Living Hope GTC

Living Hope GTC

Living Hope Grace & Truth Church (aka Living Hope GTC) have a passion to share the Love of God with everyone. All our welcome to worship with us.

Living Hope UK - Your Worship Will Overcome your Fears - Sun 1st Sept 2024 02/09/2024

Hi all, to watch the latest powerful sermon by Senior Pastor Deborah Pearce, ‘Your Worship Will Overcome Your Fears’, please click on on the link & also share with family & friends 🙏🏻

Living Hope UK - Your Worship Will Overcome your Fears - Sun 1st Sept 2024


Today was Youth Day and what a great job the youth did, under the leadership of Rev Julie & Sis Elisha. To God be the glory 🙌🏾 They talked of what they’d been learning in children church (Romario & Brianna), talked of their relationship with God (Onellia), favourite bible scriptures (Elli & Aveyah) and told us how God heals us when we’re poorly (Orla).

Bro Omari led testimony service so well and wonderful testimonies were shared 🙌🏾

We thank God for the powerful exhortation from Bro Matthew on the topic of forgiveness. Sis Sinead sang so beautifully ’Here I am to worship’ 🙌🏾

Finally Senior Pastor Deborah Pearce brought a dynamic word “Your worship will overcome Your fear”. She taught us that when we worship God it causes fear to leave and will also change the atmosphere around us! Just like when Saul went out to kill David he ended up prophesying (worshipping in song) on his way - why? Because the prophets were already worshipping (prophesying) causing the spiritual atmosphere to change and move on Saul’s heart! (1 Samuel 19).

Powerful sermon followed by awesome altar ministry by Bishop Dr Pearce. It was good for us to have been in the House of the Lord 🙌🏾

Living Hope UK - God Will Give you Double for your Trouble - Sun 25th Aug 2024 26/08/2024

To watch yesterday’s powerful sermon by Senior Pastor Deborah Pearce, ‘God Will Give You Double for your Trouble’ please click on the link and also share with family & friends 🙏🏻

Living Hope UK - God Will Give you Double for your Trouble - Sun 25th Aug 2024


Great service lead by Rev Pryce. We welcomed visitors, it was and is so good to worship together, encourage each other with testimonies and fellowshipping after church.

Pastor Deborah preached a dynamic message “God Will Give You Double for your Trouble” taking us systematically through the stories of Job, Daniel and Joseph. She showed us how they all experienced troubling and traumatic events, at no fault of their own. But in the midst of their troubles God was with them and allowing their circumstance for a greater good. At the end of their trials Job received double for all he’d lost (Job 42:10); Joseph was promoted and Egypt saved (Genesis 50:20); Daniel was saved from the lion’s pit and promoted (Daniel 6).

You may be experiencing difficulty but hold on - God can make you fruitful in the land of your affliction! (Genesis 41:52).

God used Bishop Dr Pearce to lead a powerful time of prophetic ministry with those who came forward at the altar - hallelujah! 🙌🏾

Living Hope UK - You have a place in the Kingdom of God - Sun 18th Aug 2024 19/08/2024

To watch the latest powerful sermon preached by Bishop Dr Pearce ‘You have a place in the Kingdom of God’ please click on the link & also share with family & friends 🙏🏻 thanks.

Living Hope UK - You have a place in the Kingdom of God - Sun 18th Aug 2024


Great service led by Rev Thomas. We worshipped, testified, welcomed the visitors and those back from their holidays 😎 and also celebrated a water baptism 🙌🏾.

Powerful message preached by Bishop Dr Pearce focusing on the significance of being part of the Body of Christ (1 Cor 12:12-27). When we’re connected as members of the Body of Christ we will drive out the spirit of schism (1 Cor 12:25). He also taught on how water baptism follows our confession of belief in Christ as we are baptised unto Him! (Gal 3:26-27; Acts 10:43-48; Matt 28:19).

After this dynamic message both Bishop Dr & Pastor D. Pearce officiated the baptism of Sis Juanita - she gave such a touching testimony and it was a joy for us all to see her being baptised then taking right hand of fellowship! 🙌🏾

What a great day as we witness God’s church increasing before our eyes! “This is the LORD'S doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.” (Psalm 118:23) 🙌🏾🙌🏾

Living Hope UK - From Glory To Glory - Sun 11th August 2024 15/08/2024

To watch the final video from our 2024 Annual Conference, the exhortation from Dr. D. A. Reddie, please click on the link & share with family & friends 🙏🏻

Living Hope UK - From Glory To Glory - Sun 11th August 2024 From Glory to Glory - Conference August 2024Exhortation - Dr. D. A. Reddie

Living Hope UK - Growing in the Glory - Sunday 11th August 2024 (Evening Service) 14/08/2024

To hear the final message from our 2024 Annual Conference - ‘Growing in the Glory’ by Bishop S Williams - then please click the link below 👇🏾👇🏾

Be blessed 🙌🏾

Living Hope UK - Growing in the Glory - Sunday 11th August 2024 (Evening Service) From Glory to Glory - Conference August 2024Speaker - Bishop S Williams

Living Hope UK - From Glory To Glory - Sat 10th August 2024 14/08/2024

To hear the Saturday night message of our Annual Conference by Dr G. Howell-Reddie - ‘From Glory to Glory’, then please click below 🙌🏾

Living Hope UK - From Glory To Glory - Sat 10th August 2024 From Glory to Glory Conference - August 2024Speaker - Dr Gloria Howell-Reddie

Living Hope UK - Give God the Glory - Sun 11th August 2024 (Morning Service) 13/08/2024

Hi all 👋🏽 click below to watch the dynamic Sunday morning message from our 2024 Annual Conference - ‘Give God the Glory’ by Bishop Dr Pearce

Living Hope UK - Give God the Glory - Sun 11th August 2024 (Morning Service) From Glory to Glory - Conference August 2024

Living Hope UK Conference -The Glory in Suffering - Fri 9th August 2024 12/08/2024

Hi all, to watch the sermon, ‘The Glory in Suffering’ by Pastor Deborah Pearce preached on the Friday evening of our Conference please click on the link & share with family & friends 🙏🏻

Keep a look out over the next few days for Saturday and Sunday’s sermons.

God bless 🙌🏾

Living Hope UK Conference -The Glory in Suffering - Fri 9th August 2024 From Glory to Glory - Conference - August 2024


Well it’s the day after the end to a FANTASTIC conference and what a glorious last day it was!

Lots of new and old friends worshipping with us and testifying of God’s goodness.

We give God thanks for the encouraging exhortation from Dr D. A. Reddie on Sunday morning. What a privilege to hear such words from this distinguished educator and man of God.

Then to hear a dynamic and powerful message from our Administrative Bishop, Bishop Dr Pearce. God truly blessed us as Bishop Dr Pearce competently took us deeper into the glory cloud and defined the Shekinah to us (Exod 25:8; 2 Cor 3; Col 1:25-26). Even teaching us about the errors of Michaelangelo’s sculpture of Moses. Eye opening! We will never look at the glory in another way after such a deep and profound preaching!

After a delicious hot Caribbean lunch we had our last session, which was a time of worship, special singing from our Sis Jessica and testimonies. Bishop Steve Williams preached a powerful message on ‘Growing in the Glory’, which encouraged us to understand how we must see ourself in the Word of God and understand the ministry of the Apostle Paul.

We truly left this conference with a fuller understanding on the glory, we were enriched, empowered and enlightened and WE GIVE GOD ALL THE PRAISE! 🙌🏾

Let us continue to go ‘from glory to glory’ (2 Cor 3:18)


What a glorious Shabach worship service we had yesterday, lead by Assistant Pastor Rev Thomas.

So many of us gathered to magnify the Lord and to give Him glory.

We give God thanks for every visiting friend and for the testimony that was shared. We also welcomed ministers Dr D. A. Reddie and his wife Dr G. Howell-Reddie, Bishop S. Williams and his wife Sis S. Williams, and Pastor D. Miller 🙏🏽.

Powerful worship in song by Shiloh choir, Sis Elisha and Zamar and also wonderful dance ministry by Bro Nathan.

Finally what a deep teaching/preaching by our guest speaker Dr G. Howell-Reddie who took us further into our conference theme ‘From Glory to Glory’. She expounded the word on the significance of how the glory was vailed in the old covenant but now, under the new covenant and grace of Jesus Christ, the glory is revealed and we are moving from glory to glory in Him.

It was a great word followed by a dynamic altar ministry where we saw many prayed for and a sister was set free by the power of God 🙌🏾 hallelujah and amen the devil has lost again! 🙌🏾

We hope you can join us on the last day of the feast today from 11am, with a hot Caribbean lunch for everyone at 2pm, then our final evening celebration at 5pm. Come see what the Lord has to say to you 🙌🏾


What a great start to our Conference last night. The service lead by Bishop Dr Pearce was wonderful 🙌🏾

Great worship, including the launch of our new song ‘From Glory to Glory’ (written by Bishop Dr Pearce), awesome testimonies and a lovely atmosphere with God’s presence.

During our Wednesday night prayer meeting this week, God prophetically spoke to us that He’s cleared the way and truly He has 🙌🏾

Pastor Deborah Pearce preached a powerful Word ‘The Glory in Suffering’. (1 Pet 2:21; 2 Cor 3:18) Teaching us that suffering has a greater purpose and we must wait on God. Like Lazarus, no matter if it seems too late, Jesus will step in on time to command the stone to be rolled away and call us out of the tomb. However, it is the people around us that Jesus is calling to loose us and set us free! (John 11:44). Also through our suffering God will not only set us free but Minister to those around us too (John 11:45).

What a word and what rejoicing 🙌🏾💃🏽

We are ready for day two - our Shabach Worship evening tonight at 5:30pm and guest speaker Dr G. Reddie.

All are welcome! and bring a friend 🙂


After such a powerful prayer meeting yesterday where God spoke to us we are fully prepared and excited to go into our Annual Conference tomorrow! This is going to be a powerful and mighty Conference and if you’re free to attend a warm welcome awaits you!

All details are on the flyer 🙌🏾 “From Glory to Glory”

Living Hope UK - Protect the Seed You Receive - Sun 4th Aug 2024 06/08/2024

To watch the latest Living Hope GTC sermon ‘Protect the seed you receive’ please click on the link & also share with family & friends 🙏🏻

Living Hope UK - Protect the Seed You Receive - Sun 4th Aug 2024

Photos from Living Hope GTC's post 04/08/2024

Great service today lead by Rev Kwame. Wonderful to see the first time visiting friends worshipping and fellowshipping with us! 😊

And what a lovely surprise to see some regular church members in the church building who, because of ill health, we haven’t seen for a long time - we give God thanks 🙌🏾

Great to hear the testimonies and just to worship God together.

Finally the word, preached by Rev Porter, was ‘Protect the seed you receive’ focusing on Matthew 13:1-23 and Acts 16:16-25.

Remember the seed represents the Word of God and the ground it is planted in is our hearts. The devil’s objective is to prevent the seed from getting into our hearts by stealing it, destroying it and choking it. But if we can remove every obstacle, “thorn”, from our hearts then the ground will be good for the planting of God’s Word 🙌🏾.

Be blessed and remember next weekend (9th-11th August) is our annual conference: ‘From Glory to Glory’ - all are welcome. (Flyer attached)

Living Hope UK - Jesus' Call to Serve One Another - Sun 28th July 2024 29/07/2024

To watch our latest dynamic sermon by Bishop Dr Pearce - Jesus’ Call to Serve One Another - please click on the link & also share with family & friends 🙏🏻

Living Hope UK - Jesus' Call to Serve One Another - Sun 28th July 2024

Photos from Living Hope GTC's post 28/07/2024

Wonderful service lead by Pastor Deborah Pearce today. Together we celebrated Lord’s Supper always a poignant and powerful reminder of what Jesus did on the cross for us.

Lovely also to have our Sis Sinead minister in song reminding us that ‘God will work it out’. 🙌🏾

Finally the day ended on a powerful sermon with a difference from Bishop Dr Pearce. A fantastic practical demonstration was given of how Jesus washed the disciples feet including Judas Iscariot and how he encouraged the disciples to do the same irrespective of their differences or gripes with one another (John 13). Bishop Dr Pearce explained that this was an example of servanthood. Then seeing Pastor and Bishop Dr Pearce wash the feet of congregation members and vice versa was a powerful teaching on the true meaning of servanthood without prejudice.

It was a dynamic message followed by an altar call where ministers and laypersons prayed for people who came forward.

We thank God for such a great day 🙌🏾

Living Hope UK - Jesus Christ the Healer and Deliverer - Sun 21st July 2024 22/07/2024

Hi - to watch the latest dynamic sermon preached at Living Hope GTC by guest speaker Bishop Steve Williams, ‘Jesus Christ, the Healer & Deliverer’, please click on the link and share with family & friends 🙏🏻💕

Living Hope UK - Jesus Christ the Healer and Deliverer - Sun 21st July 2024


Brilliant service today lead by Pastor Debbie. Great to welcome many visiting friends too including our guest speaker Bishop Steve Williams and his lovely wife Sis Sonia Williams.

Wonderful to see three church sisters receiving ‘Right Hand of Fellowship’ and becoming members of the Living Hope GTC family. Congrats to Sis Hazel, Sis Jessica and Sis Olive.

Powerful sermon preached by Bishop Wlliams - “Healing and Deliverance”. He took us timely through the many examples of Jesus’ healing power: Jairus’ daughter, the resurrection of Lazarus, the woman with the issue of blood, the resurrected young maiden girl and the instant deliverance of the young possessed boy. The same Jesus that healed and delivered then lives in us now. We must have faith and declare that healing power over ourselves!

It was a fantastic message. After Bishop Dr Pearce called an altar call many came forward for healing whilst Bishop Dr Pearce, Bishop Williams, Sis Williams and Pastor Debbie prayed for all at the altar🙌🏾

In fact, someone watching our service today via YouTube live has contacted Bishop Dr & Pastor D. Pearce to say they have received instantaneous healing - praise God 🙌🏾

As Sis Linda testified, “boots or no boots” we will continue to praise God! 🙌🏾

Living Hope UK - The Altar and the Covenant - Sun 14th July 2024 15/07/2024

To watch the dynamic and anointed sermon by Bishop Dr Pearce ‘The Altar and The Covenant’, then please click on the link and also share with family and friends 🙏🏻

Living Hope UK - The Altar and the Covenant - Sun 14th July 2024


Great day at church today lead by Rev Kwame. Surely God was in the house as He lead us to worship Him with songs of victory! The devil was truly put to flight 🙌🏾

Fantastic testimonies of God’s protection, deliverance and breakthrough. People testified independently of how God has used the ministry of our Bishop & Pastor to bless them. To God be all the glory 🙌🏾

Wonderful exhortation by Sis Hazel and great to have visiting Bishop Williams greet and encourage the church too.

Finally a dynamic message preached by Bishop Dr Pearce “The Altar & The Covenant”. A covenant is a promise that should not be broken. And an altar is a system of authorisation. No spirit/Spirit can enter into our life without an altar! Any covenant is powered by the altar!

But which altar are you worshipping at - the devil’s or God’s? Let us not be like the Baal prophets (1 Kings 18) remember we are the altar, the temple, of God (1 Cor 3:16) and we should be offering God our sacrifice of praise!

Powerful sermon!! 🙌🏾

Living Hope UK - God's Work Cannot Be Stopped:The Stones Will Be Revived Sun 7th July 2024 08/07/2024

Hello all, to watch the sermon ‘God’s Work Cannot Be Stopped:The Stones Will Be Revived’ by Pastor Deborah Pearce, please click on the link & also share with family & friends 🙏🏻 God bless

Living Hope UK - God's Work Cannot Be Stopped:The Stones Will Be Revived Sun 7th July 2024


Powerful service today. It was a time of worship and reflection. Bishop Dr Pearce officiated and led a beautiful memorial section for treasured and beloved members of our congregation that have now gone on to be with the Lord. It was lovely to see members of the bereaved families in church today.

We thank God for the beautiful ministry in song by Sis Elisha singing ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.

Finally what a dynamic message by Senior Pastor Debbie “God’s work cannot be stopped! The stones will be revived!” Taking us through the story of Nehemiah and the opposition he faced when completing the building of the wall in Jerusalem.

The King sent Nehemiah ahead with a letter of endorsement and permission to build the wall. God has also given us His mandate to build His church and though Satan may come to distract us and intimidate us we must continue to build. Even if we feel tired - keep going, God will revive us and we will complete our task! Amen 🙌🏾 What a message!

Living Hope UK - There is No Escape for the Enemy - Sun 30th June 2024 01/07/2024

To watch the powerful message by Bishop Dr Pearce “There is no escape for the enemy” please click on the link and also share with family & friends 🙏🏻

Living Hope UK - There is No Escape for the Enemy - Sun 30th June 2024


What a powerful Sunday service lead by Pastor Deborah. So much to say - lovely to welcome Bishop Williams and his wife who worshipped and fellowshipped with us.

As we united in worship God truly ministered to all. Such powerful testimonies of God’s healing and protection.

Pastor Deborah was lead to call three powerful prayer warriors (Sis Pam, Sis Hazel & Sis Linda) to come forward to pray for Bishop Dr Pearce & herself. Through Sis Pam God spoke that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church (someone had called Bishop & Pastor the day before and said God told them the exact same thing 🙌🏾), Sis Hazel prayed a dynamic prayer over Bishop, and then Sis Linda spoke a word of encouragement that Living Hope GTC is a great ministry to be a part! God used these women in a most powerful and prophetic way - hallelujah 🙌🏾

Then came the dynamic message from Bishop Dr Pearce. As you listen to this week’s message you’ll discover God set up three institutions: the home/family, the government and the church. He is head over all and He requires order in all 🙌🏾 The most striking thing is that Christ and the church are ONE (Eph 5:31-32). If anyone attacks the church then they attack Christ.

It was a powerful and insightful message. Something for everyone! Amen 🙌🏾

Living Hope UK - God of the Mountain and God of the Valley - Sun 23rd June 2024 24/06/2024

To watch the powerful sermon ‘God of the mountain & God of the Valley’ please click on the link & also share with family & friends🙏🏻

Living Hope UK - God of the Mountain and God of the Valley - Sun 23rd June 2024

Living Hope UK - Jesus the Light of the World - Sunday 16th June 2024 17/06/2024

To watch the powerful sermon by Bishop Dr Pearce on ‘Jesus the Light of the World’ please click on the link and also share with family & friends 🙏🏻

Living Hope UK - Jesus the Light of the World - Sunday 16th June 2024

Videos (show all)

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Opening Hours

11:00 - 13:15