It's Wednesday

It's Wednesday

After writing short messages as part of the church news letters every Wednesday since 2001, It's Wednesday was born.

This easy and God-inspired devotional aid is meant for all of us that love the Lord, and seek to love Him more


Luke 21:28 Ps 141:2b…kyk dan na bo en hef julle hoofde op, omdat julle verlossing naby is.
Isaiah 40:9b ……… hef jou stem op met mag; hef dit op, wees nie bevrees nie!
1 Tim 2:8 Ek wil dan hê dat die mense elke plek moet bid en heilige hande moet ophef sonder toorn of twis.

Liewe Vriende 13 Oktober 2021

Bid sonder ophou, buig julle hoofde, en gee jou lewe oor aan Jesus.
En dan?

My pa het ons altyd buitentoe gejaag. “Kry bietjie vars lug, kry bietjie son (voor kamidaze sonstrale)! Die rondlê is ongesond (boekwurm of nie). Hardloop, speel, klim bome!” Sug, natuurlik voor TV…

Ek wonder hoe gereeld ons vergeet om ons hoofde weer te lig? Dan sien ons net ‘n klein stukkie van die lewe, en dis gewoonlik ‘n donker stukkie. Wat as ons ons oë oplig, skouers terug, ons hande omhoog en ‘n diep asem skep? In engels ‘n goeie woord…..uplifting!!

Die Woord, gesange en allerlei liedere moedig ons aan om op te staan. Ons kan net die lig inlaat deur die gordyne oop te maak. So, hier’s ‘n heildronk op gebed, op wakker bly en nie gou ‘n dutjie in te kry nie, m.a.w. maak oë oop! Moenie luister na krakende knieë met die opstaan slag nie, en sing sommer kliphard Psalm 121:1! Ek slaan my oë op na die berge, waarvandaan kom my hulp. My hulp is van die Here, wat die hemele en die aarde gemaak het.



Luke 21:28 Ps 141:2b…may the lifting of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.
Isaiah 40:9b ……… lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid.
1 Tim 2:8 I want people everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.

Dear Friends 13 October 2021

Pray often, bow your heads and yield your life.
And then?

My father used to chase us out of the house. “Go and get fresh air, get some sun (before kamikaze rays)! This lying around is unacceptable! (Being a bookworm didn’t count) Run, play, climb the trees!” Sigh, life before TV…..

I wonder if we forget to lift our heads after bowing our heads! Then we only see a small little sliver of life, and very often it’s a dark sliver. Measure that little square that may define your day. What happens when you lift your eyes, straighten your shoulders, then lift your hands and take a deep breath? It’s – well – uplifting!!

Scripture, hymns and choruses are full of encouragement to get it right. We can only let the light in by opening the curtains and lifting the blinds. So here’s to praying consistently, not stealing a powernap while my eyes are closed, lifting my eyelids, not listening to the creaking knees as I lift myself up, and belting out Psalm 121:1! I lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.



Liewe Vriende 6 Oktober 2021

Van die eerste oomblikke dat klein mensies iets onafhanklik kan doen – soos kruip – tot die hede, met ouderdom wat geen verskil maak nie, is ons ‘traag om te luister. Of ons luister maar hoor nie. Of ons luister maar gehoorsaam nie.

‘n Hardkoppige frons tussen my babatjies se wenkbroue was ‘n duidelike teken van eie wil en besluite teen mamma se NEE! Die ‘gevaarlike’ speletjies, die ontdekking van ons tienerself, die onwrikbare geloof dat ons ouers niks weet nie….. klink dit bekend? Maar hier is ek, ouer en heel gemaklik daarmee, maar hoekom het ek dit nie makliker vir myself gemaak deur te luister, leer of ten minste soms raad te volg nie?

Jesus sê ons moet luister na Sy stem, die Een wat ons vertrou en beskerm. Jesus van Genade. Maar vir die afgelope ruk grawe ek ‘n diep sloot tussen ons. Dan Hy raap my op, en sit my nie net in ‘n bondel langs die kant neer nie, Hy plaas my op my voete, sterk en kragtig. Ek spring nog soms agteruit, maar meer gereeld vat ek Sy hand wetende dis ‘n wyse besluit. Ons is darem partykeer lekker stupid, nê!



John 10:27,28 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me…… one can sn**ch them out of My hand.

Dear Friends 6 October 2021

From the minute we grow into little people that can do something independently - like crawl - to the present, with age making no difference, we have a streak of not wanting to listen. Or we listen and don’t heed. Or we listen and don’t obey.

A stubborn crease between my babies’ eyebrows indicated a will and decision contrary to mom’s NO! The ‘dangerous’ games, the ‘finding of the teenage self’, the firm belief that our elders know nothing and we are invincible. Does it sound familiar? Yet here I am, older and quite comfortable with it, but why did I not make it easier on myself by listening, learning or at the very least following advice?

Jesus tells us to listen to His voice, to the One we trust, the Lord of Protection and Amazing Grace. But for quite some time now I have been digging a trench between us. He keeps reaching in to pick me up. Not to dump me on the side, but so I can stand tall and strong. I often leap backwards, but more often I will take His hand knowing that’s a good decision. We are a silly lot, aren’t we!


Johannes 10:27,28 My skape luister na My stem, en Ek ken hulle, en hulle volg My…..en geen mens kan hulle uitruk uit My hand.


Dear Friends 11 August 2021

Clearly I am not the ray of sunshine among the stormy clouds, as I find myself overwhelmed by ‘STUFF’! But how lucky am I that I am surrounded by so many shining lights that I can’t help wondering what they are taking/seeing/hearing/knowing that I don’t.

I don’t know until I know, and now I know. (Or at least I am reminded of what I already, absolutely and always know.)

So I went for a short solo trail walk on Monday. As always it’s an ideal time for prayer and I let rip, bouncing from one topic after another so fast that not one thought is complete. Yes, I did pray for you, and our country and my children and health and my knee and the bird droppings on my paving and….! Then I realized that if I had my friend with me, the conversation would be quite different. So I started telling Jesus about
what happened and why I am worried. I could see Him listening, making all those confirmation sounds, with the odd ‘wow’ and the odd ‘and then?’ as if it was the first time He’d heard such a thing. Ps. 68:19 Praise be to the Lord, to God our Saviour, who daily bears our burdens.

And it worked, because there we were, Jesus and I, bouncing life off each other. So I feel a little like a half-developed superhero, with little pinpoint lights shining from my nostrils and fingertips. Here’s to brightness!!



Liewe Vriende 11 Augustus 2021

Ek is duidelik nie die sonstraal tussen die donderwolke nie want ek voel nogal oorweldig deur die ‘DINGE’ van die lewe! Maar ek is geseënd om deur so baie helder ligte omring te word dat ek nie kan help wonder wat hulle hoor/sien/drink/weet wat ek nie weet nie.

Ek weet niks tot ek wel weet nie, en nou weet ek wat ek natuurlik klaar weet, absoluut en altyd.

Ek het Maandag vir ‘n kort, solo ‘trail’ wandeling gegaan. Soos gewoonlik is dit ideale bidtyd en ek het weggespring, huppelend van die een tema na die ander, sonder om een sin behoorlik klaar te maak. Ja, ek het vir julle gebid, vir ons land, my kinders, my gesondheid en my knie en die voêls wat my patio bemors….! Toe besef ek dat indien my vriendin by my was, dit heel anders sou wees. Daarom begin ek toe om vir Jesus alles te vertel, wat gebeur het, en waarom ek bekommerd is. Ek kon Hom sien luister, met al die klein geluidjies van mmm en ‘en toe?’ asof dit die eerste keer was dat Hy daarvan hoor. Ps. 68:19 Geloof sy die Here! Dag na dag dra Hy ons. God is ons hulp.

Dit het gewerk, want daar loop ons, Jesus en ek, en bespreek die lewe. So nou voel ek soos ‘n half-gevormde superhero, met klein ligstraaltjies wat uit my neus en vingerpunte straal. Volgende: helder lig!!

Conspirare Mariana


Liewe Vriende 21 Julie 2021

Max Lucado sê dat Christene in hul eie omgewing ander moet bemoedig om beter te wees, in plaas van af te daal om soos ander op te tree. (Walking with the Saviour – Max Lucado)

Mislukking no.1 In my omgewing? Op die oomblik beskerm my omgewing my (Lockdown) en ek kan selektief met ander verkeer. En natuurlik die eeue oue refrain van ek ek ek om gesond en veilig te bly ten alle koste.
Mislukking no.2 Ek moet ander bemoedig? Ek is omring deur amazing mense wat bemoedig en ondersteun, en ek sien Christus in aksie rondom my. Ek moet bietjie bykom en leer hoe om nie net bekommerd en hartseer te wees nie.
Sukses no.1 Ek daal g’n af om soos ander te wees nie, maar hoop en bid dat ek die wysheid en kennis van die wat weet benut.
Sukses no.2 Filippense 4:1 “Daarom, My geliefde broeders en susters, wie Ek ook verlang, my blydskap en kroon, staan so vas in die Here, geliefdes”. Mag ek altyd vas staan in die Here.

So manlief Dewey het die bokant van sy wysvinger afgesny om te pas by die stompie van sy linkerwysvinger en nou d**k hy hy is wel –gebalanseerd! Ek was baie skrikkerig toe hy vir die amputasie moes gaan, en skielik het ek besef hoekom die personeel – van doktors tot skoonmakers – sulke fantastiese werk doen. Na ‘n negatiewe toets (en ons kommer dat hy in die hospitaal Covid gaan opdoen) het ons ‘n baie klein begrip van hoe dit moet wees. Ek het net respek en bewondering vir julle almal. Staan vas in die Here in julle gekose roeping.



Dear Friends 21 July 2021

Max Lucado says that a Christian in His surroundings should encourage everyone to be better, instead of being the one who stoops to be like everyone else. (Walking with the Saviour – Max Lucado)

Fail no.1 In my surroundings? At the moment my surroundings protect me (i.e. Lockdown) and I can deal with others selectively. It’s also the age old me me me as I work at staying healthy and safe.
Fail no.2 I should encourage? I know I should but I’m surrounded by encouragers. Thank you to the Encouragers that let me see Christ in action so often. I need to learn from you instead of feeling so sad and worried.
Success no.1 I don’t stoop to be like others, but I seek the wisdom of those that know. No stooping involved.
Success no.2 Phillipians 4:1 “My dear brothers and sisters, I love you and want to see you. You bring me joy and make me proud of you, so stand strong in the Lord as I have told you.” Through His grace and mercy, I will continue to stand in His presence”.

So husband Dewey chopped off top of right index finger to match left ‘stompie’ and now considers himself well-balanced. I was scared when he went in for the amputation, and suddenly understood why hospital staff – from doctors to cleaners - are such amazing human beings. After testing negative (and worrying he would contract Covid in hospital) I had a teeny tiny taste of what it must be like. I respect and admire you all. May you continue to stand strong in His presence as you fulfil your call.



Liewe Vriende 30 Junie 2021

Vandag klim ek terug op een van my vele seepboks aangeleenthede. Dis seker so no. 4. (Want no. 1 is kinders wat op die voorste sitplek staan en die ouer is veilig ingegordel, no. 2 is kinders wat voor sit en niemand dra veiligheidsgordels nie, en no. 3 seker alle verkeersoortredings wat elke dag my lewe in gevaar stel.)

No. 4 – Karre sonder ligte as die sigbaarheid swak is, a.g.v. weer of net die tyd van die dag. Ek kan jou NIE SIEN NIE! Jy kan my sien want ek het my LIGTE aan…...grrrrrr.

Maar nou wonder ek of die Here ooit d**k dat Hy Sy lig (Jesus) so helder laat skyn vir die wêreld om te sien, maar ons weerkaats dit nie. Wat van die wat desperaat is vir die lig wat ons dalk kon wees, die soeke na warmte en versekering wat die Lewende Lig sal gee. Gooi daardie skakelaar en wees die lig in iemand se donkerte.

Vir al die pragtige boodskappe in die tyd wat ons Janine onthou (ons dogter oorlede 21jr terug), julle is die lig in ons lewens. Dankie



Sorry, the reading is John 1: 8


Dear Friends 30 June 2021

Today I am climbing back on one of my many soapbox issues. It’s probably no. 4. (No. 1 being children standing on front seats with parent safely strapped in, no. 2 being children seated on the front seat and nobody strapped in and no. 3 including all traffic offences that endanger my life everyday.)
No. 4 – Cars with no lights while visibility is poor, either due to the time of day or weather I can’t seeeee you! You can see me but I can’t .....grrrrrr.

But it does make me wonder if God ever thinks that He shines His light (Jesus Christ) so brightly for the world to see, but we find it hard to reflect it. What about those that desperately need the light that we may give, that search for the warmth and reassurance that the Living Light will provide. May you flip the switch and be the light in someone’s darkness.
John 1:16 The true Light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.

For all the lovely messages as we remembered Janine (our daughter that passed away 21 yrs ago), you are our shining lights. Thank you



Liewe Vriende 16 Junie 2021

Ag vir ‘n bietjie wysheid! Ag, kan ek maar die kennis wat ek wel het, reg toepas! Ag tog, om wysheid te herken wat niks met kennis te doen het nie, en alles met ‘n lewe wat geleef is!

Ek gee nie om (om te bieg) oor die foute of die lesse wat in die verlede geleer is nie. Maar ek moes van beter geweet het is nog steeds my mees gereelde nadenke. En dan d**k ek: O Jesus, as ek tog soveel tyd in gesprek met U spandeer, sal ek sekerlik WYSHEID in aksie sien??!! 2 Kronieke 1:12 ‘Gee my tog wysheid en kennis sodat ek hulle reg kan regeer’ (Salomo). Maar God het hom ook gewaarsku om die Gebooie te gehoorsaam, anders is daar gevolge.

Wanneer dwaasheid vasvat, en dit gebeur so baie, is ons dalk meer bekommerd oor aardse vernedering en oordeel as oor ons Vader wat naby staan om ons vorentoe te lei. En dan is daar Spreuke
14:16b ’n Dom mens is oorverseker en gaan maar net aan sonder om te d**k. (oeps), 23:9 Moenie ’n dwaas reghelp nie. Jou goeie raad behandel hy met minagting. (Ek hou hiervan….), 28:26 Wie op sy eie insig vertrou, is ’n dwaas. (….en hier kry ek raas), maar wie hul deur wysheid laat lei, is veilig.

Hier is ons genade en redding; al d**k ons dat ons dwaas is, hoef ons net in Sy Wysheid te wandel. Vader, help ons om U eerste te benader in alles wat ons sê en doen. Amen



Dear Friends 16 June 2021

Oh to be wise! Oh to apply the knowledge I have! Oh to recognise wisdom that has nothing to do with knowledge and everything to do with a life lived!

I don’t mind (admitting) the mistakes I have made or the lessons I have learnt from them. But I should have known better is still one of my most regular reflections. And then I think: Oh Lord, if only I spend as much time discussing these things with You, then surely that would be putting WISDOM into action??!! 2 Chronicles 1:12 ‘therefore wisdom and knowledge will be given you (Solomon). But God also cautioned him to obey the commandments or else, i.o.w. consequences will follow.

When foolishness takes hold, and it does so often, are we more worried about earthly embarrassment and judgement than about our Father standing ready to lead us on? And then there’s Proverbs:-14:16b a fool is hotheaded and reckless (oh my), 23:9 Do not speak to a fool, for he will scorn the wisdom of your words (I like this one….), 28:26 He who trusts in himself is a fool (….and then I don’t), but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe.

Therein lies our salvation; even if we don’t believe we’re wise, we just need to WALK in His Wisdom to be safe. Father God, help us to seek You first in all we do and say. Amen



Dear Friends 9 June 2021

It’s not that hard to follow Jesus. This is what Scripture teaches us.
Micah 6:8
Yep, He did. We see the empty cross, we experience His grace.
Oh dear, must I actually DO something? Little old me?
To be fair. To act upon unjust practices and to protect the weak.
To bestow mercy, kindness, gentleness, goodness, self-control! Self-control, self-control….
Maybe if we adopt the servant heart of Jesus, we will understand humility, and then look at where our salvation comes from.

So why is it so hard? Because we think that 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.
Father help us to strive for 3/3….a perfect score.



Liewe Vriende 9 Junie 2021

Dis nie SO moeilik om Jesus te volg nie. So sê die Woord..
Miga 6:8
Yep, Hy het vir ons gewys. Ons sien ‘n die kruis, ons ondervind Sy genade.
O aarde, moet ek iets doen? Swak en klein ek?
Om reg te laat geskiet en om regverdigheid te laat seëvier.
Om liefde en genade te toon, vrede en selfbeheersing! Selfbeheersing….
As ons die dienaar hart van Jesus kan aanneem, as ons onderdanigheid en nederigheid kan verstaan, sal ons weet waar ons redding vandaan kom.

So hoekom is dit dan so moeilik? Want dis ok….2 out of 3 ain’t bad.
Here help ons om vir ‘n 3/3 te strewe.



Liewe Vriende 2 Junie 2021

Ek het jare terug in 2001 my It’s Wednesday begin skryf (net in Engels). Vir ongeveer ‘n jaar (2005/6) het ek opgehou, maar vandat ek weer begin het, was die afgelope paar weke die langste stil Woensdae! Eish, dis nie my skuld nie…of so wil ek graag glo. Ag as ek tog net iemand anders of selfs die Here kon ‘blameer’. Maar soos ek die woorde nou skryf voel ek die waarheid in my brein klop. Dis eintlik vreeslik hoe maklik dit is om net nie te LUISTER nie!

My lewe vloei oor van dankbaarheid en genade, en ek het toegelaat dat frustrasie en vrees die oorhand kry. En toe die besef dat satan natuurlik genot put uit my stilte en leë blaaie. So, of julle lees of nie, daarvan hou of nie, ek is terug. Vergewe my, vergewe ander en vergewe veral julself terwyl ons Paul se woorde lees;

Een ding weet ek vas en seker: Niks kan ons ooit van Christus se liefde skei nie. Nie dood of lewe of engele of duiwelse magte nie; nie ons vrees vir vandag of ons kommer oor môre nie; ook nie bo-aardse magte nie. Ja, hoegenaamd niks daarbo of onder in die dieptes of elders in die skepping sal ons ooit kan skei van die liefde wat God in Christus Jesus ons Here vir ons het nie. Romeine 8:38,39



Dear Friends 2 June 2021

I started writing my It’s Wednesday mails in 2001. I didn’t write for about a year (2005/6) but started again and since that time, this is the longest period of silent Wednesdays. Eish, it’s not my fault…or so I would like to believe. How nice and comfortable if someone or even God can take the ‘blame’. But even as I write this I feel the truth throbbing in my brain. It’s scary how easy it was to NOT LISTEN!

My life is filled with gratitude for many reasons, and I allowed frustration and confusion to become obstacles. And then the realisation that satan obviously is enjoying the lack of me doing what I actually love. So whether you read it or not, whether you like it or not, I am back. Forgive me, forgive others and of course yourselves as you join me in reflecting on Paul’s words;
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor death, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38,39



Liewe Vriende 14 April 2021

Die Psalms bevat soveel waarhede, wyshede, ‘o ja’ en ‘o aarde’ oomblikke, en Psalm 27 is ook so. Terwyl ek my ma se afsterwe 2 jaar gelede herdenk, en ek daardie bekende beklemming in my bors kry wat die verlies en hartseer beklemtoon, lees ek;

v 1 Die Here is my lig en my redding. Vir wie moet ek dan vrees?
v 5 Want as gevaar dreig, sal Hy my wegsteek.Hy sal my in sy woningverbergHy sal my op ’n hoë rots laat staan.
v 6 ….. terwyl ek sing en met musiek die Here loof.
v 8 U het vir my hart gesê: “Kom en dien My.” Ek antwoord: “Here, ek kom U dien.”
v 11 Leer my hoe om te lewe, Here. Lei my op ’n gelyke pad, want my vyande wag my in.
v 14 Vertrou op die Here! Wees sterk en skep moed! Ja, vertrou op die Here!

En spesiaal vir mamma;
v 4 Een ding vra ek van die Here, en dit sal ek bly soek: om in die huis van die Here te bly al die dae van my lewe,



Dear Friends 14 April 2021

The Psalms contain so many truths, wisdoms, ‘oh yes’ and ‘oh dear’ moments, and Psalm 27 is no different. As I remember my mom’s passing 2 years ago and get that familiar ache in my chest that speaks of loss and sorrow, I read;

v 1 The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?
v 5 For in the day of trouble, He will keep me safe in His dwelling;
v 6 …..I will sing and make music to the Lord.
v 8 My heart says of You: ‘Seek His face!’ Your face, Lord, I will seek
v 11 Teach me Your way, O Lord, lead me in a straight path….
v 14 Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord

and especially for mom;
v 4 One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life…



Liewe Vriende 7 April 2021

Dis soos ‘n goeie koppie boeretroos. Drink dit stadig, wees gemaklik, en laat die aroma lank draal. Want mens weet nie wanneer die volgende een kom nie. Dis hoe verjaarsdae werk, selfs al klim die ouderdom roekeloos opwaarts sonder brieke. Begin die dag maar stadig, want die beendere moet nog wakker word. Laat die feestelike stemming gemaklik en rustig plaasvind. As die dag dan einde kry, laat die aroma van liefde en vriendskap lank draal.

Paasfees het gekom en gegaan, maar die vreugde van die leë Kruis draal in ons harte. Joni Eareckson Jada skryf: ”Let Christ’s passion for you stir the depths of your yearning for Him. Let yourself be drawn to Him today, not only because of His sacrifice for Your sin, but because of His desire for your soul. After all, as it says in 1 John 4:19: “We love because He first loved us”. (From God’s Precious Love)



Dear Friends 7 April 2021

It’s like a good cuppa. Drink it slowly, sip it gently, and let the aroma linger on. After all, the next one may be a while in coming. That’s what birthdays are like, even as age now hikes upward that no sophisticated brake system can halt. Enter the day slowly, because the body won’t be dictated to, gently ease into a celebratory mood, and when the day is done, let the aroma of love and friendship linger on.

Easter came and went, but the celebration of the empty cross lingers on. As Joni Eareckson Jada writes: ”Let Christ’s passion for you stir the depths of your yearning for Him. Let yourself be drawn to Him today, not only because of His sacrifice for Your sin, but because of His desire for your soul. After all, as it says in 1 John 4:19: “We love because He first loved us”. (From God’s Precious Love)


Dear Friends 31 Mar. 21

I am one of those………
I am the who squeezes the toothpaste wherever my hand catches it. I pop a pill out of the pack at random, and should I only need one there’s often only one left in the box. I will use the full bottle (because I didn’t see the nearly empty one, and won’t care which way the toilet roll hangs. I don’t keep an eye on the time as I should, and my forward planning is not what it should be. Actually I am no good at looking at the bigger picture.

But I’m good at learning my lesson, at overcoming and now find that I am a little tougher than what I was a few years ago.

And this was exactly what my Easter journey was like. Squeezing God into little moments whenever my heart fell on Him. Popping attention His way even as I understand that He is ready to fill the gaps. I will rush through prayers and be all topsy turvey when I remember that it is Lent. My eyes has not been focussing on the bigger picture of Palm Sunday, Holy week and the celebration of the Risen Christ.

But I’m very good at learning my lesson, at overcoming and being vulnerable to My Jesus in these few days before Easter Sunday. I don’t need to be tough, I just need to say yes. Because I believe in Jesus, that He is the Son of God and that He died and rose again.

Never too late


Dear Friends 17 March 2021

I sing a song with the kids: ’Why worry, when you can pray? Trust Jesus, He will lead the way….! A favourite expression of mine is: ‘No worries’! So I wonder when it became something the human race is so good at?
I realize that it has nothing to do with faith (or the lack of), but rather a silly habit that I have made my companion. I’m also not talking about fear: ‘Will my child recover? Did they survive the floods? ‘ I mean the worry that I would remember stuff, do the right things, make the best decisions……

To worry steals energy, and unless it’s a real concern, we seldom turn to God. He has no time to deal with my worries, Covid is taking His attention at the moment! (I suddenly have a picture of Jesus frowning at my limiting His abilities, sorry Lord). Here’s what Max Lucado says: ”The word worry comes from a word that means ‘ to divide’. When you worry, you divide your energy. Do you worry? I worry about you if you don’t ! All of us worry, but we shouldn’t. Jesus commands us half a dozen times, “Do not worry”. When we do so, the problem gets us instead of us getting it.” Max Lucado – Walking with the Saviour 1993

Ps 145:16 You open Your hand, and satisfy all living things.” So Jesus waits for you and He wants you to trust Him. He will give you wisdom and lead the way.



Liewe Vriende 17 Maart 2021

Ek sing gereeld ‘n liedjie met die kinders: ’Why worry, when you can pray? Trust Jesus, He will lead the way….! Iets wat ek baie sê is: ‘ Ag, moenie worry nie!’ So ek wonder hoe en wanneer dit begin het dat die mensdom kommer so goeie vriend gemaak het? Ek besef dat dit niks te doen het met geloof nie, maar eerder ‘n stupid gewoonte is. Ook het dit niks te doen met opregte vrees nie: ‘Sal my kind beter word? Sal die aardbewing nog lewens eis?’ Ek bedoel die kommer dat ek nie by bly nie, dat ek die regte dinge doen, die regte besluite neem….

Om bekommerd te wees steel energie, en tensy dit ‘n geregverdige probleem is, draai ons selde na die Here in gebed. Hy het nie tyd vir my klein worries nie, Covid vat al Sy aandag op die stadium. (Ek het skielik ‘n prentjie in my gedagtes van Jesus wat fronsend wonder of ek Sy Mag en Genade betwyfel, skies Jesus) Dis wat Max Lucado sê (vrylik vertaal): “ Die woord worry beteken om ‘te skei of te deel’ (engels =divide). Jy verdeel jou energie. Ek is bekommerd as jy nie bekommerd is nie. Ons almal doen dit, maar ons moenie. Jesus sê gereeld dat ons nie moet bang wees nie. In plaas van om die probleem te oorwin, word ons daardeur oorwin.” Max Lucado – Walking with the Saviour 1993

Ps. 145:16 U maak U hand oop, en versadig alles wat lewe met welbehae



Liewe Vriende 10 Maart 2021

Hebreërs 11:1 Die Geloof dan is die dinge wat ons hoop, ‘n bewys van die dinge wat ons nie sien

Dis die beste, so sê hulle
Dis die ergste, so sê hulle
Dis nie veilig, so sê hulle
Maar dis wat ek sê

As ons nie leer om ons goeie verstand te gebruik nie, as ons nie na ons Godgegewe instinkte luister nie, sal ons altyd net luister na wat ‘hulle’ sê. Ek het ‘n brein, ek kan vra, uitvind en besluit en met die resultate saamleef. Ek kan.

Ek hou nie van hulle nie, so sê hulle
Ons volg hulle waar hul gaan, so sê hulle
Hulle is net anders, so sê hulle
Maar dis wat ek sê

Ons maak aantygings en reels, ons preek onkondisionele liefde sonder maar leef dit nie. Ons soek eerlikheid maar is skraps met die waarheid. Die Bybel sê dat die eerste laaste sal wees en die laaste eerste. Ons moet beter optree. Ek kan.

Die verlede moet daar bly, so sê hulle
Die toekoms is maar donker, so sê hulle
Tyd word gemors, so sê hulle
Maar dis wat ek sê

Ons mors tyd as ons nie in die hede lewe nie, maar herinneringe is ‘n waardevolle skat as ons dit reg doen. Die toekoms is waar ons hoop lê, en met hoop kom geloof. Ons moet beter doen. Ek kan.



Dear Friends 10 March 2021

HEBREWS 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

It is the best, so they say
It is the worst, so they say
It’s not safe, so they say
So this is what I say

If we don’t learn to make up our own minds, use our own instincts and do the necessary seeking, then we will only listen to what ‘they’ say. I have a brain, can ask, can decide and live with the results. I am able.

I don’t like them, so they say
We will follow them, so they say
They’re just so different, so they say
So this is what I say

We judge and make rules, we preach unconditional love but don’t live it, we expect honesty but share selectively. Scripture says the first shall be last and the last shall be first. We need to do better. I am able.

The past is the past, so they say
The future is dark, so they say
Time is wasted, so they say
So this is what I say

Time is wasted by not living right now, but memories are treasures if we do it right. The future is where hope lies, and with hope comes faith. We need to do better. I am able

