The Health Architect - Astrid Merkt

The Health Architect - Astrid Merkt

Helping ambitious humans feel, think & move better | Your one stop shop for your success & well-being


The time has finally come!!! ✨ Recalibrate this fall and ignite your true purpose in Bali 💕

DM “RECALIBRATE” for more information ! 🏝️


🚀 The Power of Walk & Talk Therapy 🚀

As a peak performance coach for elite hashtag , I'm always exploring innovative ways to boost creativity, focus, and productivity.

One approach I use with many clients is "walk and talk" therapy sessions.

Instead of the typical seated office setting, walk and talk sessions take place outdoors while walking and unwinding the ideas and issues.

Benefits include:

Increase hashtag and Ideation

- activate different areas of your brain
- help stimulate new neural connections

Improve hashtag and Concentration

- nature and moving reduces cognitive fatigue and mental blocks
- help clear the mind and boosts focus during our coaching

Reduce Stress and Anxiety

- outdoor space is proven to lower stress levels, anxiety, and negative rumination.

Walk & talks provide a sense of calm and clarity ideal for productive sessions.
The rhythm of footsteps anchors you in the moment as we explore solutions and strategies for growth and discovery.

Why not take your coaching / therapy sessions to new heights as well?

Reach out to experience the benefits of walk and talk therapy for yourself.

Book a free 20-minute performance audit here:

hashtag hashtag hashtag 🌟

Microdosing Psychedelics Could Revolutionize Mental Health Treatment 05/06/2024

🌟 Exciting strides are being made in the realm of mental health treatment, and microdosing psychedelics could be at the forefront of this revolution. According to a recent Discover Magazine article, microdosing with psychedelics like L*D and psilocybin mushrooms shows promise in alleviating symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD, without the psychoactive effects associated with larger doses.

As a performance psychologist and therapist, I find this research particularly intriguing. The potential benefits of microdosing extend beyond traditional therapy methods, offering a novel approach to enhancing mood, cognition, and overall well-being.

While more research is needed to fully understand the long-term effects and optimal dosages of microdosing psychedelics, these findings open up new avenues for exploration in mental health treatment. It's an exciting time to be in the field, as we continue to uncover innovative solutions to support individuals in their journey towards psychological wellness.

Read the full article here:

Microdosing Psychedelics Could Revolutionize Mental Health Treatment Some studies show that small doses of psychedelic drugs can help manage anxiety and improve wellbeing, but their overall clinical efficacy remains unproven.


Breathe Better to Cope with Global Stress:

With the ongoing humane and political unrest and tensions, it's understandable to feel anxious, overwhelmed or distracted.

When the world feels chaotic, focusing on what you can control - like your breath - can help you stay grounded.

As a corporate wellness expert, I share with you a simple yet powerful tool to help you regain focus and calm:

Resonant Breathing:
1. Find a Quiet Spot - Even if it’s just for a minute.
2. Inhale for 5 seconds
3. Exhale for 5 seconds
4. Focus on making the inhales and exhales smooth and even
5. Repeat - Do this for a few cycles.

This practice can instantly soothe youre hashtag reduce stress, increase hashtag , and improve overall hashtag -being. It also increases you "Heart Rate Variability". During these turbulent times, taking a few moments to hashtag mindfully can make a significant difference in your mental health and productivity.

Want to learn how you can take better control of your health and productivity while elevating your performance and states? Or curious how to bring cool and innovative workshops into your workplace?

Book in a free 20 minute perfromance audit and consult with the link below:

And remember... when in doubt, breathe it out!

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Common Mental Health challenges faced by today's professionals:

With this May, it's crucial to shed light on mental health challenges faced by professionals across industries.

Just like physical health, if you ignore taking care of your body, you will start to feel the struggles of illiness. Being supported and given the attention it needs, allows your mental health to fuel your and you to thrive, not just survive.

* Burnout and Emotional Exhaustion is at an all time high!..shows up us depression, low energy, lack of motivation, brain fog, feeing under-appreciated and irritability
* Substance Abuse:..used to mask the symptoms and help cope in the short term, but it is detrimental long term
* Interpersonal Conflicts
Lack of teamwork, poor communication, and unsupportive workplace cultures breed interpersonal conflicts that take a toll on professionals' well-being
* Barriers to Help-Seeking:
The stigma surrounding mental health issues often prevents professionals from seeking the support they need. Learning the right tools and strategies for your mental health with a professional is like having a gym to go to with personal trainer and nutritionist to help boost your health.

To address these challenges, a multi-pronged approach focusing on improving workplace culture, reducing stigma, and increasing access to mental health resources is crucial.

One real-time tool/strategy for professionals is the:

"3 Breath Pause"

Whenever you feel overwhelmed, anxious or stressed, simply:

1. Pause what you're doing
2. Take 3 deep, mindful breaths
3. Reflect on the present moment before resuming

This 10-second exercise can provide a mental reset, reduce tension, and increase focus - helping you show up as your best self amidst workplace demands.

Let's prioritize the mental well-being of our professionals who power industries and economies. Their mental fitness impacts all facets of society.

Have any questions on how to take charge of your mental health or that of your teams?

Reach our for FREE consult via dm or in link below:


Unlock the Secret Ingredient to Massive Success:

In the pursuit of excellence, and ingredient that is always needed to act as a catalyst for extraordinary achievements – it is pressure.

Those who embrace it discover an untapped reservoir of potential.

Picture yourself amidst an intense athletic training session, muscles screaming, lungs burning, every fiber of your being yearning to stop. This discomfort, is where the growth happens.

As you persist, beyond the physical, your mind achieves a state of hashtag , and the pressure fuels your progress.

Embrace the pressure that life throws your way. Lean into it, willingly and with curiosity. Build your resilience and unlock the untapped potential that lies latent within.

Next time you encounter pressure, ask yourself...

• What lessons does your pressure seek to provide you?
• What qualities, virtues, and attributes can you cultivate from this pressure?
• Is your pressure guiding you towards a new direction?
or asking you to embark on a path uncharted?

Embrace pressure, my friend. Let it propel you to unprecedented heights. Become the alchemist, transforming challenges into triumphs, and unlock the extraordinary within you!

Are you ready?
Comment below when you have thrived in times of pressure, and how it was a catalyst for you in your pursuit of excellence.

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hashtag hashtag hashtag


How to keep your Peak Performance & Well-being in 3 practical tips:

Lately I see many professional athletes and corporate professionals feel the need that they must be "on" constantly, produce more than before and perform better than the competitor to keep succeeding. This has led to many individuals struggling to maintain their peak performance and in turn having a short-lived healthy career or burning out. This demands are real, and they only seem to keep increasing as human potential keep peaking.

So is there a "magic sauce" to help thrive rather than survive in such environments?


As a performance psychology expert, I've witnessed firsthand the key to learn how to "recover" and 'turn-off". And to use the body to shift the mind and master your "Inner game"

Along with the transformative power of integrating counseling, neuroscience, yoga, and breathwork to help clients breakthrough their limitations.

How to keep your Peak Performance & Well-being:

1. Cultivate Self-Awareness:

The journey to peak performance begins with understanding your unique strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. Engage in self-reflection and mindfulness practices to gain deeper insights into your patterns and identify areas that need improvement. Try noticing a pattern that keeps popping up and getting in the way. Now reflect what triggers it? When did it start? What need is it trying to fill? Now attend to your need by choosing a new habit, thought, or behaviour that nourishes it.

2. Harness the Power of Neuroscience and Breath:

Our brains are incredibly adaptable, adn always learning. Yet they are also lazy and don't like to change old ways. So explore techniques like brain training and neurofeedback to enhance focus, memory, and emotional regulation. Use breath to shift your mental end emotional states. Increase your CO2 tolerance to have better oxygen metabolism for your brain and body.

3. Embrace the Mind-Body Connection:

Yoga and breathwork are not just physical exercises; they are powerful tools for mental clarity, recovery and emotional balance. Incorporate these practices into your routine to reduce stress, enhance self-compassion, and cultivate a sense of inner peace.

Embark on a journey to unlock your full potential by integrating these tips into your daily life. Remember, peak performance and well-being are not destinations but continuous processes of self-discovery and growth.

Ready to take the next step?

Reach out and request a 20 min. consultation with link below to explore customized strategies tailored to your specific needs and aspirations. Together, we can create a roadmap for achieving your personal and professional growth while maintaining optimal well-being.

Visit TikTok to discover videos! 26/08/2023

Create want you want by breathing in your manifestation into existence ✨

Visit TikTok to discover videos! Watch, follow, and discover more trending content.


Are you in the magical of your peak performance?
4 STEPS to your below.

How does it feel to enjoy the end of each day with a sense of accomplishment because you got more done in less time, leaving room for personal fulfillment and relaxation?

How does it feel to be recognized for your exceptional efficiency and productivity (thanks to the dopamine release)?

How does it feel to tap into that “secret mojo” to consistently delivering high-quality results?

All of this, is achievable thanks to the magic of your performance.

Without peak you’ll never consistently function at your .

How do you consistently achieve this you ask?
.. by having the right tools and strategies to optimize your performance and productivity!

Here are 4 main needle movers to your peak performance:

1. Enhance your productivity and efficiency by maximising your time and taking leaps towards your professional and personal goals. Use time management strategies by prioritising and organising your morning and actions with the Eisenhower Matrix.

2. Improve mental wellbeing by moving your body, breathing efficiently, and reducing your stress to increase your overall happiness. Start by setting up empowering routines, get morning sunlight as Andrew Huberman always recommends, and take multiple recharge breaks that involve protocols such as "non-sleep deep rest"/ yoga nidra, and walks outside in nature.

3. Boost creativity and problem-solving skills by enhancing your calm focus and making decisions from a place of calm and focus rather than fear and stress. Tools such as looking at a blank page with an X for 30 seconds and working through 90 minute bouts of uninterrupted chunks, also Huberman's suggestions, are steps toward better focus for work.

4. Improve your relationships by learning more effective ways to communicate and listen with techniques from Non-Violent Communication such as the 4 steps of observing, labelling your feeling, identifying your need, and providing a request. Humans thrive in a social environment, so with the right support system, your performance is enhanced and your life satisfaction increases.

Become more self-aware, identify your unique strengths and unleash your potential and personal growth to lead an abundant, fulfilling, and meaningful life you know you deserve!

If you are ready to take your well-being and perfromance to the next level,
would like a FREE "non-sleep deep rest" protocol recording, DM the word "THRIVE" and I'll send it over to you!

If you have any questions, reach out and happy to chat.

If you enjoyed this read, give it a like and share with others who would also benefit!

resources: Counseling Brazilian athletes during the Olympic Games in Athens 2004: Important issues and intervention techniques - Dietmar Martin Samulski

Tri Peaks Performance – become the CEO of your own life 20/07/2023

Are you ready to feel in control, relaxed and living the life you deserve?

Do you want to perform at your best?

Yet you feel you keep living the same patterns and cycles?
If so, you're not alone.

Many people struggle with overwhelm, performance anxiety and stress. But many do not seek the right help. Or they seek traditional therapy that only approaches the conscious mind, rather than changing and rewiring the brain and body.

But there is a way to truly transform!

With the help of a performance specialist and breath coach, you can learn how to manage your stress, improve your breathing, and boost your performance.

With over 15 years of experience, I've helped hundreds of people improve their performance in all areas of their lives. My mission is to empower people to take control of their own destiny and feel, think and move better every day.

I can help you too.

In my sessions, we will work together to:

Identify your stressors and develop coping mechanisms.
Learn how to breathe more effectively.
Develop a performance plan that is tailored to your individual needs.
I offer online sessions.

To learn more, visit my website
or contact me today.

You don't have to stay where you are, and you can live a life you love!
Let me help you reach your full potential.

Tri Peaks Performance – become the CEO of your own life Hi, I’m Astrid Merkt, and my passion is to harness the power of your breath to elevate your well-being and optimise your unique success!


Have you been trying to change a habit or behavior, but just can't shake it?
Are you feeling stuck, or unmotivated?
Do you feel you could achieve so much more if you could just get the focus and energy?

Well, if you have been trying do this just through mindset and talking, here is why it's not working...

We store trauma, beliefs, and memories within our BODY, which can hold us back no matter how much we try to “think positively”.

Doing mindset work without going deep and changing what's in our body is like trying to think your way to “feeling better”….it's just not the best and fastest way to do it. What do you think?
Well, there's a better way!

Learn more about how your breath can be a powerful tool to break free from what's holding you back.

Request your free performance audit and receive a real time actionable tools to start using today that will help improve your well-being and performance here:


It’s time to level up your MENTAL FITNESS 💪🏻!
Have you been in the fence about working with a or ? Your mental health should be no different then your physical health. Just like talking a class or getting a trainer, working with a professional can get you to the next level 🚀
Here’s some insight on the benefits of working worh someone to support your professional and personal growth ✨


(need a motivation and energy boost?...)

Dopamine is essential for improving mood, motivation, and feeling excited for what's to come. It plays a role in many important body functions, including movement, memory and pleasurable reward and motivation.
A deficiency can lead to feelings of depression, mood disruption, sleep disturbances, and even struggles with any type of addiction.

Dopamine is the molecule of "more" and can be increased naturally. It is a molecule that consists of both a hormone and a neurochemical, and is produced in your body naturally. You can also help boost them pharmaceutically, but best to use your own natural ability to elevate.

Some symptoms of low dopamine levels include:
- Low libido, Muscle stiffness, Insomnia, Lack of motivation, Fatigue, Low focus and attention

If you are feeling run down and overwhelmed, and feel that it is time to take control of how you feel, try these 6 tips below.

Want a personalized roadmap to your success, and how to navigate life's stressors with precision?

DM me the word " " to request your complimentary consult and see how we could work together to elevate your health, mental game, and performance!

3 steps to UNLOCK your TRUE Success 07/10/2022

Here are 3 steps to unlock your Infinite

watch the video till the end to unlock these 3 proven neuroscience based strategies to take your potential to the next level!
Embrace the winds of change. As it is the only constant in life.

Face your fears and know that failure is an inevitable part of your success.

Take full responsibility for your life.

Neuroscience shows that when you gradually increase exposure to your fears, instead of avoiding them, you eventually overcome the fear.

Benjamin Franklin said a very noteworthy point on the link of human agility and success, “Change is the only constant in life. One's ability to adapt to those changes will determine their success in life”

So commit today, too taking 💯 responsibility in your life for your actions, thoughts, and behaviour… as they will create the pathway towards the life you decide to live ✨

3 steps to UNLOCK your TRUE Success Here are 3 steps to unlock your Infinite watch the video till the end to unlock these 3 proven neuroscience based strategies to take your potential ...



As we enter Q4, and get closer to the end of the year, we sometimes can feel this urge to try and finish every goal and ambition we had in mind for this year. We sometimes can feel like we haven't gotten enough done, and overwhelm is a word I hear many clients say.

Time just isn't enough and a constant running on a hamster wheel is the feeling we can get stuck in. The important thing to remember thou is :

The 3 principle I work with my clients to fuel are:

1. Start with the end in mind, and feel the relief and calm of getting it done. Imagine the process, the potential failures and how to overcome them.

2. Work backwards from the end goal, and focus on the very first step needed to move the needle just 1%. What is the very first thing that will create a step toward the right direction? And remember, there are many was to get to a destination, so stay and to enjoy the process and journey.

3. Always create mini and small to celebrate along the way fo the bigger goal. Creating the small milestones to achieve work with the reward chemicals in our brain to keep our fueled.

How are you breaking down those end of year goals? Share in the comments below or dm me. I'd love to hear about them!

Thank you for the brilliant illustration by Liz Fosslien

How to be a Professional Athlete in the (Post?) Pandemic Landscape 11/08/2022

Being an does not only refer to the individual who is focused only on their physical performance in athletics. An athlete can also refer to the athlete.

Both require a determination and grit, with a strong mental game of precision and .

I was interviewed by Morning Chalk Up on my views and tips for continuing being a professional after the pandemic stress. You may resonate with similar challenges that athletes have also endured within the corporate world.

Enjoy a break, and read my featured article, and get some more juicy insights such as:

"“Focus on what you can control, and trust the process when things are completely out of your control. Take those times to notice what can be learned and what message is it trying to convey."

How to be a Professional Athlete in the (Post?) Pandemic Landscape We’re approaching the halfway point of 2022, and dare anyone say the global pandemic may be over (knock on wood). But COVID is lingering in more ways than one, as CrossFit athletes were reminded while…


Tuesday … always nourishes the soul when your work is helping transform lives and build strong foundations for further growth.

My passion is to not only ask the right questions and help you confidently create a life you love. It is providing you with the right tools and strategies to have you roam free and be your own CEO of your life 💫
Curious to find out more? Send me a dm with the word and we can discuss your success roadmap ❤️



McKinsey & Company has a great report on the link between your sleep and how it affects you mental capacities. The research delves deeper on how is correlated to behaviors associated with leadership behaviors and effectiveness!

Previous McKinsey research has highlighted a strong correlation between performance and organizational health. The number ONE predictor of health is your sleep - and the quality of it, alongside exercise, diet, and relationships.

A recent Harvard Medical School study of senior leaders found that 96% percent reported experiencing at least some degree of .

The best way to mitigate burn-out is having good sleep routine and learning tools and strategies to be able to fully down-regulate your nervous system and turn OFF - so that you can be fully charged and work FULL throttle the next day!

Knowledge is power, and applying that knowledge is what creates transformation. So take the opportunity to take your - and leadership capabilities - in your own hand now!

Want to learn more about your sleep? Read my article on "How to get better sleep" in the link below, or reach out!

6 wellness tips to improve your mood and well-being 05/07/2022

You are not alone, and this too shall pass. During hardships and set backs, know that you are not alone. Take control of what you can to make yourself feel better, and reach out to your circle of support. And if you have any questions, I am always here to listen and help - write me a dm and let me know what your favourite coping strategy is!

And when in doubt, breathe it out!!

Read below for 6 tips to help stay healthy and happy :)

6 wellness tips to improve your mood and well-being The world is currently going through a challenging time, and I hope that knowing that you are not alone helps bring you a sense of support and faith to know that nothing is permanent. You must remember, that in every single situation in life - both good and bad, it too shall always pass.


We can't always escape the stress around us.
Sometime the stress is what fuels us to push for that deal, close that sale.
The problem is when we can't turn off from work. We can't fully relax to fully recharge!

It all starts with awareness. Awareness of how your breath has changed. Then a change, a change for the better.

Do we need to shift our nervous system into a calm focus, an active fight, or a restful sleep?

If you are ready to take your performance and health to the next level to fully live the life you are meant to live - request your free 20 minute success call with the form link below:


This message is for you!!! ✨

Do you feel always and on the go? Non-stop action, and feeling drained?
This message is to take a - look 👀 up and out to your surroundings. Do you like what you see? If no, what do you need to do to love where you are now?

1️⃣Now take a slow inhale through the nose, and a sigh of relief exhale out the mouth.
2️⃣Look for what you can take in and - despite the chaos and rush.
3️⃣Notice where you are holding tension and stress in your body. Shake it out and Release it. Now reset you body to be open and proud

There are mini micro moments throughout the day that we can check in, re-adjust, and move forward with better regulation.

When we feel in control we improve our focus and performance. 🚀 Knowing how to use your and your can help you feel more energised and happy in everything you do.

Becoming more creative and connecting better with the people around you.

What are you doing to help your body navigate stress with precision? 🎯

Curious to learn how to feel unstuck and love the life you are living now?

Would love to get to know what your big dream is 💫 Send me a dm with the word “THRIVE” and we can create a success roadmap for you!

Photos from The Health Architect - Astrid Merkt's post 15/05/2022

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it”
Because life is more wonderful when you get to do the things you love ❤️ … and for that I am grateful to share my love of and to a beautiful group of ladies at the most beautiful spot in . The breeze at my back, the as my window and a source of female energy eager to learn and equally share some .

Grateful to have been asked to hold space in a special . It was an honour to guide and lead a group of ladies who chose to spend their time breathing, rather than doing a typical event at a restaurant 🙏🏻

Interested in having a unique event hosted for your group virtually or in person? Send me a dm and let’s chat! ✨

Photos from The Health Architect - Astrid Merkt's post 11/05/2022

Better and feel less stressed in just 1 minute! 🚀

In honour of mental health week - Here is a reminder for you to take a pause - no matter how busy you are. Because that short pause will be a return on your time in elevated performance and productivity.

I benefit from mini 1 minute moments of mindfulness in between the day, and when I sit down at my desk to start the day. It helps me re-centre and focus to give my full attention to work. These mini breaks always don’t distract me when I’ve got those busy back to back days.

Appreciate the post and find it helpful? 💡 please 🙏🏻 give it a like and share with others 💕

Want more tips to feel better and elevate your performance? Send me a message and connect to learn more 🧠

How to get better sleep | A Plus magazine 27/04/2022

💤 is the most important tool we can use to elevate our mental 🧠 and physical 💪🏻 health, boost performance 🏃🏻‍♀️ and productivity 🤓📖 , balance our emotions 💕 and prevent illness and disease.

👉🏻 However, it is not just the act of sleeping that matters, but the QUALITY and DEEP sleep hours 🛏 we experience that aids in the repair, restoration and replenishment of well-being.

👉🏻 Read my tips below in an article I wrote for A plus mag on how to optimize your sleep to elevate 💫 health and optimize your potential! 🚀

Want a more personalised approach in boosting your sleep medicine and well-being?...Get in touch to work together in getting to your fullest potential!

How to get better sleep | A Plus magazine Astrid Merkt, Clinical Holistic Psychologist and Performance Coach at Balance Health, on how to sleep better each night

Breath work and talk therapy hit mainstream for athletes 27/04/2022

The best way to optimal health is a dynamic approach that looks at all parts of your life. When you treat the body as a whole - with many moving parts contributing to a well functioning mind and body, you are able to benefit from greater results.

Health and performance optimization with my clients requires mental, emotional, and physical training.

I use as the main foundation to grow the 3 pillars of success. Our breath is the remote control to our emotions and physiological responses to stimuli.

When we can use our and mindset together, along with how we move the body, what thoughts we choose to engage in, and practice strategies to increase our windows of tolerance, we can gain that extra edge in our field/game.

Thank you to the South China Morning Post for featuring me in this article below. The article highlights the importance of a dynamic approach to and coaching, and how breathwork is an integral part to ignite the latent power and capabilities we all possess.

Breath work and talk therapy hit mainstream for athletes Hong Kong clinical psychologist and ‘Wim Hof’ breath coach says athletes looking for a mental edge through holistic practices.

Videos (show all)

It’s time to level up your MENTAL FITNESS 💪🏻!Have you been in the fence about working with a #coach or #therapist ? Your...
This message is for you!!! ✨ Do you feel always #busy and on the go? Non-stop action, and feeling drained?This message i...
