Rukus Botha - Financial Advisor

Rukus Botha - Financial Advisor

I specialize in:
Long term insurance
Medical Aid
Short term insurance


Do you need Retirement planning?
Do you need financial planning?
Are your Life Covered?
Are you covered for any dreaded diseases?
Are you covered for disability?
Is your income covered?
Give me a call and we can have a look.


If something needs to happen to you and you have to passed away yesterday, are your life insured?
Do you leave a legacy behind?
In what situation will your spouse and kids be in?
Will your spouse be financially okay to keep their lifestyle?
What will happen to your kids will they be able to go to the same school?
Will your family be able to live in the same house?
Did you ever ask yourself the question what will happen to the people that is depended on me?
If not give me a call and I will do a financial needs analysis for you to see what will happen.


Are you covered?


Why is Risk Cover important?
1. Financial Protection
2. Security for family
3. Peace of Mind
4. Risk Transfer
5. Legal Requirements
6. Business Continuity
7. Lending and Investment


Why is retirement important?

1. Financial security
2. Independence and freedom
3. Health and well-being
4. Transition and change
5. Spending quality time with loved ones
6. Volunteering and giving back
7. TAX rebate


Welcome to my financial advisor page, i will be posting all sort of information about Insurance, invetsments and Retirment.

When you need assitance please ask for help, the quicker the better.

