The feet's that has never felt the Earth

The feet's that has never felt the Earth

A paralysed young girl


Please take your time to read this

This goes to all the parents:
In Life there are two types of children, The ones that have a little and make it look big in the families eyes and the ones that have little and make no use of it, which at the end make it seem like they had nothing

E.g. A mom of two sons:
Both her sons work and earn(R20)the same salary, when they both come from work the wise son buys R5 bread, R3 read drink, R2 meat then gives the mother R5 and he takes another R5 for himself that is his everyday routine and the Foolish Child pays R10 to his work place friend because his always borrowing money to buy food and when he goes home he gives the mother 20c and he uses the rest for himself ...In Life as a parent on all your children there's always that wise one that uses money wisely and there is always that one child that works but at the end looks like he doesn't



Every challenges that life threw me in I accepted it ..and Sometimes I wandered if the Nature never got time to create me like others

Early in the morning,the sky is blue the world is noisy with car sounds and people are off to work ..Am doing the Usual thing sitting ryt on my bed and looking by the window.Since I moved my bed next to the window I find it interesting waking up so early to see the footsteps of people

*^Now this is my story*^
I am Sandi a 19 year old girl who has never felt the ground.. My whole entire life I've been on a wheelchair. Sometimes I wonder how to feels to walk,I am so desperate to know that feeling. I just sit at home, I don't go to school because the last time my mom took me to school other kids mocked me so I felt offended and bad

Sometimes when me and my mom would go to the store people will just be looking at me then I decided whenever me and mom go to the store I would just stay inside the car and wait for her.I wanna go out,feel the refreshment of earth,find friends who will accept me as I am but I can't because my mom told me that the world is filled with cruelty and I've accepted and believed on that .Is there life after death? Because I want to tell already how my next life should be.I want to be normal in the next world,I want to touch the ground with my bare foot,I want to have both legs and meet kind hearted people

Death is gonna swallow me away without me knowing how to feels like to walk.I hope Someday my dream's will come true

