Kayla Wolfheart

Kayla Wolfheart

We are all influenced by the journeys of the people that came before us. Family Constellations is a


In order to be born, you needed:
2 parents
4 grandparents
8 great-grandparents
16 second great-grandparents
32 third great-grandparents
64 fourth great-grandparents
128 fifth great-grandparents
256 sixth great-grandparents
512 seventh great-grandparents
1,024 eighth great-grandparents
2,048 ninth great-grandparents
For you to be born today from 12 previous generations, you needed a total sum of 4,094 ancestors over the last 400 years.
How many tears, joys, burdens, sorrows, fears, traumas, celebrations, secrets, mysteries, mistakes, accidents, creations, destructions, distortions, wars, births, deaths, sicknesses, and everything in between
Did they experience? Did they forget?
Who were these amazing strange misled strong truthful forgotten fragmented whole humans who made you and gave you their stories, secreted away somewhere between now and thousands of echoes and ripples of years ago?
Remember them. Honor them. Forgive them. Make peace with them. Listen. Pray. Receive. Make relationship. Give gifts. Wonder.
At their bounty and their loss, their weeds and their medicinals, their thorns and their roses.
All the shadow, and the light, you carry beneath your destiny line.
Bound by soul. Bound by story. And freed. When remembered. And honored.
Despite and because of
You are made more human.
Thank you ancestors.


