Silver Stars Nursery School Pretoria East, Pretoria Videos

Videos by Silver Stars Nursery School Pretoria East in Pretoria. Silver Stars Nursery School is a Christian based pre-school with a farm atmosphere in Shere.

Slipper Day 2024. With the winter cold arriving we had pajama day as well. Dit was " baie lekker" om saam met almal in ons "pajamas" rond te loop. Blessed to work with our little stars.

Other Silver Stars Nursery School Pretoria East videos

Slipper Day 2024. With the winter cold arriving we had pajama day as well. Dit was " baie lekker" om saam met almal in ons "pajamas" rond te loop. Blessed to work with our little stars.

Oupa en Oumadag 2024 Grandparents Day 2024

Grandparents Day 2024 Oupa en Oumadag 2024

So lekker om die kinders te hoor saam sing.

So mooi herfs dag gewees. Kinders speel en lag ( geen ouers, geen trane) I love the laughter of the kids and even the noise the swing makes. The monkey bars can hurt, but the kids love it.

Practising kicking skills for under 2 years, by the end of the year we will show you the improvement.

Drawing lying down. Good exercise.

Fantasy Day dress up as your favorite character. Kyk hoe mooi het ons kinders gelyk en hulle boekies gelees.

Glass recycling with the Kitten class

Valentines Day 2024, Kitten Class

Bakers Day in the Kitten Class

Saving money is hard for everyone.

It is summertime and fun filled days on the waterslide at Silver Stars Nursery School Pretoria East Thank you Teacher Erica for your creative videos.

Graduation Day 2023 at Silver Stars Nursery School. Dit is 'n bittersoet tyd as ons afskeid neem van kindertjies wat grootskool toe gaan. Ons bid en vertrou dat julle pad vorentoe geluk en vreugde bring.

En so oefen ons vir die Groot Sportdag.