
Services offered:
Graphic Design and Art Direction
Retreats to Swim with Wild Dolphins
Positive Dog Training
Tellington TTouch

About Michelle

Hi, thank you for visiting my page. As you’ll see I have a variety of professions, all of which I enjoy and because I freelance, I am able to have a varied day, everyday! I hope you find this page informative and I look forward to hearing from you regarding your requirements. Here is a little bit about me…

I have been following a spiritual path of learning and growth for most of m


Truessence Wednesday Wisdom: Health Hints!

Why do we meditate?

The popularity of meditation is increasing as more people discover its many health benefits.

You can use it to increase awareness of yourself and your surroundings. Many people use it as a way to reduce stress, blood pressure and anxiety plus to develop increased concentration and creativity.

People also use the practice to develop other beneficial habits and feelings, such as a positive mood and outlook, self-discipline, healthier sleep patterns, and even increased pain tolerance. Italian also gives pur busy brains a moment to pause, reflect and relax!

There are many different forms of meditation, most of which don’t require specialized equipment or space. You can practice for just a few minutes daily to help yourself anytime and anywhere.

Do you meditate and why?
Therapeutic Reflexology (Dip.R)
Auricular and Dien Chan Reflexology Practitioner
Art Direction, Graphic Design
Guild Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner Level 2
Animal Communication and Dog Training
Holistic Wild Dolphin Swim Retreats


Truessence Wednesday Wisdom: Tellington TTouch Tips!

In TTouch we use the concept of “Chunking Things Down”. What does this mean?

Simply put it means breaking new experiences into small bite sized “chunks”, to make it easier for an animal to accept and be able to learn new things.

When we are given a massive 300 page manual to setup an appliance for example, we can often feel so overwhelmed the item stays in the box for a long time, until we feel we have the capacity.

Dogs and cats feel the same about learning new things. I recently got a new kitten and have been teaching her about life here. We’re doing daily short interactions with my other animals, the staff and each room. She’s becoming more comfortable with being brushed, having syringes deliver water into her mouth as “medicine” so she learns about that and all about play, hands, feet and what is allowed and what is a no no! We’ve introduced noise, vacums and doorbells, plus she is meeting new people almost daily.

It’s really so special to have this knowledge and to be able to “chunk down” life skills training for a tiny kitten to ensure she grows into a confident and happy adult cat. So grateful for TTouch! 🙏💛

So if you want to learn something new, go for it and “Chunk It” down.
Therapeutic Reflexology (Dip.R)
Auricular and Dien Chan Reflexology Practitioner
Art Direction, Graphic Design
Guild Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner Level 2
Animal Communication and Dog Training
Holistic Wild Dolphin Swim Retreats

Photos from Moçambique Bio's post 16/07/2024

We will have to fight again! 🐬


Truessence Wednesday Wisdom: Feet Facts! 🦶

Why do some people get foot cramps?

Muscle cramps are usually harmless, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t painful. If you’ve had one, you know that sharp, tightening pain is awful. A cramp happens when a muscle suddenly contracts and won’t relax. It can affect any muscle and toes are no exception.

Most people are able to successfully treat foot cramps with the at-home remedies listed below. However, if you find that your cramps aren’t going away or get worse, please consult your healthcare professional.

Regular stretching and strengthening exercises will help you avoid cramps.

Heat can help relax tight muscles.

Sweating makes your body release salt and minerals, particularly calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Discuss electrolytes with your healthcare professional.

The type of shoe you wear can also cause cramps. Spending the whole day in high heels can increase your risk of cramps. High-heeled shoes squish toes and put pressure on the ball of your foot.

Dehydration and overexertion are common causes of cramps during exercise, which can lead to muscle cramps.

As people get older, they lose muscle mass. The remaining muscle has to work harder. Starting in your early 40s, if you’re not regularly active, muscles can get fatigued easily, leading to cramps.

Medical conditions
Muscle cramps can be more common in people with medical conditions such as diabetes, liver disease, kidney problems and peripheral neuropathy.

Certain medications contribute to muscle cramps.

Mineral deficiency
Having too little sodium, potassium, calcium, or magnesium in your body might be the source of your cramps.
Chatting to your trusted medical professional is the best way to find solutions to your cramps.
Therapeutic Reflexology (Dip.R)
Auricular and Dien Chan Reflexology Practitioner
Art Direction, Graphic Design
Guild Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner Level 2
Animal Communication and Dog Training
Holistic Wild Dolphin Swim Retreats


Truessence Wednesday Wisdom: Spiritual Spot!

What does it mean to be a Kahu?

This resonated so deeply with me as we recently got a new little kitten. The most precious little soul and we are honoured to be her Kahu!

When you think about what is most precious to us, our pets often come to mind. They are our beloved companions, loyal friends, and unconditional support.

The Hawaiian term Kahu describes the practice of safekeeping something that is treasured and near and dear to one’s heart. This person acts on behalf of their pet taking care of all aspects, from health to psychological well-being.

As a Kahu, it’s not just about tending to another living being, it’s about protecting and preserving what holds an irreplaceable place in our lives. In many ways, it’s a way of caring for our souls. This is why Kahu is so powerful! It’s not just about what we see but what lies within our hearts and minds and connects us to the people and animals we love most. ❤️
Therapeutic Reflexology (Dip.R)
Auricular and Dien Chan Reflexology Practitioner
Art Direction, Graphic Design
Guild Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner Level 2
Animal Communication and Dog Training
Holistic Wild Dolphin Swim Retreats

Photos from Truessence's post 26/06/2024

Truessence Wednesday Wisdom: Environmental Focus 🐟

The sardine run is an epic annual event. We are so incredibly blessed to have such abundant sea life on our doorsteps.

Some fun facts:
What is the sardine run? A phenomenon where millions of sardines migrate north in giant shoals.

When is the sardine run? Once a year, May-July.

Where is the sardine run in South Africa? Off the coasts of Eastern Cape and Kwazulu Natal.

Why does the sardine run happen? Reproduction or changes in ocean temperatures might cause this incredible migration.

What Are Sardines?
Sardines are herring fish. The South African Sardine, a small silver fish around 25cm long is the star of the show. After spawning off Africa’s southernmost tip, the sardines follow cooler currents upwards along the eastern coast. The result is a mass movement so impressive it rivals the great wildebeest migration in Northern Africa.

These massive shoals of African sardines can reach up to 15km long, 4km wide, and 40m deep. It’s a migration so big you can see the sardine run from space! When millions of sardines gather together, predators obviously follow.

Pods of common dolphins take the lead, skilled at rounding up the sardine bait balls. Then come the sharks - bronze whaler, dusky, grey nurse, blacktip, spinner, and Zambezi. Then large game fish, like mackerel and tuna, come into the frey, followed by the Cape fur seals and sea birds, such as Cape gannets and penguins.

Finally, the magnificent whales, Humpback whales, minke whales, and Bryde’s whales can’t resist this magnificent feast of silvery snacks!

Neither can humans, hundreds of people line our shores with nets catching sardines for the supper table. Sardines are highly nutritious.

To keep this phenomena running, please do what you can to educate people about the importance of our oceans. Let’s all do our part to save our seas!
Therapeutic Reflexology (Dip.R)
Auricular and Dien Chan Reflexology Practitioner
Art Direction, Graphic Design
Guild Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner Level 2
Animal Communication and Dog Training
Holistic Wild Dolphin Swim Retreats

Photos from Truessence's post 19/06/2024

Truessence Wednesday Wisdom: TTouch Focus

Eddie-Jane Eaton was an incredible Tellington TTouch® instructor who came up with the brilliant concept of “Candles” to indicate how stress and increasing stress exponentially impacts our animal friends and ourselves.

Have you heard about trigger stacking? Short-lived and individual experiences (good or bad), happen one after the other, in quick succession, without time for the dog to calm down in between. The best analogy for this is thinking of lighting a candle per experience, the more candles that get lit the more heat is generated, resulting in more stress. Combined experiences can push the dog over their coping threshold which means they could react in an uncontrolled or aggressive manner.

If you have an anxious dog, imagine how they cope in the world around them. What happens to get them to that place where they no longer feel safe and react badly?

How do we help our anxious dogs cope in these situations? The idea is to ‘blow’ out those candles that affect your dog, one by one, to reduce the stimulation and allow the dog to calm down or not achieve that ‘high burning level’ in the first place.

The secret…observations! Know your dog, yourself and manage the environment to the best of your ability to keep the amount of lit candles to the absolute minimum. If you need assistance with this, please contact a Tellington TTouch practitioner near you.
Therapeutic Reflexology (Dip.R)
Auricular and Dien Chan Reflexology Practitioner
Art Direction, Graphic Design
Guild Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner Level 2
Animal Communication and Dog Training
Holistic Wild Dolphin Swim Retreats

Photos from Truessence's post 07/06/2024

I would like to send a shocking review for UBuy South Africa. BIG BLACK EYE!

Before April 2024 I have been a happy and returning customer.
After my latest debacle with them, I will NEVER EVER use Ubuy again.

The service has been non-existent, the delays beyond frustrating and the promises unkept. Essentially they are liars and thieves!

On 4 April 2024, I ordered 3 items from Ubuy. The website was slow and it declined my credit card, so I paid through Paypal. Ten minutes later my credit card was debited. So I paid twice. I immediately contacted them and received an email saying that they will cancel the one order and refund me. They never did that. (see pic)

Weeks later I received my first order and a few days later, the duplicate order with one item missing. It has been trapped in Customs and won’t be released without further payment. I contacted them again and they referred me to DHL. DHL to their credit tried to deal with Ubuy on my behalf and got nowhere. The poor service agent told me she was going to have a nervous breakdown because they just stall and act dumb.

For a month they buggered me around, up and down, refusing to understand what the issue was, playing the “dumb” card magnificently. 10 gold stars for an Oscar worthy performance Herry from Ubuy. I phoned and phoned, requested call backs and sent emails. No one understood. They of course were just stringing me along. After two months of continuous nagging by me (because I have nothing else to do) I was assured I would get a pick up and refund of the two items I still have. (see pic)

Then…7 days later, no, a change of heart. The seller’s window has been cancelled. Which means no more returns or refunds will be given and now we are back to automated responses and being dumb!

Please do not use Ubuy, they are an abysmal, shocking and awful company! They do not deliver on their promises especially when things go wrong. For a large international company this is unacceptable!

Tell everyone and feel free to share this post!

Stop Deep Sea Mining 07/06/2024

Stop Deep Sea Mining Stop deep sea mining before it starts!

Stop Deep Sea Mining 07/06/2024

Sign and share!

Stop Deep Sea Mining Stop deep sea mining before it starts!


Truessence Wednesday Wisdom: 🐬

When I was around 5 years old I saw dolphins frolicking in the waves in Umhlanga for the first time. I was entranced and wanted to be a dolphin when I grew up. I still do! 😉 I have always loved dolphins, they are definitely my spirit or totem animal.

When dolphin shows up as your spirit animal you can expect play, curiosity and flexibility to be a part of your life lessons.

Protector of the oceans and friend to mankind, the incredible dolphin has a big heart and unique beauty. Their empathy is second to none, accepting us in their world and in their natural environment with such grace and compassion.

They have excellent communication skills. With this spirit guide in your life, you'll benefit from its gentleness, sociability and friendliness. Your desire to help others will be greater than ever, and your friends and family will know they can count on you.

The Dolphin totem gives you a new lease on life. Joie de vivre, freedom, humor and cunning, generosity and tranquility are all aspects that the dolphin spirit animal brings. Its joyful energy, generous heart and gentleness will guide you every day.

Which animal do you identify with?
Therapeutic Reflexology (Dip.R)
Auricular and Dien Chan Reflexology Practitioner
Art Direction, Graphic Design
Guild Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner Level 2
Animal Communication and Dog Training
Holistic Wild Dolphin Swim Retreats


Truessence Wednesday Environmental Wisdom: 🌳

Since the start of human civilization, we’ve lost around 46% of our trees globally. In 2022 alone, we lost 22.8 million hectares of tree cover to deforestation, logging and fires — equivalent to a soccer field of trees every six seconds. Climate change doesn’t help matters either. New research suggests that deforestation, alongside rising temperatures, is transforming what’s left of our forests, keeping trees smaller and younger.

To ensure a safe, healthy future, we must restore these forest habitats. Here are five reasons we need trees.

1. Trees purify our air and combat climate change
Forests are carbon sinks that help slow climate change by removing carbon from the atmosphere and storing it in tree trunks and soil.

2. Trees provide housing to millions of species that protect us from disease
50% of all plants and animals on Earth live in rainforests. A quarter of our medicine comes from plants found in the rainforest, and if you add the species in coral reefs, these make up 40-50% of our pharmaceuticals.

3. Trees cool our streets and cities
2023 was the hottest year on record. 2024 looks set to be even hotter! Trees cool the Earth by blocking sunlight and providing shade — air temperatures under trees can be 25 degrees cooler than the surrounding air.

4. Trees protect against floods and water pollution
Mature trees protect communities against flash floods and landslides by stabilizing soil and absorbing water.

5. Trees ease the mind during stressful times
If we continue to destroy the environment, we’ll be living in very stressful conditions: droughts, massive storms, pandemics, floods. But trees have a double effect on society: fighting climate change while relieving human stress.

"The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit."
― Nelson Henderson

Please plant some trees and look after the ones we already have! Our great mother planet needs our help! 🌳🏝️🌳🏝️
Therapeutic Reflexology (Dip.R)
Auricular and Dien Chan Reflexology Practitioner
Art Direction, Graphic Design
Guild Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner Level 2
Animal Communication and Dog Training
Holistic Wild Dolphin Swim Retreats


Truessence Wednesday Health Wisdom: 🧘‍♀️

We’ve all heard the buzz words right? “Self care!” What does that mean exactly? To me it means rituals that revolve around doing those things that make me feel grounded, happy, healthy and fulfilled.

I exercise daily, some days it’s a hectic workout, other times a gentle stretch out. I meditate almost everyday. If I have to be at my boxing class at 7am, I will get up 15 mins earlier than needed to ensure I get in my meditation. I plan my daily meals the night before, so everything is ready to go, no mindless snacking that could lead to me feeling sluggish during the day. I always take a filled water bottle to my office or appointments so I have a fresh water source available always. I book in a rest day here and there so that I have a few hours now and again to read, watch a movie, sit in the sunshine, garden. Whatever I feel like. Most importantly I schedule in my reflexology sessions. This is my time to rest, boost and recharge.

These are simple rituals that lead to bigger health and energy gains as we get older. What are yours? If you don’t have any, start small and build some healthy physical, mental, spiritual and emotional rituals to keep you vibrant and grounded. 😊
Therapeutic Reflexology (Dip.R)
Auricular and Dien Chan Reflexology Practitioner
Art Direction, Graphic Design
Guild Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner Level 2
Animal Communication and Dog Training
Holistic Dolphin Swim Retreats


Happy May! 🌸 Wishing you an amazing month filled with good health, sunshine, laughter, and endless possibilities. 🌷


It’s World Earth Day! 🌎

This annual event falls on April 22. The theme for World Earth Day 2024 is Planet vs Plastics. The theme aims to bring attention to the serious issue of plastic pollution and how it harms nature.

What are you doing to reduce your single use plastic pollution? We all need to make a difference! There is no Planet B! 🌎


Truessence Environmental Wednesday Wisdom: 🦈

We’re all a little scared of them, but the truth is that we need them more than we know!

Sharks are magnificent predators representing an evolutionary super success story. They've swum in the oceans for more than 400 million years, diversifying over time to inhabit rivers and lakes as well.

But what will the oceans look like if all of the sharks disappear?

Sharks make their homes in ecosystems around the world, including shallow mangrove habitats, tropical coral reefs, Arctic waters and the vastness of the open ocean. Sharks are apex predators and therefore, are vitally important to the health of oceans.

Sharks play a crucial role in regulating oxygen production in the ocean, by feeding on fish that eat oxygen-generating plankton. If the sharks disappear, the little fish population would explode, because nothing’s eating them. Then, quite quickly, their food like plankton, microorganisms, little shrimps, all get eaten, so all the fish ultimately starve. When that happens, algae and bacteria move into the reef, covering the coral so that it can't photosynthesize. The coral will die and animals like starfishes and sea urchins take over, these are grazers. So instead of a variety of different species on the reef including sharks, bony fishes, invertebrates and mollusks, you end up with a reef with only 3-5 species on it. Biodiversity is gone, the reef dies soon after.

Because sharks have few babies and are slow to mature, their numbers aren't replenishing quickly enough to keep up with losses from commercial over fishing, fin harvesting for fin soup which kills the sharks and other human activities.

Our sharks may be running out of time and if they were to disappear, the repercussions on ocean food chains would ultimately affect humans. Fisheries could collapse and popular destinations which rely on sharks and vibrant reef systems to attract tourists will come to an end.

It's important to understand that as much as our oceans need sharks, so do we!
Therapeutic Reflexology (Dip.R)
Auricular and Dien Chan Reflexology Practitioner
Art Direction, Graphic Design
Guild Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner Level 2
Animal Communication and Dog Training
Holistic Dolphin Swim Retreats


Truessence Healing Wednesday Wisdom: 🙌

I have been a practicing Reflexologist for 24 years and absolutely love this profession! I get to help people in the simplest and most natural way to heal, re-balance and improve their health by opening up the meridians or energy pathways to eliminate blockages and congested energy and bring the bodily systems back into balance.

Sometimes a patient will ask how many sessions they need. This is a “depends” answer which I will try to eloborate on here.

Once off reflexology treatments can be helpful for general relaxation and stress reduction. If you have an exam or a job interview or wedding coming up that you feel nervous about, a treatment a day or two before the event can help you to feel calm and clear headed on the day.

If someone has a specific health condition or problem that has been present or developing over time, it is not realistic to expect that one reflexology treatment will solve the problem. Most people start to notice improvements of their symptoms after 3-6 treatments, but again, it depends.

After having a course of treatments and once feeling better, many patients find it helpful to continue with maintenance treatments on a regular but less frequent basis. They often have one treatment every 4-6 weeks in order to maintain a state of good health, well-being and pain reduction. Extra treatments might be needed as and when, but it all depends on the patient and their needs. 😊
Therapeutic Reflexology (Dip.R)
Auricular and Dien Chan Reflexology Practitioner
Art Direction, Graphic Design
Guild Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner Level 2
Animal Communication and Dog Training
Holistic Dolphin Swim Retreats


Truessence TTouch Wednesday Wisdom:

Separation Anxiety in dogs is really common and one of the problems I often get called in to assist with using TTouch methods.

We’ve all seen those videos of destroyed couches, beds and scratched doorframes and toilet paper everwhere. While these videos are hilarious, there is a darker side to them. Your dog might really be struggling with being alone and could get quite ill or hurt themselves badly if you do nothing.

The most common signs of separation-related behaviours in dogs are:

* Destructive behaviour including chewing and destroying furniture, often near exits, doors or windows.
* Howling, barking and whining.
* Weeing or pooing everywhere.
* Excessive excitement upon your return.
* Signs of anxiety before you leave, whining, panting, hiding etc.

Other less common (and easy to miss) signs include:

* Trembling or panting.
* Excessive salivation.
* Self-injury - excessive paw licking or tail biting.
* Repetitive behaviours (circling, pacing or barking)
* Vomiting
* Not eating (meals, treats or engaging with food toys) when you're out.

Getting your new pup fully comfortable with being left alone and learning that you do come back is first prize. But, if you’ve got an older doggie that is struggling, definitely get in a TTouch practitioner or a dog behaviorist to assist you.
Therapeutic Reflexology (Dip.R)
Art Direction, Graphic Design
Guild Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner Level 2
Animal Communication and Dog Training
Holistic Dolphin Swim Retreats


Truessence Wednesday Wisdom:

March has been one tough month. Not a single person I know of or have spoken too is having a great time. I try remind myself and others that no matter how hard the going gets, we are harder, tougher and stronger. So whatever has been thrown at you lately, just know you have what it takes to get through this. Remember to reach out if you need help, a hand, support or a shoulder to cry on. We can all do tough things, we just need to remember that we don’t need to do them alone. Support is there, all we have to do is ask. Hold strong! 💪
Therapeutic Reflexology (Dip.R)
Art Direction, Graphic Design
Guild Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner Level 2
Animal Communication and Dog Training
Holistic Dolphin Swim Retreats

Have a say on the Mega Landscapes Wildlife Plan 23/03/2024

The greedy ANC government are at it again. 😠 Please voice your opinion. This would be terrible for our country.


The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) has released a 48-page plan (the Draft National Biodiversity Economy Strategy) to create integrated “mega landscapes” on land and sea encompassing extensive areas where hunting, bioprospecting and tourism would monetise wild animals and plants for “consumptive use”.

The proposal is to grow areas under conservation — called mega living conservation landscapes — from 20 million hectares to 34 million hectares by 2040, an area equal to seven Kruger National Parks.

What happens within the new areas, however, would be nothing like Kruger’s wilderness but would involve “biodiversity business”.

The strategy envisages;
• an increase in the number of Big Five animals available for fair-chase trophy hunting,
• an expansion of recreational and traditional hunting,
• wild meat harvesting and fishing, and
• the increased use of indigenous plants, and of insects for food.

“Consumptive use” of wild animals within these landscapes is predicted by the plan to increase from R4.6-billion to R27.6-billion by 2036, bioprospecting and plant trade from R1.85-billion to R11.6-billion and marine and freshwater exploitation to rise by 10% a year. This represents a massive monetisation of South Africa’s wild ecosystems.

⭕️YES or NO – do you support this Wildlife Plan?
— have your say at the link (closes 12 April)

Have a say on the Mega Landscapes Wildlife Plan Government's plan to make South Africa the world’s top destination for trophy hunters at a time when that practice is coming under increasing disapproval internationally.


Truessence Wednesday Wisdom:

Did you know March is Seagrass Awareness Month? 💚

Seagrass is made up of about 60 different flowering species of plants that live in the marine ecosystem. Seagrass is found in salty bays, estuaries and lagoons and has a huge role to play in combating climate change.

Seagrass uses photosynthesis to capture carbon dioxide and release oxygen 35 times more effectively than rainforests. This makes them essential to the health of our planet and our survival!

Seagrass also provides protection and shelter for various fish and shellfish species. It prevents ocean floor erosion as tides and currents move sand and debris around. Seagrass is also the number one food source for sea turtles and dugongs, making it essential for the lives of these endangered marine mammals.

Celebrate March by doing everything you can to protect our oceans and the vital seagrass we need for the survival of all our species.
Therapeutic Reflexology (Dip.R), Art Direction, Graphic Design, Guild Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner Level 2, Animal Communication and Dog Training
Holistic Dolphin Swim Retreats


Truessence Wednesday Wisdom: 💞

The Tellington TTouch Heart Hugs are something you can do for yourself anytime, anywhere – a gift of peace you can give to yourself over and over again.

Heart Hugs were created by Linda Tellington Jones and are part of Tellington TTouch for people and animals.

Watch this video with amazing Linda herself, as she explains the steps to doing the Heart Hug. Enjoy!

Notice how you feel before and after doing a few Heart Hugs. They are really magical touches which can rebalance, restore and help you get out of fear, panic and stress in an instant. I absolutely love them!

To enhance your Heart Hugs you can do the following:

* Add some essential oils to your hands to bring some peaceful aromatherapy into your practice.
* Send Prayers for forgiveness, humility or courage.
* Send gratitude for your blessings.
* Use at the beginning and end of your meditations.
* Take a walk through a labyrinth and use heart hugs as you enter to help set your intention before you begin your labyrinth walking meditation.

What are the Cautions and Side Effects of Heart Hugs?

* Feel Better!
* Reduce Stress!
* Enhance Focus!
* Feeling less grumpy!
* Empower yourself!

Do them as often as you need! You cannot overdose on Heart Hugs! 💛 Do them and teach others!
Therapeutic Reflexology (Dip.R), Art Direction, Graphic Design, Guild Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner Level 2, Animal Communication and Dog Training


Truessence Wednesday Wisdom:

How much trouble are our oceans in?

It’s estimated that 5 trillion pieces of plastic waste is polluting our oceans. Approximately 269,000 tons float, 4 billion microfibers per km² dwell below the surface. 70% of the debris sinks into the ocean's ecosystem, about 15% floats which leaves 15% to land on our beaches.

I would say this is big trouble.

The world's oceans cover most of Earth's surface and represent about 95% of the planet's biosphere. Our oceans contribute to the regulation of our climate by absorbing over a quarter of human-caused carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and around 90% of excess heat. They are a carbon sink! Without our oceans we don’t have a liveable planet.

To get involved please recycle plastic waste, re-use it in other creative ways and reduce single use plastics. Dispose of plastic responsibly and teach the next generation to do the same.

Get involved with beach clean ups and donate to causes that are doing good things to clean and protect our planet’s most precious resource, so we can all enjoy many more wonderful beach holidays for decades to come. We only get one planet, we need to look after it!
Therapeutic Reflexology (Dip.R), Art Direction, Graphic Design, Guild Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner Level 2, Animal Communication and Dog Training

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A little immune booster! In ancient times people couldn’t always get to healers, so they had to learn to heal themselves...
Tellington TTouch HeartHugGive this technique a try to help you to relax, feel better, less anxious and stressed. It was...
LUNG MERIDIAN L1 STIMULATION POINTHere is a quick little technique you can use to stimulate the L1 lung meridians point ...
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It’s Bless Water Day! Lets be more observant of water, how we use it, how we waste it, how to save it from pollution. Le...




Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00

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About me My name is Doctor BASHIRI I am a professional Spiritual Healer, I can help you with any problem or wish that you might have. I have more than 25 years experience in the ...

Low Carb Healthy Living Market Low Carb Healthy Living Market

Chambe's Divine Living Lifestyle Chambe's Divine Living Lifestyle
The Markade Building , 5th Floor Unit 525S, 82 Helen Joseph Street
Johannesburg, 2000

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