Creepy Stories

Creepy Stories







šŸŽ“ā€¢Scary Facts that will Absolutely give you some chills..šŸ—æ




ā— Storiesā—

In Japan 1998 in an all girls school, a girl killed herself in the girl's restroom. The reason, no one knows.

After that incidence, things changed in the school. Whispers or sobbing sounds were heard by every female student who used the restroom alone.
Some went missing with no trace, and were declared dead afterwards.
Students began changing their school to play safe. Years past and the school was shutdown. no one dare enter the building.
At midnight exactly 12:00
People passing by said they saw a pale figure walking round the school with screaming or sobbing heard. Sometimes they will hear whispers saying "AM WATCHING YOU" followed by weird laughers.

One night on my was home, it was already late since I had to work late. I needed to be home quick because I still had to go to work early the next day. Although it was not my will, I had to take the shortcut home which bares the hunted building. It was a cold night and I was all alone
I took a deep breathe as I walked pass the buildings, I felt an eye staring at me. I turned to my horror and saw a pale looking girl with her head facing down, I was frozen with fear. She gradually looked up and all I could see in her eyes was nothing, just a dark empty hole. She pointed at me as her lips curved into a smile.

The only thing I could do that moment was run, I ran without looking back till I got home locking the door behind me.
I couldn't sleep that night. That scene kept replaying in my mind and I was still trembling with fear

As you read this, be careful whenever you are alone or when you go to bed.

She might be WATCHING YOU!!!


When you are bored just think about a few things that don't make sense ;

1. If poison expires, is it more poisonous or is it no longer poisonous?

2. Which letter is silent in the word "Scent," the S or the C?

3. Do twins ever realize that one of them is unplanned?

4. Why is the letter W, in English, called double U? Shouldn't it be called double V?

5. Maybe oxygen is slowly killing you and It just takes 75-100 years to fully work.

6. Every time you clean something, you just make something else dirty.

7. The word "swims" upside-down is still "swims"

8. 100 years ago everyone owned a horse and only the rich had cars. Today everyone has cars and only the rich own horses.

9. If you replace "W" with "T" in "What, Where and When", you get the answer to each of them.
Four great confusions still unresolved šŸ˜„šŸ˜‚

1. At a movie theatre, which arm rest is yours?

2. If people evolve from monkeys, why are monkeys still around?

3. Why is there a 'D' in fridge,

but not in refrigerator?

4. Who knew what time it was when the first clock was made?

We can never find the answers, can we?


The following is a transcript of the text message conversation between a Japanese girl named Hasumi and her boyfriend, Takeshi.

2006/06/05 23:35 Hasumi: Are you still awake?

2006/06/05 23:36 Takeshi: Whatā€™s up?

2006/06/05 23:38 Hasumiļ¼š Iā€™m on the subway. I fell asleep and missed my stop.

2006/06/05 23:40 Takeshi: Get off at the next subway station and get the next train back.

2006/06/05 23:41 Hasumiļ¼š Thatā€™s the weird thing. Iā€™ve been waiting 20 mins and the train hasnā€™t stopped yet.

2006/06/05 23:43 Takeshi: Well, it has to stop sometime.

2006/06/05 23:43 Hasumiļ¼š I guess youā€™re right.

2006/06/05 23:44 Takeshi: Did you get on the wrong train by mistake?

2006/06/05 23:45 Hasumiļ¼š No. This is the same train I always get.

2006/06/05 23:46 Takeshi: Is there anyone else on the train with you?

2006/06/05 23:47 Hasumiļ¼š No. Iā€™m all alone. The other carriages are empty. Iā€™m kind of scared.

2006/06/05 23:47 Takeshi: Go up to the first carriage and see if you can talk to the driver.

2006/06/05 23:47 Hasumiļ¼š OK

2006/06/05 23:48 Takeshi: Ask him what the next station is.

2006/06/05 23:53 Hasumiļ¼š The window on the driverā€™s cabin is blacked out. I canā€™t see him.

2006/06/05 23:55 Takeshi: Try knocking on the window.

2006/06/05 23:56 Hasumiļ¼š I did, but there was no reply.

2006/06/05 23:57 Takeshi: Thatā€™s strange.

2006/06/05 23:59 Hasumiļ¼š The trainā€™s slowing down now. It looks like weā€™re going to stop.

2006/06/05 23:59 Takeshi: Good.

2006/06/06 00:00 Hasumiļ¼š Weā€™re stopped at a station now. Should I get off?

2006/06/06 00:00 Takeshi: You should definitely get off.

2006/06/06 00:02 Hasumiļ¼š OK. I got off. Iā€™m on the platform. I donā€™t know this station.

2006/06/06 00:03 Takeshi: Iā€™ll come and pick you up. Whatā€™s the name of the subway station? Iā€™ll find it on Google Maps.

2006/06/06 00:04 Hasumiļ¼š It doesnā€™t have a name.

2006/06/06 00:04 Takeshi: Come on. It has to have a name

2006/06/06 00:05 Hasumiļ¼š I canā€™t see any name.

2006/06/06 00:05 Takeshi: Do you see any signs?

2006/06/06 00:06 Hasumiļ¼š They all say Subway Station.

2006/06/06 00:06 Takeshi: How about a timetable?

2006/06/06 00:07 Hasumiļ¼š Nothing. Anyway, I canā€™t take a train back. All the trains stop at midnight.

2006/06/06 00:08 Takeshi: If thereā€™s a timetable on the wall, it should have the name of the station on it.

2006/06/06 00:10 Hasumiļ¼š Thereā€™s nothing on the walls.

2006/06/06 00:10 Takeshi: Well, just go up the escalator and see if you can find any signs etc.

2006/06/06 00:10 Hasumiļ¼š OK

2006/06/06 00:14 Takeshi: Anything yet?

2006/06/06 00:16 Hasumiļ¼š Nothing.

2006/06/06 00:18 Takeshi: Go outside. See if there are any street signs.

2006/06/06 00:20 Hasumiļ¼š Thereā€™s nothing out here.

2006/06/06 00:20 Takeshi: Are there any buildings nearby?

2006/06/06 00:23 Hasumiļ¼š Yes. Some. But it doesnā€™t look like there are any people in them. The lights are all off.

2006/06/06 00:23 Takeshi: I donā€™t know what to do. Iā€™m freaking out

2006/06/06 00:25 Hasumiļ¼š Donā€™t worry. Iā€™ll leave the station and look for a taxi or something.

2006/06/06 00:25 Takeshi: Good idea. Be careful.

2006/06/06 00:26 Hasumiļ¼š Itā€™s really cold out here.

2006/06/06 00:27 Takeshi: Take care of yourself.

2006/06/06 00:41 Hasumiļ¼š Still no taxis or anything. What should I do?

2006/06/06 00:43 Takeshi: Maybe thereā€™s a phone booth nearby. You could call a taxi.

2006/06/06 00:43 Hasumiļ¼š And tell them what? I donā€™t know where I am.

2006/06/06 00:44 Takeshi: This is getting desperate. You could call the operator and ask them to trace the call.

2006/06/06 00:44 Hasumiļ¼š I donā€™t see any phone booths. Itā€™s like Iā€™m in the middle of nowhere.

2006/06/06 00:48 Takeshi: Flag down the next car that goes by. Tell them itā€™s an emergency.

2006/06/06 00:58 Hasumiļ¼š The streets are really deserted. I havenā€™t seen any cars go past while Iā€™ve been here. Iā€™m really scared.

2006/06/06 00:59 Takeshi: Donā€™t worry about it.

2006/06/06 01:00 Hasumi: Thatā€™s easy for you to say. Youā€™re safe and warm at home. Iā€™m the one whoā€™s stuck out here. Iā€™m going to freeze to death.

2006/06/06 01:01 Takeshi: Donā€™t panic. Itā€™s OK. Weā€™ll get through this.

2006/06/06 01:11 Hasumiļ¼š Youā€™re right. Sorry. Iā€™m calm now. Iā€™ll just walk along the highway until I see a car.

2006/06/06 01:12 Takeshi: Just be careful.

2006/06/06 01:14 Hasumiļ¼š Of course.

2006/06/06 01:18 Takeshi: Iā€™m worried about you.

2006/06/06 01:30 Hasumiļ¼š The lights on the highway just went out. Itā€™s pitch black. I canā€™t see a thing

2006/06/06 01:31 Takeshi: Thatā€™s it. Iā€™m calling the police.

2006/06/06 01:33 Hasumiļ¼š How will they find me?

2006/06/06 01:34 Takeshi: I donā€™t know. But they can look.

2006/06/06 01:36 Hasumiļ¼š This is bad. This is really bad.

2006/06/06 01:37 Takeshi: Can you see anything at all?

2006/06/06 01:39 Hasumiļ¼š Not much.

2006/06/06 01:41 Takeshi: Is it really safe to walk along a road youā€™ve never seen before in the cold and the dark?

2006/06/06 01:43 Hasumiļ¼š I honestly donā€™t know what to do anymore.

2006/06/06 01:45 Takeshi: Be careful that your cell phone battery doesnā€™t run out. Itā€™s your lifeline now.

2006/06/06 01:48 Hasumiļ¼š I can hear something in the distance. A weird noise.

2006/06/06 01:49 Takeshi: What is it?

2006/06/06 01:50 Hasumi: It sounds like drums. Drums or bells.

2006/06/06 01:51 Takeshi: What could it be?

2006/06/06 01:52 Hasumiļ¼š Iā€™m just going to keep moving.

2006/06/06 01:54 Takeshi: Maybe it would have been safer to wait at the station until sunriseā€¦

2006/06/06 01:56 Hasumiļ¼š Maybeā€¦

2006/06/06 01:58 Takeshi: Just go back to the station, Hasumi. If you get lost, going back to where you started is the best thing to do.

2006/06/06 02:00 Hasumi: Thereā€™s a tunnel up ahead.

2006/06/06 02:01 Takeshi: Donā€™t go into the tunnel. Itā€™s not safe. You could get hit by a car. Just give up for tonight. Wait for the first train in the morning.

2006/06/06 02:05 Hasumiļ¼š I just heard someone behind me shouting. When I turned around there was a man with only one leg standing about 10 meters behind me. Then he disappeared. Iā€™m so scared, I canā€™t think straight.

2006/06/06 02:05 Takeshi: Get out of there. Can you make it through the tunnel on your own?

2006/06/06 02:07 Hasumiļ¼š Iā€™m so frightened. Iā€™m afriad to look behind me. I want to go back to the station but I canā€™t turn around.

2006/06/06 02:08 Takeshi: No. Run. Donā€™t you dare turn back.

2006/06/06 02:10 Hasumiļ¼š I canā€™t run. I canā€™t even walk anymore. The sound of the drums is getting closer.

2006/06/06 02:11 Takeshi: Calm down and listen to me, ok? If you make it through the tunnel, youā€™ll be safe.

2006/06/06 02:19 Hasumi: I called my parents. My dad said heā€™d call the police, but the sound is getting closer. I donā€™t want to die.

2006/06/06 02:20 Takeshi: Are you OK?

2006/06/06 02:24 Hasumi: I fell and hurt my leg. Iā€™ve been crying so my face is a mess.

2006/06/06 02:25 Takeshi: OMG. I wish I knew how to help you.

2006/06/06 02:28 Hasumi: Iā€™m still alive. Iā€™m bleeding from when I fell and the heel broke off my shoe.

2006/06/06 02:29 Takeshi: Just keep going. Donā€™t stop. Once you come out of the tunnel, let me know right away.

2006/06/06 02:31 Hasumi: I made it out of the tunnel. The sound keeps getting closer.

2006/06/06 02:32 Takeshi: If you see a house, maybe you can take shelter there.

2006/06/06 02:35 Hasumiļ¼š Thereā€™s someone standing in the distance. It looks like a man and heā€™s got a car.

2006/06/06 02:36 Takeshi: Someone just standing there at this time of night? Thatā€™s suspiciousā€¦

2006/06/06 02:37 Hasumi: Iā€™m going to ask him for help.

2006/06/06 02:38 Takeshi: Wait, Hasumi! Donā€™t trust that guy! Somethingā€™s not right!

2006/06/06 02:44 Hasumiļ¼š Sorry for worrying you. This guy turned out to be a very kind person. He even offered to give me a ride home.

2006/06/06 02:45 Takeshi: That person sound fishy! Why would he be waiting on the highway at this time of night? I donā€™t like the sound of this.

2006/06/06 02:47 Hasumi: Weā€™re heading towards the mountains. Heā€™s taking me away from the city. He wonā€™t speak at all anymore.

2006/06/06 02:48 Takeshi: Hasumi, get out of the car!

2006/06/06 02:58 Hasumi: Things are getting strange. Heā€™s started mumbling nonsense to himself. My battery is almost finished. Iā€™ll look for my chance and run.

2006/06/06 02:59 Takeshi: I love you.

2006/06/06 02:59 Hasumi: I love you.

This was the last communication anyone ever received from Hasumi. At exactly 03:00AM, her cell phone dropped off the map. She was never seen or heard from again.



There is a horror movie called ORPHAN

In this movie there this little girl called ester,she's a 40 year old woman but she has chronic desease called dwarfism so she looks like an innocent cute 8 year old...
Esther burnedšŸ”„her parents to death killed the neighbours and escaped from Romania to Canada when she arrived she's was taken to an orphanage she was so beautiful an unknown woman adopted her as her daughter without knowing it's a 40 year woman she made an error ,ester killed all her children,husband, friends, family, neighbours,pets...

U can go and watch the movie it's very INTERESTING




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They ate it šŸ™€šŸ˜¹






Confession #15

When i was 7 years old i went to visit my granny at Mpumalanga then at night my twin and i were sleeping down so the tv lost the signal so i decided to look at the window then the Curtain opened itself i looked as i was confused and i kneeled to see carefully then i saw a person standing at the window smiling at me i still remember what he was wearing he was wearing a( black suit,bow tie) and had long hair but tied up...i believe it was a ghost becuse oyr yard is big and it is next to the Tomb stones also next to our house there is a burned houes we are not allowed to go there nor go near it

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They left us..
š—–š—›š—˜š—–š—ž š—¢š—Øš—§ š—§š—›š—˜ š— š—¢š—¦š—§ š—”š—¢š—§š—¢š—„š—œš—¢š—Øš—¦ š—¦š—˜š—„š—œš—”š—Ÿ š—žš—œš—Ÿš—Ÿš—˜š—„š—¦..

