Myrtle Products

Myrtle Products

Biblically inpsired natural & organic hair care products for the whole family👑 Made to bless & heal!


Did you know?

Our Baby's Breath shampoo bar makes an excellent stain remover on clothing! I've been using this bar to remove all types of stains, including dry blood. My son fell and bumped his mouth open, messing some blood on his pants. We got home late, I completely forgot about the stain in the washing, and when it was time for laundry again, I had no hope to remove a dry blood stain. I rubbed it with the bar, threw it in the machine, and the stain was completely gone!
I also turn whites completely white again! I use it weekly on all the white school clothes as well.
Ps. I prefer to use the mini version. It's just easier to hold.

This is a great organic alternative for removing tough stains! We've had testimonies of it removing even grease from a jean.

Have you tried it on washing before? Share your thoughts or testimonials in the comments👇😁🙌


We are now available at Sweet Peace Parys

We prayed a long time about a suitable space to stock Myrtle Products within the town of Parys.
And by Devine intervention, our paths crossed that of Jo. Her shop is not only beautiful and peaceful, like the name states, but there is a presence and anointing of God.
Jo creates the most beautiful garments, as her calling is all about the sweet fragrance we are to spread in the world.

Sweet Peace is not just another shop. It's a calling and build on Kingdom principles. We couldn't be more excited to be part of this shop! It's truly a privilege.

Whenever you are in Parys, be sure to pop in, not only for your products, but also to experience the joy of knowing Jo and what she does! You will not be disappointed.

Adres: 75 Breë str, Parys




Whoophoop... 🥳🥳🥳🥳 We have exciting news!!!

Micah 2:13
“The breaker [the Messiah, who opens the way] shall go up before them [liberating them]. They will break out, pass through the gate and go out; So their King goes on before them, The Lord at their head.”


Something BIG is happening at Myrtle Products 😍😍😍

Can you guess what it is???

Let us know!


What is the key to a total hair transformation?

It takes us years and years of harsh color treatments, changing colors, damaging our hair with tools, chemical products, literally infusing trauma onto our hair.... and then we expect miracles overnight.

I love how accurate this is for our spiritual lives as well. We sit with years and years of trauma, sin, and heartache, and then we think healing and deliverance is a once off event.

To heal our crown, both physically and spiritually takes time, consistency, the right products, and a lot of faith & prayer, obedience, and courage!

This client went from hair that was super damaged, didn't want to grow at all, and dry/brittle. To helping her crown grow and heal with patience. Her hair has made a huge recovery, and is growing rapidly.

This is what we were called to do. To help you transform your crown👑 by faith in Christ. Through obedience to His Spirit and by trusting in Him is healer.

Photos from Aletté Winckler's post 11/07/2024

What a beautiful testimony! Honor is a big thing. Blessed to be able to help on your hair journey 👑👑👑


At last... 🥳🥳🥳

We finally finished the last half of all the orders from the winter sale!

As you can see, it was a family effort, seeing that it's school holidays 🤪

Everyone who waited to patiently can get excited.. your parcel is on its way🙌🤩📦🚚


Wow, we can just say thank you!

We are overwhelmed with loads of orders! We are super grateful for each one.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this very busy time. The sale might be over, but now we have to process, manufacture, pack, book, and finish all the orders. Please remember we are only two people that do everything 🤪

🍾Cheers to a very successful and blessed week!

All the glory to God 🌈🙌🪽👑


Last day to shop our winter birthday sale!!

20% off all shampoo bars, conditioner bars, treatments and hair growth oils.

Sale ends tonight!


Tomorrow is the last day to shop on our Winter Sale❄️☃️🌡

Do not miss out!

20% off everything, excl mini bars.
Shop now:

100% natural
Sulfate free
Suitable for the whole family
Paraben free
Fragrance free
Colourant free


Whoohoo🥳 Order nr 1000 on our Online Shop! 🎁

Congratulations, Lindie!!

We hope you enjoy your products 👑🌾

Thank you, Jesus. You are our provider 🪔🪽🌈


🥳 Our Winter Birthday Sale has officially started!

From 1 - 7 June, you will get 20% off all shampoo bars, conditioner bars, hair growth oil, and treatment pots!!

Discount excludes all mini bars & promo codes.

🌾All our products are 100% natural, sulfate free, salt free, paraben free, fragrance and colourant free.

Shop online now at

Special are also available at most distributors.

Happy Shopping!


I'm super excited for our 4th birthday tomorrow!!! 🥳🥳🥳

To celebrate, we will be having our annual winter sale 1 - 7 June👑🙌🥳🌈📦🚚


Two very exciting things are happening on the 1st of June!!

Can you guess what it is? 😍

👇Drop your comment below and let us know what you think...


🪔Word of encouragement,

The elections are probably on everyone's mind right now. Some people have hope, and others are in fear of what might happen after tomorrow.

I must admit, we've never voted before. We've always had the argument that we are in this world but not of this world, and our inheritance is in heaven.
This year, however, the Holy Spirit has been adamant in promoting us to vote. Both me and my husband felt this clear instruction from the Lord. We literally registered on the last available day as we just weren't sure we heard correctly.

As we prayed over this, we received the above scripture - that we should get dressed and be ready for active service. And we realized this war will not only be won by prayer but by active participation.

The Lord showed me a vision, where I saw how the presence of the Body of Christ, the Light of Christ, shines into the eyes of the enemy as we stand in the voting lines. I realized we are physically the light, the salt, the hands and feet, the presence of Kingdom where we go to vote. We are the voice of righteousness, and our vote counts, if not in the physical outcome of this election but definitely in the Spirit Realm! We respesent Christ Jesus, we represent His Kingdom, and we are called up to report for duty tomorrow!

Never underestimate who you are in Christ and what authority you have through His Blood and in His Name!!

We salute our fellow warriors that will show up tomorrow to be the Light!
Christ in us & Christ through us!

‭Ephesians 5:13 AMP‬
[13] But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light [of God’s precepts], for it is light that makes everything visible.

‭John 3:20-21 AMP‬
[20] For every wrongdoer hates the Light, and does not come to the Light [but shrinks from it] for fear that his [sinful, worthless] activities will be exposed and condemned. [21] But whoever practices truth [and does what is right—morally, ethically, spiritually] comes to the Light, so that his works may be plainly shown to be what they are—accomplished in God [divinely prompted, done with God’s help, in dependence on Him].”


🪔🪔🪔🪔🪔‭Matthew 25:2-4 TPT‬
Five of them were foolish and ill-prepared, for they took no extra oil for their lamps. Five of them were wise, for they took flasks of olive oil with their lamps.

In celebration of Ascension Day, we are giving you 20% discount on our hair growth oil for both men and women!
🎁Available Online Only!

In this day , we are again reminded that Jesus went to prepare a place for us, and while we are eagerly awaiting His return, we are to prepare for His coming! This preparation is spiritual and physical.

May this day serve as a reminder that we ought to have extra oil at all times!

May the Lord give us the grace and strength to be part of the wise virgins.

A blessed Ascension Day to all!



T E S T E M O N Y T U E S D A Y🫒

This is a scripture that really spoke to us the last week or so. Actually, the whole of Psalm 27, feel free to go read it!

We've been facing some difficult times, not always understanding, as humans we tend to question thing, we can easily become overwhelmed or fearful and sometimes difficult situations cause people to lose complete hope & faith.


Even though we are in a season of pressing, and we can feel the refiners fire burning, instead of getting discouraged, hopeless, fearful, or angry... We've rather been asking, Lord, what do we need to learn?

And the answer lies in this scripture. Seek MY Face - it should be your GREATEST DESIRE! This Word is confirmed again in the New Testament where Jesus says, "Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all else will be given to you!" Last night, I read a scripture, "The Kingdom of God is not food or drink, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."

We are so thankful for the fire we are going through. We are at complete peace - the kind of peace God gives, because our flesh would rather want to fear and feel sorry for itself. We are experiencing JOY and HOPE. And we are on our knees every chance we have.

And this is the lesson we all need to learn. When we seek GOD first, when His presence is our greatest desire, when we serve Him and love Him for WHO he IS and not for what we need, THEN change comes. Then breakthrough happens.

We are so busy serving more than one God that we forget the Lord is a jealous God. He wants our everything, our focus, our time, our thoughts, our worship, our praise.

May this encourage you this morning! HE IS A GOOD FATHER, He will never leave nor forsake us. Through Jesus, we have been made righteous, we have been redeemed, and we have been made Holy. It's time we start living like it.



Ons het die wonderlike voorreg om vir Gesalfde ñ opknapper en sjampoe te maak - eie en uniek aan hulle.

Via kliente van ons het ons al van geweet toe hulle net begin het. Dit was net so rukkie na Myrtle se ontstaan. En van die oomblik wat ek gehoor het van Madeleine en haar droom en visie vir hierdie besigheid het dit onmiddelik met my gees geresoneer. Ek was van die staanspoor af so opgewonde oor hierdie Koningkryk besigheid!

Toe Madeleine ons genader het oor iets vir ons fisiese krone was ons onmiddelik oop vir ñ saamwerk geleentheid. Die koel was natuurlik deur die kerk toe sy gesê het sy wil dit "GEKROON" noem. Dit is alles waarvoor Myrtle staan, om ons krone te restoureer en te seën.

Madeleine is ñ dinamiese besigheidsvrou, met ñ hart vir Jesus. Alles wat sy doen is tot eer van ons Koning. En dis vir ons ñ eer om deel te kan wees van die familie!

het wonderlike geskenk opsies met ñ kosbare en diep boodskap vir vrou, man en kind. Besoek gerus haar webtuiste by


Life is But a Weaving

My life is but a weaving
Between my God and me.
I can not choose the colors
He weaveth steadily.
Oft’ times He weaveth sorrow;
And I in foolish pride
Forget He sees the upper
And I the underside.
Not ’til the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly
Will God unroll the canvas
And reveal the reason why.
The dark threads are as needful
In the weaver’s skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned
He knows, He loves, He cares;
Nothing this truth can dim.
He gives the very best to those
Who leaves the choice to Him

-Corrie ten Boon

👑 This is a beautiful reminder this morning that when we are securely in the Master's Hands, He will work everything for the good.


Today, we celebrate 10 years of COVENANT🍾

It has been our biggest joy and greatest blessing.

The Hebrew meaning for 10 is the numerical value for the letter Yod, meaning God's Hand and completeness, specifically completed in Christ.

I can honestly testify that my husband was hand-picked by God. And he has completed me in every way possible.

With all this being said, Abba Father gets ALL the glory, honor, and praise for our marriage. If it wasn't for Him, for understanding His Covenant, for the gifts of faith, repentance, and forgiveness, we wouldn't have been here today. We are what we are, because of who HE IS!

Our hearts overflow with gratitude today! In this life, it is no given to stay married, let alone happily married.

May our story also serve as a testimony that all is possible through Christ! Together with our God, we will work and labor in the spirit for our bloodlines, birthright, and inheritance. So that our children can eat the fruit of His goodness, mercy & blessing.

🏩We will not be available this weekend, as we've been blessed with a weekend away.
🛒Our online shop remains open. We will process all new orders on Monday!




A personal testimony.... 🙌

On Tuesday morning, my daughter said, "Mom, please check my scalp, I think a mosquito stung me." As I was busy looking, she said it itches on the other side as well.

I couldn't see clearly. It was early morning, just before school, and cloudy outside. I grabbed a torch and TA DA... head lice! Oh my hat 👀
I said well, dress into old clothes. No going to school this morning. We will fight this now🤣

So over the years we've had many clients say, they've treated head lice with our hair growth oil, and it worked so well. So I took an oil, thoroughly applied it over the scalp, and wrapped her hair in a bag.

By 12 p.m., my husband brought a lice comb ( he had to go buy one for us). And I started combing. Guess what? All the lice were dead! Except for one that obviously had a strong urge to keep living. 😏

I combed everything out, applied some more oil, and wrapped the hair again. And by night time, I washed her hair twice with the Olive shampoo. Applied the Conditioning balm and rinsed. Dried the hair off. And that was the last of the lice!! 🤩🥳💥👌

Yes, it's a bit of an expensive lice treatment, but it's natural! And an excellent treatment for the scalp. So I thought it was worth it!


👋HI! To all our new followers... Here is a bit of information about us, in case you didn't know👇

👑We pride ourselves as a Kingdom, family business. Meaning, everything we do it purely for the Glory of Christ, and to bless His Body of believers.
We received a mandate to help physically restore the crowns of our people, meaning your hair.
We are a husband and wife team, and this is our only income stream. We work full-time in this business to serve, bless, and inspire.

🫒All our products are 100% natural, sulfate free, paraben free, fragrance free, colorant free, etc.
🫒We use ethically sourced natural ingredients, including biblical oil like Myrrh, Frankincense, Pomegranate, Olive, Cedarwood, Myrtle, etc.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦We cater for the whole family, kids from birth, and the men! We have a whole range dedicated to the king, priest, and prophet of the house!

🙌We manufacture everything ourselves. Each product is hand crafted with love and prayed over.

We specialize in:
✨️Hair loss
✨️Curly hair
✨️Oily hair
✨️Dry and damaged hair
And of course,
✨️Normal hair🤩

You can find all our products online at, or feel free to send a WhatsApp to 083 9488 560 with any questions.

Be blessed,
Bertus & Benita


Thank you for your beautiful review, Clarinda👑

She tried our Restoration Mask as a conditioner for Ethnic Hair ✨️

Available online

100% natural, sulfate free, paraben free. Made from butters, oils, vitamins & protein.

Photos from Myrtle Products's post 22/03/2024

Introducing our BRAND NEW & IMPROVED crochet range!🤩🥳💥👀

Make sure to check our our travel pouches for both the mini and normal sized bars. They are super practical, lightweight, and machine washable 🙌

Everything is made from 100% cotton in a beautiful neutral colour.

Available online at

Videos (show all)

With greatful and humble hearts, we can enter our new workshop this morning🗝👑🕊All we can say is thank you, Father, may e...
just a few snippits of our preparation process...📦🚚 Moving day is coming soon!!😍🥳#movingday #wearemoving #wearegrowing #...
Whoophoop... 🥳🥳🥳🥳 We have exciting news!!! #wearemoving#wearegrowing Micah 2:13“The breaker [the Messiah, who opens the ...
🥳Fantastic news!!!Our TALLOW SOAPS are back in stock. We have two options:🫒Olive & Morninga🍯Milk & HoneyThese soaps are ...
At last... 🥳🥳🥳We finally finished the last half of all the orders from the winter sale!As you can see, it was a family e...
At last... 🥳🥳🥳We finally finished the last half of all the orders from the winter sale!As you can see, it was a family e...
We've been working 2 weeks straight to make enough stock in order to send out all the orders from our winter sale!!! 😏An...
We decided to get Myrtle Products some car branding as a birthday gift😍It came out so beautiful!!Feel free to honk and w...
Happy Birthday, Myrtle Products 🥳👑‭Jeremiah 17:7-8 AMP‬[7] Blessed [with spiritual security] is the man who believes and...
Can we just take a moment to appreciate this beautiful crown👑This client has been on Myrtle Products exclusively for the...
To be able to take care of our hair is an honor and a blessing!But we should always remember that great hair comes from ...
Oh, we are so excited to be packing orders already for Passover Boxes!Thank you to each one who has placed an order. We ...
