Ekujuleni kwayo

This page is the speaker of my heart


ngingalufanisa namanzi
lubanzi lujulile
liyahlanza libalulekil
akuphileki ngaphandle kwalo
lingubungozi kodwa linamandla
liyakuphakamisa likuphathe kahle likunethezekise phezulu libuye likududule likunqobe likulaphele kude
linamandla liyanqoba liyaqhotha lingaqhotha nanoma yini

uthando mina ngilifanisa ngamanzi



ukube ithemba labekwa kumntu ay etsheni
ukube sisebancane safundiswa ukuthembeka kulaba esiphila nabo
ukube ithemba labekwa kumntu mhlambi ukukhaphelana ngabe akubangakhona
ukube wathi ngikuthembile ungangiphoxi engizokwenza ngangizovikela ithemba lakho ngangizoqinisekisa ukuthi angikuphoxi
ukube ithemba labekwa kumntu kwathiwa wena oweslisa lowesfazane mvikele kokungamlimaza wena ungamlimazi umvikele

ukube ithemba labekwa kumntu
basifundisa ngokubaluleka kwakho
ngabe kwakukhaphela umuntu siyakwesaba


the power I feel over power the power I have
the I words I have I not enough to say how I feel
I distance between as can never break the connection of my heart to yours
the feeling of being desperate showing that I have a little hope and that I'm ready anything without worrying about danger to myself or other
i deliver I meet you for a reason
I that reason was not to meet you love you and give up on you
that reason was not to let's go off you
I can never let go well you are still around me
I still have memories which will always make me full of affection to you zaMncwa ❤️🔥I miss you and I love you

bathi I post iyamthola umnikazi cela ningifuniseni yena


yazi Namuhla besisemthandazweni eskoleni omunye wabafundi waqala umhlabeleli kwathi emva kwakhe kwakhuluma omunye uthisha Izonto azishilo zingihlabe umxwele wabe esethi asikhuleke sikhulekele
nedimano lomjolo bachwaza abafundi besho uAman wokubuqa
wayiqaphela leyonto uthisha wathi angidlali bantabam
ngiyalilaya idimini lomjolo

wakhuleke waqeda wabese eyasikhulula

siphume sonke ngokulandelana esixukwini nje ngizwe omunye wamantombazane ebengiwalandela ethi akungajolwa ngobani
kwakhona ophendulayo eythi lothisha uyasidakelwa

ngahlulekaa ukuzibamba ngimqwebe uxolo sisi awumbuzangangani uthisha lokho why ubuza thina

athi uyisilima yini wena kunemibuzo ongeke uyibuze umtomdala futhi ker nje umjolo awusilo icala bakwethi
abese eyahamba

ngimlande ngimbamba ngimphendula ngehlombe
ngithi lalela sisi wami mina angimelene nomjolo wenu

ngingakaligwinyi athi kahle ukuzenza ncono la wena umjolo wenu ekhuluma ngezandla enusa imino emibili izandla zombili eyehlisa eyenyusa ephinda amazwi ami ngokuqamisa umjolo wenu engihlahlele emehlweni

ngilungise inkulumo yami angisho ukuthi ngimelene nomjolo kodwa cc lento oyibuzile bekungamele uyibuze esidlangalaleni

athi usathi uyachaza ngithi

sisi wami lalela amandla akho nawathisha awokudunga awafani

abuze kanjani

nginabe sisi singabafundi siyontanga uthisha mudala manje into azama ukuyiphosa kithi ingaphuza ukusenza sidungeke singabafundi kanthi thina naye ungakwazi ukusidunga ngokuphuthuma

athi angikuzwa

ngithi ngizokwenzela isibonelo esilila

asithi owami umama uyasibona isidingo sokuthi mina ngiphathe ifoni ngiyumfundi wena owakho akafuni ngisho usumcela kanjani uthi mama nabanye bayawaphatha akulula ukuthi avume kodwa mangase kufike owami umama amuchazele ukuthi why kubalulekile ukuthi umfundo aphathe ifoni enga understand
kanjalo nathi zingane amathuba noma engasikhuza kangakanani ngokungalungile kodwa ngoba kukhona untanga okenzayi singakwenza nathi as long as nontanga kumlungela

cc wami engizama


This page is open to everyone



I was born with a gift on both my hands
I was first an idea then I was MABE
I was a surprise then I was known
AphiweAmanguni I was born
I was the prof of my mum's straight and power I was gift of my dad and I'm a sister to my sister's and a sister to my brothers
I was need in this world and so I was created

my parents were happy
as I was growing up I was developed in all terms
and everything

I leant myself as I was growing
all that and I was able to introduce myself to people

I'm aphiweamanguni (mapondo)
Mncwabe ngingumlobi umlingisi wakusasa Intanbokazi yezwe 🙏


a feeling of great happens joy

a feeling of affection for you love

my daylights is you to me

a space separating us apart
distance can never over power what I feel

an ordinary or an usually feeling different from normal your love

good night


This page is about me searching for myself

I'm in search of myself

It not just about only I but people like me
People that are in search of themselves


Kubuhlungu ekujuleni KwaYo
Iyaqaqamba ngathi kukhona inxenye yayo ehlubukile 💔


I once asked myself what do I need in life I could not get an answer till now


Usuku nosuku
Luphela nezalo noma zingaba njani akunani ngoba siqinisekile ukuthi ksasa buyeza ukukhanya


Ngiyicebo lomdali
Ngabunjwa ngokuhlukile
Ngazalwa emhlabeni ngasengilindiwe
Ngamukelwa kwajabula kangiqamba ukhethelo
Kwiningi ngangikhethekile
Ngakhula kwaqala

Angihlukile ukuthi kokujwayelekile ngihlukile

Ngekathi ngikhulu bangithatha bangihambisa kwizikole zababefana nm
Abanye babehlukile kimi
Abanye babengaboni
Abanye bengezwa
Abanye bengakwazi ukuhamba nabo babezizwa engathi bayahlungwa ngengabo

Asihlukile ukuthi kokujwayelekile sihlukile
Mina bengicwaswa ngebelala bethi ngiyisishawa angihlukile kuphela kokujwayelekile ngihlukile


Ngingumlobi okusenhlizweni ngikukhiphela ephepheni
Ngikubeke esthombeni

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