Health and beauty
King If You Wanna Get massive Triceps at home Do these:👇
Diamond push ups:15 times 4
Plank ups:10-12 times 4
Tricep dips:20-25 times 4
Push up plank for 2 minutes for the pump❤️🔥
King If You Wanna Get a Massive chest at Home Do These:👇
Wide push ups:10 times 4
Normal push ups:10 times 4
Close grip push ups:10 times 4
Diamond push ups:10 times 4
Chest Dips:15 times 4 for the pump❤️🔥
I respect every athlete because I know that the hardwork behind those results is painful
Your Time is limited so dont waste it living someone else's life
International Chest Day🏋️❣️🔥
TrY Not To SkiP GYm For More Than Two DaYs❤️🔥
Push ups plaY a maJor Role❤️🔥