Shake It Off, Pretoria Videos

Videos by Shake It Off in Pretoria. The Shake it Off Boxes are packed with information, products and support elements for Weight Loss.

Winterboks Vasbyt 2

Dit is Winterboks 2 Vasbyt tyd!!

Gewaarborgde gewigsverlies is hier met die IMMERGEWILDE Winter Shake-it-Off Boks Vasbyt 2!

By La Ferm is dieet nie koue slaaie en skommels nie. Die Winter Vasbyt is ‘n volhoubare leefstyl pakket wat etes insluit wat geskik is vir die winter – heerlike winter kos wat kg en cm’s kan laat wegsmelt. Sien uit na soppe, warm suikervrye sjokolade voor die kaggel, biltong happies en springmielies! Dan kan dit mos net lekker wees om maklik gewig te verloor!

As ‘n Vasbyter maak jy die allerbelangrike kopskuif om jou gesonde leefstyl vol te hou. Ons gewilde “verloor-gewig-boks” is ontwerp om gewigsverlies so maklik, gerieflik, bekostigbaar en tydbesparend as moontlik vir jou te maak.

Al wat jy moet doen is opdaag en moed hou!

Ons Winter Shake-it-Off Boks Vasbyt 2 begin 15 Julie tot 4 Augustus. So skryf nou in! Kliek hier:

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Winterboks Vasbyt 2
Dit is Winterboks 2 Vasbyt tyd!! Gewaarborgde gewigsverlies is hier met die IMMERGEWILDE Winter Shake-it-Off Boks Vasbyt 2! By La Ferm is dieet nie koue slaaie en skommels nie. Die Winter Vasbyt is ‘n volhoubare leefstyl pakket wat etes insluit wat geskik is vir die winter – heerlike winter kos wat kg en cm’s kan laat wegsmelt. Sien uit na soppe, warm suikervrye sjokolade voor die kaggel, biltong happies en springmielies! Dan kan dit mos net lekker wees om maklik gewig te verloor! As ‘n Vasbyter maak jy die allerbelangrike kopskuif om jou gesonde leefstyl vol te hou. Ons gewilde “verloor-gewig-boks” is ontwerp om gewigsverlies so maklik, gerieflik, bekostigbaar en tydbesparend as moontlik vir jou te maak. Al wat jy moet doen is opdaag en moed hou! Ons Winter Shake-it-Off Boks Vasbyt 2 begin 15 Julie tot 4 Augustus. So skryf nou in! Kliek hier:

Nano Nutrients 1
Nano Nutrients products have been designed to enhance beneficial plant compound absorption into the body and is NOW AVAILABLE AT SHAKEITOFF! Science has demonstrated that particle size plays a vital role in absorption into the body. However, the plant compounds that offer the most benefit are usually not soluble in water, and if they won’t dissolve into water, they won’t dissolve into you. Visit and view our range of Nano Nutrient available online.

Metabolisme Hupstoot Veilige Alternatiewe Oefeninge
Let's get the blood flowing this morning! And join Marietjie with these fantastic exercises to start our day! Do 3 sets of each exercise and rest 15sec between sets and 30sec between each exercise. Make sure you try to do each exercise for a minute! All our ShakeItOff Boxes INCLUDES fantastic exercise videos like these that you can enjoy easily in the comfort of your own home. Best of all, our ShakeItOff Box is now on sale! So grab it and start your journey to a healthy and happy YOU here:

Super Shake Mix Box - Intro
All the healthy stuff you need, already in portions for convenience and cost benefit! Get yours here:

Eng Intor en African Baobab Smoothie high quality
We know that the pace of life and hectic schedules add to the pressure we place on ourselves and eating healthy is normally the first thing we compromise. But to skip a meal would lead to tiredness, low blood sugar levels and overweight due to a slowed down metabolism. Simply said – all the healthy stuff you need, already in portions for convenience and cost benefit! Get your hands on our Super Shake Mix box and get that SUPER healthy feeling back into your life! Available online:

Our muscles hold toxins! This applies even more-so if we are dehydrated or if a muscle is injured. Stretching can help to move these toxins so that our body can work on eliminating them faster. So join us! It's Friday, let's take a destress stretch to get rid of the toxins! Visit for lifestyle specific pre-packed box plans you can follow to live a healthy life!

Performing breathing exercises helps our body to get rid of toxic gases and carbon dioxide, thus detoxifying our body. Do this fantastic More Oxygen exercises with us and detox your body, calm your mind and relief stress. Visit for more fantastic products and supplements to help you with your health journey. #shakeitoff #shapeup #intermittentfasting #moreoxygen

Orders going out to HAPPY HEALTHY CLIENTS 🥑🥤🫐🧄🍇🫒🥚☀️🥕🍉🥗🍤🍍🍉🥗

We can help you live BETTER🥦🍇🍉🥑🍍🫐🍜🍤🍿🥤🥗🫚🫒🧄🥕🥚

Stocked and Ready for summer body season! Get your ShakeItOff boxes and supplements online! @shakeitoff_box

Mag Vrou-wees vir jou wees om elke dag BETER te probeer wees! Die doel van die lewe is nie om gelukkig te wees nie. Dit is om nuttig te wees, om eerbaar te wees, om medelydend te wees, om 'n verskil te maak met jou lewe - RW Emerson Ons wens jou 'n Gelukkige Vrouedag!

Du Toit Loots
La Ferm is trots om Prof. Du Toit Loots as vennoot in die ontwikkeling van ons Femalean en ander produkte te hê. Femalean is ‘n voedingsaanvulling wat slegs goed nagevorste en uiters kragtige NATUURLIKE BESTANDDELE bevat, wat help om die produksie / balans van NATUURLIKE VROULIKE HORMONE te optimaliseer, wat verband hou met die bevordering van ENERGIE, VETVERLIES, SPIERANABOLISME, LIBIDO en die voorkoming van WARM GLOEDE. Femalean is deel van ons aanbevelings produkte op ons 10 Dag Hormoon Vasbyt wat 10 Augustus begin. So skryf in, daar is NOG TYD! #laferm #leefligter #vasbyt #verloorgewig #hormone #afrikaans #oefening #femalean

According to "Lancet", 18% of COVID-19 patients develop a mental health condition within three months of diagnosis. La Ferm & ShakeItOff shares this "Detox Destress" video from our ShakeItOff Detox Box, to help you get rid of unhealthy stress and improve your mental health. Please also read this informative article by Dr Marshinee Naidoo: #shakeitoff #lifestyle #healthyfood #healthy #healthylife #healthyeating #shakeitoffbox #motivation #prepacked #21day #sustainable #goodforyou #southafrica

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