The Talking Pixie

The Talking Pixie

Undercover Pixie Critics




Mtunzini you beauty



There is a little town called MtunZini
Also known as the place in the shade
The locals call it zini...
There is not a traffic light in site to be obeyed

The roads are windy and bendy
Sidewalks lined with trees, monkey's and birds
If you sit and listen closely
There's an orchestra of magic to be heard.

The people are friendly and chatty
They go fishing not catching most days
Down by the lagoon, which is an estuary
You can have fun in so many different ways

They care about wild life and community.
The pot holes and cleaning up the streets
Safety and communication the epitome
Behind the scenes work is done, week to week.

There's social bowls on a Tuesday for those willing to learn
All different ages gathering together waiting for their turn
It's not meant to be competitive but that's not the truth
Getting a regular on your team can be a real ego boost ;)

The forest is host to all creatures
Fungi for the mycological crew
A golf course for the daring adventurers
An ocean with magnitudes of blue

If you go to the beach just remember to take a hat and your towel as well
If you are daring enough to go swimming, just note there's one heck of a swell

You'll see boats being pushed out by the chairman...that will no doubt be Nic
The honoury ranger with his tractor and pretty good with a hockey stick!

The ski boat club is busy from Wednesday and right the week through
Sign up to be a member and you'll get discount too.
Dumi is part of the furniture, you can't miss him if you tried
He's a salt of the earth human, when you meet him, you'll understand why.

The park run starts at 7 on the gold course
Do it with your partner, you may stay married or get divorced 😆
Don't be fooled by the start line it is quite the trek
I have even seen people do it with a baby around their neck

The zini market is a place you can catch your breath at after
Treats, trinkets and veggies will help you run a bit faster
You will find Annie at a table doing licensing for all
Pensioners get free services, now isn't that a call:)

After all the excitement and banter, I'm sure you're tummy is grumbling for a few .
Mike's fish and chips have always been a headliner,
Strawberries to pigs and Zeepos are guaranteed too.
There's Free living to help watch the wasteline , Foresters for the Eisbein and bush baby crew.
Try a curry from Tracy's in Raphia, if you fancy a pizza then Vista has got one for you!

There's band on bakkie every other Sunday
If you fancy a good skop,sing along and a dop
All proceeds go to a worthy charity
Everything is literally a stone throw from your stoep

Zini is indeed a well kept secret I have to say
Understandly residents want to keep it that way.
Once you have visited and experienced it just for a day
You will be captured and will return or are most likely to stay



Unashamedly hijacked and reposted here, because it tackles a thorny issue with the right attitude!

Some good ideas sent to me from a friend who found this useful article on FaceBook.

I live in Zambia, and have been living with load shedding every day, for 12-18 hours a day, for the past 6 months. A couple of my friends asked for my load shedding tips so I thought I’d share them here too:

Most important tip: be patient, 😕 stay calm, and accept that it’s going to be what it’s going to be, regardless of how worked up you get about it! Yes, it sucks, yes it’s unfair, yes some suburbs are way worse off than others. 🙄

1. Fill a few 2L bottles with water and freeze them. When the power goes off, move 2 or 3 into your fridge and limit opening and closing the door.
Leave the other frozen bottles in the deep freeze and only take them out once the others are down to about 25% ice. Swap them out for more frozen ones. This should keep your fridge cold enough to preserve your food for at least 8 hours. The ones in your deep freeze should stay frozen at least 12 hours. Remember, don’t open and close the doors unless entirely necessary!

2. Keep your power bank charged up and ONLY use it when the power is off. If you know you’re in for a few hours down time in a day, put your phone on low power mode ASAP to preserve battery life.

3a. Invest in decent rechargeable camping lights ( Cape Union Mart, Makro, Game). They last a few hours and are bright enough to read/play board games/shower by.
3b. Get some rechargeable globes (R75 – R125 each depending where you shop). 💡💡💡
It charges when the power is on and works well during loadshedding. Get one for every room in the house and there will be no need to sit in darkness any longer.

4. Thieves love loadshedding when all is in darkness. Light up the outside of your house with solar lighting. Invest in decent solar lights, the kind with it’s own panels, this is a “must have” item. Shop around, Makro and Game now stock it, but also the Chinese shops (who give you zero warrantee). 100 Watt gives a very decent light and will last the whole night. 200 Watt will light up your outside courtyard or carport. It can be set for automatic timing.

5. A car phone charger is a necessity!

6. Keep groceries in the pantry/fridge that don’t require cooking (if you have an electric stove/oven.) Tapas anyone? If you’re desperate, a little camping gas stove is a good idea for easy meals like scrambled egg, 2 min noodles etc.

7. When the electricity is on, boil the kettle and fill a flask or two to use for baby bottles/tea/coffee.

8. Plan outings for your scheduled load shedding time. During the day it’s not so bad, but at night it can get real depressing sitting in the dark night after night. A movie, a date night, a meal out, late night shopping, hanging with friends on a different schedule to you - all do wonders at boosting your mood and reducing the effect load shedding actually has on you. Don’t be scared to call on your community!

9. If it’s within your budget, look at getting an inverter system, or generator. Even the most basic system will give you a few hours of the minimum: lights, chargers, tv, maybe a fan. Electricity prices are going up by 18% so factor that in your financial calculations.

10. Hot water. A simple solar shower bag kept full and in the sun can be a mood changer. A solar geyser is better.

11. Cooking - keeping the braai stocked with charcoal or wood is now an essential chore.
Invest in a gas hob, the prices are increasing with demand.

12. Hang washing up carefully so it doesn't crease. Hey, our British visitors never iron any clothes, an example to follow.

13. Communications - I have noticed that the cellphone towers are going off during load shedding. Get to know your neighbours in case you can't phone or text. If anyone knows Elon Musk a few Starlink satellites will help.

I know it sucks, and is frustrating and makes you shake your head and swear and rage. But try remember the many wonderful things that you do have as a result of living in SA. And enjoy all the candle lit bubble baths you want! 🕯️🕯️🕯️

😁 Please share on group chats- have a blessed week.


🐟🐠🐟 👌 FISH & CHIPS 🐟🐠🐡🎣🍟👌

GREAT value for money! ✔️

Relaxed vibrant setting ✔️

Grilled hake to perfection ✔️

The right amount of crisp to the chips ✔️

Accompanied by a delightful tartar sauce ✔️

R75 bucks 👌 👌 👌 ✔️

Highly recommended ✔️

“It’s called fishing not catching”

And………What a catch this was indeed!

Free Living Essentials

Photos from The Talking Pixie's post 04/11/2022

Ski boat Club- Mtunzini

There’s a ‘little’ spot called the Ski Boat club in Mtunzini.

If you’ve never heard of it-
It’s in a little place in KZN: KwaZulu Natal (Qwuaa -Zoo-loo- Na-TELLL)

In not so many words: Durban, South Africa.

I’ve seen very few boats here at the Ski Boat Club, but oh so many smiling faces of all ages.

New comers and weekly locals enjoying good food and company to match it!

This discreet spot has the most pixieliscious burgers and pizzas I’ve had thus far!

The staff are fantastic, pixie friendly and make you feel welcome!
There prices are just as good too👌

Gentle, calm, social(when you feel like it) alongside the ambience of pure small town magic! Shhh… that’s the best kept secret.

I PIX them a 9/10 ( please get some chalk chalk for the pool table 😉 (-1 Chalk)

Xx Talking Pixie xx


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