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We miss you guys, promise to write something pretty soon , if possible❤️.



He thinks she's dumb doesn't he? But looking at the time , fighting him won't be of any advantage either than that it will only get her fired. She walks straight to his car and opens the back sit and settles there, leaving him stunned.
After a good two minutes he comes and starts the car.
"If you won't stop looking at me, I swear". She says, before going back to her phone. That's what her life has become , she always has to distract herself reading novels to keep her mind busy but they don't help much sometimes as some involve exactly what she went through but atleast those women have their partners supporting them all they way and her? She last saw the only man she has ever loved two months ago , he has never bothered to look for her or even call her to find out how she's doing!

" You like doing that, just zone out. Yazi I have read somewhere that people usually do that when they don't want to talk to the people around them , I hope you're not trying to do that to me cause I would really be hurt". He says. He doesn't even know her neither has he introduced himself yet he's already talking about what he doesn't like .
"And what makes you think I care that you're hurt, I don't know you, you don't know me either. The only reason I got in your car is because I'm late and oh please take the right, I've reached my destination. Thank you" she says before going quiet again.



This has become something she's used to now , which will be the death of her one day because of the fact that it doesn't even choose where and when to happen it automatically does so.

"I'm so sorry about your car" she says, completely avoiding his eyes. She is faced down.
He chuckles, who's this woman? She was so close to almost being hit by a car but she's 'sorry about the car' that doesn't even have a single scratch on it.
"You almost died, the only thing you're sorry about is my car? You women are really weird, Had I not come out of to talk to you and just fled off , I would be in an interogation room right now or being prosecuted". He's amused. If this was any other day he would be the one apologizing for almost running someone over , that someone who was walking dead in the middle of a busy road in South Africa ! However this isn't any normal day , atleast he doesn't have to pay someone to accept his apology.

" Okay, buka-ke, I almost ran you over the least I can do is take you to your destination , atleast you won't be in any chance of being almost ran over again". He says still looking at this woman who hasn't said anything since he ambushed her .
"Can you please at least look at me, how would've you been able to identify the person who almost killed you if you keep looking down. Ngiyamnyama impela kodwa angibadli abantu". He says yet again. This time around, he was listened to. Now he knows the face that would've haunted him in a case of an accident taking place here.

"Can I please pass, I'm really getting late for work". She finally says a word after looking at the time from the watch on her wrist , it was a gift from her husband 5 months ago on her birthday. It is the only reminder she has of him expect the pictures on her phone that she never looks at for a particular reason.

He smiles, set of white teeth accompanied by a dimple . She smiles back.
"Well if you would allow me to take you where you're going, I will let you pass" he says



A hectic two months had passed , work has been great and having a very supportive friend by her side has been nothing but a great blessing. She didn't like the idea of Themba following her because at the back of her head she had installed the fact that she needed to be alone inorder to heal and get rid of the pain she had indured a few weeks back.
Thinking about the fact that she'd be a few days into giving birth or most probably would have gave birth to her Mbalenhle by now is crazy , she still has those weird cravings although they're not as strong as before . After having a miscarriage, she had accepted the fact that she'll all this weight she was getting used to and accepting ,it came as a surprise that till this day she still is gaining even more and her belly just refuses to go flat.

"Yazi, I would've sweared you're pregnant , you eat too much". Themba makes a remark as she sees Cwazimula having another weird combo for breakfast. Who has a peanut butter and polony sandwich? She looks at her amused. Cwazimula just ignores her and continues with her breakfast and tidies up then takes her bag and goes straight to work , it's not far away from where they're staying so a walk won't kill her. She's trying so hard to forget about what happened but still, two months later she's still reminded of her pain which will never be compared to any other pain she has ever gone through after the passing of her parents.

Her thoughts are disturbed by a car hooting besides her, she didn't realize she was now walking in the middle of the road , ready to end her life in the streets of Pietermaritzburg , 2/½ hours from home. That's just one place she misses most, but what does she do when it carries memories of cause of her broken spirit. She rather stay far from it.

"Sisi my car doesn't have insurance, I don't even think I'd be able to pay for your hospital bills". A figure stays infront of her, she had zoned out again.




It's been two weeks after the burial of the Ntuli heir , the mother decided she needed to go back home to clear her head. But honestly it didn't look like she had any slight thoughts of going back home. According to her , she only agreed to stay with Njabulo for the baby that she has buried to be close to her father's family but now she needs to be close to hers.
Her phone has been flooding with a lot of text messages and calls from her so called husband. She just can't understand why he won't leave her alone, maybe that is why she saw that there was a vacancy for people who just graduated in nursery at an old age home in Pietermaritzburg , she knew she had to leave to have peace. She's starting in three days so it's better she leaves today so she can find a place sooner and settle.
Her family has been pleading with her to find somewhere a bit closer but it's clear she has made up her mind. See, Cwazimula has been one person whom when she has made up her mind, she doesn't allow any external factor, no matter how close to influence her into changing what she's set her mind to. Also does Themba knows this, that is just why she decided to leave along with her to keep a close eye on her , begged by her brother Nkosi, she agreed. This is her friend, she needs her to heal , if it meant she has to go with her wherever , she'll do so gladly.



The funeral is in 2 days, only a few family members and a few friends were asked to attend. The preparations have been going on without Cwazimula being present to make any remarks on how and what should be done where and how, she's been very quiet since she last spoke to Njabulo after the realisation that her baby has been snatched away from her .

All she does is zone-out everyone and everything around to go God knows where, Njabulo suggested a psychologist to her after the funeral but it was like talking to a wall of a room with a lot of echo, only you hear yourself.
"Ntungwa lami elimnyama, I know this is hard for you. But we have to bury our daughter, TOGETHER, I need you. I really do need you . The past few days have been hard, for me also but I had to put on a brave face and mask my feelings because I need to lay our daughter to rest with dignity and I can't if I let my feelings lead me, please don't shut me out, allow us to mourn together. This is the life we made together which we lost together. Allow yourself to grieve and feel the pain don't bottle your feelings inside , khala, cry if you have to". Ntuli's son said, bringing his wife's head to his chest.
She hasn't spoken in 4 days and it's starting to worry him, he's taking her to hospital the first thing after the laying of their baby girl but now they need to decide what they'll name their child to make life easier for her on the ancestral lands.
" We need to give her a name, I was thinking Mbalenhle , our flower, imbali yethu ezoqhakaza isikhanyisele. But I need to know what you think about that name or if you had any suggestions" he adds.
"It's perfect." She says, before going silent again.



He deep sighs before making a call to his mother, it's been some time since they last spoke he felt there's a need to make her aware that the grandchild she had hoped is coming home soon healthy will be coming home in as a vacant tiny body with no soul instead. This was all hard to everyone , it actually took a huge toll on Nkosi, he too has a baby on the way and he can't seem to wipe the wild thoughts he's having of something similar possibly happening to Aphiwe, he'd die.
He might not have any connection to Aphiwe even though they have s*x here and there but only because the doctor had advised so for the healthy growth of the baby, his mind is still stuck on one person, someone who'll never remember his existence. That's the thing about love, you may have someone who loves you very much with all they have but your heart will choose to love the one who doesn't even dream about you at night, strange!

It's been a few days since the tragedy befell the Ntuli and Ngobese family, everyone's minds are all over the place , worried except for Njabulo's mother. This is exactly what she wanted and pictured it now seeing that tiny white coffin in the sitting room soothes her souls , she's ecstatic! Yet she doesn't show it, what kind of grandmother would she be? The one who wouldn't allow a girl from a family who practises witchcraft to be a mother to her son's children! Just thinking about it makes her want to puke, she composes herself trying to not make it obvious she's not at all shaken by what's happening in this house.



Later that night, Cwazimula had woken up in a foreign place, she couldn't recognise. She scanned around until it dawned on her, this is where she always sees her mother with a crying baby in her hands. But today's different, they're not here . She stands there for a while until she feels a figure standing behind her, she turns , only to be met by a disturbing site of her mother. She has slightly reddish tears running down her cheeks, it's not tears it's blood but why is it weak? It slowly turns brown. As she's about to ask her about it , her mother turns , leaving her still standing, she still has the baby in her arms.
One thing is different today, or so she thinks, the baby isn't CRYING! she screams for her mother to stop but she doesn't. Being the stubborn person she is , she decides to run after her but stumbles upon a stone and falls.

She feels someone shaking her, a light burns her eyes, she closes them. She attempts to open them and she's met by huge brown eyes looking right at her. They look familiar, the person speaks
"Baby, you're finally awake! You really scared me". She doesn't reply back as she starts sobbing and eventually bursts into a loud cry that feels the walls of the ward, she's aware her baby is gone.
"My baby, our baby " she crys even louder holding her stomach, a whole 7 months only for her to miscarry 2 months before birth, the world really is an evil place.

"Sthandwa sami, relax, we'll have other children. For now focus on your healing process. We're waiting for you at home" Njabulo reassures her while rocking her.
After a while, she's gone quiet, he realizes that she must have fallen asleep. It's going to be one really long journey to overcome, he also was counting days before his princess lays on his chest for the first time, to adore her cute face with soft skin. To bathe and dress and have baby talks with, he'd day-dream about it. But that's only what it will ever be , a DREAM.



"Mama, I think it's time we left". Cwazimula mentioned, she knew Njabulo's starting to feel uncomfortable as the sun is set . Soon, her mother will suggest they sleep over, she won't allow them to drive at night with Cwazimula pregnant.

"Okay my child, wait for me I must give you some bath herbs just to make sure you no longer get those cramps". Deliwe says, there's surely more to Cwazimula having such extreme cramps than it meets the eye, how does she explain them stopping just after she placed the rope around her waist? And what about the heavy presence she felt when their car approached even before she should know they're here.
" Don't remove that rope on your waist no matter what, even when you're bathing. Always wear it". She reminds her before going to fetch the herbs.

Njabulo fights the urge to roll his eyes, if it's not his mother, it's Cwazimula's with their beliefs against evil spirits. He's not having a wife with a rope around her waist. He makes a mental note to make sure Cwazimula gets rid of it. This is exactly why they left in the first place, he felt suffocated by these things. Witchcraft and everything, he's tired of being chosen for what to believe and what not to believe. He was never allowed to go out with other kids when he was a kid, he used to stay at home and play alone with his toys that every other kid thought he was weird for not having friends at high school. He was different, rather isolated from others. His mother knew best, and best was him being a loner. It confused him how he was able to have a company under his name at this age, He failed to create conversation with other people until a man whom works in his company told him the most valuable advice . He vowed to always cherish it, for the very first time he felt like he had a father. He never really knew his and it never really bothered him. Although he can't get over the fact the that people say they look alike , some confuse them of father and son. Mkhabela was only an employee at his company either than that , he doesn't know him.

"You'll find me in the car". He says before storming out. She didn't understand why he was suddenly so cold, but she brushed it off and waited for Deliwe to come back. She sank down on the couch and thought deeply, is this how she had planned to live her life? She had plans not so long ago, to finish school and look for a job not getting pregnant and being a wife to someone. She's a wife at 23? Even her father wouldn't agree to such, she wondered how Nkosi agreed to all this.

"Thatha, you'll use these to bath and rub this, especially around your torso and under your breasts". Deliwe instructs, she didn't even notice she had come back already.
"Okay Ma,thank you. We have to go, Njabulo doesn't like us driving at night in the dark. We will visit soon". She lies, not making it so obvious that she's lying. Njabulo is either pi**ed or there's something bothering him .
She says her goodbyes and enters at the back of the car with him not paying any attention to her, if it was any other normal day he'd shout at her for not sitting on the front seat instead he started the car and drove off immediately without saying a word.

She pulled the throw over her shoulders and dozed off, she is pregnant and stressing over a grown man won't ever help her.


"Sthandwa sami". He slightly shook her , he's been panicking for the past 2 hours. She didn't even hear him picking her up into the house. What's even worse is that he couldn't even hear her breathe as she slept, he wanted to call a doctor but hesitated, first he wanted to apologize.
She sat up while rubbing her eyes, she doesn't like it when someone wakes her up, "mhm" she mumbles before seeing Njabulo's face .
"Can we talk?" He asks, in a low apologetic tone. He's sorry , hopefully she also sees that.
Instead of replying, she stands up and heads to the bathroom, totally ignoring the tray of food he brought her. Njabulo follows behind but the door is shut on his face, he sighs and goes back in bed. This is definitely not how he wanted this arrangement to turn out, there's just one thing that's not sitting right with him. Why would he suddenly be so cold towards his love? He didn't even feel a single emotion when she looked at him with begging eyes , he was disgusted , by what?he doesn't know.

He's brought to his senses by a loud scream coming from the bathroom, he jumps up and rushes only to find the door to be locked. He tries to break it for a couple of minutes with no success, until his attempts finally pay off.
Met by the most disturbing site of his life, his wife dripping blood all over the floor. He immediately lifts her in his arms and heads for the car outside then drives off to the hospital while informing Cwazimula's brother of what has happened via text.


His phone's screen lights up the room , he's been sitting in the dark for the past 2 hours. Tossing and turning on the bed , that's what all he does lately ever since he came back from meeting Sthembiso about a month ago.The fact that her situation hasn't changed and there's nothing any doctor in the world can do to help her is not making things any better. Maybe that's the factor that contributed a lot in his weight loss. Aphiwe's pregnancy is also not making things any easier, if she's not wanting to be taken shopping, she wants ice cream in the middle of the night he's fed up!

He picks the phone up and reads the message from Njabulo. He couldn't believe, the only person whom he really had lived for all these years is in the hospital for the first time. Njabulo will feel his wrath. He quickly wears his clothes and starts the car rushing to the hospital
He gets out of the car with the engine still running, carelessly rushing inside the hospital reception, calm enough to cause a scene. Fortunately, his eyes meets Njabulo's who quickly looks away shamelessly.

Just as he approached, the doctor came out. "How are any of you two related to her?" She asks, referring to both Njabulo and Nkosi.
They look at each other confused, why is any of that important? They just want to know how Cwazimula's doing. If only she knew the love these two men possessed of that woman, she wouldn't asking such useless questions.

"Husband and brother" Njabulo replies before Nkosi could say anything, he knows for a fact that he might cause a scene or reap the woman off her pride as a doctor that is how cruel his words are. No matter how pain resistance you are , he makes sure you feel something.

"Okay then sir, your wife experienced heavy bleeding in her vaginal walls, her bleeding was caused by swelling in her uterus that usually happens during menstruational cycle but this was much more heavy which is what caused her to bleed so much. I'm sorry to be the barrier of bad news but unfortunately, the baby didn't make it as it was only just a months old, she was never going to be able to survive that." The doctor said patting his shoulder, he didn't even hear what he said after he was told that the baby was gone. His legs lost him and he immediately went down dropping on his knees devasted, there is no reaction nor any emotion in his face. A tear dropped, followed by a flood of water coming out of his eyes then a loud cry . He cried until his cries turned into a sob, the doctor was still standing besides him and Nkosi had been long gone outside.

His mind is occupied by the thoughts of how his sister will take this upon seeing how broken and devasted Njabulo was when the doctor briefed them about Cwazimula's condition which led to the miscarriage.
He thought Aphiwe, and their unborn baby. What would he possibly be if she lost him. He might not have any relationship with him right now but his mind has gotten used to the idea of him being a father soon and he's slowy opening up to it. He takes out the scan Aphiwe gave him last week and didn't bother to look at from his wallet, he smiles. He's been counting months now , in 4 he's hoping to have this tiny figure in his arms to call him dad, he sighs. Maybe the idea of fixing things with Aphiwe isn't a bad one. There's no point being stuck on someone who's memory fades each second of the day, who might wake up one day forgetting their own name. He then heads back inside , he can't leave without seeing his beloved sister. He makes a mental note to inform Njabulo about Cwazimula coming back home after being discharged and have their mother take care of her as he's always busy with work.



"Mama, I think it's time we left". Cwazimula mentioned, she knew Njabulo's starting to feel uncomfortable as the sun is set . Soon, her mother will suggest they sleep over, she won't allow them to drive at night with Cwazimula pregnant.

"Okay my child, wait for me I must give you some bath herbs just to make sure you no longer get those cramps". Deliwe says, there's surely more to Cwazimula having such extreme cramps than it meets the eye, how does she explain them stopping just after she placed the rope around her waist? And what about the heavy presence she felt when their car approached even before she should know they're here.
" Don't remove that rope on your waste no matter what, even when you're bathing. Always wear it". She reminds her before going to fetch the herbs.

Njabulo fights the urge to roll his eyes, if it's not his mother, it's Cwazimula's with their beliefs against evil spirits. He's not having a wife with a rope around her waist. He makes a mental note to make sure Cwazimula gets rid of it. This is exactly why they left in the first place, he felt suffocated by these things. Witchcraft and everything, he's tired of being chosen for what to believe and what not to believe. He was never allowed to go out with other kids when he was a kid, he used to stay at home and play alone with his toys that every other kid thought he was weird for not having friends at high school. He was different, rather isolated from others. His mother knew best, and best was him being a loner. It confusd him how he was able to have a company under his name at this age, He failed to create conversation with other people until a man whom works in his company told him the most valuable advice . He vowed to always cherish it, for the very first time he felt like he had a father. He never really knew his and it never really bothered him. Although he can't get over the fact the that people say they look alike , some confuse them of father and son. Mkhabela was only an employee at his company either than that , he doesn't know him.

"You'll find me in the car". He says before storming out. She didn't understand why he was suddenly so cold, but she brushed it off and waited for Deliwe to come back. She sank down on the couch and thought deeply, is this how she had planned to live her life? She had plans not so long ago, to finish school and look for a job not getting pregnant and being a wife to someone. She's a wife at 23? Even her father wouldn't agree to such, she wondered how Nkosi agreed to all this.

"Thatha, you'll use these to bath and rub this, especially around your torso and under your breasts". Deliwe instructs, she didn't even notice she had come back already.
"Okay Ma,thank you. We have to go, Njabulo doesn't like us driving at night in the dark. We will visit soon". She lies, not making it so obvious that she's lying. Njabulo is either pi**ed or there's something bothering him .
She says her goodbyes and enters at the back of the car with him not paying any attention to her, if it way any other normal day he'd shout at her for not sitting on the front seat instead he started the car and drove off immediately without saying a word.

She pulled the throw over her shoulders and dozed off, she is pregnant and stressing over a grown man won't ever help her.


"Sthandwa sami". He slightly shook her , he's been panicking for the past 2 hours. She didn't even hear him picking her up into the house. What's even worse is that he couldn't even hear her breathe as she slept, he wanted to call a doctor but hesitated, first he wanted to apologize.
She sat up while rubbing her eyes, she doesn't like it when someone wakes her up, "mhm" she mumbles before seeing Njabulo's face .
"Can we talk?" He asks, in a low apologetic tone. He's sorry , hopefully she also sees that.
Instead of replying, she stands up and heads to the bathroom, totally ignoring the tray of food he brought her. Njabulo follows behind but the door is shut on his face, he sighs and goes back in bed. This is definitely not how he wanted this arrangement to turn out, there's just one thing that's not sitting right with him. Why would he suddenly be so cold towards his love? He didn't even feel a single emotion when she looked at him with begging eyes , he was disgusted , by what?he doesn't know.

He's brought to his senses by a loud scream coming from the bathroom, he jumps up and rushes only to find the door to be locked. He tries to break it for a couple of minutes with no success, until his attempts finally pay off.
He's met by the most disturbing site of his life, his wife dripping blood all over the floor. He immediately lifts her in his arms and heads for the car outside then drives off to the hospital while informing Cwazimula's brother of what has happened via text.


His phone's screen lights up the room , he's been sitting in the dark for the past 2 hours. Tossing and turning on the bed , that's what all he does lately ever since he came back from meeting Sthembiso about a month ago.The fact that her situation hasn't changed and there's nothing any doctor in the world can do to help her is not making things any better. Maybe that's the factor that contributed a lot in his weight loss. Aphiwe's pregnancy is also not making things any easier, if she's not wanting to be taken shopping, she wants ice cream in the middle of the night he's fed up!

He picks the phone up and reads the message from Njabulo. He couldn't believe, the only person whom he really had lived for all these years is in the hospital for the first time. Njabulo will feel his wrath. He quickly wears his clothes and starts the car rushing to the hospital

Just a little something for you guys.❤️❤️



"I really think we should change location Njabulo, staying here depresses me. Your mother doesn't like me, that's a fact". Cwazimula says while folding a pile of clothes in the wardrobe.

She has been thinking about how she will bring this up to Njabulo from last week. Everything was nice about the visit last week, but his mother decided to ruin everything by mentioning Keletso. She gets it that she doesn't like her but stooping so low wasn't what she had expected. It's not like she's dating Njabulo or anything, she was married unknowingly and it's not a western marriage that you can just sign a piece of paper then you're divorced.

He keeps quiet, still processing everything that Cwazimula is saying. Maybe she is right, they do need a break away from both their families and the best way to do that is not letting them know where they're locating to. He goes outside to the kitchen and makes a call to Nkosi, he knows for a fact that he'd kill him if he were to take his sister away and not let him know where he has taken her.
"Just do it bafo maan!" Nkosi roars on the other line. He hasn't even greeted him yet he already knows what he's going to say.
Cwazi has told him about this, so getting a call from Njabulo was quite obvious it's about this since they only call each when there's something important to talk about.


Today is the day they finally move out, Durban it's far from Port shepstone. A change of scenery is what she's looking for. Deep down, she's sad for not letting her friend know about leaving , even worse not showing her where she'll be living but she has to do this and not let anyone know about her location. Especially after what she saw and heard in Njabulo's mother's house, she was convinced something was up she has to protect herself and her baby at any cost. Even though it's still jump a small figure inside her tummy, it's her baby.

"Are you alright?" A voice asks behind her. It's Njabulo, he's been taking their luggages to the car and checking if everything is alright , leaving Cwazimula stuffing her face in the kitchen . They're approaching 6 months and she already eats anything infront of her. She dismisses his question and asks him to help her stand. They're finally done! They head straight outside, locking the house. Cwazi has insisted on him renting out his house but he's having none of it. The house was introduced to his ancestors it belongs to the Ntulis and having other people living in it the ancestors don't recognise will course some sort destruction,she doesn't understand but she let's him be.
They decided they'll pass through Deliwe first to let her know they won't be around, they're planning on not telling her they are actually moving because she'll create drama. They'll deal with her later if she happens to find out for now they're leaving for a few months.
Deliwe feels her bone marrow drying up as their car enters the gate , she's aware of the bed energy that is about to enter her home so she rushes to her rondavel and put some dried up and nicely cut into squares piece of bulk in a bucket half full water and stirs and the rushes outside again before they even attempt to enter the house. She stops them in time and starts to sprinkle the water on them and around them, Njabulo is used to this because his mother always does it when he's been away for a long time but he's surprised that in this family they also do such.

He starts feeling dizzy so he walks slowly to the veranda and sits down, no one has said a thing not even a simple hello. She hands him a glass of water and he gulps it down and slowly his mind comes back to the face of earth
"Are you alright?" Cwazi asks , with a worried face. She's never seen him like this before in the space of few months they've been living together. Their relationship has improved even though they just trying to get to know each other better still, they sleep in separate rooms but sometimes cwazi wakes up in the middle of the night and snuggle herself in Njabulo's Bed just to cuddle with him, he's gotten used to it so he lets her be although he's always tempted as she wears very short pyjamas because it gets very hot at night.
"I'm okay, are you f..." Cwazi feels a sharp pain in her abdomen causing her to let out a scream disturbing him from finishing his sentence. He holds her and leads her inside the living room. Her screams start getting louder and louder, she can't be giving but why is this happening. Deliwe is no where to be seen, He doesn't know what to do. Eventually, she comes in carrying a bowl with water , insence and a white robe in her hand . She starts burning impepho and asks Njabulo to make her lie down, he's still confused but does what he's told, he'd do anything to save them. She runs the impepho in cwazi's face for her to inhale and sprinkles droplets of water on her face and then puts the strip around her waist . Immediately, she stops screaming as she feels no pain anymore, what just happened?

Meanwhile Njabulo's mother is in a hut making whatever Muthi she's making, it's definately to ruin someone although they all work in different ways but their aim to ruin whoever it's used on. One of her candles' light goes off, it's confusing because there's no air coming in, all the windows and the door is closed. She turns to the pot where she mixes all her portions, her face turns to a frown. The little happiness she had in her has ran out , she's now upset, no she's angry. She knew this girl coming into her son's life would be a bad thing which will ruin all her plans and now her plans are starting to get ruined. She can't allow this to happen, she takes her phone and dials a number , she never thought she'd have to call him after so many years but she's desperate. Knowing the kind person he is, he'll want something in return but he'll give whatever he wants if it means she'll get this witch out of her son's life. She dials a number on her phone , it rings for a few seconds and it gets answered.

"Lungile? What do you want?" The man asks.
He specifically told her not to call her ever again the last time they saw each other, he couldn't bare the fact that even though Lungile knew that Njabulo was his son she still deprived him the opportunity to father him.
She did so even after the death of Ntuli , he was only 6 and knew nothing, surely he would've accepted him as his father. They are connected by blood, it would'nt be so hard to get used to someone. All he wanted was a son, to build a legacy for and grow his surname but Lungile took that away from him because of her greed that made her selfish and not consider anyone else's feelings. She was money thirsty, coming from a disadvantaged home made her money hungry and she saw eveyone who was doing well in life as a competition that needed to be eliminated, a deadly desease which can only be treated with black magic. That's all she ever knew, that even when her husband died everybody concluded that she had killed him. If only they knew the things he did to her, they wouldn't paint him with an innocent brush. As if what she had through with her father was'nt enough he just had to add salt into her wounds,it took her only just a pinch and he was history. She only wanted to protect herself but it costed her son a father.

"Joe, listen. I called you for something important, it has to do with your son". She says knowing very well he'll listen if she mentions Njabulo. He keeps quiet for a few seconds, everytime Lungile calls or talks to her It's because she needs a favour. She was able to live 29 years of her life without talking to him but now she suddenly needs his help? She must be mad to think he'll allow her to use him like a piece of cloth.

"Listen here woman, I'm not your toy, which you'll use when you feel like it. Say what you want to say and leave me alone." Joe says, he's angry.
He's not angry because she's asking for his help and it's regarding their son but because it took her 29 years to finally decide to talk about him. He had named him Thakasa, when Lungile told him that she's pregnant , his happiness couldnt be matched with anything. He was happy, happy that after so many times trying to father someone he has succeeded. That's just the reason why he has so much anger, she was there through it all but still chose another man over him. But it made him happy that she had named him Njabulo even though it's not exactly the name he had wanted him to have. He didn't have a relationship with his son, but he's always been there. He's thought of telling Njabulo the truth about his identity, but it's just complicated. He wouldn't believe him, he wouldn't believe a stranger over him own mother.

