Boere Saamwerk Co-op

Boere Saamwerk Co-op

Boere Saamwerk Co-op is gestig om ons boere en volk saam te bring. Hier kan Boere ook hulle produkte bemark om direk aan ons volksgenoote te verkoop.

Eendrag maak mag.


Please read this carefully and think about it. It all makes sense. South Africans must be weary to go out on Spending spree following Olympics, Springbok win against Australia etc . They are using it to stimulate Economic Activity knowing full well the Billionaires in South Africa are in Financial trouble. Let me tell you why the Big South African retailers Woolworths, Checkers and PicknPay introduced Delivery service they actually dont want people going to Shops spending CASH when they deliver only way you can pay is DIGITAL. They are collecting your Financial Transactions what your buying how often etc thats also why Checkers, PicknPay etc give you discount when buying with Loyalty Card. The Shops are Artificially inflating prices of Goods so the Government can collect a bigger % via VAT and Tax collected . The Government is working with them in other parts of the world its called Price Fixing . Remember in January when Woolworths came out promoting CASHLESS SOCIETY South Africans rejected it and they were defeated even as Mainstream Media kept promoting CASHLESS. Now they are after South Africans Digital Identity telling you first your Green ID Books can expire and they failed then the Media was promoting Smile ID Fraud Report with the Green ID Books they failed and lastly Miss Nigeria again stating there is Fraud with Green ID Books which do not have an Expiry Date. The reason the Banks now issueing Smart ID Cards is because the Banks are Shareholders of BankServ Africa working with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. BankServ Africa with South African Reserve Bank launched PayShap to promote Bill Gates CASHLESS SOCIETY. The Smart ID Cards they want you to sign up for is Bill Gates Digital Identity he is behind ID4D, ID4Africa and ID2020. They need every Citizen Digital Identity to introduce a Central Bank Digital Currency (Cashless Society) . All the Big JSE listed Companies the Banks, the Shops will benefit from Digital Identity as their Debt can be wiped out and giving them access to endless Digital Money Supply. Government can cancel their Debt . As Citizen your Debt will remain as is and at most they will give you R1500/month Basic Income Grant which is Digital and cost Government, Banks and Private Sector R0-00 to issue . So what the Private Sector will do is increase Price of Electricity then up to R10/kwh and Bread to R40 since those on Grants will be earning 4 times more in other words they will simply shift the Goalposts and keep them in Poverty. When they have all South Africans Digital Identity they can do the following: 1) Change your Votes Electronically 2) Deny your right to Vote 3) Spy on your Shopping Activity places Visited and who you were with 4) Punish you for Driving too far distances or Meat Consumption 5) Censor you on Social Media, Lock you out of Banking with no Cash in Circulation they can deny you basic Foods for criticizing Private Sector or Government Corruption . You can not criticize anything they say or do even when allowing Illegal Immigrants into your Country as Keir Starmer is doing in UK and what Kamala Harris and Joe Biden did in America. You can not speak out against Pedophiles such as Jeffrey Epstein Clients.
DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR GREEN ID BOOKS AND DONT GIVE THE BANK OR SASSA YOUR PHOTO / SELFIE! THEY NEED YOUR FACE FOR FACE RECOGNITION CAMERAS THATS WHY YOUR DIGITAL IDENTITY WILL BE BASED ON YOUR FACE NOT FINGERPRINTS ITS FOR SURVEILANCE. How much is your Life and Freedom worth ???? Since its all Digital shouldnt all South Africans Debt be wiped clean and given R1 million each???? Im warning South Africans if you pay by Tap or Bank Cards they love it they taking your Cash in your Account and giving you Digital Voucher which cost them nothing. It costs them R80 Billion a year to keep Cash in Circulation even Standard Bank employee admitted they going Digital to reduce Cost for themselves ...... Think about what you doing when Ordering Food via Deliveries and Paying Digitally its benefiting only Billionaires. Its by Design in Vision of Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum GREAT RESET where he said you will own nothing and be happy. Also why do you think all these Online Gambling Companies advertising on TV they want to take all Money South Africans have left same with Solar Panels now there is no Loadshedding for more than 100 days its all SCAMS just like the GNU where DA jumped in bed with their Enemy ANC for past 30 years. South Africans must be AWAKE to the Lies of Politicians and Fake Mainstream Media promoting News Articles to benefit Billionaires. Also many of the Shops employing Scooter drivers are making use of Foreigners I saw 4 at Checkers and I can tell you they are from West Africa in news article they basically admitted to employing Foreigners using their Motor Vehicle Licenses but then again because Wh**ey Basson and Christo Wiese are Billionaires they can get away with anything in this country. It is not a Race War we are going to have to fight its a CLASS WAR we must be United against the Super Rich who seek to divide us constantly . The Billionaires in South Africa wont survive whats coming their way.


Dom Boer se boodskap aan die libdiote vir die dag:

Sedert die moord op dr Verwoerd het ons julle gewaarsku dat die ou Nasionale Party ‘n heel nuwe, onverantwoordelike, waansinnige koers ingeslaan het wat net tot die vernietiging van die beskawing in Suid-Afrika kan lei. Julle was slim en het ons uitgejou en aangeval en voortgegaan om vir die verraaierparty te stem ... en die resultaat wat ons vandag beleef is presies wat ons destyds voorspel het.

Ons het John Vorster destyds toe hy die eerste Maori in rugbytoerspan toegelaat het, gewaarsku dat dit die voet in die deur is wat uiteindelik tot ‘n swart regering vir Suid-Afrika sal lei. Julle was slim en het ons verguis, beledig en aangeval oor hierdie “vergesogte” stelling ... wat toe in 1994 waar geword het presies soos ons voorspel het.

Ons het PW Botha gewaarsku dat sy daggadroom van magsdeling en sy waansinnige driekamerparlement gaan uitloop op ‘n swart terroristeregering en algehele onderdrukking van witmense. Ons het dit duidelik gestel dat die terroriste nie in magsdeling belangstel nie, maar dat hulle AL die mag wil hê sodat hulle na willekeur kan domineer, plunder en moor. Julle was slim en het ons met tamaties en vrot eiers gegooi oor ons “negatiwiteit”. Julle het voortgegaan met julle waansin en die resultaat is vandag presies soos ons gewaarsku het: ‘n swart rampokkerregering wat die land kaal steel en witmense al hoe meer onderdruk.

Met FW de Klerk se bedrogreferendum het ons julle gewaarsku dat De Klerk ‘n verraaierskurk is wat met niks vertrou kan word nie, dat al sy planne boos is en dat niks wat hy beplan ondersteun behoort te word nie. Ons het ons hees gesmeek dat julle moet nee stem, maar julle het ons doodgeskree, beskuldig dat ons negatief is, ons beledig en aangeval. Die resultaat van julle verstandelose en insiglose ja-stem is presies dit waarteen ons so vergeefs gewaarsku het: ‘n bankrotgesteelde land onder ‘n misdadigerregering wat alle misdaad teen witmense – selfs volksmoord – oogluikend goedkeur en selfs aanblaas onder versagtende woordjies soos “expropriation without compensation” wat in wese niks anders as skaamtelose DIEFSTAL is nie.

Die geskiedenis en die werklikheid het bewys dat ELKE waarskuwing wat ons nou al oor vyf dekades heen aan julle rig, geldig en in die kol is.

Nou wil julle weer na Barbaria se bekookte stembusse stroom om julle ja-stem te herbevestig en julle gewillige slaafskap aan ‘n bose, onwettige, onwerkbare, korrupte, rassistiese, vuil, Godlose rampokkerstaat te bewys. Weer waarsku ons: Bly weg van Barbaria se verkiesings – dit hou geen heil in vir enige witmens nie en help net om onverdiende erkenning aan die onwettige barbarestaat te gee.

Ons waarsku: Die fout lê nie by Ramapokker of Zuma of die ANC of enige party nie – die fout lê by die onwettige en onwerkbare, Godlose babelstaat waarvan AL die politieke partye deel is en om bloot ‘n ander stoker te laat oorneem gaan nie die trein wat besig is om oor die afgrond te jaag keer nie.

Daar is NET EEN pad vir beskaafde, vredeliewende, presterende, verstandige Boeremense: Selfbeskikking LOS van die bose barbaria; beslis nie selfonderwerping en aanvaarding daarvan by wyse van deelname aan hulle bekookte verkiesings nie. Dom Boer weet dit klink moeilik – selfs onmoontlik – net soos vryheid vir Transvaal en vir die Vrystaat onmoontlik geklink het – totdat hulle in 1852 en 1854 hulle vryheid gekry het. Maar wat werklik onmoontlik is, is ‘n toekoms in ‘n kookpotstaat met twalf veskillende tale en ‘n bevolking wat wissel van beskaafd tot die laagste trap van barbaarsheid. Enigeen wat d**k so ‘n staat kan werk en dit erken by wyse van kruisies in sy verkiesings, moet bedeeld wees met ‘n uitsonderlike gebrek aan gesonde verstand.

Vyf dekades lank al waarsku ons; vyf dekades lank al hou julle julle slim; vyf dekades lank is oor en oor bewys dat ons met elke waarskuwing reg was soos nou weer met ons waarskuwing teen onderwerping aan barbaria se verkiesings. Gaan julle weer slim wees, of gaan julle hierdie keer D**K, ophou knegte van die bose wees, ons kinders se toekoms in ag neem deur ons waarskuwings ter harte te neem ...?

Wie is ons gevaarlikste vyand – ‘n terroristemisdadigerbende wat op eie stoom nog NIKS bereik het nie, of ons eie mense wat hulleself aanhou aanbied as vrywillige knegte en slawe van ‘n vreemde, heidense, onwettige rampokkerstaat met ‘n goddelose grondwet wat AL die politieke partye onderskryf en wat halsstarrig weier om die waarheid en die werklikheid raak te sien?

Dom Boer is bevrees: Solank witmense soos willose skape na die bekookte stembusse stroom om hulle ja-stem vir die barbaarse nuwe suid-afrika te herbevestig, gaan hierdie ou volkie in die woestyn bly.


Kom ons help ons mense.


Dag se volksgenoote.
Lyk my ons gaan nou moet begin aandag neem op die groep en begin gebruik maak van die sisteeme hier.

CALL FOR COMMENT AT THE LINK: Amendments to the Health Act (permanent Covid regulations) 25/05/2022


We need 6 million votes urgently. Otherwise your freedom of choice will be removed and the constitution overruled.

All previous petitions no longer count. We need to re-submit due to a court case.

South Africans should know by now that the government is trying to make draconian amendments to the health act that will allow them to force medical experiments, testing, quarantine isolations (like China) lockdowns, business closures and forced medical interventions on people with little or no suspected cause.

We need 6 million votes to stop this before our freedom of choice is completely taken away and the constitution overruled.

This is THE most important petition you have ever signed.

Please sign and pass on to keep your freedom and that of your kids: - Closes 5th of August

Please sign again all others are not valid any more!👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻


CALL FOR COMMENT AT THE LINK: Amendments to the Health Act (permanent Covid regulations) The Department of Health has published new Health Act regulations which act as a long-term replacement to the state of disaster Covid regulations


Werk beskikbaar.!
Ek is op soek na twee jong Boerseuns, een vir meganiese werk en een vir staalwerk. Moet beperkte ondervinding he en goeie gewoontes he. Geen dwelms gebruik nie.
Kontak my per wattapp op 072 sewe twee ses 3920



Fikse Jong manne met n hart vir ons boere se beskerming en beveiliging word gesoek.

Alle jong seuns en manne vanaf 17 tot 45 jarige ouderdom wat geen weermag ondervinding het nie word opgeroep. Opleiding word aangebied.

Na suksesvolle voltooiing van opleiding sal gekeurde kandidate in diens geneem kan word vir spesifieke poste wat beskikbaar is. Opleiding te Noord OosKaap.

Datum van volgende opleiding: 15 tot 30 April 2022

Kontak / Aansoeke 0710256687

What is a Kibbutz? 27/11/2021

What is a Kibbutz? A kibbutz is a type of settlement which is unique to Israel. A collective community, traditionally based on agriculture, the first kibbutz was called Deganya and was founded by pioneers in 1910. Today, there are over 270 kibbutzim in Israel and they have diversified greatly since their agricultural....

Israeli kibbutz: Communal idealism or a privileged few? | DW | 16.05.2016 27/11/2021

Israeli kibbutz: Communal idealism or a privileged few? | DW | 16.05.2016 People worldwide have visited a kibbutz or even tried to live in one at some point in their lives. Though created over 100 years ago with a utopian collectivist vision, nowadays the kibbutz divides Israeli society.

Join group chat on Telegram 21/10/2021

[10/10 18:16] NELLA: [10/09, 18:27] George van Vuren: Hi daar hoop dit gaan goed by julle. Ek kom nou net van ñ boere meeting af. Die manne het besluit om van maandag hulle produkte van die mark aftehaal. Jy sal net derek op die plaas kan koop en as jy blank is.
Die klomp het ook nou hulle eie boere mag ontplooi. So die plase word nou soos goud opgepas. Hier is security firmas wat ontslae geraak het van hulle swart wagte, hulle het nou net wittes opgeneem. Ek het nou nou gestaan en kyk hoe checkers se trokke weg gewys word. Geen groente nie.

[10/10 18:19] +27 84 250 4207: Die boere kan nie nou hulle groente mark toe vat nie, maar sal privaat aflewer op bestelling. Kom ons ondersteun hulle en koop direk by die boere. Hier is verskillende groepe vir die streke.
Goeie Môre indien iemand mag belangstel om direk by n boer te koop hier is die verskillende kontak punte. Deel gerus met jul vriende en families.

Groep vir Johannesburg

Groep vir Noord-wes

Groep vir Mosselbaai

Groep vir Limpopo

Groep vir Upington

Koop direk by die boer , Kaapstad

Groep vir Noord Wes

Groep vir Vaaldriehoek

Groep vir Welkom

Groep vir Klerksdorp

Groep vir koppies FS

Groep vir Oos Kaap

Koop direk by die boer , Kaapstad



Groep vir Richardsbaai

Groep vir Wes R

Join group chat on Telegram


In Latyn kan ons die etimologiese oorsprong van die term emansipasie vind. Spesifiek kan ons vasstel dat dit afkomstig is van die woord “emancipatio”, wat beteken “die aksie om vry te laat” en dat dit die resultaat is van die som van die volgende komponente:
-Die voorvoegsel "ex-", wat vertaal kan word as "uit".
-Die naamwoord "manus", wat sinoniem is met "hand".
-Die werkwoord "capere", wat gelykstaande is aan "vang".
-Die agtervoegsel "-ion", wat gebruik word om "aksie en effek" aan te dui.

emansipasie is die optrede en die resultaat van vrylating of emansipasie . hierdie werkwoord (emansipeer), verwys intussen na die vrylating van 'n afhanklikheid of voorlegging .


_Father *YaHUaH* our Elohim, we your children Yisra'ĕl come before You in the Name of *YaHUShA* and thank You for this day of rest amidst the chaos in the "world"._
_We praise You F ather as we recall these words - "If it had not been *YaHUaH* Who was on our side," Let Yisra'ĕl now say; "If it had not been *YaHUaH* Who was on our side, When men rose up against us, Then they would have swallowed us alive, In their burning rage against us; Blessed be *YaHUaH,* Who did not give us prey to their teeth. Our help is *IN THE NAME OF YaHUaH,* Maker of the heavens and the earth."_
TEH/Ps. 124:1, 2, 3, 6, 8. TS 2009.

Great is His Name *YaHUaH* and grealty to be praised.

Read YESHAYAHU/Is. 61. *HalleluYaH!*

Much love.


Wat beteken dit om te emansipeer..?

Dit is om jou vryheid terug te kry as vryburger deur jou status van Statutêr na Gemenereg te verander
Dit bedank jou by die RSA Inc wat bedrog pleeg met jou en jou naam
Jy val dis onder gemeene reg en is vry
ZAR Volkshof en Volkshowe hanteer jou reg sake en nie 'n korrupte Statutêr howwe nie... Jy is soeverein en jou grond ook en behoort aan die Boervolk
Met jou as die eienaar.

Goeie dag almal
Opsie 1
As jy ge emansipeer het en jou Land patent is ingedien is jou grond soeverein
Dit behoort aan die persoon wie se naam op die land patent is {die eienaar} en val onder beskerming van die ZAR se juredieksie

As jy land patent gedoen het is jou grond glad nie Onderhewig aan land eise, derdeparty eise, of skuld eise nie.
Jou minerale regte en water regte is deel van die besit reg van jou grond.
Maar jy sal nie dan weer die grond gefinansieer kry nie by 'n Statutêr Bank

Opsie 2

As jy ge emansipeer het en jy doen NIE
'n land patent nie.
Dan val daai grond onder duplematiese regte.
In gemeene reg is
"Your house is your Castle"
En geen Statutêr instansie het die reg om daai grond te vat nie.

Ek hoop dit gee 'n beter verduideliking

Corporations Posing As Governments – Committee to Support the ITNJ 04/07/2021

U is net n besitting van n Korporasie tot dat jy emansiepeer. Hier is jou bewyse.

Corporations Posing As Governments – Committee to Support the ITNJ When we think of governments, we think of organizational bodies that represent the people of a given nation or even group of nations. Governments come in many different varieties – there have been monarchies, republics, democracies, communist nations, and numerous other types – but no matter wha...


Boere, volksgenoote ek groet julle in die naam van ons Vader YAHUAH. Mag wyshuid en verstanding, goedhuid en genaade altyd saam julle wees in YAHUSHA se naam LAAT DIT SO WEES!

Die tyd het nou aangebreek vir ons om nou te emansiepeer. Kom uit haar uit my volksgenoote! Verkondig dit nou aan al ons mense.

Kontak ondergenoemde vir lyding hiermee.


The following words and terms used in modern churches today all have pagan origins, and are found to be directly linked to ancient Sun-worship found in Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Teutonic-German, Hindu, and Persian cultures. English word forms of the names of Sun-deities in these ancient cultures still exist today and are used in modern christianity. True Believers should remove these words from their language, and certainly from our worship activities.

If you really wanna shake the oppressors ways....
Shamuth 23:13~ (exodus)
"and in ALL YOU DO, TAKE HEED, and make no mention
of other mighty ones, do not let it be heard from your lips"
calling upon lord, god, jesus, christ, .....all those names
break the Thurah/Torah of YaHUaH... see commandment 3...
The power of life and death is in the tongue...
and they don.t want you to KNOW that the Name of YaHUaH is a strong Tower,
or that there is only ONE NAME under heaven by which any man can be saved and that is "YaHUSha"
so now that you know this...
what kinda adjustments will you make?
lord is baal, it is not the Creators Name, it is a direct translation of baal (H1167-8)
god (H1408-9), is a babylonian deity of fortune, that is why it is printed
on the currency of the USA... YaHUSha said
"you cannot serve 2 masters, you will either hate the one and
love the other, you cannot serve Aluahym and mammon.."
mammon is also a deity, Syrian in origin...
jesus is not the Name of Mashyach, for many reasons...
One very irrefutable truth is, there was and is no letter ( j )
in the Hebrew alaphbet... A Hebrew Mashyach will not have a greek or latin name, period...
Christ is christos helios. The greek true sun god.
jesus christ crucified is (( chi xi stigma..)) These greek numbers add up to the number of man; (( 666 ))
the greek number ( 666 ) is also found in the islamic arabic bismillah... 666 is also found in the 6 pointed star that the rothschilds use to promote the khazar's agenda, but it's also an ancient symbol of remphan: The star that the idolaters worshiped.
wake up and come out of her.... The religion which is the w***e of babylon.... The mystery religion thats not really a mystery anymore...
YaHUsHa said:- "There is nothing hidden that wont be revealed."
Now that you know,, its up to you to make adjustments...

False pagan words and names restored to Yahudyath/Abaryth/Old Hebrew:

H1167-8 Baal/Lord - replaced YAHUAH - H3068
H1408-9 Gad/God - replaced Aluahym/Alahym - H430
G2424 Iesous/Jesus - replaced YAHUSHA - H3091
Krystos/Christ- replaced Mashyach - H4899
Altar - replaced Slaughter Place - H4196:
Angel - replaced Messenger or Malak - H4397
Bless - replaced Barak - H1288
Blessed - replaced Baruk - H1263
Blessing - replaced Barakah - H1293
Egypt - replaced Mitsrayim - H4714
Glory - replaced Esteem - H3519
Grace - replaced Favor or Acceptance - H2580 (Chan)
Holy - replaced Set-Apart - H6942 (Qadash)
Faith replaced belief -H539 (Aman)
Hosts - replaced Tsabauth - H6635
Israel - replaced Yasharal - H3479
Jerusalem - replaced Yarushalaym - H3390
Jew - replaced Yahudy - H3065
Priest - replaced Kahan - H3548
Prophesy - replaced foretell - H5012
Prophet - replaced with Nabya - H5030
Prophets - replaced Nabyaym - H5030 (plural form for speakers; sayers; foretellers)
Righteous -relpaced Tsadaq (H6663)
Righteousness -realpaced Tsadaqah
Sabbath - replaced Shabath - H7676
Spirit - replaced Ruach - H7307
Temple - replaced Hykal - H1964

The personal name of יהוה YAHUAH was changed 113 times to Adun/Adonai in the Masoretic Text from the original Hebrew manuscripts.
Adonai then translated to Lord (baal). Means husband, owner, false god, or diety. Master is the most accurate English translation.

the word is master/Adun in HEBREW...
Lord comes from the old English spelling of "Lard" which comes from "Lar/Larth Lares," Estruscan and Roman deities associated with Sun-worship. The Greek word "Kurios" was originally a title for the Greek and Roman Sun-deity "Helios" and was called "The Kurios (Lord aka Baal H1167-8) of Heaven and Earth." The Hindu god "Krishna" is also known as "Lord." The title "Lord" was eventually applied to all heathen deities. Most Bible translators continue to use the title "Lord" as a substitute name for YaHUaH.

Holy, Holiday, Holy Spirit are all interrelated and come from the Hindu religion. The words are derived from "Holi" which is the great Hindu spring festival held in honor of "Krishna," the Hindu Sun-god.

Sunday was the day set aside in the Mithra (Roman) cult as its official day to assemble together to worship its Sun-deity. Roman Emperor Constantine legislated Sun-day as a day of rest dedicated to the Greek and Roman Sun-god, Helios. Constantine worshipped "Christos Helios" which means "Christ-The-True-Sun." The Roman Catholic Church venerates Sun-day as its Sabbath even today, and has handed it down to Christianity.
* Shabbat/Sabbath is the Hebrew word pertaining to YaHUaH's 7th day of rest. It is the 4th Commandment (Exodus 29:8-11), and a sign for all Israelite generations (descendants) found in Exodus 30:13 & 17, Ezekiel 20:12 & 20.

Angel/Angels from Greek Word "Angelos" meaning "messenger/messengers. Angelos was the name of a Greek god associated with Sun-worship.
* Malakh/Malakhim from Hebrew word meaning "messenger/messengers;" has no association with Sun-worship.

deceiving their own wicked hearts into believing that
they can, in their pride and rebellion, call something
dark, evil, and perverted... something good and pure
and set-apart ...
woe to those who call evil good and good evil...
for real.
Easter originated from the pagan festival in honor of "Eostre," a Teutonic-Germanic dawn, spring and fertility-goddess. "Eostre" comes from the Greek dawn, spring and fertility-goddess named "Eos." This same dawn, spring and fertility-goddess "Eostre" was also known as "Eastre" and "Ostara," and dates back to the ancient Babylonian/Canaanite cultures where she was known as "Astarte" (Ashtaroth/Ashtoreh poles). In Ninevah, this same goddess was known as "Ishtar." The idolatrous worship of this goddess revered as the "Queen of Heaven" is mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures in Jeremiah 7:18. The worship of this "goddess" spread throughout all the cultures of the world. She is found in India as the Hindu dawn-goddess "Usha/Ushas," and in Western cultures and religions of today, including Christianity, called "Easter."

from this w***e we have many different queens of heaven... la virgen de guadalupe.... the lady of fatima, and every other madonna and child combination that combines a mother, child and sun-god father trinity.....

God, Gad, Gud are all interrelated names. God was a common Teutonic-Germanic word that was applied to superhuman beings of heathen mythologies. Later the word "God" was adopted by Christianity as the generic name for the Supreme Being. It has become the most popular translation for the Hebrew word "Aluahym." As a result, most of Christendom believes that the Name for Aluahym is "God" and does not know that the personal Name of the Father is YHUH. Gad/god was the Babylonian/Canaanite/Syrian deity of "Good Luck" or "Fortune," also called "Meni," the god of "Destiny" who was regarded as the "Lord Moon." The city of Gad was named after this deity. Gad was identified with Jupiter, the Sun-deity, and applied to Ni**od whose general character was that of a Sun-god or Sun-divinity. Gud was the Anglo-Saxon name for "good god" vs. an "evil god."
Unger's Bible Dictionary, Page 412, states that the word EL is a Canaanite word meaning "God", or "Devil". (Alaph Lamad spells Al, not El.)

Unger's Bible Dictionary, Page 412, states that the word EL is a Canaanite word meaning "God", or "Devil".

The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, Volume 1, Page 817, under DEMONOLOGY, says: The word ELOHIYM/ALUAHYM (plural from of EL/AL) means "demons" or Mighty One's. H430

Yes ..there most definitely is something about the name
jesus....... and its all about that sun-god-worship..
Jesus comes from the Greek name "Iesous/IHSOUS" and Latin "Iesus." "Iesous" is adapted from the name of the Greek goddess of healing "Iesos/Iaso," the daughter of Apollo, the Sun-deity. This goddess was linked to the Egyptian "Isis" who had a son named "Isu." During the era of Roman Emperors, there were numerous worshippers of "Isis." Many converted to Constantine's religion that mixed paganism with the Messianic faith that eventually became the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church continues to use the sunburst emblem known as the "Eucharist" which to this day contains the Greek letters "IHS" for "IHSOUS." Further research reveals that the name "Jesus" is also linked to the Greek Sun-god "Zeus" and who was the Greek interpretation of the Egyptian Sun-god "Amen-Ra."

Bible comes from the Greek word "Biblos/Biblion" which refers to the Egyptian papyrus reed which the Greeks called "Byblos/Byblus." The papyrus reed was shipped from the Egyptian City "Biblis" named after its female Sun-deity. It was imported through the Greek seaport called "Byblos" named after its Phoenician Sun-deity "Byblis/Byblos" believed to be the granddaughter of Apollo, the Greek Sun-diety.
NOTE: The word "Bible" was first used in 400 AD
* "The Scripture" can be used without any reference to pagan worship.

Grace comes from the Greek word "charis," and the Latin word "gratia." "Charis" was a Greek deity, the wife of Vulcan. From the goddess "Charis" comes the Greek "Charities," three female deities, daughters of "Helios," the Greek/Roman high Sun-god.
* Chesed or favor are better words both in Hebrew and English, and can be used without reference to paganism.

Amen, The word A-men, is usually associated with the closing of prayer. Many people (not knowing better) will usually pronounce this word as "A" sounding like the word "Ape" plus "men." This is error. Among the gods who were known to the Egyptians in very early times were "Amen" and his consort Ament. Their names are found in the Pyramid Texts, e.g., Unas, line 558, where they are mentioned immediately after the pair of gods Nau and Nen, and in connection with the twin Lion-gods Shu and Tefnut, who are described as the two gods who made their own bodies, and with the goddess Temt, the female counterpart of Tem.

the lord god??? i see it all the time...
a mouthful of pagan names ....thats all this is....truth..
Baal, Bel, Babylon are all interrelated words pertaining to chief Sun-deities of pagan Sun-worship. Baal means to "shine," also used for "Lord/husband." Bel is another name for Satan. Babylon was the ancient Canaanite city where Sun-worship began and from there spread to all ancient cultures of the world and remains in the world today as the counterfeit religion of Satan under the guise of the Roman Catholic Church and its off-shoot religions (daughters) including Christianity and Islam.

Obelisks, Spires, Steeple, Church Towers all come from the pagan worship practices of Babylon and Egypt called Sun-pillars. These are objects are shaped in various tall aspiring shapes appearing to reach up to the heavens. Ancient Babylon built Sun-pillars that held ph***ic (male genitalia) symbolism incorporated into their pagan worship. Egypt also built obelisks as part of their Sun-worship. Exodus 23:24 states that YaHUaH commanded the Israelites to break down these pillars. An obelisk or Sun-pillar still stands at the entrance of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome which was erected as a memorial to the merger of Sun-worship and the Messianic faith to become Rome's "universal" church or "universal worldwide religion." Church
steeples, towers, and the Washington monument are modern day replicas of the original obelisks, which stood for Sun-worship.

Fish Symbol was used as a derogatory slur against "Messiah" in conjunction with using the word "christos" as a mockery of "Messiah." Originally used as a symbol for the Greek fish-deity "Dagon" labeled with the phrase that made up the mystical name of "ICTHUS" which was one of the names of the Greek/Roman Sun-god called "Bacchus/Dionysus/Tammuz," the symbol became a slur against Messianics and then found on synagogues and artifacts. The five Greek letters of "ICHTHUS" mean "Iesous Christos Theou Uios Soter" translated as "Jesus Christ the Son of God the Savior" and reverenced by the Roman Catholic Church. "Iesous" is the name adapted from the name of the Greek goddess of healing "Iesos/Iaso," the daughter of Apollo, the Sun-deity linked to the Egyptian goddess "Isis" who had a son "Isu." From Yeshu?

Christ/Christian come from the Greek word "Christos" meaning "anointed/anointed one," and was used in the pagan Greek and Roman religions to give reference to their Sun-god, "Helios." Roman Emperor Constantine worshipped "Christos Helios" which means "Christ-The-True-Sun." Christos originates from the Greek word "Chrestos" which means "good" and alludes to the Greek/Roman god "Chrestos." "Chrestos" can be seen on a Mithras (Roman cult) relief in the Vatican. "Chrestos" as reverenced by Greeks and Romans was none other than "Osiris," a Sun-diety of Egypt. Heretic Gnostics during the time of circulation of the New Testament scriptures also used the title of "Christos" for their purposes. Christian comes from the Greek word meaning "good men," but was derogatorily applied in mockery to Messianic believers because they worshipped "Mashiach/Messiah of Israel" or the "anointed one of Israel" and not the "anointed" Greek deity "Christos/krystos aka christ."

* Mashyach is the proper Hebrew word that should be used in reference to the "anointed one" of יהוה YAHUAH, Yahusha Ha Mashyach, (Yahusha, The Messiah), Son of יהוה YAHUAH, our Savior. The English term Messianic comes from the Greek title "Messiah" and pertains to followers of the "Messiah" of Israel who worship יהוה YAHUAH, and abide in His Word, Torah.
Amen comes from the name of the Egyptian god of life and procreation; identified with the Sun-god as a supreme deity called "Amen-Ra/Amen-Rah/Rah." * Omaine is the Hebrew pronunciation for prayer ending; does not pay homage to a pagan god.
A Fish Symbol was used as a derogatory slur against "Messiah" in conjunction with using the word "christos" as a mockery of "Messiah." Originally used as a symbol for the Greek fish-deity "Dagon" labeled with the phrase that made up the mystical name of "ICTHUS" which was one of the names of the Greek/Roman Sun-god called "Bacchus/Dionysus/Tammuz," the symbol became a slur against Messianics and then found on synagogues and artifacts. The five Greek letters of "ICTHUS" mean "Iesous Christos Theou Uios Soter" translated as "Jesus Christ the Son of God the Savior" and reverenced by the Roman Catholic Church. "Iesous" is the name adapted from the name of the Greek goddess of healing "Iesos/Iaso," the daughter of Apollo, the Sun-deity linked to the Egyptian goddess "Isis" who had a son "Isu."
Divine/Divinity, Deity, Theos are all related words. The Greek words "dios" and "Theos," and the Latin word "deus" all refer to pagan gods: Greek "Dieus/Zeus, Teutonic-Germanic "Ziu," Roman "Diovis/Jovis/ Jupiter/Zeus were all names for Sun-god deities that "shine, have brightness."
Glory comes from the Latin word "gloria" which is identified with the Sun as being radiant, shining, brilliant, bright as the sun. "Gloria" was a Roman goddess that was half-naked and held the zodiac signs.
Halo comes from the Greek/Roman Sun-god "Helios." Romans applied the word "gloria" to be a sunburst or ring of light around the head of "Helios." The use of halos around the heads of angels, the Madonna and Son, and Catholic saints has been extremely popular in paintings, artwork, and statuary connected to the Roman Catholic religion for centuries. The Roman Catholic Church still uses the "gloria" sunburst in the Eucharist.
Easter originated from the pagan festival in honor of "Eostre," a Teutonic-Germanic dawn, spring and fertility-goddess. "Eostre" comes from the Greek dawn, spring and fertility-goddess named "Eos." This same dawn, spring and fertility-goddess "Eostre" was also known as "Eastre" and "Ostara," and dates back to the ancient Babylonian/Canaanite cultures where she was known as "Astarte" (Ashtaroth/Ashtoreh poles). In Ninevah, this same goddess was known as "Ishtar." The idolatrous worship of this goddess revered as the "Queen of Heaven" is mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures in Jeremiah 7:18. The worship of this "goddess" spread throughout all the cultures of the world. She is found in India as the Hindu dawn-goddess "Usha/Ushas," and in Western cultures and religions of today, including Christianity, called "Easter."
Christmas - 25th of December was the largest pagan festival dedicated to the birthday of the Sun-god deity celebrated by the Mithras (Roman) religion known as "The Nativity of the Sun." Mithraism was the major rival of the Messianic faith in 321 AD
Holy, Holiday, Holy Spirit are all interrelated and come from the Hindu religion. The words are derived from "Holi" which is the great Hindu spring festival held in honor of "Krishna," the Hindu Sun-god.
* Qadash (set-apart in English) is the proper Hebrew word meaning to be "set-apart" unto יהוה YAHUAH.
* Ruach Ha Qadash is the original Hebrew reference to the Ruach/Breath or the Spirit, the invisible presence of יהוה YAHUAH. It is the set-apart presence of יהוה YAHUAH.
Bible comes from the Greek word "Biblos/Biblion" which refers to the Egyptian papyrus reed which the Greeks called "Byblos/Byblus." The papyrus reed was shipped from the Egyptian City "Biblis" named after its female Sun-deity. It was imported through the Greek seaport called "Byblos" named after its Phoenician Sun-deity "Byblis/Byblos" believed to be the granddaughter of Apollo, the Greek Sun-diety.
NOTE: The word "Bible" was first used in 400 AD
* "The Scripture" can be used without any reference to pagan worship.
Grace comes from the Greek word "charis," and the Latin word "gratia." "Charis" was a Greek deity, the wife of Vulcan. From the goddess "Charis" comes the Greek "Charities," three female deities, daughters of "Helios," the Greek/Roman high Sun-god.
* Chesed or favor are better words both in Hebrew and English, and can be used without reference to paganism.
Hades was the Greek supreme deity of the underworld and also known as a Sun-deity. The word "Hades" became used for the word "grave," and is usually mistranslated as "hell" by translators.
* Sheol is the proper Hebrew word for the "grave" or world of the dead.
* Gehenna is the Greek word for the place or state of everlasting punishment.
Hallowed comes from the description of the pagan English fall festival of Halloween or Hallow-even. The festival portrays the Sun-image of the "KromKrauch" who was worshipped at this seasonal festival.
Sacred comes from the word "Sakra" pertaining to the Persian/Roman god "Mithra/ Mithras." "Sakra/Mithra/Mithras" became the Sun-deity called "Sol Invictus," the unconquered Sun-deity. "Sol Invictus" remains in the Roman Catholic Church today.
Sanctified comes from the Latin word "sanctus" which comes from the Greek word "sancus" used expressly for the Greek Sun-god "Apollo."
Sacrifice, Sacrilege, Sacrament are all words derived from the word "Sakra" that pertains to the Persian and Roman god "Mithra/Mithras" who became the Sun-deity called "Sol Invictus" which remains in the Roman Catholic Church even today. Sacrifice means "rob." Sacrilege and Sacrament do not appear in the Greek manuscripts.
* Atonement. Offer, Offering are words that can be used without reference to pagan worship and falsehood.
Obelisks, Spires, Steeple, Church Towers all come from the pagan worship practices of Babylon and Egypt called Sun-pillars. These are objects are shaped in various tall aspiring shapes appearing to reach up to the heavens. Ancient Babylon built Sun-pillars that held ph***ic (male genitalia) symbolism incorporated into their pagan worship. Egypt also built obelisks as part of their Sun-worship. Exodus 23:24 states that יהוה YAHUAH commanded the Israelites to break down these pillars. An obelisk or Sun-pillar still stands at the entrance of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome which was erected as a memorial to the merger of Sun-worship and the Messianic faith to become Rome's "universal" church or "universal worldwide religion." Church steeples, towers, and the Washington monument are modern day replicas of the original obelisks, which stood for Sun-worship.
Luck and Fortune are words that originate from the Sun-deity "Lucifer." Luck is the abbreviation of the name "Lucifer." The idea of having "Luck" and "Good Fortune" is unscriptural and points to belief in Gad, the Syrian/Canaanite deity of "Good Luck" or "Fortune."
Names of Days and Months on the Gregorian calendar are derived from Roman and Teutonic-Germanic names of pagan deities. The traditional Jewish calendar contains Babylonian names.
Baal, Bel, Babylon are all interrelated words pertaining to chief Sun-deities of pagan Sun-worship. Baal means to "shine," also used for "Lord/husband." Bel is another name for Satan. Babylon was the ancient Canaanite city where Sun-worship began and from there spread to all ancient cultures of the world and remains in the world today as the counterfeit religion of Satan under the guise of the Roman Catholic Church and its off-shoot religions (daughters) including Christianity. Baal (Lord-H1168)
Amen, The word A-men, is usually associated with the closing of prayer. Many people (not knowing better) will usuall pronounce this word as "A" sounding like the word "Ape" plus "men." This is error. Among the gods who were known to the Egyptians in very early times were "Amen" and his consort Ament. Their names are found in the Pyramid Texts, e.g., Unas, line 558, where they are mentioned immediately after the pair of gods Nau and Nen, and in connection with the twin Lion-gods Shu and Tefnut, who are described as the two gods who made their own bodies, and with the goddess Temt, the female counterpart of Tem.
* Ah-man. Hebrew, (AMAN) is an expression or affirmation of firmness and support. H539
* Hosea 2:17 states, "And I will remove the names of the Ba'als from her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their names," (The Scriptures).
It is time for the "True Believer" to understand the origin of pagan words, and how their continued use has adulterated the True historical Belief of Israelism, then to begin using the proper and correct Scriptural terms the best we can.

Yacab-Jacob aka James
1:27 Pure and qadash service before הוה
YAHUAH the Father is this: to visit
orphans and widows in their
afflictions, and to keep oneself
unspotted from the world.

Thasalunahqym Shanym -2 Thessalonians
2:1 And, brothers, we entreat you, by
the coming of our Master יהושע YAHUSHA
Mashyach, and of our gathering together
to Him,
2 that you not let your mind be
hastily excited or troubled, neither by
word, nor by spirit, nor by prophecy of
the spirit, nor by an epistle,
supposedly coming from us, stating
that the day of our Master is at hand.
3 Do not let anyone deceive you in
any way, because that Day will not
come unless first there comes a great
rebellion, and the man of sin is
revealed, the son of perdition,
4 the one opposing and exalting
himself over everything being called
Aluahym, or object of reverence, so as
for him "To sit in the sanctuary of
Aluahym" as an Al, and sets himself
forth, as if he is an Aluahym. (Dan.
11:36; Eze. 28:2)
5 Do you not remember that I told
you these things, when I was with you?
6 And now you know what has
prevented him, for being revealed in
his time.
7 For the mystery of lawlessness is
already working, until He who is now
the obstacle, is taken out of the way.
8 And then "the Lawless One" will be
exposed, "whom our Master יהושע YAHUSHA
will consume by the Spirit of His
mouth," and will destroy by the
brightness of His presence. (Isa. 11:4)
9 His coming is due to the working
of Satan in all power and miraculous
signs and lying wonders,
10 and in all deceit of
unrighteousness in those who will
perish, because they did not receive
the love of the truth in order for them
to be saved.
11 And because of this, יהוה YAHUAH will
send to them a working of deception,
for them to believe the lie,
12 that those not believing in the
truth, but who have delighted in
unrighteousness all may be damned.
13 But we ought to thank יהוה YAHUAH
always concerning you, brothers,
beloved by יהוה YAHUAH, because
יהוה YAHUAH chose you from the
beginning to salvation in sanctification
of the Spirit and through a true belief,
24:4 And answering, יהושע YAHUSHA said
to them, See that no man deceives you.
5 For many will come in My name,
saying, I am the Mashyach (Anointed One).
And they will cause many to be deceived.
Τιμόθεος -1 Timothy
4:1 But the Spirit expressly says that in
latter times some will depart from the
faith, following deceiving spirits and
doctrines of demons,
2 who with false appearance mislead
and will speak lies in hypocrisy, being
seared in their own conscience,
Mathathyahu-Matthew 24:10
And then many will be offended,
and they will deliver up one another
and will hate one another.
11 And many false prophets will be
raised and will deceive many.
12 And because lawlessness shall
have been multiplied, the love of the
many will grow cold.
13 But the one who endures to the
end, that one will have eternal life.
14 And this good news of the
Kingdom shall be published in all the
earth for a testimony to all the nations,
and then the end will come.

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