Glenda’s Dog Rescue

Established in 2022, Glenda’s Dog Rescue is a non-profit organization located in Orange Farm (PBO no 930079007).

Our primary goal is to alleviate the suffering of animals that are lost, abandoned, neglected, abused, or ignored in the townships. We also aim to educate pet owners on proper animal care and ways to enhance their pets' living conditions. We facilitate the adoption of abandoned or unwanted animals and perform sterilization procedures on approximately 12 to 16 animals each month in collaboration wi


Pretty was starving when she wandered into the yard of a kind lady living in Orange Farm, her paw had been crushed, possibly by a car and she was in severe pain and in desperate need of medical attention.
We rushed to help her but sadly discovered that there was little that could be done for Pretty's paw other than to amputate it which, we decided, was not an option so Pretty was given an anti inflamatory which helped her considerably and she has recovered remarkably although she will need to take the anti inflamatory on a permanent basis.

Pretty has been at our shelter recovering for several months and needs to find a home as soon as possible, she is loving and gentle and gets on well with other dogs and humans of all ages, she simply adores attention and affection and is loyal and trustworthy.

Pretty really is a very special little girl, she is 2/3 years old and deserves a better life than the one she had previously, she obviously wasn’t wanted or maybe she never had a home and survived by begging for food and water which is very hard for a unwanted dog in the township as the conditions are very hard as people there don’t have enough money to feed an extra dog.

Prettys past life is a mystery but she managed to survive it and now needs a second chance, if you can help Pretty either to adopt or foster her please contact me:

Glenda 082 901 0763
[email protected]

(Gauteng and surrounding areas only, as we will be doing a home checks, please)


Tori was left for dead by the side of the road, how she got there nobody knows but somebody found her and asked us to help her and we rushed to find little Tori who was a bag of bones, infested with ticks and fleas and had a huge wound on her back leg that was being slowly and painfully eaten away by maggots, Tori was so close to death that we were sure that she would die during the night but in the morning we were delighted to see little Tori was a fighter and had survived with a lot of TLC and help from our camp managers amazing knowledge and experience little Torie is alive today and is ready to find someone who will help her gain confidence and give her a nice warm bed to sleep in and to give her a home of her own.

Tori is a 12-18 month old young dog, she has been sterilised, vaccinated and microchipped, she is a shy little girl but loves her canine and human friends once she has got to know them, she is totally heathy and bears no scars or grudges she has simply forgotten her past life and is looking forward to starting a new one with people who will love and care for her.
If you can help Tori with a loving home please contact me 🙏

Glenda 082 901 0763
[email protected]
(Gauteng and surrounding areas only, for home checks, please)


This is Polly and although she looks like she has Pitbull in her she hasn’t she is exactly the opposite, she is kind and gentle with a warmth about her that is unbelievable when you think of where she came from and how much she was neglected and endured previously.

Polly is 3 /4 years and has been sterilized, microchipped and vaccinated and is wanting to make friends with as many human and canine friends as possible, she simply loves meeting new friends and is a bundle of fun and joy to have around.
Polly gets on with every body canine and human of all ages and is the kindest dog at our shelter, if you can help Polly please contact me she waiting for you.

Glenda 082 901 0763 [email protected]
Gauteng and surrounding areas Only Please as we will be doing a home check


Sally came to us neglected and very sick, she is only 1- 2 years old and had a miserable life until we found her abandoned behind a shack, how long she had been left there we do not know but we were alerted about her by kind neighbors who saw her suffering and were concerned.

Sally has been vaccinated, sterilized and microchipped and can’t wait to get out of our shelter and start her life again, she has forgotten her previous owners and their cruelty and has got on with her life, she is friends with every one young and old, canine or human and is full of fun she fits in every where and is a joy to be with, her smile brightens the darkest day and her love and loyalty are priceless, if you can adopt or foster Sally please contact me:

Glenda 082 901 0763
[email protected]
(We will be doing home checks so only Gauteng and surrounding areas only)


Tytan is an amazing dog but is not coping at our shelter after being abandoned by his owners, he was surrendered to us when his humans decided that they couldn’t live together anymore and Tytan was in the middle of an ugly battle between the two of them and was eventually surrendered to us.

Tytan is loving and loyal and spends his days sitting and wondering why he has been abandoned, he is confused as to why he is not wanted and tries to understand why he has been left to sit in a cage at our shelter.

Tytan greets everyone who comes to our shelter expecting someone to fetch him and take him home, it is heartbreaking to see how Tytan misses his previous owners even though his previous life was not a good one, full of neglect and abuse.
Tytan is a 3-4 year old boy who has been sterilised, microchipped and vaccinated, he is the perfect family dog and desperately needs to find a new human or family to call his own, he needs to be wanted and can’t understand why he is now alone, if you can help Tytan please call me he really needs you.

Glenda 082 901 0763
[email protected]
(Gauteng and surrounding areas as we would need to do a home check)


Branson is looking for his forever home, Beautiful Branson has been surrendered to us because his owners can no longer support him, he is about 12/18 months and has been sterilised, microchipped and vaccinated and is really good with other dogs and humans of all ages.

Branson is a perfect family dog and would fit in anywhere and is longing to get out of our shelter and into a home of his own, he has no bad habits and is very obedient wanting to learn and to be loved, he is loyal and trustworthy and would bring joy and happiness to anybody who would help him by giving him a place to call “home”, if you can help this special boy please contact me🐶🙏.

Glenda 082 901 0763
[email protected]
(Gauteng and surrounding areas only, for home checks, please)


Finley🐾 is without a doubt the most loving and loyal dog, he just enjoys every minute of every day and can’t get enough of any affection that he may receive from the workers at our shelter, Finley has a simply wonderful character and appreciates everything that he receives with so much enthusiasm that it is a joy to be around him.

Finley is 3-4 years old and has been sterilised and microchipped and is good with humans of all ages and other dogs of all sizes and genders. Finley is the perfect family dog.
Finley wasn’t always the happy dog that he is today, he was one of the many dogs that are left behind when their owners relocate, left alone without food, water or shelter, tied to a chain behind a shack, unable to survive or fend for himself, wondering why this had happened to him, hungry, thirsty and confused, asking himself if they had forgotten him and unable to understand what he had done to have been left behind.

Finley has been at our shelter for a long time recovering from a broken heart, his soul was shattered and he needed time to forget the trauma of being rejected and unwanted, he has recovered now and needs to find somebody to love him and give him a place he can call “home”

If you can help Finley please contact me.🙏
Glenda 082 901 0763
[email protected]
(Gauteng and surrounding areas only, as we will be doing a home checks, please)


Mason didn’t look like this when we fetched him from behind the shack where he had been left when his owners relocated and didn’t know what to do with him.
Mason was left tied up with no shelter, a few pellets thrown around him and a water bowl that was empty, how long he had survived like this we have no idea but if we hadn’t arrived to fetch him when we did he would not have lived much longer as he was extremely dehydrated, virtually a bag of bones and could hardly stand when we arrived, even in this situation Mason welcomed us with a wagging tail and couldn’t stop licking us to show his gratitude.

Today Mason is a gorgeous boy who is happy to be alive, he is 2-3 years old, has been sterilized, microchipped and vaccinated and just can’t wait to get on with his life out of our shelter, he is a joy to be with and loves his canine and human friends of all ages.

Mason is simply a great dog that would fit into any family and make a perfect family dog or a loyal and loving companion to a single person, if you can help Mason please call me he will be so happy to meet you.

Glenda 082 901 0763
[email protected]
(Gauteng and surrounding areas only, as we will be doing home checks, please)


Roxy is an old lady, she didn’t bark so she wasn’t wanted any more, tied up with no escape, she spent her days on a chain often without food and water, with no shelter and ignored by her owners, simply there to bark and alert her owners to any criminal event that might occur.

Roxy is not old only 7/8 but too old for the township, she has been vaccinated, sterilized and microchipped and has earned her place in the sun, she is good with other dogs and people of all ages, if you can give Roxy a place to relax and enjoy her golden years she will amaze you with her love and loyalty, she fits in everywhere and loves everything and will make the most incredible companion or “family dog” if you can give Roxy a space in your heart and home please contact me.

Glenda 082 901 0763
[email protected]
(Gauteng only as we will be doing a home check)


Darcy hasn’t much going for him he isn’t cute or good looking, he looks ok now but he didn’t always look like this and has endured suffering and hardship throughout his entire young life.

Darcy wasn‘t wanted and was one of the thousands of unwanted puppies in the township, he was sold as a puppy to a boy for 50 cents who took him home, but the boy’s Mom didn’t want him so he lived outside sleeping on the doormat, fed sometimes but often not, this was his life as he grew he discovered he could find food on the rubbish dumps and this is where we found him dehydrated and malnourished seeking for food.

Darcy is 1/2 years old and has been sterilized, vaccinated and microchipped, he needs to find a safe home where he can be the dog he was meant to be, he is a nice dog just wanting to be friends with everyone both human and canine of all genders and all ages.

Darcy doesn’t stand much of a chance to be adopted but we are trying for his sake, if you can help a dog like Darcy please contact me
Glenda 082 901 0763
[email protected]
(Gauteng and surrounding areas only, as we will be doing home checks, please)


Reggie is a beautiful medium sized 2/3 years old boy, he has been vaccinated, sterilized and microchipped and can’t wait to get out of our shelter and start a new life with someone who will love him and take care of him.

We found Reggie lying on a rubbish dump in the township, at first we thought he was dead, the people of the area told us that he had been left behind when his owners relocated and belonged to nobody, so we carried him to our shelter where we cared for him.

Reggie was very sick with Billary caused by the ticks that covered his body, he was emaciated and weak with a high fever and we didn’t think that he would survive but with lots of TLC he has blossomed into the magnificent dog that he is today.

Reggie has forgiven his previous owners, whoever they were, for leaving him to fend for himself ,he loves everybody of all ages both human and canine, he is patient and loyal wanting to learn and to please and fits in every where, he has no bad habits or manners and just wants to be happy and to make others around him happy too, you can see in his eyes that he is a happy dog who makes life work for himself.

Reggie needs to get out of our shelter urgently as he has been there a long time recovering from the neglect he suffered, if you can help him Reggie will love you unconditionally.

Please contact me
Glenda 082 901 0763
Gauteng and surrounding areas only please as we will be doing a home check.


We must thank our regular supporter Karen who lives overseas, what would we do without your support and the two anonymous supporters that donate R212 and R500 a month and Ogy who has been adopted but never forgets his friends who are still waiting for their own homes at our shelter, without you all we couldn’t survive thank you.


Balloo is one of the nicest, kindest dogs we have at the shelter, how and why his previous owner mistreated him as he did we have no idea, perhaps because Balloo accepts whatever comes his way and if it’s punishment for something he didn’t do he accepts it and gets on with his life, he truly is the most adorable boy.

Balloo had a bad start to his life, he is 3/4 years old and hasn’t enjoyed much of it, being tied up behind a shack, constantly ignored and given food and water only when his owner remembered, wasn’t much fun, Balloo was surrendered to us when his owner died.

Balloo will fit in everywhere he is a true family dog and loves life and all it brings, he is good with humans and other dogs of all ages and genders and hasn’t got a bad bone in his body, Balloo simply loves life and is grateful for all it brings, he has been sterilized, vaccinated and microchipped and can’t wait to meet you, if there is someone out there that can adopt or foster Balloo Please contact us:

Glenda 082 901 0763
Email: [email protected]
(Gauteng and surrounding areas only, for home checks, please)


Please help us reach our goal of R8 000, for our summer fundraiser back-a-buddy initiative.

Your donations will go towards: Food Build a kennel initiative Vet expenses

Should you like donate towards this cause you can click on the link below.

We are a registered (PBO no 930079007)
All donations are eligible for a “section 18a” tax exemption form that enables you to claim back what you donate from the tax you pay at the end of each financial year.


🐶🐾Sally is still looking for her Forever home. 🏠

Please contact me if you can adopt or foster her.

Glenda 082 901 0763
Email: [email protected]

(Gauteng and areas bordering Gauteng, for home checks, please)

Sally came to us neglected and very sick, she is only 1- 2 years old and had a miserable life until we found her abandoned behind a shack, how long she had been left there we do not know but we were alerted about her by kind neighbors who saw her suffering and were concerned.

Sally has been vaccinated, sterilized and microchipped and can’t wait to get out of our shelter and start her life again, she has forgotten her previous owners and their cruelty and has got on with her life, she is friends with every one young and old, canine or human and is full of fun she fits in every where and is a joy to be with, her smile brightens the darkest day and her love and loyalty are priceless, if you can adopt or foster Sally please contact me:

Glenda 082 901 0763
[email protected]
(We will be doing home checks so only Gauteng and surrounding areas only)


🐶🐾 Roxy is still looking for her Forever home. 🏠

Please contact me if you can adopt or foster her.

Glenda 082 901 0763
Email: [email protected]

(Gauteng and areas bordering Gauteng, for home checks, please)

Roxy is an old lady, she didn’t bark so she wasn’t wanted any more, tied up with no escape, she spent her days on a chain often without food and water, with no shelter and ignored by her owners, simply there to bark and alert her owners to any criminal event that might occur.

Roxy is not old only 7/8 but too old for the township, she has been vaccinated, sterilized and microchipped and has earned her place in the sun, she is good with other dogs and people of all ages, if you can give Roxy a place to relax and enjoy her golden years she will amaze you with her love and loyalty, she fits in everywhere and loves everything and will make the most incredible companion or “family dog” if you can give Roxy a space in your heart and home please contact me.

Glenda 082 901 0763
[email protected]
(Gauteng only as we will be doing a home check)


🐶🐾 Mason is still looking for his Forever home. 🏠

Please contact me if you can adopt or foster him.

Glenda 082 901 0763
Email: [email protected]

(Gauteng and areas bordering Gauteng, for home checks, please)

Mason didn’t look like this when we fetched him from behind the shack where he had been left when his owners relocated and didn’t know what to do with him.
Mason was left tied up with no shelter, a few pellets thrown around him and a water bowl that was empty, how long he had survived like this we have no idea but if we hadn’t arrived to fetch him when we did he would not have lived much longer as he was extremely dehydrated, virtually a bag of bones and could hardly stand when we arrived, even in this situation Mason welcomed us with a wagging tail and couldn’t stop licking us to show his gratitude.

Today Mason is a gorgeous boy who is happy to be alive, he is 2-3 years old, has been sterilized, microchipped and vaccinated and just can’t wait to get on with his life out of our shelter, he is a joy to be with and loves his canine and human friends of all ages.

Mason is simply a great dog that would fit into any family and make a perfect family dog or a loyal and loving companion to a single person, if you can help Mason please call me he will be so happy to meet you.

Glenda 082 901 0763
[email protected]
(Gauteng and surrounding areas only, as we will be doing home checks, please)


🐶🐾Reggie is still looking for his Forever home. 🏠

Please contact me if you can adopt or foster him.

Glenda 082 901 0763
Email: [email protected]

(Gauteng and areas bordering Gauteng, for home checks, please)

Reggie is a beautiful medium sized 2/3 years old boy, he has been vaccinated, sterilized and microchipped and can’t wait to get out of our shelter and start a new life with someone who will love him and take care of him.

We found Reggie lying on a rubbish dump in the township, at first we thought he was dead, the people of the area told us that he had been left behind when his owners relocated and belonged to nobody, so we carried him to our shelter where we cared for him.

Reggie was very sick with Billary caused by the ticks that covered his body, he was emaciated and weak with a high fever and we didn’t think that he would survive but with lots of TLC he has blossomed into the magnificent dog that he is today.

Reggie has forgiven his previous owners, whoever they were, for leaving him to fend for himself ,he loves everybody of all ages both human and canine, he is patient and loyal wanting to learn and to please and fits in every where, he has no bad habits or manners and just wants to be happy and to make others around him happy too, you can see in his eyes that he is a happy dog who makes life work for himself.

Reggie needs to get out of our shelter urgently as he has been there a long time recovering from the neglect he suffered, if you can help him Reggie will love you unconditionally.

Please contact me
Glenda 082 901 0763
Gauteng and surrounding areas only please as we will be doing a home check.


🐶🐾Tori is still looking for her Forever home. 🏠

Please contact me if you can adopt or foster her.

Glenda 082 901 0763
Email: [email protected]

(Gauteng and areas bordering Gauteng, for home checks, please)

Tori was left for dead by the side of the road, how she got there nobody knows but somebody found her and asked us to help her and we rushed to find little Tori who was a bag of bones, infested with ticks and fleas and had a huge wound on her back leg that was being slowly and painfully eaten away by maggots, Tori was so close to death that we were sure that she would die during the night but in the morning we were delighted to see little Tori was a fighter and had survived with a lot of TLC and help from our camp managers amazing knowledge and experience little Torie is alive today and is ready to find someone who will help her gain confidence and give her a nice warm bed to sleep in and to give her a home of her own.

Tori is a 12-18 month old young dog, she has been sterilised, vaccinated and microchipped, she is a shy little girl but loves her canine and human friends once she has got to know them, she is totally heathy and bears no scars or grudges she has simply forgotten her past life and is looking forward to starting a new one with people who will love and care for her.
If you can help Tori with a loving home please contact me 🙏

Glenda 082 901 0763
[email protected]
(Gauteng and surrounding areas only, for home checks, please)


🐶🐾Darcy is still looking for his Forever home. 🏠

Please contact me if you can adopt or foster him.

Glenda 082 901 0763
Email: [email protected]

(Gauteng and areas bordering Gauteng, for home checks, please)

Darcy hasn’t much going for him he isn’t cute or good looking, he looks ok now but he didn’t always look like this and has endured suffering and hardship throughout his entire young life.

Darcy wasn‘t wanted and was one of the thousands of unwanted puppies in the township, he was sold as a puppy to a boy for 50 cents who took him home, but the boy’s Mom didn’t want him so he lived outside sleeping on the doormat, fed sometimes but often not, this was his life as he grew he discovered he could find food on the rubbish dumps and this is where we found him dehydrated and malnourished seeking for food.

Darcy is 1/2 years old and has been sterilized, vaccinated and microchipped, he needs to find a safe home where he can be the dog he was meant to be, he is a nice dog just wanting to be friends with everyone both human and canine of all genders and all ages.

Darcy doesn’t stand much of a chance to be adopted but we are trying for his sake, if you can help a dog like Darcy please contact me
Glenda 082 901 0763
[email protected]
(Gauteng and surrounding areas only, as we will be doing home checks, please)


Please come out today to support Happy Yappers Animal Sanctuary NPO 119-872 adoption day they will be at happy Yappers hub.
(corner of 4th and 7th Ave, Parktown north) Today 11:00am till 15:00 pm.




🐶🐾Pretty is still looking for her Forever home. 🏠

Please contact me if you can adopt or foster her.

Glenda 082 901
Email: [email protected]

(Gauteng and areas bordering Gauteng, for home checks, please)

Pretty was starving when she wandered into the yard of a kind lady living in Orange Farm, her paw had been crushed, possibly by a car and she was in severe pain and in desperate need of medical attention.
We rushed to help her but sadly discovered that there was little that could be done for Pretty's paw other than to amputate it which, we decided, was not an option so Pretty was given an anti inflamatory which helped her considerably and she has recovered remarkably although she will need to take the anti inflamatory on a permanent basis.

Pretty has been at our shelter recovering for several months and needs to find a home as soon as possible, she is loving and gentle and gets on well with other dogs and humans of all ages, she simply adores attention and affection and is loyal and trustworthy.

Pretty really is a very special little girl, she is 2/3 years old and deserves a better life than the one she had previously, she obviously wasn’t wanted or maybe she never had a home and survived by begging for food and water which is very hard for a unwanted dog in the township as the conditions are very hard as people there don’t have enough money to feed an extra dog.

Prettys past life is a mystery but she managed to survive it and now needs a second chance, if you can help Pretty either to adopt or foster her please contact me:

Glenda 082 901 0763
[email protected]

(Gauteng and surrounding areas only, as we will be doing a home checks, please)


🐶🐾 Finley is still looking for his Forever home. 🏠

Please contact me if you can adopt or foster him.

Glenda 082 901 0763
Email: [email protected]

(Gauteng and areas bordering Gauteng, for home checks, please)

Finley🐾 is without a doubt the most loving and loyal dog, he just enjoys every minute of every day and can’t get enough of any affection that he may receive from the workers at our shelter, Finley has a simply wonderful character and appreciates everything that he receives with so much enthusiasm that it is a joy to be around him.

Finley is 3-4 years old and has been sterilised and microchipped and is good with humans of all ages and other dogs of all sizes and genders. Finley is the perfect family dog.
Finley wasn’t always the happy dog that he is today, he was one of the many dogs that are left behind when their owners relocate, left alone without food, water or shelter, tied to a chain behind a shack, unable to survive or fend for himself, wondering why this had happened to him, hungry, thirsty and confused, asking himself if they had forgotten him and unable to understand what he had done to have been left behind.

Finley has been at our shelter for a long time recovering from a broken heart, his soul was shattered and he needed time to forget the trauma of being rejected and unwanted, he has recovered now and needs to find somebody to love him and give him a place he can call “home”

If you can help Finley please contact me.🙏
Glenda 082 901 0763
[email protected]
(Gauteng and surrounding areas only, as we will be doing a home checks, please)


Please come out and support Happy Yappers Animal Sanctuary NPO 119-872 adoption day they will be at happy Yappers hub.
(corner of 4th and 7th Ave, Parktown north) Saturday from 11:00am till 15:00 pm.


🐶🐾Balloo is still looking for his Forever home. 🏠

Please contact me if you can adopt or foster him.

Glenda 082 901 0763
Email: [email protected]

(Gauteng and areas bordering Gauteng, for home checks, please)

Balloo is one of the nicest, kindest dogs we have at the shelter, how and why his previous owner mistreated him as he did we have no idea, perhaps because Balloo accepts whatever comes his way and if it’s punishment for something he didn’t do he accepts it and gets on with his life, he truly is the most adorable boy.

Balloo had a bad start to his life, he is 3/4 years old and hasn’t enjoyed much of it, being tied up behind a shack, constantly ignored and given food and water only when his owner remembered, wasn’t much fun, Balloo was surrendered to us when his owner died.

Balloo will fit in everywhere he is a true family dog and loves life and all it brings, he is good with humans and other dogs of all ages and genders and hasn’t got a bad bone in his body, Balloo simply loves life and is grateful for all it brings, he has been sterilized, vaccinated and microchipped and can’t wait to meet you, if there is someone out there that can adopt or foster Balloo Please contact us:

Glenda 082 901 0763
Email: [email protected]
(Gauteng and surrounding areas only, for home checks, please)

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Do you remember little Izzy who was run over by a car and left without help by her owners for several days, her leg was ...
Do you remember little Izzy who was run over by a car and left without help by her owners for several days, her leg was ...
All our rescues that are still waiting for homes if you are able to adopt or foster any of our dogs, please contact us:G...
All our rescues that are still waiting for homes if you are able to adopt or foster any of our dogs, please contact us:G...
All our rescues that are still waiting for homes if you are able to adopt or foster any of our dogs, please contact us:G...
We deliver kennels to township dogs that have no protection and shelter from the icy weather that we are experiencing no...
We deliver kennels to township dogs that have no protection and shelter from the icy weather that we are experiencing no...
The vaccination of township dogs especially puppies that require three vaccinations a month apart to stop them from catc...
Video of food delivered last Monday.We really need help to keep this initiative alive, all donations towards food are ta...
On Monday we had an urgent call from a lady living in Walkersville asking us to help a young mother dog that she had see...
We are happy to announce that because of all the kind donations we receive, we are able to distribute on an average 1200...
Mason is still looking for a home🏠. If you are able to help, please contact me. 🙏Mason didn’t look like this when we fet...




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