone have a path anki deck they’d be ever so kind to share 🫶🏼


Year 5/Appreciation post

Showing my appreciation to Jess SG for making so much effort to make grad ball possible for us 🥰 not sure what happened but you made things happen so quickly in just 2 weeks, and i can’t wait for the last ever cohort party 🥳


Year Any/ leaving medicine?

Has anyone here left medicine and how did it impact your life? Considering leaving medicine as after taking some time off from med, I have had a lot more positivity in my life and my mental health is significantly better than when I was studying med.

Additionally, how do people find internship/residency? I have heard that it is a rather unpleasant experience. Any insight is much appreciated.


BmedSci? No


Year 3B / Anxiety

Going into hospital has only been getting more and more anxiety inducing for me. It's not that the doctors are mean to me or whatever but it's just that every time I try to ask a question or for their time for my logbook it feels innately selfish and a subtraction from overall productivity. Like whenever I go to ask a question, it's always interrupting something they are doing and I always feel horrible. Waiting next to them is also so awkward, there just seems to be no correct way to do it. It's gotten to the point where I have recently been spending more of my time in the bathroom avoiding wards rather than actually putting myself out there. I know this is bad and I'm probably just overthinking it but does anyone have any advice?