Life Changers, Cape Town Videos

Videos by Life Changers in Cape Town. Welcome to Lifechangers on Facebook - We believe life is all about relationships and we look forward to relating with you on Facebook as you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ.


See you tonight at our TABLE VIEW location.

Remember it's a BRING AND SHARE so please bring a plate of snacks to share as we gather together as a community afterwards to break our fast.

See you tonight, 6:30-7:30 PM!

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Other Life Changers videos

PRAYER & FASTING DAY 1 See you tonight at our TABLE VIEW location. Remember it's a BRING AND SHARE so please bring a plate of snacks to share as we gather together as a community afterwards to break our fast. See you tonight, 6:30-7:30 PM!

PRAYER AND FASTING STARTS TOMORROW! Here are some tips on how to get started. Remember: Table view 10th September Century City 11th September We can't wait to see you there!

God promises to MEET our needs and MULTIPLY our seed. Jesus invites us to participate in, contribute to and release His miraculous work of provision to the world!!! The Bottom Line by Gabe Phillips. To watch or listen to the sermons from our MONEY ON MY MIND series Week 4, find the link to our Youtube Channel in our bio! 🥳 “For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God.” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭9‬:‭10-11 NLT #moneyonmymind #lifechangerschurch #thebottomline

It is Women's Month and we want to celebrate the amazing women in our community. Listen to Ketsia's story as she shares how she found God and thrived amidst the ups and downs in life.

MY FATHERS WAY “For where your treasure is, your heart will also be. If your heart and treasures are not in the pool of baptism, deep at the bottom. Your heart won't follow.” - Mark van Pletsen What is your heart following? Stay updated with our latest sermons from week 3 of our MONEY ON MY MIND series! Find the link to our Youtube Channel in our bio.

WEEK 3 RECAP - MONEY ON MY MIND SERIES!! What could the God of the 5000 be doing in this time? Please go on over to our YouTube channel to watch or listen to this past Sunday’s sermons! 😁🙌

Money Heist: Taking back what the enemy has stolen PART 2 “The bottom line is: ‘Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.’- Matthew 6:33” Will you trust him with the flow? #church #community #sunday #lifechangerschurch #Godisgood #moneyonmymind

Money Heist: Taking back what the enemy has stolen PART 1 “We get to give, to get to give again!” Find the link to the latest sermon of our MONEY ON MY MIND series in our bio! Stay tuned for PART 2😉🥳

Arise Podcast - Episode 2
It is Women's Month and we want to celebrate the amazing women in our community. Listen to Shelley's story as she shares how she found God and thrived amidst the ups and downs in life.

Encounter Weekend Update #Encounter #church #sunday #vaneck

Hey Church! A reminder that this Saturday we have our SOUND INTENSIVE course happening at our Table view location! If you haven't already, go and sign up or share this with anyone you may know who would be interested! 😊🙌🏽 Time: 10am- 2pm | Saturday 17 August Location: Life changers Table view

Hey Church! Here is a quick recap, Week 2 of our MONEY ON MY MIND SERIES! If you missed out this Sunday or simply want to rewatch or listen, do not worry! Head on over to our Youtube channel by following the link in our bio.

Thriving In Your Season | Arise | Candice van Pletsen

What an unforgettable evening! This past Wednesday, we had our Arise Ladies Evening, which was both inspiring and empowering. @candyvanpletsen shared a beautiful message on what it means to THRIVE and embrace every season. We also enjoyed worshipping together with the amazing women in our community. What a joy it is to share life together! Happy Women’s Day, ladies! #Arise #Ariseladiesnight #THRIVE #lifechangerschurch

Hey ladies! In celebration of Women’s’ Month our ARISE PODCAST has officially launched today, as we took some time to hear from women in different seasons of life! So stop what you’re doing and go give it a listen or watch on either one of the following platforms. - YouTube: LifeChangersCT - Facebook: Life Changers - PodBean - Spotify All links to these platforms are available in our bio! #Arise #ArisePODCAST #Lifechangerschurch

Arise Podcast Episode 1
Stop what you are doing and watch the very first episode of our Arise Ladies Podcast. It is Women's Month and we took some time to hear from women in different seasons of life. Listen to Amy's story and how she's trusted God in every season.

Hey Church! Here is a brief recap of Week 1 of our new series MONEY ON MY MIND!!! In case you missed out, join us and watch our sermons on our Youtube channel by following the Youtube link in our Bio.

Ladies! ARISE is right around the corner with only 6 Days to go!!! If you could describe Arise in one word, what would it be? Comment your word in the comment tab🤍

Calling all Leaders & Volunteers!! Don't miss out tonight! A reminder that we have our Leaders & Volunteers meeting at our Table View Location! Cant wait to see you there Time: 6:30- 8:30pm

Hey Girls! We are so excited to announce that we have Arise coming up on August 7!! Here's a snippet of our last Arise. This is going to be an amazing time to spend together. Save the date because we can not wait to see you there!