Herbs To The Rescue

Ganoderma Lucidum has the ability to maintain or improve health. Its a tonic that is suitable for th


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Photos from Herbs To The Rescue's post 13/08/2020

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Ganoderma lucidum (Lingzhi or Reishi)
A Medicinal Mushroom

Sissi Wachtel-Galor, John Yuen, John A. Buswell, and Iris F. F. Benzie.

Ganoderma lucidum, an oriental fungus (Figure 9.1), has a long history of use for promoting health and longevity in China, Japan, and other Asian countries. It is a large, dark mushroom with a glossy exterior and a woody texture. The Latin word lucidus means “shiny” or “brilliant” and refers to the varnished appearance of the surface of the mushroom. In China, G. lucidum is called lingzhi, whereas in Japan the name for the Ganodermataceae family is reishi or mannentake.

In Chinese, the name lingzhi represents a combination of spiritual potency and essence of immortality, and is regarded as the “herb of spiritual potency,” symbolizing success, well-being, divine power, and longevity. Among cultivated mushrooms, G. lucidum is unique in that its pharmaceutical rather than nutritional value is paramount.
G. lucidum is a well-known Asian herbal remedy with a long and impressive range of applications. Global consumption of G. lucidum is high, and a large, increasing series of patented and commercially available products that incorporate G. lucidum as an active ingredient are available as food supplements. These include extracts and isolated constituents in various formulations, which are marketed all over the world in the form of capsules, creams, hair tonics, and syrups.

With its growing popularity, many studies on G. lucidum composition, cultivation, and reputed effects are being carried out, and there are data that support its positive health benefits, including anticancer effects; blood glucose regulation; antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiviral effects; and protection against liver and gastric injury


Morinzhi ( Morinda Citrifolia )
Morinzhi is a nutritional botanical beverage specially formulated from Morinda citrifolia (Noni) enriched with Roselle. Morinda citrifolia (Noni) has been traditionally used as a health drink among the tropical folks. Morinzhi juice is rich in vitamins , minerals and antioxidants.

What does research tell us about Morinzhi or Noni Juice?
There are some interesting studies on Noni. One biochemist and researcher, Dr. Ralph Heinicke, has spent much of his research time studying an alkaloid called xeronine. This is found in Noni and is also produced by the human body. This element works to allow the body to activate enzymes that regulate and provide structure to proteins. It is an element present in the body that the body cannot live without, but it does not accumulate at high enough levels in the body to be extracted. Noni juice does not contain appreciable amounts of this xeronine alkaloid, but it does contain large amounts of what is a precursor to xeronine called proxeronine. The research done by Dr. Heinicke focuses on the effects of enzymatic reactions that are due specifically to taking Noni juice on an empty stomach. The aim of his research is to show that Noni aids in the process that begins cellular repair.

Much of the best research is being conducted at the University of Hawaii, where researchers are studying the impact of Noni upon cancer diseases. Related research studies are looking at the use of Noni to fight auto-immune diseases, effects of aging, diabetes and other diseases. It has been tested and found to be effective as an antioxidant. A large study involving 15,000 participants was conducted by Dr. Neil Solomon. The test involved taking Noni over a seven month period. An impressive 75% of the study participants reported improvements in their disease conditions and of those persons, 95% saw their subjective improvements occur within three months if they followed the study guidelines for taking Noni daily.

Here are some of Noni juice benefits that are backed up by recent researches and studies

Reduces Cholesterol and Triglycerides
A research by University of Illinois College published in the AHA journal revealed that cholesterol and triglycerides were reduced when the smokers were asked to drink Noni juice for a month. An improvement in the blood lipid profiles were observed specifically reduced cholesterol by as much as 22%, triglycerides by as much as 54%, and HDL increased by as much as 16%.

Inhibits Growth of Cancer Cells

A study conducted on mice with lung cancer as subjects, the Noni tree was found to contain a polysaccharide-rich substance, the noni-ppt. This investigation in 2003 concluded that Noni tree has an inhibiting property for the growth of new cancer in man’s tissues.
A recent study using human subjects by the Tianjin Medical University was similarly conducted and the result was published in The Journal, Chinese Medical Research & Clinical. The study showed an increased adaptive immune system activity by 32% and innate immune system activity by 30%. Noni juice also decreased oxidative stress in the body by 19%.
In December 2001, the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences said that the antioxidant content of Noni juice has reduced the formation of cancer cells in the body. Also, they conducted in invitro set-up and animals as subjects. The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York supported the previous findings by showing that the Noni extract exhibits anti-tumor features. Thus, it is believed to reduce or even cure cancer.
Some Other Benefits are :

Boosts Energy
Prevents Parasitic Infections
Use for Healthy Skin and Hair
Helps with Digestion
Boosts the Immune System
Helps in stomach related problems
Helps in overall well being.
Helps normalize blood pressure
Supports joint health and mobility
Offers powerful immuno-stimulatory response
Helps support proper digestion
Supports the female reproductive system
Minimizes discomfort due to menstrual cramping
Suggested Dosage = two ( 2 ) tablespoons (can be served ice cold mixed with water or taken directly for those who are busy and always on the go.)

Morinda Citrifolia also know as “queen of plants” has the widest of medical application. Morinda citrifolia or mengkudu has been admitted as a remarkable healing agent, since 2000 years ago. It is improved blood circulation, used ability to kill pain. Scientific studies discovered Morinda citrifolia has the ability to regulate immune system, it is seems to be the most important discovery in 21st century.

The recent discovery is that Noni stimulates two major hormones called serotonin and melatonin. The pineal gland controls the 5 major other glands below it which are:
The thyroid which produces thyroxine to energize our cells
The thymus (immune system control centre) which protects us against infections and cancer.
The pancreas which is involved with blood sugar and secreting hormone insulin.
The adrenal gland which responds everytime you are under stress.
The first gland is the male and female s*x organs and their hormones.
In ancient terms, the pineal gland was called the sixth gland of the body. Hence by restoring the sixth gland, the pineal gland, it will have an impact on all those other glands and their functions in the body. When the pineal gland is at its peak performance, it turns a golden colour and emits a black fluid. The black fluid would be the melanin colour of the organs and every other area of the body which has pigments.
The back of the eye has a black area called the macula which is pigmented with melanin. That is the area the light hits when your eyes open. Many people have difficulty with their eyesight (e.g. blindness, short-sighted and far-sighted and astigmatism) because one of the cause is that the pigment at the macula is degenerating. Research has been found that DXN Morinzhi makes the macula generate more pigment and the cells begin to return to normal and hence reverses the blindness itself.
Disease related to pineal gland leads to multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease. Appropriate function of the pineal gland is important in restoring those cells, and we are seeing patients reversing some of their neurological problems because DXN Morinzhi is stimulating the production of chemical essential to those areas of the brain.

The pancreas is also affected by DXN Morinzhi: the blood sugar and blood pressure begin to normalize. The pineal gland affects the different organs all the way down to the first gland, the male and female s*x organs, and people are noticing for example that their prostate glands are beginning to shrink down to normal size once they have been on DXN Morinzhi for a short period of time. Women who have problems with their uterus or with fibriods, are noticing that the fibroids are beginning to disappear, that their menstruation is beginning to normalize, they have less cramps and their bleeding problems become more in balance.

A Cellular Diet:

MORINZHI Works at the Cellular level. Works at the roots of illness . Works at the source. Not with the symptoms .
Health Enhancer - Morinzhi contains Health enhancing attributes which are Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Anti-congestive and has, Cancer-inhibiting compounds.

Key Benefits:

• A Preventive Protective Diet Supplement.

Prevention is Better than Cure .
Any person can improve his/her Health And Lifestyle. You can have more energy, more clarity, more fun…

• Morinzhi the Improviser !
The medical world hails Morinzhi for its rich source of “Proxeronine” which is a precursor for Xeronine a molecule required by many proteins of our body, Xeronine assists in enlarging the pores of the cell walls allowing better absorption of nutrients and medicines and supports protein metabolism.

• Morinzhi can be taken with other medications.Morinzhi actually improves the efficacy of the medicine.

• A Special Supplement : Morinzhi is a proven ‘Adaptogen’.

• Morinzhi is
Anti Inflammatory
Morinzhi Has a low ‘Glycemic Index’
Morinzhi Is a ‘Humectant.
Morinzhi supports
Immune system
circulatory system
The digestive system
the metabolic system

11 Healthy Herbs & Spices That Help Keep Disease At Bay 15/10/2018

11 Healthy Herbs & Spices That Help Keep Disease At Bay Discover 11 of the best healthy herbs and spices that can help keep you vibrant and disease-free.


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More and more people are talking about reishi mushrooms or ganoderma Lucidum and its ability to support health. Dont get left behind....Whatsapp us for more info @ +268 76178681


It is well with you today


With herbs we can support our bodies to cure themselves. Detox and rejuvenate. Thanks to Ganoderma.....No More Band- Aids💪

Thoughts on this?


Ganoderma for long life

Looking for Reishi or ganoderma lucidum supplements...look no further. We have the liquid and powder versions. Contact us @ +268 76178681

The Chinese name of this fungus is Ling Zhi, in Japan it is called Reishi. Ganoderma lucidum has been used as medicine for more than 4000 years. It is traditionally a symbol of good health, physical and mental recovery, long life, high s*xual activity, wisdom and fortune.

Reishi is rich in micronutrients such as iron, magnesium, copper, potassium, zinc, manganese and germanium. The most valuable compounds of Ling Zhi are polysaccharides and triterpenes such as ganodermic acid, ganolucid acid or lucidemic acid.

For weight loss DXN Products 22/08/2018

Use Ganoderma Produtcs to support your weight loss journey

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Choosing a healthier coffee


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What is Ganoderma Mushroom?

Commonly known as reishi mushroom, ganoderma is the most alkaline food in the world. Its scientific name is Ganoderma Lucidum and it is species of red mushrooms. It has a documented history of over 200 years and is the most revered herb in traditional Chinese medicine. Ganoderma or reishi mushroom was earlier referred to as “Herb of Spiritual Potency” and the “Ten Thousand Year Mushroom”. Wealthy people in ancient times used this wonder mushroom in the hope of obtaining immortality and calmness. It is not a drug, but it can cure many diseases as it helps to detoxify the whole body.

Now this wonder herb is called the “King of the Herbs”. Ganoderma is believed to promote health and longevity. It has been long used in Chinese medicine for treating a number of diseases like body aches, cancer, and liver diseases. It is also prescribed for various psychiatric and neurological diseases.
Reishi mushroom is available in six different colors, but the red variety is most commonly cultivated and used. Reishi mushroom is not used for cooking as it has an extremely bitter taste. You may not find it in your grocery store or supermarket.
Ganoderma was earlier grown only in the wild, but is now cultivated in special farms and gardens. It is cultivated using the tissue culture method. The process uses centrifugal separation technique to retain the nutrients.

Nutritional Value:
Ganoderma contains a whopping 400 nutrients! The nutrients present in this amazing herb promote health and vitality. Some of the important nutrients are polysaccharides, antioxidants, adenosine, protein and alkaloids. It contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium, Vitamin A, C, E, D and B complex vitamins.

Ganoderma Mushroom Benefits for Health:

1. Heart Health:
Researchers in China and Japan have found that the ganoderic acid present in ganoderma improves blood flow and lowers oxygen consumption in the heart muscle. It also lowers cholesterol and inhibits platelet clumping, which often leads to heart attack. Ganoderma prevents the buildup of plaque in the arteries. Plaque restricts blood flow by narrowing the passage within the arteries, resulting in atherosclerosis. A study has found that consuming ganoderma for 2 weeks can significantly lower blood pressure.

2. Anti-Allergic:
Ganoderma extract can significantly inhibit different types of allergic reaction, including asthma and dermatitis. Tritpenes, a compound found in ganoderma provides anti-viral and anti-allergic effects. It inhibits the histamine release, making the herb potentially useful for allergies. Polysaccharides improve the ability of antibodies to fight bacteria and viruses that cause allergic reaction. Ganoderma is useful for treating allergies caused due to atopic shock, dermatitis, hay fever, hives, and food and drug allergies.

3. Healing the Liver:
This potent herb protects the liver from damage caused due to physical and biological factors. It also treats alcohol induced fatty liver and cirrhosis. Ganoderma can help people in the early stages of alcoholic liver diseases especially those who have not experienced severe loss of liver function. It also helps patients suffering from hepatitis B and elevated liver enzymes. Hepatitis B is quite difficult to clear from the body and its recurrence after treatment is high. The powerful compounds present in ganoderma accelerate the clearance of drugs and chemicals stored in the liver. The antioxidants present in ganoderma combats the free radicals, promoting liver regeneration.

4. Detoxify the Body:
Ganoderma eliminates the toxins accumulated in the body due to excess intake of medicines and junk food. It promotes the efficient synthesis of bile and fatty acids, promoting faster detoxification of the chemicals from the body. Moreover, it enhances the body’s ability to take in more than 1.5 times oxygen. Ganoderma rapidly oxygenates the body and adjusts its pH value.

5. Cure for Kidney Disease:
Kidney disease includes chronic nephritis, diabetic renal syndrome, and nephritis. It occurs due to high blood sugar and cholesterol levels in the body. Overloaded kidney prevents the blood from reaching the renal capillaries. This causes fatigue, urine retention and uremia. Ganoderma lowers proteinuria and cholesyerolemia, maintaining proper renal function.

6. Sound Sleep:
Chinese herbalists have traditionally recommended Ganoderma for its sleep promoting properties. Regular usage of ganorderma can promote a slow wave of sleep.

7. Mental Health:
In Japan, dried Ganoderma is recommended for the treatment of neuroses caused by environmental stress. A study also found that regular intake Ganoderma can help patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. It provides a calming effect, which is neither a narcotic nor hypnotic.

8. Muscle Relaxant:
Ganoderma has been used widely for its muscle relaxing and pain inhibiting properties. It is believed that the herb can also treat anorexia and debility following a chronic disease.

9. Immune System:
Ganoderma is very useful in boosting the body’s immune system. Reishi mushrooms not only stimulate the immune system, but also regulate it. It regulates metabolic balance and promotes a synthesis of nucleic acid in the body. Polysaccharides raise the levels of interferon in the body by promoting the release of protein from the white blood cells. These white blood cells assist in inhibiting the spread of diseases. Studies have shown that patients taking ganoderma show fewer side effects from chemotherapy and radiation. The post-operative recovery is also smoother.

10. Ageing:
The polysaccharides in ganoderma promote nuclear DNA synthesis and increased cell division, delaying the onset of ageing. It also contributes to longer life spans. This wonder herb helps to manage some of the most life threatening age conditions and autoimmune diseases like cancer and other neurodegenerative diseases.

11. Weight Loss:
Oxygen is very essential for burning fat for fuel. High levels of oxygen boost the body’s metabolism, leading to weight loss. It increases the rate at which the body provides blood to the oxygen, giving you extra energy. Increased energy levels help you to work out for longer, aiding weight loss.

12. Antioxidants:
Ganoderma is a potent source of antioxidants. It contains one of the highest sources of antioxidant found in herbs. Ganoderma Lucidum peptide is the most powerful antioxidant found in this herb. Other antioxidants include polysaccharide, polysaccharide peptide complex and phenolic components.

13. Cancer:
Ganoderma is touted for its anti-cancer benefits. It strengthens the immunity and combats cancer cell proliferation. It stimulates the production of interleukin-2, which helps to fight several types of cancer. Ganoderic acid, a compound found in ganoderma, helps to fight liver cancer. It counteracts suppression by stimulating the creation of protein in the bone marrow. In a trial, 34 people with advanced stage cancer were given ganoderma three times a day for 12 weeks. The results showed a significant increase in the T-cells.
Lack of oxygen is one of the major causes of cancer. Cancer cells are known to thrive in oxygen-depleted environment. Conversely, cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygen rich environment. Several laboratory studies have shown that ganoderma can prevent cancer metastasis. It inhibits the migration of cancer cells and angiogenesis. The extracts of ganoderma are used in pharmaceuticals to suppress cancer cell proliferation. Furthermore, combining ganoderma with green tea augments its power to re**rd the growth of cancer cells.

14. Infection:
Ganoderma stimulates the maturity of immune cells called macrophages, which digest infectious bacteria. This further prevents the development of secondary infection. It is also active against yeast infection.

15. Stress:
Ganoderma has been prescribed since centuries to people suffering from stress and anxiety. It can effectively reduce emotional outbursts during chronic stress and depression. Ancient Chinese monks used reishi mushroom to calm their minds for meditation.

16. Skin Health:
Topical application of ganoderma can be very effective for healing skin wounds, eczema, psoriasis, bug bites, stings, and scrapes.

17. Urinary Tract Infection:
Ganoderma can also provide relief from urinary tract infections. In a study, 88 people suffering from urinary tract infection were given ganoderma for 2 weeks. The researchers found that ganoderma was significantly superior to placebo in providing relief from urinary tract infection. It inhibits 5- alpha reductase, an enzyme that converts testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone. These 5 alpha reductase can lead to swollen prostate and the health problem that accompanies it. It also improves urine flow in men with mild to moderate urinary tract symptoms.

18. Inflammation:
Ganoderma extract is very effective for decreasing post-herpetic pain, which occurs soon after the herpes lesions heal. A combination of ganoderma with San Mioa (a mixture of several Chinese herbs) may help reduce rheumatoid arthritis. It helps to reduce the swelling associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Ganoderma is also effective for stiff neck and arms.

19. Blood Sugar:
Ganoderma also provides blood sugar lowering effect. It contains polysaccharides known as Ganoderans A, B and C, which provides hypoglycemic effect. It elevates plasma insulin levels to enhance peripheral tissue utilization and liver metabolism of glucose.

20. Radiation:
Ganoderma augments the effects of radiation therapy while acting directly against tumors. It strengthens the immune system, which helps the body to manage radiation therapy and chemotherapy. It also eases the symptoms of radiation therapy like nausea, vomiting, fever, infection, and hair fall and weight loss.

Ganoderma is available in powder, capsule forms and it is enriched with health supplements, food & beverages, personal care and skincare products.


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Cancer testimony ....Xiangzhiling (Ganoderma) to her rescure


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Medicinal mushrooms




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