X-kit Achieve Study Resources

X-kit Achieve Study Resources

X-kit Achieve is here to help students ace their exams. Study tips, exam advice, practice questions and more. We are here to help! About us (About you...)

We’ve spoken to lots of South African high school students and they all tell us the same thing – don’t give us piles of information to trawl through and don’t use flowery marketing speak to tell us what we should buy - just give us what we need to understand the work and do well in the exams. Students told us they needed short explanations for revision, questions and answers, practice exam papers


X-kit Achieve makes learning, revising, and practicing for tests and exams easy. Achieve great results and reach your goals.


Q: What do you call the leader of a Biology gang?
A: The Nucleus 😂


Here are some back-to-school study tips to help you start the year off on a great note. Track more than homework in your school planner. Keeping a calendar helps you plan ahead. Because you have more going on than just homework assignments, make sure to mark your extracurricular, work, and social commitments on the planner too.


Q: What does the little mermaid wear?
A: An algae-bra. 😂


It's Back-to-School time again! We wish you nothing but success in 2020!


Q: Who invented algebra?
A: A Clever X-pert. 😂


"Reconciliation means working together to correct the legacy of past injustice" - Nelson Mandela. Happy Day of Reconciliation to all South Africans!


Here are some to keep busy and stay productive during these December holidays. Improve on your physical health, you have all this time during the school holidays, why not use this opportunity to start sleeping well, exercising regularly and eating healthy.


Here are some to keep busy and stay productive during these December holidays. Reflect on the past year, take out a sheet of paper and write down all the things you did well this year, the things you did not do so well in and what you will do in 2020 to improve.


Bananas are curved because they grow towards the sun.


December is here, and so are the holidays!


For those writing their last exam today, your for the day is to stay positive and confident! Believe that you can ace the exam.


"X-kit Achieve help learners approach their exams with confidence by providing step-by-step explanations and worked examples, annotated diagrams and illustrated concepts and much much more! Visit our website to find the study guide for you!


The term of the day is for our Economics students, 'brand loyalty' - where customers prefer one brand and continue to buy those products even if they are more expensive or in short supply.


Q: What did one Math book say to the other?
A: Don't bother me I've got my own problems!


Study Tip of the day: Go to bed early the night before tests and exams so that you can wake up in time to quickly read through the sections you are worried about. Find this tip and many more on our website at https://www.x-kit.co.za/


X-kit Achieve Literature Study Guides make nationally prescribed novels, dramas, poetry and short stories accessible to learners. With stimulating exercises and questions encouraging learners to revise and understand the material in a structured and systematic way, these study guides make the perfect study partners!


"Your Term of the Day is, 'Absolute Advantage' - when a country is able to produce a good at a lower cost (using fewer resources) than any other country would need to produce it. Find this definition and many more on our website.


Q: How does Juliet maintain a constant body temperature?
A: Romeostasis😂


Study Tip of the day: "Make a list of the stationery and instruments you need for your exam and pack it the night before." Find this and more on our website at https://www.x-kit.co.za/


Our Term of the Day is 'Biosphere', the part of the Earth where all living organisms occur. Register to our website at www.x-kit.co.za to get your Term of the Day.


Q: If H2O is the formula for water, what is the formula for ice? A: H2O cubed.😂


When you are writing an exam, first write down all the formulae or important facts you are worried about forgetting. View this Study Tip and more by registering to our website at https://www.x-kit.co.za/


X-Kit Achieve offers a wide range of CAPs-aligned study resources to support grade 8 to 12 learners with step-by-step explanations, worked examples and plenty of exam practice. Use our X-kit Achieve! study guides to prepare for tests and exams. Find out more at https://www.x-kit.co.za/

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Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00