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Page 1
Looking lovely from head to feet, he walk pass two ladies who admire his handsomeness and cleanliness. He smiles and pass, thinking of the journey ahead. The girl is waiting for him at the bar and she paying for the drink and food.
This was the date that he waited for a year. He is being chasing these girl for a year now. But the girl was a tough nut to crack. Last week he change the strategy and befriend her. She accepted the friendship, he was ready to do anything to impress the girl. So much that he bought new clothes for these date that Christina is not even aware is a date.
He arrive to find her seated waiting with a drink in her hand. He sat down and drink, and they went ahead to sit at the restaurant.
After the date they went dancing, all was well. They drink like never before. Later they called their taxi to take them to their respective homes.
At 3am Thabo was waken by the force of someone kicking his door. In his state as he stumble front, he was knocked down by a fist on the mouth and he fall flat on the ground. To have feet trap him on the floor.
That's how he was arrested for ra**ng her.
The girl was brutally r***d and left for dead. Before she passed out in hospital she said Thabo'sname to the police.
They pick him up and was push into the van and he was still intoxicates


Can I entice you guys on short stories? One a day if you like that do so with a like button. If I get 10 likes, tonight I will put a new short story


The page is giving me lot of problem. Tomorrow a new chapter will be on.


Strange queen continues
Chapter one
She was respected by all villages and she was efficient in all her work. She was busy with the report of an old age home and community centre projects. The community centre projects were generating a huge profits and all the money were used careful and responsibly. She has increased the monthly wages of the workers in the community centre and indicated in her paperwork how to purchase material in bulk. Strategies all their marketing plans, where to sell and adjust the prices of their goods alittle. The sunset and she collects her papers and basket and went back home. When she arrives home, her mother was waiting for her.
"A letter has come for you. I have been waiting to talk to you so is the entire village. The project managers were here and they brought lot of books too." She place them on a table. And brought her food too.
" I know you didn't eat your food. These one is hot eat as I am here."
"Mama! There is a lot to do. I have lot of paperwork but let me eat before you feed me forcefully." She washed her hands and start eating.
" I am staying here until you finish that plate." She ate slowly and look her mother who was frowning at her. Her mother kept her cool and steer at her back.
"Gladys! Are you seeing someone in Mafikeng?"
"No mama. I am too busy to be gallavanting around. I am at works and the projects here keep me on my toes"
"You are 27 years old, the clock is ticking. I want to carry my grandkids before I die. Solomon has 3 already but I want to carry your own. You are my only daughter. I want to see you seetle down before I meet my Maker."
"Mama! You will carry your grand children. Just wait until next year maybe I will be sociable then. Right now I have so much in my plate."
"I know my baby"
That night Gladys thought about what her mother said. She thought of all the doctors who tried to ask her out. The way she ignored them and pretended like they are talking to someone else not her.


Chapter one
The water was warm and flowing in the stream and goats are drinking, while children are swimming in the stream laughing and giggling. Water splashing their tiny body.The mothers are doing laundry singing their native songs in unison.
Gladys was busy writing her reports under a Morula tree. Today's workload is so much that she forgot to eat her lunch. Her family knew her like being alone so they park a basket for her. She like her space and isolation. In few days she will be going back to work as a nurse in Mafikeng. All she did on her leave is to work and help at the community centre and at the old age home. She likes keeping herself busy at every way possible. Her family knew her as people's person. She has projects all over the village,women who sew clothes and make beads. And others who make shoes and repair shoes. She has a projects for youths. They cater food for functions, events and weddings. They have open a bakery and a confectionery in the village. Youth have pitches where football,netball, and tennis is played. They hold a tournaments every weekend. Her community is proud of her initiated projects and all of them are a success. And all the projects were successful and profitable. She has apply for clinic funding from the government months ago. The king has allocated a land for the clinic and the two department of health and social welfare has approved the funding. Her goal was to have her community and the neighboring community stop walking kilometres for health care facility. She already ask the King to appoint stakeholders and supervisors to look after the construction of the clinic. She has recently open the food gardening project for women, your uth and men in her village. There were no slackers in the village, every morning they have old age people doing exercises with a young man who run a gym in their village who instruct them morning and evening.
She is recognised by all villages when walk pass on the street


Today I am going to give you a new story but discontinue THE LOVE OF WOMAN but I will continue with the other story. Sorry for the delay. I have no phone even now.


Few days pass after the arson case, and Pauli was always at a look out. When she take the kids to pre-school, she will be looking at all directions to see if anyone is following her. She was so scared that even her own shadow was scaring her. She dropped her children for pre- school.
She went to do groceries at the mall, she was looking around. She felt like someone is following her behind. She was restless and scared. Her husband call her and realise that she is not okay.
Gilbert went to the shops to collect her and take her to the pre school to collect the kids too.
At home they decided that Pauli and the kids can go and visit Pauli's parents home for few days. And Gilbert promise that he will find an investigator who will get to the bottom of this incident.
The following day Pauli and the kids were taken to Pauli's home. Gilbert was so sad to separate with his family for this issues. Pauli was worried for him.
"Darling please take care of yourself. And please buy food outside , don't cook cause I am scared that they will poison you. And bring the laundry I will do it. Baby sometimes come and sleep here.'
"Baby I will be here too, I will sleep home few days then come here too. I cannot cope without you. I want you and the kids to relax and I will come here for few days too.'
They hug and kisses inside the car. Gilbert drove out. She wave at her husband with years rolling on her cheeks.
She went inside to talk to her parents. The kids were already settled in. They were happy chattering with their grandparents. She went to her old bedroom to fix it and rearrange it to her taste.
She started dinner and had her bath. They sat for dinner and ate their heart out.
Gilbert arrive at the flat, the place was so quite. He just sat down and ate the remaining food inside the fridge.
He took out his phone and call his parents and tell them about what happened to their house.


Our stories are continuing this week. No phone for now. I will borrow from my girl


And Jimmy I don't want to see this woman in our department. If I ever saw her near our offices you will be fired."
Jimmy showed her the door, she stood up and kick the chair it fall. She walk out of the office.
" Jimmy my door should always be wide open. I dont want a woman in these department."
After this visit Gilbert bury himself into work. And the co-worker were entering the office freely.
In the evening he drove to the flat to go and collect the wife and the kids.
They drive back to the house for the remaining things that are in the house.
When they were turning by the street, they house was on fire. And fire has erupted, a blazing fire. And fire fighters were trying their best to put it out. Because of strong wind the fire was uncontrollable.
As her husband stop the car, she ran inside the compound and scream so hard.
" What did I do? What is this?"
She cried hysterically and the husband went to her to comfort her.
It took the fire fighters an hour to distinguish the fire and the police start their own investigation.
Gilbert took his wife and kids and to their new home.
But sadness engulf them so much that none of them spoke. They just took the kids and lay them in their bed and slept on the floor together. They hold each other tightly
Early next morning the police call Gilbert to inform that they have open a case of arson.
As he left she inform her wife about what the police said. He went to work with a heavy heart and he was not able to concentrate on his work that day


Two days after the incident, they found a two bedroom flat. They remove their clothes and furnisher there. Few of their belongings was left, they wanted to go and take it at night. Early in the morning Gilbert drop Pauli at the flat to rearrange the furniture and to pack the dishes in the cupboard.
During the day Pauli and the kids were busy arranging the flat and the kids were playing with their new babysitter.
Meanwhile Gilbert was at work and his mind already was with the wife. He constantly called her. And she was busy will all the rearranging.
Before lunch Portia showed up in their department, going for department head office.
As she enter his office and close the door, Gilbert motioned his personal assistance before the door was closed . She gracefully moved to the table and sat on the table.
" Lover boy"
Then the door open widely, and his personal assistance enter the office.
"Jimmy! Stand there and do not move. Madam what can I do to help you?"
" I came to check on your new office dear. I want to see that it will be comfortable for us later."
" I want you to leave. You are not working in this department. And Jimmy I don't


He went back to work, and all was well until two workers came with some papers and they work together until late. In between works he called the wife.
After ten he drove home and found the wife waiti g for her outside. She was passing up and down, she was nervous from the time her his and told her he has a suprise for her.
A car stop by the gate and her husband came out from a driver's side. She ran and open the gate for him.
" Ooh baby you ruin the suprise. You supposed to be inside baby."
She just laugh and ran to her and jump to him. He hold her so tightly and turn around with her. They release each other and he drove inside and she locked the gate.
On the street corner Portia was watching them. She clinched her fist together seeing the way they hold each other.
In the house they were talking and having adult conversation when their child come out of the room.
" Mama! Someone broke our window."
Both parents ran to the bedroom to find their kid's glass window is broken. Gideon ran outside to check what is happening. He search the entire compound but there was no one there.
He came inside and call the police. In few minutes the house was full of police. Part of the fence was cut, and wide open.
When the police search to see what the person stole in their house. The car's two tyres were flat. Punctured and slashed with knife.
The police called Gideon for that and they search the garage. The window there to was broken.
Paula came out and look at the damages of what the robbers I doing in their home.
Forensic came, look for evidence and finger prints. None was found.
" Baby I think we will move out of here dear. I don't think we are safe here."
" Yes I think so. Maybe we will go to mother in law."
" No I think I will get a flat and we will look for a house in a meantime."
They spend the second night without sleeping.


After few minutes Gideon was calm and the police showed them the two boys that they arrested. They didn't recognise any of them, and they were speaking a difference language than them.
The police helped them to offload the lorry of their goods and took them inside. The neighbours came and help with the cleaning.
Around midnight they finish all the he parking and cleaning, and most of the people went home except one police.
They went to bed but neither of them slept, she was restless and could not even wink.
Early in the morning Gideon went to work, in his new position.
He came early and went to the assign office, start with the stats and catch up with all sales figures.
When the workers arrive they found him busy working. He was so busy maki g notes in his pad that he didn't see the panel of executive come to check him. They stood by the doorway watching him writing on the path and clicking the laptop and making notes.
" We can see we make a right decision by giving you this position. Good morning Mr Morena."
He stood up and shake their hands.
" I didn't see you. I am trying to catch up. I supposed to do that yesterday."
They sat on the meeting at the sales department. All people were participating and the panel was impressed.
Gideon explain what he wants in a team and what is expected on each person.
After the meeting all people were busy and no one was standing around.
At lunch everyone was still at work they were on a new goal, and were fired up for the new boss. As lunch finish no e of them had eaten lunch.
Gideon remember his wife and call her. She was fine, she just wake up. She was still devasted and she cried a lot. Before he drop the call, the human resource secretary was by her doorway, he motion her with hand. He then back d his wife goodbye.
" Sir! This is the key to your company car. The MD forget to give you and he is already in a meeting in HR department. So I was assign to the task. It is park outside


The police were working as fast as they can. It took hours before they were called to come closer to identify the thieves.
By that time Pauli was so furious cause the kids were sleeping and heavy in their hands.
The policeman motion them to come forward. Their clothes were scattered on the ground, and her dishes and glasses all over the floor. Her groceries open and poured on the flour. He pictures on the wall were askew and others were thrown down. Mostly those he was with the wife, and their curtains were tattered.
They went through the house watching what happen. The wardrobe was wide open and all the clothes thrown out and ornaments were broken on the floor.
The house was in a mess and disarray. Pauli started crying hysterically.
" What did I do to them? Why did they do to my house?"
Her husband hold her tightly in one hand
" I am sorry my love. We didn't do anything to anyone. This is just a robbery. Police show me the idiots who did this in my house."
Gideon was so furious he went o the police van that housed the two suspects. He started banging the door.
"Open this door my man. I want to kill this fools. They ruin my home, my wife made with love."
He banged the door so hard that even police refused to open the door for him.
The police came and restrain him from pulling the door open. He was fuming like a mad man.
After couple of minutes he was calm and the crowd outside despatch. Most of the police car drive off leaving the lorry and two police cars.


The car drive slowly and enter the compound. They got out with the kids, and a policeman approach them.
"Who are you? This is a crime scene, go back and stay with people outside. You will contaminate the scene."
He was pushing them backward, but Gideon retaliate.
" This is my house and don't touch us. What happened here?"
The policeman signal to another man in a suit to come forward
" The owners are here."
The man in a suit came forward and stretch his hand forward to greet but Gideon shake his head
" What is going on here? What are you people doing in my house?"
The policeman signal them to his car. They follow him silently.
" Your neighbours call us today. They notice a lorry pack in your house loading your furniture while the two of you never bid them farewell that you are packing out. They saw your family going in a car but realise that is being a couple of minute you went out and the lorry enter your compound. What was weird is that it took a while before your door open when they see 4 men loading your furniture."
They look at each other like strangers and back to the policeman. He continued
"So your neighbour says there are thieves in your house. So we rush here to find them busy at work. So when they saw us they try to run but we caught two out of 4. Now we are taking finger prints and they are laid down handcuffed. After the conclusion of these we will allow you to come and see them if you can identify them."
" Did you question this criminals? What did they take?"
"Calm down dear. They are caught that means they did take anything."
She look so worried, she starts passing up and down. She Bagan nibbling her fingers and her mind was racing.
She went to the tab and ran water to her face. She went back to her husband and the kids.
"Baby do you think this is a random robbery?"
" I have no idea love. I am beginning to get scared now."


Pauli went inside the o bath and change to a beautiful short dress and heels. Gideon was busy preparing the kids. He was singing to the kids and laughing. He was so full of smile and cheerfulness. After bathing the kids he ran a shower on himself and change. When he came out of the bedroom, he was the wife wearing a nice smile on her face.
"Ooh baby you look so gorgeous and very sexy. Hmm the world will get envy of the beauty that I enjoy on my own."
They called an Uber to take them to the restaurant. And they were chattering inside and playing with the kids too.
Upon arrival at the restaurant, red roses were given to the wife. They were shown to their table.
He ordered for the kids and himself.
Pauli took her time on the menu and order light food. They ate in silence and the kids were chattering.
After the meal Gideon told the wife great news.
" I was promoted to a new position. I am no longer a man wearing overralls at work. From tomorrow I will be the new Sales Manager in my firm. It comes with packages."
She went for him and hug him tightly.
" Congratulations darling. You deserve it after all those studies."
"Thanks baby. But all these I could not do it without your support. You are a great woman. May God bless you for me always."
They open a Champaign and celebrate. They took the kids home. As they arrive in their house, there were police in their house. Cars were packed outside and people standing by the fence looking at the truck that was standing outside the house


As Gilbert saw her, he ran inside the compound and throw his belongings on the ground . He hugs and hold her so tied.
" Baby what happen? Why are you so anxious?"
He hold her more tighter, tears roll down his cheeks.
" I thought that the crazy Portia has done something to you."
He carry her into the house and the kids were giggling at they mother who was screaming for the man to put her down.
" Let go baby. I am fine. Put me down troublesome man."
She was kicking on the air and she was hitting his shoulders. And he didn't let go of her. He put her on his laps while sitti g on the couch inside the house.
" Do you know your u nearly have me a heart attack? I was so scared and my heart nearly jump out of my chest."
" Do I love k like a scare crow? I will beat you girl so hard that a mortuary will come and collect her here."
He looks her beautiful wife's face and kiss her forehead.
" Did I tell you how much I love you my Queen?"
"No you always neglect telling me that. But I love the action and consent you shown today. I love you too Mo key face."
They kissed and laughed. She remain there for a while talking about her reasons of not answering the calls.
" Please love make sure the phone is close at hand all the time. Don't leave it in the house, you will kill me."
She just jump off him and went to the bedroom and o take her phone.
"Ooh baby I have great news. Please bath we are going to eat out with my kids. We are going to celebrate."
" Celebrate what?"
"It is a suprise. I will tell you when we are there."


Chapter three
The workers were looking at him as he collect his things inside the locker. They thought that he was fired. And all eyes were on him and their mind raised.
He never said anything, then he went home.
He tries the wife's phone again and no answer. He enter into a taxi, it took the taxi an hour before it becomes full.
On his way home he tried again to call the wife without success. Thoughts of Portia came crushing on his mind. What if this girl came to attack the wife and kids. He wishes that he could drive this taxi since the driver was slowly.
It took him 45 minutes to arrive home, when the taxi stop. He ran straight home carrying a box one sided.
When he arrive at the gate, the wife was busy hanging the laundry. She was playing the music loudly. And the kids were playing near their mothers. He stopped at the gate and look at her beautiful wife who was singing loudly with the stereo



Two days after the Sunday incident, Gilbert was called to the office by his superior. The supervisor came to call him. Everyone at the he plant was looking at him with curiosity. He felt so sad and he started panicking. But he drag himself to the office.
There he find a panel of five personal, and he knew them all. He greet them and stood there with brave face. His thought were on Portia who reported him to this people for something he never did. He knew that today was going to come and he felt so shattered inside.
"Mr Morena, can you sit down? We have a lot to discuss."
He silently sat down and held his head high.
" We have been going through old curriculum vitae of our workers. We came across your own. We were impressed."
" We want to ask you some few questions'
They started with question. They cross question him. After half hour of questions from left to right. They told to wait outside.
After an hour's discussions, they call him inside.
" After all deliberation among ourself, we have decided to employ you as our new Sales Manager "
" These new position will start tomorrow, we need you to be in new energy tomorrow.
"So you will go back to the plant to remove all your belongings in the lockers."
" Let us go and introduce to your new staff."
They went to the sale department, they introduce him to the new colleagues.
"Mr Morena, tomorrow you must discard that look. It is the first time in my life I interview a candidate wearing worksuit with grease. So we will see you tomorrow in a suit or casual work. But for meetings we want you wearing formal. You are the representative of our factory. We expect the best from you from now on."
After all the introduction, he went back to the plant to empty his locker


My phone got lost. I am borrowing from my daughter's phone. I will try and get a new one soon


Miserable relationship
Chapter two continues
"Not now. I want to calm down."
Gilbert sat outside watching the kids playing with a dog.
His mind was not on the kids but on this psycho that is following their family around. He got up and check the street time and again.
After two hours the wife came out with a tray of lemonade and some biscuits. She sat down next to the husband.
" I was thinking about these girl. I need you to report her. And to have protection order against her. I am think she is a danger to us. If a grown woman starts following us like these, she will start harassing us if we don't do anything about it."
" You are right love. I am not settled now. I am checking on the road like a crazy man. How will I work thinking that she is following us. What if he comes after the kids? I am scared for my kids and you."
They hold each other in an embrace,shoulder on shoulder watching the kids playing.
She called them for the lemonade and retreated inside to prepare dinner. Gilbert never moved and was looking after the kids.
He took the kids inside for their bath and had dinner


Miserable relationship
Chapter two continues

A week pass with Gilbert expecting to be called at work for Portia's claim. But nothing happen for the whole week. On Sunday morning when they were preparing for church his phone ring. He went to answer it
"Haibo! Why are you avoiding me?"
"Who is this?"
"Portia love. I send you nice pictures. And I am coming to your house to see you."
"Look here you crazy ass, there is nothing between us. I will break your bones one by one."
He drop the call and went to tell the wife.
" Love she just want to upset you only. Avoid her and she will go away."
"If you say so "
They went to church, and Portia follow them there.
After church Gilbert took them for lunch and movies.
They had great time in the park. Kids were playing on swings and the parents were sitting on a bench looking at the kids. In an hour kids were full at the park. So the kids find their friends and the parents walk hand on hand.
They sat under a tree and we're kissing when the kids approach them.
"Mama! Daddy! That old woman says we should give you these."
The kids handed them a basket with goodies. Pauli open it, the contents inside was condoms, lubricant, wine and snacks.
"Who gave you these?"
The kids pointed to the swings but there was no one there.
" One woman with a blue traditional dress, she is wearing glasses."
"Love I think your colleague is stalking us."
"Let's go baby. These woman in a crazy. I told you there is something wrong with her"
Pauli kick the basket so hard that all the content flew out. The bottle of wine break to pieces.
"Let's go."
She grab her kids hand and walk out of the park. She was so furious and walk faster. Gilbert followed her in silence, checking the scenery for the old lady. He was so upset and he wanted to grab that Poria with neck and break it. When he catch up with her family there was no sign of Portia anywhere.
They arrive home and Pauli just enter the bedroom and lock it. She was moving around the room angry.
"Love open."


Miserable relationship

Gilbert was at work the following morning, he was surprised by the look he received from his colleagues. He went straight to his plant and start his work. By tea time one of his colleagues came and sat with him for few minutes to talk to him.
"Gilbert what have you done man? There is a complain at the office about you and the cleaner."
"What kind of complain is being said about me?"
" Sexual harassment"
"I know nothing about that."
"Be careful dear of what you are doing at work"
The guy left him there mesmerised of this news. He went back to work with enclinging mind of the happening in life. Life turn out bad in his direction. He worked that day and never see Poria near the cafeteria. After work he saw her walking with another guy who work with him in the same plant. They were holding hands. He knew the guy very well, he is one of those who has played most of the ladies in their firm.
He pass them and went to the taxi that is next week o the guy's car.
Upon his arrival at home he called the wife and inform him about what the colleague said to him. And he was so exhausted that he ask the wife not to help with the chores. That his energy has been drain. If these woman has pressed charges of sexual harassment at work for him, he was going to be embarrassed.
He was turning and tossing around on bed, his mind was restless. He could not fathom what happened to him. What impression did he gave to her. This could make her be miserable and embarassed in life.
When the wife called him for dinner, he came out drained.
"Haibo dear, why do you look like this? What is wrong? Don't tell me is all about this work nonsense."
"Love how can I not know about this"
"And I deleted all the pictures and messages"
" Don't worry about that they saved themselves. I am not worried about that but my reputation."
"As long as you see no wrong in confronting her. I will support you all through."
After dinner he helped with the chores, and slept


Readers !!!!!!! Notice!!!!!!
Because of my busy schedule, I will try to write early in the morning or late night. Thanks for the support



Chapter 1

Sitting under a tree, listening to the birds singing a melodies of their own. The stream flowing and the water making the sound when collapsing with stones. Her mind was capturing everything that is happening around her. She was watching the ants working hard to gather food for winter. She watches as they go in and out carrying those tiny food and walking like soldiers without ceasing. She told herself that she will strive like those ants.
She stood up and took the path back home, and was thinking of how her life turn up. After all the good she has done in this world, how can some people treat her like to that. She was so frustrated about the way people will talk to her. Is it because she does not have money. Or is it because she was chased out of her house for not having kids. She was so miserable about her life. She felt so empty inside her. Her life turn out to be so bad and she no longer has plans. But she want to emulate the ants and work for herself
She arrived home and unpacked her clothes and jewellery.
She select few of her jewellery to sell so she can have something to start a small business. After picking some few earrings, necklaces and her wedding ring, she put them inside her purse.
Tomorrow as early as possible she will go to town to sell them so she can money to start her small business.
Life has been unfair to her and she was so kind that she could not hurt a fly. Even her people have turn against her, since her in laws and her husband chase her out of the house. She was treated like a dog by her brother and sisters. Her calmness has ceased today, she has stormed out of her home and ran straight to the river. She was so angry at what her sister in law has said to be. She called her good for nothing woman. She was so furious that she wanted to leave her home for them. Inside she was like fire, outside she was calm and polite as ever.

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