Gams Gamora Cure

Gams Gamora Cure

Vast cure to disease Tb, HIV, Cancer and so on






Nutrition is a critical part of health and development. Better nutrition is related to improved infant, child and maternal health, stronger immune systems, safer pregnancy and childbirth, lower risk of non-communicable diseases (such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease), and longevity.

Healthy children learn better. People with adequate nutrition are more productive and can create opportunities to gradually break the cycles of poverty and hunger.

Malnutrition, in every form, presents significant threats to human health. Today the world faces a double burden of malnutrition that includes both undernutrition and overweight, especially in low- and middle-income countries.

WHO is providing scientific advice and decision-making tools that can help countries take action to address all forms of malnutrition to support health and wellbeing for all, at all ages.

This fact file explores the risks posed by all forms of malnutrition, starting from the earliest stages of development, and the responses that the health system can give directly and through its influence on other sectors, particularly the food system.


Cure for cancer, tried and tested.
Cancer begins when genetic changes interfere with this orderly process. Cells start to grow uncontrollably. These cells may form a mass called a tumor. A tumor can be cancerous or benign. A cancerous tumor is malignant, meaning it can grow and spread to other parts of the body.


Cancer Treatment - GET CURED TODAY
There are many types of cancer treatment. The types of treatment that you have will depend on the type of cancer you have and how advanced it is. Some people with cancer will have only one treatment. But most people have a combination of treatments, such as surgery with chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. You may also have immunotherapy, targeted therapy, or hormone therapy.

Get cured with Gamora Products today


Importance of Good Health in Our Life - How can We Achieve Good Health and Well Being?
Good health is central to human happiness and well-being that contributes significantly to prosperity and wealth and even economic progress, as healthy populations are more productive, save more and live longer.
For a healthy life cycle, you need a healthy and balanced diet, good hygiene habits, staying in a proper shelter and getting enough sleep.
In addition, you will have to participate in physical activities, weight management, and stress management activities.
What is the Definition of Health?
Health can be defined as a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well being, which consists in maintaining the body as much as possible by following daily advice and preventive measures to reduce the possibility of diseases.

Health has an important role in feeling happy, as there are many people who suffer from diseases, but the health enables them to fight diseases, as a result, they achieve physical fitness and feel comfortable or enjoy life like any normal person.
Importance of Good Health in Human Life
Health is the body's functional and metabolic efficiency, and its ability to adapt to the physical, mental, and social changes that it is exposed to.
Health is the opposite of disease, and also means the safety of the body from physical, social, and mental disorders.

Health is the factor that helps a person perform his daily life tasks in a correct and right way.

A person's physical health means that the body does not have any diseases in all parts of his body, and the safety of all its membranes.
While mental and social health is represented by the ability of a person to accomplish social tasks entrusted to him without defect or error.

The importance of good health in a person’s life is undoubtedly great. In this article, we will highlight some important points that fully define the importance of health in our lives.

➤A healthy person is a person who is able to serve himself, his nation and his community.

An unhealthy person who suffers from illness sees him weak and meager, unable to properly carry out the duties and responsibilities incumbent on him.
When the disease develops, the person becomes dependent on other people and cannot meet his different needs in life, which affects his psyche as well due to his sense of helplessness and weakness.

Society is also affected by the presence of the disease among its members, as the productivity of these patients weakens and they become dependent on society.
As for the presence of healthy individuals in society, this means the presence of productive individuals who possess the power and the ability to give and serve.

➤The importance of health for a person is that it saves him the costs of treatment and the hassle of going to hospitals.

A healthy person who is far from the disease sees him saving money that he would have spent on the disease if he neglected his health, so it is always said that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".
You see many governments that are exposed to the spread of epidemics and diseases among their members spend a large part of the money to buy medications to treat these cases.
You also see governments and societies that are concerned with the safety of their people focusing on aspects of prevention and health guidance.

➤Psychologically healthy people feel comfortable and happy in their lives and enjoy life well.
A person who suffers from mental illnesses always sees him as a gloomy and pessimist and does not feel happy in his life and in his relationships with people.
While you see a healthy person enjoying happiness in his life, establishing his relationships with people and showing love, kindness, and intimacy.

Finally, a person must consider many matters and behaviors in life in order to avoid diseases that interfere with his life and to know that illness may be part of the many trials that a person is exposed to.
Eat healthy meals:
What you eat is closely related to your health. Eating a healthy diet can help boost your immune systems, help you maintain a healthy weight and can improve your overall health.
Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet:
Include fruits, vegetables, grain products, leafy greens, salmon, etc. in your diet. Adding fruits and vegetables is an ideal basis to start a healthy routine.

Drink a lot of water:
Drinking a lot of water keeps muscles and joints working, increases the amount of water in your blood, promotes healthy skin and cardiovascular health and helps cleanse toxins from your body.
You can save a lot of money and improve your health by drinking water all day.
Get regular exercise:
Do a moderate workout for at least 30 minutes a day, as exercise can help prevent heart disease, stroke, colon cancer, and diabetes.
Lose your extra weight:
Lose weight if you are overweight. If you want to lose extra weight, you have to reduce the number of calories you consume, so you have to become a good record-keeper.
If you are obese, losing weight can mean "less heart disease, less cancer and less diabetes.
Wash your hands before eating a meal:
Hand washing before eating is a good habit and an effective way to prevent infection.
If you eat something without washing your hands, it is possible that the bacteria and germs that remain on your fingers and palms can be moved into your mouth.
This can affect your overall health and cause diseases and infections.
Protect your skin:
Your skin is the first layer of defense in the body, and you need to protect it. In summer, a lot of sunlight is very harmful to your skin cells because UV rays damage or even kill your skin cells.
In winter, fluctuations, redness, allergies and irritation are common skin diseases among many of us.
Cold temperatures and low humidity levels create dry air that pulls moisture away from the skin. Therefore, protect your skin in both seasons.
Get enough sleep:
Sleep plays an important role in good health and well-being throughout your life because it enables the body to repair and be fit and ready for another day.
Getting enough sleep at the right times may help prevent physical health problems such as excess weight gain, heart disease, protect your mental health issues and improve your quality of life and safety.
Prevent substance abuse:
Avoid smoking, to***co, alcohol, caffeine and sugary drinks. Smoking, alcohol, and to***co consumption are harmful to your health, so avoid such things as soon as possible.
When you quit, you will greatly reduce the risk of death from lung cancer and other life-threatening diseases such as heart disease, stroke, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, etc.
Make your lifestyle choices better:
You can understand what you should do to enjoy a healthy, happy life.
Poor lifestyle choices contribute significantly to the development and progression of preventable chronic diseases.

Improve your lifestyle, adopt healthy lifestyle choices and create good and healthy habits so that you can make healthy changes in your life.
Carve out time to exercise and find a way to ratchet down stress and depression.

Get cured in HIV/Cancer today get in touch with us on our WhatsApp Plantform now



Gammora is an artificial peptide compound Enzyme derived integrase, which is responsible for incorporating the genetic material of the virus into the DNA of the cell. Gammora excites the integration of various HIV DNA fragments into the host cell DNA, to a level that triggers the cell’s self-destruction, called apoptosis.
The medication appears to be a wide-spectrum fighter of viral replication (one is ribavirin, a medicine utilized in hepatitis C treatment). It can function to restrict viral propagation in established disease and the disease of additional cells.
These first outcomes were exceeding our expectations and assured confidence in finding a cure for a disease that’s been detected within 35 years, announced in a report Dr. Elvira Naftali, head of growth in Zion Medical. Given the limited nature of the analysis, we are eager to demonstrate our medication’s effectiveness in Stage 2b employing some participants within a more extended period.
In case this stage proves successful its consequences are life-altering. Now, present readily available HIV retroviral treatments that are work by controlling the expansion of the virus but don’t offer any remedy for the disease.
HIV sufferers may hope to get a better life span, not a real respite. The peptide of Zion Medical can destroy all cells bearing the HIV virus-genome offering an actual treatment for contaminated patients.
The medical stage 1/2a Gammora human trial of Zion Medical found that many patients revealed a significant reduction in the viral burden of about 90 percent in the research during the first four months.
In Part II of the investigation, Gammora was combined with additional retroviral remedies which led to patients demonstrating around 99 percent drop in viral load from baseline in four months.
Furthermore, during the process of tests, Gammora has been demonstrated to be well-tolerable and protected. In actual, no side effects have been reported.
What is more, Gammora was found to boost person CD4 cell Count 97 around percent from the baseline. CD4 cells, also known as T cells or some T cells are the cells that the HIV kills. They are white blood cells that play an integral role in the immune system, the natural protective measures against diseases, germs, and ailments of the body.
Since the increase of HIV infections, CD4 cells progress decrease. Someone is going to be diagnosed with AIDS if their numbers fall below 200 and will be viewed at high risk of contracting serious illnesses. For reference, a person range for CD4 cells is approx 500-1,500.
The news caused a frenzy entirely directing Zion Medical to describe the company has a long way in front of a remedy could be guaranteed, but it’s gotten a step nearer. The business also revealed their peer-reviewed research needs to be made available in 2019.
Zion Medical, the Israeli-based pharmaceutical company, recently revealed the news of a successful first clinical trial due to what they called a potential HIV remedy. They have issued a further statement on Twitter that makes it crystal clear that more experiments will be required, and their official results will need to get peer-reviewed and published.
Considering that the announcement was made by the company on October 31, there has been a tide of excitement on social websites together with individuals clamoring to find out more.
Zion Medical is a comparatively new company, based in 2014. According to the business website, it develops Cancer and AIDS-treating products based on peptides derived from HIV and targeted lentivirus particles.
Outcomes of the HIV drug’s first clinical trial, Gammora, have shown it can kill up to 99 percent of the virus within one month of treatment. The results declared confirm that Gammora significantly decreased the viral load in human cases by destroying the cells containing virus without harming healthy ones, unlike drugs that suppress the spreading of this virus.


Good health is an asset. Good health means soundness of body and mind. It keeps us fit for our work. It keeps us free from diseases. It is the most valuable possession in human life. By maintaining some rules, we can keep good health. To keep good health, one has to eat a balanced diet, drink clean water, take fresh air, rest properly and take physical exercise regularly. To keep good health one should rise early in the morning and take some physical exercises. To speak the truth, it is the greatest wealth of all things on earth.

We should eat a balanced diet. We should drink clean water and take regular physical exercise. Health is the sound state of the body as well as of mind. Most people are in our country. So they do not get the food they need for good health. If people do not take a balanced diet, they often suffer from various diseases. A healthy man must have soundness of mind as well as the soundness of the body. The rich and educated people are not conscious of the rules of good health. They think that costly food is good for health. As a result, most of the people suffer from various complexities.

The importance of keeping good health can not be described in words. It is said that good health is the source of all happiness. Public awareness should be increased about good health. However, life without good health is boring and unbearable. To be healthy, one must grow up in a balanced way. A healthy man is really lucky because he can do his duties properly and become successful in life. By keeping a simple and carefree life one can lead a happy life. Therefore, we should keep good health to lead a healthy, comfortable and diseases free life.


Good health is central to human happiness and well-being that contributes significantly to prosperity and wealth and even economic progress, as healthy populations are more productive, save more and live longer. For a healthy life cycle, you need a healthy and balanced diet, good hygiene habits, staying in a proper shelter and getting enough sleep.


A cure instead of a cocktail Investigational Medicinal Product (IMP) Gammora is a synthetic peptide compound derived from the HIV enzyme integrase.

This enzyme is responsible for inserting the virus’ generic material into the DNA of the infected cell. Gammora works by stimulating the integration of multiple HIV DNA fragments into the host cell’s genomic DNA, triggering the self-destruction of the infected cell (apoptosis).

Gammora stimulates the integration of multiple HIV DNA fragments into the host cell's genomic DNA, triggering the self-destruction of the infected cell The peptide, produced by California-based PolyPeptide Labs, has the potential to cure HIV infected patients by destroying all cells carrying the HIV virus-genome.

Unlike the commercially available retroviral treatments, the “cocktail”, which aims to suppress the spread of the virus, Gammora is designed to kill HIV-infected cells, without harming uninfected cells. Abraham Loyter, professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, first started research on this novelty drug a decade ago, having been granted patents for the peptide in 2015 and 2017.

Zion Medical in-licensed the compound and has continued research and development through pre-clinical and clinical stages. On August 31, 2018, Zion Medical filed another patent application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for an updated version of the peptide and final drug composition.

RELATED: Read about the impact digital disruption is having on clinical trials Successful Phase 1/2a human clinical trial results Between July and August 2018, Zion Medical conducted a Phase 1/2a human clinical trial of Gammora, reaffirming prior preclinical test results which had showed the safety and effectiveness of the drug in killing HIV-infected cells. In Part I of this trial, nine HIV-infected patients at the Dr. Ronald Bata Memorial Hospital in Entebbe, Uganda, were randomly assigned to receive either 0.05-0.2 mg/kg, or 0.1- 0.3 mg/kg, or 0.2-0.4 mg/kg of Gammora for up to 4-5 weeks. Most patients showed a significant reduction of the viral load of up to 90% from the baseline during the first four weeks.

Most patients showed a significant reduction of the viral load of up to 90% from the baseline in the first four weeks In Part II of the study, conducted two weeks after the first, patients were given Gammora with additional retroviral treatment combined for another 4-5 weeks.

There is hope that patients using the treatment could experience a full reduction in around 6 months. If the Phase 2b trial is successful, Zion Medical is looking for the drug to be commercially available in the next one to two years. They will be targeting countries where approvals can be made on a quicker time frame (Africa, India, China). Zion Medical is aiming for commercial availability in the next one to two years if further trials are successful Speaking to Pharma IQ, Zion also noted that Gammora showed effectiveness with patients who were currently resistant to the traditional “cocktail” treatment. One of the patients in the Phase 1/2a trial was resistant to the standard antiretroviral drugs. After 2 weeks with Gammora, she was able to remove 65% of her viral load.

Interestingly, throughout the 10 weeks, Gammora was shown to be highly tolerable with patients exhibiting no side effects. With chronic HIV sufferers currently taking a number of tablets daily with varying side effects, a single injection treatment with no side effects could have a drastic impact on a patient’s quality of life.

Gammora has shown effectiveness with patients who were resistant to the tranditional cocktail treatment Over the course of the trial, patients also showed a significant increase of the CD4 cell count – up to 97% from the baseline. CD4 cells, referred to as T cells or T helper cells, play an important role in the body’s immune system and are an indicator of its overall health. These results indicate the positive impact of Gammora on the wider system of HIV-infected participants.

The AFRICAN DOCTOR group guarantees you free, fast, and secure delivery via our partner for sending DHL products to all countries of the world. We do everything possible so that you can acquire your products as quickly as possible.

Delivery is also possible via land transport which serves the sub-region via partner buses such as UTB and TCV in all countries of West Africa so that our patients can acquire their orders as quickly as possible. Our primary objective is to provide you with your order within a maximum of 3 days. This period is defined by the day the patient's product becomes available. As you know, each patient's product is different in order to best match their case. Its production, therefore, begins on the day of the order by our experts.


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