Renee R_fxmedcoach

Renee R_fxmedcoach

Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach. Co-creating holistic well-being through lifestyle and behaviour change

Online health coaching for both South African and international clients. Sessions are conducted in English and booking times are available in South African Standard Time or GMT+2.


Simple does not necessarily mean easy.

Here are my tips for starting anything... Strip the idea of what you want to do, down to it's bare minimum. Why is doing this important to you? How will you know whether you are successful?

Then, look at all the things that prevent you from achieving that action step.

How can you get around, over or under these challenges? Who could support you? How could you support yourself? What do you need?

Got it /understand what you have to do? Now shake off the fear of the "what if" and go do it. Then see the results.

These are the kinds of questions you can expect when we work together. You will think, solve, innovate and create unique health solutions in combinations that are completely unique to you.

My clients are ready people ready to evolve, to be and do better through smart work and sustained effort. Are you my kind of client?

If you think so, DM "GO GETTER" for more information on my upcoming programmes in 2024.


I've been missing in action for over 2 months and here's why....

I'm proud to announce I'm a Certified Autoimmune Holistic Nutrition Specialist and a Certified International Health Coach 🎉

Given everything going on in the world, I felt awkward and weird announcing this. It seems trivial and inconsequential. I realized though, that these skills and talents can be used, even in small ways to make people's lives better, somewhere and somehow.

I've been rethinking how I'm going to show up as a health and nutrition coach and how in particular, how I can be an advocate for improved, simplified and cost effective healthcare for people in developing countries.

Our needs and experiences are different so too, should be our approaches to health care.

In the coming months xpect a little rebranding from me... A little more creativity and lot more value.


Appreciation of progress ❤️

Eating this colourful breakfast would not have been possible even a year ago. I had so many flares going on and just the thought of fiber made me feel more sick.

If you have inflammatory bowel disease, food can become the enemy quickly. I fell into that way if thinking for over decade and did myself a disservice.

Through changing my perspective on food and learning what benefits different foods have, the more I saw food as something to heal me. Now, even when I eat something ultra processed, I'm aware of why I'm doing it and what the consequence may be. There is very little thoughless eating anymore.

The greatest change then, is my awareness of the role food plays in my life and how I can leverage that to feel better, reduce symptoms of my disease and have more energy.

If this sounds like something you also want to learn how to do, DM "LEARN" to get onto my wait list for the 2024 client intake.

I have spaces for 1-1 coaching as well as group educational series commencing in mid January.


Movement is a phenomenal way to improve mental, physical and spiritual well being!

When mindfulness meshes with movement, you can a flow of energy to yourself that heals, enlivens and fortifies you.

I urge you to think more broadly about movement - forget the usual "exercise" routines and find ways that just moving can bring joy and peace into your life as well as physical benefits.

Join me in episode 7 of the podcast where I discuss mindful movement with my fellow coaches. Links in my podcast highlight.


A screenshot of a digital kick in the rear 😂
My closest friend & accountability partner sent me a 24 second voice note this morning. I had not checked in as planned yesterday, regarding my exercise & so she followed up.

Her enquiry had three parts to it:
1. A warm greeting 😁
2. She asked what happened that there was no confirmation of exercise - no judgement - only asked for information
3. She said she looked forward to me sending a "done" message today.

I love the last part-she had faith in me that regardless of what didn't work yesterday (although thankfully, I did😅) , that I would achieve my goal today!

That's the true power of an accountability partner - someone who believes in you, your goals and your abilities to achieve what you set out to do - these people can add fuel to your existing will to do better.

Do you need this kind of support? DM "SUPPORT" to get onto my wait list for the 2024 client intake. I have some exciting programmes and packages coming soon.


This hilarious installment is all about 💩

In this episode, learn about prebiotics, what to do to ease and facilitate bowel movements in the morning, what consistency says about what's going on in the body and so much more.

Tune in to possibly learn something new and to definitely, have a laugh!


No gluten free bread? No problem 😎

While this isn't the Sunday meal prep post you were expecting.... this is my plan B. I haven't been able to find the gluten free flour that I like and a loaf I baked earlier today was an epic flop😂

A few weeks ago, my health coach and I talked through having a back up plan when I didn't or couldn't bake. One of my options was to make flapjacks that I would then freeze for the week.

So here we are with a plate full of flapjacks 🥞

The take away here is that despite having well laid plans and intentions, things won't always work out. You have to have two three, four or more plans if you're serious about making positive changes to your health. Always set yourself up to succeed.

Have you thought about this approach to your health & well-being? If so, how do set yourself up to succeed? Let me know below ⬇️

Photos from Renee R_fxmedcoach's post 06/07/2023

I hate the gym!

Okay..let me clarify - what I despise is having to wait in line for equipment, having to wipe down sweaty seats and the thought of using public showers just makes me cringe 😖
Driving there and back also just gets on my nerves. By now you're probably thinking "what a diva!" and I wouldn't blame you😅

Anyway over the course of several years I've accumulated the equipment and tools that I personally find most useful, to set up my own "home gym"(swipe to see my how my treadmill folds to save space - I'm still over the moon about this!!)

As you can see, it's just a space that I've created - nothing fancy or over the top. It works for me. I found ways to make exercising fit into my lifestyle and not the other way around.

Be creative with how you implement health advice and recommendations that you see and read about. There are many ways to get the same results that are repeatedly shown - especially in social media. Personalizing your approach to your health & well-being significantly increases your chances of success.

So if you love exercise and movement but hate the gym like I do... Its time to get creative!


Do one thing that scares you every day...

Or so the saying goes. Thanks, I'll do that once in a while - my nervous system can only handle so much 😂

Today I moderated episode 4 of the podcast (hosting for the first time) and wow - was my heart racing moments before.

New and unknown things will always be scary but I'm convinced that the more I step out my comfort zone, the fewer things there will be left for me to fear.

What scary thing have you done, that helped you grow the most?


Is your evening routine setting you up for success?

Join us this week for Episode 3 of the Candid Coaching Collective Podcast where we discuss how routines like organizing the kitchen or using visualisation help set us up for a successful next day.

We also explore how evening routines can help strengthen social connections, improve sleep and aid body & mind repair by adding in practices like somatic exercises or creating a calm quiet atmosphere in your home before bedtime.

This week we have Alica - .longevity, Jay- , Michelle - , Kristy - and Kee- on the show.

Be sure to also check out our show notes for the resources we mention. We love you to subscribe, like and share with your family & friends too ❤️

Join us next time when we hope to have a full house again with Sarah Bliesnath, Debbie - and Kim- .



Over and over, I'm drawn to the profound connection between nature's abundant wonders and our own well-being.

One of the most incredible aspects of the natural world is its ability to flourish and thrive abundantly. From lush forests to vibrant coral reefs, nature's diversity teaches us valuable lessons about maintaining our own health and vitality.

Just like nature adapts to its surroundings, our bodies have an amazing capacity to adjust and heal. Embracing a holistic approach to wellness allows us to adapt to different circumstances, enabling us to navigate life's challenges with resilience.

Nature operates in perfect harmony, and so can our health. Just as ecosystems require a delicate balance of elements, our bodies strive for equilibrium. Nurturing balance through mindful choices in nutrition, exercise, and self-care cultivates the foundation for optimal well-being.

Have you ever marveled at the lush vegetation and vibrant flowers? They're nourished by the elements they need to thrive. Similarly, our bodies crave nourishment to flourish. By fueling ourselves with wholesome foods and prioritizing self-care, we provide the vital nutrients our bodies need to feel vibrant and energized.

Observe the magnificent trees standing tall in the face of storms or harsh weather. They exemplify resilience, reminding us that our health is not just about avoiding illness but also about building strength. Prioritizing self-care, mental well-being, and nurturing our inner resilience helps us bounce back from life's challenges with grace.

Nature's abundance encourages us to embrace gratitude for the gifts that surround us. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty and intricate interconnectedness of the natural world. Cultivating a grateful mindset and expressing appreciation for our health supports a positive outlook and enhances overall well-being.

🍃 Tag someone who needs a dose of nature's wisdom! 🌺✨

Photos from Renee R_fxmedcoach's post 20/06/2023

Looking to remove gluten from your diet like I am? Here are some easy tips you can try.

If you have already made the transition, share your favorite gluten-free recipes and tips below! Let's support each other on this journey. 👇❤️

Photos from Renee R_fxmedcoach's post 20/06/2023

Going gluten free... Again🙄

Whenever I have an flare, I tend to eat whatever is easiest to buy, prepare or have delivered. Additionally, this often means eating low fiber food and unfortunately, healthy gluten free items usually are high fiber..
My efforts then, to remove or limit gluten go out the window.

So after recovering from a flare and developing a nutrition action plan with the help of my health coach , I'm feeling confident again to get rid of gluten from my diet.

This morning, I baked a lovely little loaf and it was so good! The biggest obstacle for me is regular wheat and soy based bread so having my own loaf is a small yet significant step to removing gluten from my life.

The decision to get off gluten is often a hard one, not only for me but for lots of people. My coach asked me a thought provoking question - "what's the deeper issue with you wanting that bread? ". My answer was that it's familiar and comforting...

The reasons we eat certain foods go way beyond simply satisfying hunger and that's why letting certain foods go is so hard. It means severing connections we think are important.

I just wanted to share that with you today. My biggest realisations were that I can change the meaning behind food and it is invaluable to have someone like a health coach to put your choices into perspective.

Photos from Renee R_fxmedcoach's post 19/06/2023

My anti-inflammatory spiced tea has been a staple in my morning route for at least 5 years now.

The main ingredients are organic cinnamon, turmeric, black pepper, ginger and cardomom. I like to add in collagen and honey as well.

➡️For the recipe.


Episode 2 is out now 😎 Morning Routines - Why they're so important? What our routines look like & MORE!

Catch the crew again as we chat about how we set our days up for success. This week I also share my anti-inflammatory spiced tea recipe (see my next post for details ) and I'm pursuaded (way too easily) to use the F word😜

The coaches also share their latest books that you can see in the captions either on on our YouTube or Spotify pages. See links in my bio.

Go show us some ❤️!


What do dry brushing, massage, facial and body gua sha have in common? They are my go to methods for reducing swelling and pain associated with inflammation 😁

Did you know that massage and use of tools like brushes and gua sha for moving lymph around the body can be a game-changer when it comes to managing autoimmune disease symptoms? There are incredible benefits of these gentle and effective therapies that has made a world of difference in my own quest to feel better.

Our lymphatic system plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy immune response. It's responsible for filtering toxins, waste, and excess fluid from our tissues, promoting overall balance and supporting our body's defense mechanisms. However, autoimmune diseases can disrupt this delicate system, leading to inflammation, swelling, and discomfort. That's where regulated lymphatic drainage steps in as a powerful ally.

By stimulating the flow of lymph, this helps to remove harmful substances, reduce inflammation, and support the body's natural healing processes. It's like giving your immune system a gentle boost and helping it regain its balance.

Through targeted, rhythmic movements, the lymphatic vessels are activated and encouraged to drain toxins and excess fluid. The result - reduced swelling, improved circulation, enhanced detoxification, and a general sense of well-being. Not only do I feel lighter and more energized, but I've also experienced a decrease in joint pain and inflammation. It's truly been a game-changer for me.

If you're struggling with autoimmune disease or looking to optimize your overall health, I highly recommend researching the benefits of lymphatic therapies as part of your self-care regimen.

This is not intended to be medical advice but is merely for information purposes only. Please consult your physcian before embarking on any new therapy or practice for your medical conditions.


"Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. Gardening is an instrument of grace".

May Sarton


Is this the most boring breakfast ever? Probably 😂

So, in my opinion, the context of food is a key component in sustainable health.

Lets look at what I had - A cup of chicory with macadamia nut milk & flaxseed and coconut flour porridge sweetened with honey ....

Yeah, "exciting" isn't a word I'd use to describe it BUT it:

1. Was what I had easy access to this morning
2. Would cause the least amount of digestive issues while still providing fiber
3. Was acceptable to me in terms of how much it may spike my glucose levels; and
4. Was quick to make up

I often find that the food we are shown on social media looks a certain way and it leads us to think we should also be doing EXACTLY the same.

Not true!! Each person is unique & circumstances change every day. When, where, what and how much we eat depends on so may variables, some in our control & honestly, some outside our control.

So, rather base your nutrition on your needs, your resources (like time, energy, money, access) , your goals, values & your vision for your life.

Don't ever feel guilty or ashamed that your food doesn't look a certain way or check all the boxes of being colorful, organic, free range & hormone free. Do the best you can, when you can - life is difficult enough as it is, without making food one thing to stress about.

Want to learn more about making the best food and nutrition choices? DM "EAT" to start our conversation. There's a free 20 minute session where you can get the information you've been looking for.


We've started a YouTube Channel! Come join us at The Candid Coaching Collective - see link in bio.

A couple of the brilliant & talented health coaches from our graduating class get together regularly to connect and share our knowledge on various health and health coaching business related topics. So we thought, why not record our conversations 😆

This was a spontaneous first episode where you'll meet ,, , , , .longevity and Sarah Bliesnath. - we missed you this time and hope you will join us soon!


Positive psychology has been proven to be a successful pathway towards resilience and well-being. Living with a long-term health condition has its fair share of challenges but the way we perceive and respond to those challenges can make all the difference.

So, what exactly is positive psychology? 🤔
It's a field of study that focuses on nurturing positivity, happiness, and personal growth. And let me tell you, it's so much more than just positive thinking. Here's why:

Positive psychology encourages us to shift our focus from what's wrong to what's right. It's about embracing a gratitude mindset, finding silver linings, and appreciating the small victories along our journey. It reminds us that despite the challenges, there's still so much beauty and joy to be found.

Additionally, it equips us with the tools to bounce back, adapt and thrive in the face of adversity. It teaches us to cultivate optimism, self-compassion, and a growth mindset. Through these practices, we strengthen our ability to navigate the ups and downs of chronic illness with grace and determination.

Positive psychology also emphasizes the importance of self-care, nurturing positive relationships and finding meaning and purpose in our lives. By prioritizing our well-being and engaging in activities that bring us joy, we create a solid foundation for managing our health challenges.

Health coaches utilize positive psychology, to help our clients unlock a world of possibilities, strength, and personal growth. Learn more about how this approach can help you live better. Remember, managing chronic illness is not just about surviving—it's about thriving! DM "INFO" to set up a free discovery call.


Sometimes overcoming illness will not equate to eating leafy greens, getting lots of fiber or exercising for 30 minutes 5 days a week.
It may look like eating mashed potatoes for 3 straight meals, eating candy and binge watching mindless TV. I know - because I've done it - All.

Every challenge is an opportunity to learn how to care for yourself, to learn what you need.

If you're currently battling an illness, or a relapse, I want you to know that you are capable of overcoming it, to persevere.

You have the strength and resilience to push through even the toughest of times. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. Sometimes pushing through means just being still, just sleeping or moving slowly.
Getting to the other side looks different for everyone.

Cut yourself some slack and be kind. You know your story and you also know what you're capable of on your good days. Bide your time until those better days arrive ⌚❤️


Design your health and wellness blueprint by following your intuition and seeking knowledge to support your decisions.

This is your journey and the rest of us are here to help and support you.

P. S Happy May 4th 🤓

Photos from Renee R_fxmedcoach's post 02/05/2023

I am a coach, who now has a coach! I had my foundation session yesterday and already I have clearer picture of what I need to do to get where I want to be.

Read through ↪️ for my reasons why I jumped at the opportunity to be coached by a National Board Certified Coach.

I forgot to add that its also, so incredibly valuable sitting in the client seat. It reminds me that the quality of the questions I ask you as the coach, determines how effective the session is.

What are some reasons you would consider seeking health coaching? Let me know below


A big hello and welcome to my new followers👋🏼
While my experience is vast with and living with a for over 20 years, my current interest as a coach is empowering clients with chronic disease to live better quality lives, through mindfulness.

If you're curious to hear how I got into coaching or how my colitis journey evolved - the link is in my highlights.

Got any questions about my journey or how health coaching could be beneficial? It's as easy as a DM or comment below 😁


You are the most important element in your healing journey.

Health coaches, therapists, counsellors and even doctors, facilitate healing. We can guide, educate, assist and help but ultimately, your healing, health and wellness is up to you.

This is great news!

Not sure where to start? Get in touch with me today to set up a free 15 minute discovery call to find out how health coaching can help.


Autoimmune disease has long been focus of mine and so I'm taking that next step to educate myself further.

In a few months I will be a certified Autoimmune Holistic Nutrition Specialist which means that I can better serve my clients by coaching them on how to use food as medicine in conjunction with lifestyle changes.

Soon I will be able to better equip my clients to get more out life despite having chronic autoimmune diseases.


The more you look for magical moments, the more you will find them.

Better yet...create spaces and moments that are beautiful. You have more control than you realise.


Lasting transformation becomes possible when we become who we really are.
Many times clients will start out thinking that they only have to focus on goals and targets.
The reality is that the further the coaching process goes, the more clearly clients see themselves and their true potential to effect positive changes in several areas of their lives.
Its in the moments of reconnecting with themselves that they realize they have had the capability to change the entire time.


Dedication: the QUALITY of of being committed to a task or purpose...

Dedication speaks to something inside the person driving their actions.
Motivation, most times rely on external reasons for taking action to improve one's health.

How do you speak to yourself? What words are you using to craft your life?


Opening Hours

Monday 17:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 17:00 - 20:00
Thursday 17:00 - 20:00
Friday 17:00 - 18:30
Saturday 08:30 - 14:00
Sunday 09:30 - 13:30