Lefaragatlha and Bobuwampya Indaba

Lefaragatlha and Bobuwampya Indaba

This page is about the community of Lefaragatlh and Bobuampya



1. Sleeping alone is better than sharing your BED with someone who shares a BED with someone else when you are not around.

2. Cheating does not mean you have to kiss, meet or have s*x with a third party. Once you find yourself deleting texts and e-mails so that your partner will not see them, you are already there.

3. If a man is crazy about you, pray he does not get well, if he is getting well, know that another woman is giving him some tablets.

4. First love may not die, but true love can bury it.

5. If you still believe "LOVE IS BLIND" then I know for sure MARRIAGE WILL OPEN IT FOR YOU.

6. A woman's beautiful face attracts a flirt; A woman's beautiful heart attracts a lover; A woman's beautiful character attracts a man.

7. Never you fall in love because you are lonely, fall in love because you are ready.

8. A blessed water is better than a cursed fried rice. A Godly poor man is far much better than an angry rich man in marriage.

9. I will rather have you stay in your fathers house that you are sure of, than pack into a man's house you are not sure of.

10. Most men base their capacity of manhood and their abilities to fertilize ovaries and produce children. Any man can impregnate a woman. The real deal is HOW MANY MEN CAN BE THE FATHER TO THEIR CHILDREN, not promoters of ABORTION?

11. HOLY Wives do not just speak in tongues, they MANAGE their homes, make SUPER meals, raise GODLY kids, and finally they
bring out the KING in their man.

12. When you tend to your garden diligently you will be the one to reap the fruit of the vine thereof.

13. You can say "sorry" a million times, say "I love you" as much as you want, say whatever you want, but if you are not going to prove that the things you say are true, then do not say anything at all. Because if you cannot show it, your words do not mean a thing.

14. Never you lie in order to satisfy somebody for a moment, because the pain that you cause them in the future can last them for a lifetime.



1. A girl who doesn't have transport fare to visit someone that she claims she love. (liability)

2. A lady who can't get you birthday or valentine gift but expect you to bring down the world for her during hers.(liability)

3. Someone who can't comfortably call you on phone for 5 minutes.
Always flashing, complaining and requesting for data and airtime...(liability)

4. I wonder how some Men cope with ladies that think relationship is an occupation where she's supposed to be paid and taken care of??
(S*x is not a benefit to only men.). She might not even allow you have the s*x, yet you keep spending on her like government, kwantinue (liability)

5. Stop dating a liability no matter how beautiful she is. Beauty is a bonus, focus on her content!
Date a lady who can add something meaningful to your life.
Things like: financial intelligence, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence.

6. Date someone who's capable of managing multiplying whatever she has and the ones you give to her, your soul will be at peace!
Not someone that will always be at the receiving end.

7. I'm not saying she must be rich.
But let her have something doing no matter how little it is, because no matter how much money you make, she must be able to assist you during the rainy days...

I know ladies will come for me🤣🤣🥱



1. Many women dress up for the public but they don't put as much effort to dress up for their husband in bed. Lady, your number one audience is your man

2. Many women complain that their husbands don't s*x them good, yet they do not express what they want their husbands to s*xually do to them. Lady, your man doesn't read minds

3. Many women are shy in bed, largely because of their low self esteem making the husband feel as if he is forcing a s*xual encounter with her since she comes off as disengaged in the act. Lady work on your self esteem, it directly affects your s*x life

4. Many women do not praise their husband's performance in bed even when he is good. Lady, the more you talk well about his p***s, the way he touches you, the way he licks you; the more he want to please you. Work on his ego

5. Many women belittle their husband, talk down at him with disrespect and then expect him to give great s*x. Lady, when you undermine him and talk to him as if he is not man enough because he doesn't earn "enough money", he has failed in his goals a few times; be sure he will not be so interested in making love to you

6. Many women are inactive during s*x because they think it is the husband's role to lead in s*x. So she lies in bed, lifeless, passive and bored expecting him to do all the s*xual heavy lifting. Lady, men too want to be s*xually made advances on: both of you giving, both of you taking

7. Many women think that complaining and nagging will get a man to do the right thing. What they fail to realize is that it only leads to the man repelling the woman, he will struggle to desire to kiss her and touch her. She will drain him. To get a man to do what you want, inspire him, compliment him for the good he has done so far, show him how him doing right makes you smile because men love to be the reason a woman smiles. Then in bed, he will pursue you because he feels safe with you

8. Many women though they do not have s*xual in*******se with another man, they are emotionally unfaithful. They engage another man or men in intimate discussions and chats as they wonder why the husband is angry at this. This makes the husband feel put off

9. Many women complain that the man is talking too much about s*x, they tell him off. When the man tones down on the s*x talk, the woman complains and becomes insecure doubting whether he still finds her s*xy

10. Many women use s*x as weapon. During an argument, they employ silent treatment as a tactic denying him his conjugal rights. Soon, the man gets used to living without her s*x and suddenly she is the one who desperately wants s*x just to prove to herself all is well in their marriage but the damage is already done

11. Many women do not observe good hygiene. When the weave stinks, armpits smell of sweat and the va**na area not well maintained; he will struggle to have s*x with her. Lady, stay clean

12. Many women, especially conservative or Christian women view s*x as dirty or of the world and so they don't fully release themselves in it, even in marriage. This is perhaps because they grew up being told "NO S*X" that they fail to realize s*x is Godly and God's gift to nourish and sweeten their marriage. Lady, God created your body for pleasure with your spouse

13. Many women are rigid when it comes to s*x, "Don't do this, I can't do that" - making s*x an uphill task. Lady, relax; allow your body to be explored

14. Many women don't know how to say no to their husband. Lady, even when you feel you are not in the mood for s*x because of your monthly periods, you are sick, your mood is low or you're tired; don't just brush him off. If you will not give him s*x still make him feel loved. Cuddle with him, kiss him, have an intimate pillow talk, tell him you love him, tell him he will get some hot s*x when he wakes up; do not make him feel ignored

15. Many women think that the best thing they have to offer is great s*x and so they do not work on themselves, their attitude, their character, their dreams and individual progress. They only concentrate on getting tips on how to be s*xy, how to twerk, how to squat, how to keep the va**na tight and not content to grow their mind, their business, their spirit. Eventually the man grows tired, drained and feels empty with her. A man needs more than a few hot minutes in bed

16. Many women compare how their current s*x life is with the s*x life they had with an ex or exes. Lady, the old is gone, the new has come.

Photos from Lefaragatlha and Bobuwampya Indaba's post 14/07/2023

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!

Rakgadi Tumie, Orapeleng Mashishi


Tamar, Daughter of King David

Her name means: "Date Tree" or "Palm Tree"

Her character: Tamar shared her father's, David's, good looks. Young and innocent, she was naive to the danger that threatened from her own family.
Her sorrow: That her half brother saw her only as an object for his lust, destroying her future as a result, and that her father, the king, did nothing to protect her.
Key Scriptures: 2 Samuel 13:1-22

Ke Mang (feat. Neyi Zimu) [Live] - Spirit of Praise 25/05/2023

Ha a yo ya tshwarelang dibe, hara marena otlhe a lefatshe.

Ke Mang (feat. Neyi Zimu) [Live] - Spirit of Praise Discovered using Shazam, the music discovery app.


đź’ĄTearing Down Strongholds
2 Corinthians 10:4-5 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ...

What strongholds are you facing today?

Strongholds are those things that hold us back from living the full life that God has called us to, whether it be an addiction, anger, fear, doubt.

But 2 Corinthians (above) reminds us that it is through the power of God that we are able to tear down these strongholds. We may not be able to do so on our own. But through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can be victorious.


LIMPOPO-Three Zimbabweans nationals were burnt beyond recognition by angry mob in Mashamba area in after they were allegedly caught red handed by the community members stealing the much needed solar panels and essential electricity cables.Between June and September this year a total number of 8 foreign Nationals were killed in Vhembe District for commiting crimes around the District. The number includes those who were killed in Nzhelele For attempting to abduct school kids


BREAKING: Pitso Mosimane joins Al Ahli!


The 's Know Your Rights brochure contains information on the Fund's services, benefits, and more.

More information may be found on the Departmental website bit.ly/3xwfdQw.

Alleged Soweto killers enmeshed in Lesotho politics | Citypress 19/09/2022

Alleged Soweto killers enmeshed in Lesotho politics | Citypress Gang accused of gunning down 16 people and suspected of mass illegal mining in SA is allegedly living free in Maseru.


Allegations have been made that murdered football star Senzo Meyiwa was having an affair with Kelly Khumalo's sister 👇

The High Court in Pretoria on Wednesday heard Senzo Meyiwa was not only involved with Kelly, but was also seeing Zandi, say sources.

Photo: Frennie Shivambu (Getty Images)


The Twelve Did Not Preach The Cross

If you are saved from your sin it is because you heard the gospel Paul teaches in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 that Jesus died for your sins and resurrected according to the scriptures.

There is no other way to be saved today except through the shed blood of Christ as payment for your sins. However, this was not the gospel taught by the twelve during Jesus’ earthly ministry.

Notice in Matthew 10:5-6 that Jesus sends out His disciples to avoid the Gentiles and preach to Israel only. In verse seven this is the message they were preaching to Israel only: “And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 10:7). This was known as the gospel of the kingdom (Mark 1:14-15). It wasn’t until later that Jesus first mentioned His death. “From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto His disciples, how that He must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day. “ (Matthew 16:21)

To this Peter responded negatively rebuking the one he just identified as the Son of God (Matthew 16:22). It was obvious that Peter did not want Christ to die and was ignorant of its meaning (Luke 18:34). Peter was among the close circle of disciples selected by Jesus and is no doubt a member of the faithful remnant of Israel. Yet we can learn from these verses that his faith was neither in Jesus’ death for his sins nor in his resurrection for justification.

To put it plainly the gospel that Peter believed unto salvation was not the gospel that Paul presents later to us for salvation. We must also understand that though we understand now the glory that is found in the preaching of the cross, this was not the glory that was preached by the twelve during the earthly ministry of Jesus.

Instead they preached the glory of the coming kingdom and its king Jesus. Nowhere in this good news of the kingdom is the preaching of the cross. The secret of the cross was kept secret since the foundation of the world. This mystery was first revealed to Paul in what he calls the revelation of the mystery (Colossians 1:25-26).

Grow In Grace And In The Knowledge Of Our Lord And Savoir Jesus Christ. To Him Be The Glory Now And For Ever Amen.

Pastors Legacy
Touching Heart, Making Jesus Known
Luke 4:18-18
31 August 2022


Proverbs 5:15 Drink water from your own well—share your love only with your wife. 16 Why spill the water of your springs in public, having s*x with just anyone? 17 You should reserve it for yourselves. Don't share it with strangers.18 Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you. Rejoice in the wife of your youth.19 She is a loving doe, a graceful deer. Let her breasts satisfy you always. May you always be captivated by her love.



1- Avoid Giving your child everything he asks for. He will grow up believing that he has the right to get everything he wants.

2-Avoid laughing when your child speaks insulting words. He will grow up thinking that disrespect is entertainment.

3-Avoid remaining insensitive to bad behavior that he can display without scolding him for his bad behavior. He will grow up thinking that there are no rules in society.

4- Avoid picking up anything that your child messes up. He will grow up believing that others must take responsibility for his responsibilities.

5- Avoid letting him watch any program on TV. He will grow up thinking that there is no difference between being a child and being an adult.

6- Avoid giving your child all the money he asks for. He will grow up thinking that getting money is easy and will not hesitate to steal for it.

7- Always avoid putting yourself on his side when he is wrong against the neighbors, his teachers, the police. He will grow up thinking that everything he does is right, it is the others who are wrong.

8- Avoid leaving him alone at home when you go to the place of worship, otherwise he will grow up thinking that God does not exist.

May our labour over our children not be in vain
Follow page Gstary ²¹¹ 💚❤️ .


...My friend, never be someones part time, if they don't want you full time in their lives, they will just have to live without you. You deserve to be happy not in the arms of someone who keeps you waiting, but in the arms of someone who will take you now, love you forever, and leave you never. People will always hurt you only if you allow them to, don't settle for less when you know you deserve the best. Sometimes you have to give up on someone in order to respect yourself rather than keep accepting things and words you don't really deserve. Don't hold on to someone because you think there will be no one else. You've got to believe in yourself, and that you're worth more than being repeatedly hurt by someone who doesn't really care. Believe that someone will see what you are really worth and treat you the way you should be treated. Never stay with someone who doesn't show you that you deserve the universe. Don't do anyone any favors when all they do is make you sacrifice yourself. You deserve more than you give yourself credit for. Know that you should never settle for someone who can't prove their words for you. Most of all, love yourself, then everything well will follow after. Sometimes you have to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve. No one could actually say that you deserve better. Because the best thing that you deserve, will always be your choice. Somewhere between heartaches and waiting comes another chance to be found by someone who can show you that you don't deserve to be an option but a choice. My friend, know your worth...


...My friend, respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy. If you aren't being treated with love and respect, check your price tag. Maybe you've marked yourself down. It's you who tells people what your worth is. Get off of the clearance rack and get behind the glass where they keep the valuables. To respect yourself is a blessing. One who respects himself is honest and sincere in his effort and action. Developing a strong sense of self respect can help you fulfill your potential, develop healthy relationships, and make everyone around you see you as a person who is worthy of respect. If you truly want to respect yourself, then you have to accept yourself, and work on becoming the person you always dreamed of becoming. Being true to oneself is the most personally valuable skill one can acquire, for it leads to genuine happiness. Never sacrifice your self respect just to make someone happy. Always have respect for yourself, If you don't, no one else will. Life's a journey, be you, not what someone else wants you to be. Know your worth. Know when you have had enough and move on from the people who keep ruining your happiness. It's always better to be alone with dignity than in a relationship that constantly requires you to sacrifice your happiness and self respect...


...My friend, sometimes we look at our life and wish things were different. We sit and hope that they will change but often as time goes by and we look back, we realize we are still in the same place. For change does not need time but rather determination. The will to change your life for the better. If you wanna do something, then do it now. If you love someone go and tell them, don't wait for some particular time or moment. You have only one life, you ain't gonna get another chance. We all are here for a limited time in this world but we all can transform this time in unlimited happy moments and memories if we learn to cherish every single moment in life. Life is a gift don't waste a single second on doing something that doesn't make you happy. Your past mistakes are meant to guide you, not define you. You are as STRONG as you allow your mind to be. Never let weakness convince you that you lack STRENGTH. No matter what you are facing today, no matter what challenges or obstacles are in your life. God will make a way for you, even when you don't see how. Have faith in your God, give your Lord the benefit of
the doubt, trust Him, let Him prove to you that he is God Almighty and he has powers to deal with all your problems. Amen!...


...My friend, stop breaking your own heart by trying to make a relationship work that clearly isn’t meant to work. You can’t force someone to love you if they don't love you. You can’t force someone to be loyal or be honest to you. You can’t force someone to be the person you need them to be. I’ll be real with you, sometimes the person you want most is the person you’re best without. You got to understand some things are meant to happen, but just not meant to be. Some things are meant to come in your life, just not meant to stay. Don’t lose yourself by trying to fix what's meant to stay broken. You can’t get the relationship you need from someone who’s not ready to give it you. And I know it’s hard when your heart has labeled that person as someone you could spend forever with, but you just have to accept that they’re not that person anymore. And you might not understand WHY NOW, but I promise you your future will always bring understanding of why things didn’t work out. TRUST ME. Don’t put your happiness on hold for someone who isn’t holding on to you. Some chapters just have to close without closure. That broken thing you keep trying to put back together is keeping your life from that beautiful thing that’s waiting to be built. God loves you too much to answer a prayer that’s going to leave you hurt. You deserve better. Know your worth my friend...


A Pastor found a baboon that could talk. So he taught it how to sing, pray and preach.
At one Sunday service, the Pastor said to the congregation,
"The Baboon is going to pray today."
The Baboon sat still and the Pastor repeated over and over again "The Baboon is going to pray today", but the Baboon did not respond.
After the service pastor asked the Baboon, "Why didn't you want to pray when I asked you to?" and the Baboon answered, "Was it necessary to call me Baboon? Everybody here is referred to as Brother irrespective of their status in life. You could have at least said Brother Babs!"

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