GIRI projects

GIRI projects

Road maintenance, potholes repairs, fence erections , buildings and structural constructions,


Friends who can't help you when you're in need are still your friends,
they are not fake.
They're also going through a lot.


Get pregnant in October. In December you will be 2 months and you can still groove without showing🤰.You will give birth in July and by December your baby will be 5 months old and you can still groove... You won't miss any December, I can't teach you everything ladies..🚶‍♂️


No matter how bad your life can seem now...Quitting is never an option. Forget how bad things are and look forward with hope. Your weekend was a mess. Many betrayals and your heart was broken? It's okay. Pull yourself together and journey on. It was meant to happen.

Even broken crayons still colour the same way. You are still important. Even dirty looking ten rands still buys the same thing as a ten rands that just can out of atm. You are stronger than before. Don't allow one stupid incident of weekend rob you. You are still on page 21 and the book is still being written.

LET'S go! Hold my hand.


Otla ba bona ba Engie Motshekga kaosane


Tsoga o dule 15 minutes ka mo ntle before o tlo kwatela salary tsa batho😔


💔 renotsamaisa Kegore retla dira jwang


Ladies can you married a guy who is did not be that her when is for them date important ladies why. Please don't lie?

Photos from GIRI projects's post 01/03/2023

That’s what we do as giri projects

Photos from GIRI projects's post 03/03/2022

Cleaning on the R511-8

