Diary of A Teenage GIRL

Diary of A Teenage GIRL

It's amazing with it's twists and turns, you will love it��


Kat's POV💙
I left Khaya’s house and headed home when I pulled up at home I saw Kea's car. I went inside and found Kea sleeping on the couch and I decided to call Khaya.

(Phone call conversation)
Kat: Khal.
Khaya: Kat is she there?
Kat: Yes, she fell asleep on the couch.
Khaya: Please take pictures of her🥺.
Kat: Will do.
Khaya: Take her to the bed before she hurts her neck again.
Kat: Yes yes I'll do that.
Khaya: Treat her like an egg, that's my wife😏
Kat: Yho Khal!🙄 Relax, she's my little sister I got this😂.
Khaya: Ohh okay, but don't forget 😅.
( End of phone call conversation)

I took my little sister to her bedroom. I went to my room took a nap too😴, I was woken up by someone jumping on my bed, only to open my eyes to see Kea jumping while holding her teddy bear🧸. I quickly took my phone and took a video of her, she looked so happy 😊.

Kat: Kea why are you jumping on my bed?😕
Kea: I don’t know, I just felt like jumping🤪😜.
Kat: Alright, enjoy 😉. I'm gonna make something to eat, do you need something.
Kea: Nope I'm fine.
Kat: Alright.
Kea: No wait, I want ice cream.
Kat: You are the only one that eats ice cream and you haven't been here, there's no ice cream.
Kea: What😳
Kat: I'm serious.
Kea: I'll call my husband and ask him to get me ice cream but you're gonna have to go get it.
Kat: Nah, there is no need. We can go buy ice cream.
Kea: Yeiiiy💃😍.

We went to the mall bought four tubs of ice cream then went back home, when we got there our parents were already there.


Hi family🥰

I hope that y'all have been good. I'm back, I apologise for taking so long. I'm fully recovered and ready to post😘🙃. Love y'all

Prugile 💙🥰😘


Good evening lovies 🥰

I hope that y'all are doing good.

I know I haven't been posting, I'm just busy with the preparation for an operation but as soon as I recover I'll definitely be back, love y'all ❤



💙Insert 90🌹
🌺Khaya's POV 💙
We woke up around 10:44 and went to take a shower. We finished getting ready then we went downstairs to make breakfast. Kea went to the fridge and took out a big slice of cake then sat on the counter eating it.

Khaya: Baby it's too early to be eating cake!
Kea: But baby I'm hungry and I wanted something sweet 😋.
Khaya: Okay fine, half of that cake is mine then.
Kea: Why? You can take out a slice for yourself.
Khaya: I won't let you eat all that cake.
Kea: I will eat it all Khaya.

The was half a slice left and when I went to take it from her she put all of the cake in her mouth.

Khaya: Kea mahn😤!
Kea: (mouth full) sorry😉🙃.
Khaya: Since you you ate the slice by yourself you gonna have to finish all the food in your plate.
Kea: Yeah sure I can do that🙂.

I finished making breakfast, I gave her a full plate of English breakfast and made her sit on the dining table.

Khaya: Okay, let's eat.
Kea: Yeah sure.

She ate half her plate and got up.

Khaya: Keabetswe where are you going🤨?
Kea: I'm going to the kitchen, I'm full.
Khaya: Ohh no you're not, you gonna sit down and finish your food.
Kea: Make me🙄.
Khaya: Did you just roll your eyes at me?😯
Kea: Yes, what!
Khaya: I'm gonna deal with you.

I made her sit on my lap, held her hands and fed her, she ate all her food then got off me.

Kea: I'm gonna get you for this Khaya!
Khaya: Yeah yeah whatever🙄
Kea: Di.. did you just roll your eyes at me! Ohh you are in trouble mister😤.
Khaya: I got this from you so don't blame me here🤣.
Kea: You know what, I am done, we'll see who you are gonna get married to!
Khaya: Whoa whoa slow down lady🥺😯. Calm down. Do you want another slice of cake?
Kea: No I'm fine. I'm gonna go pack my things.

She went upstairs. Ohhh my, what did I do. She's joking right, she won't leave me right.

Kat: Khal why are you talking to yourself?
Khaya: Your sister just said that I'll see who I'm gonna get married to and that she's done.
Kat: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Khaya: Stop laughing, it's not funny😤.
Kat: Ohhh sorry, she’s just joking relax.
Khaya: She didn't look like she was joking, her eyes were red dude.
Kat: Ohhh you are in deep s**t😯, you better go and apologise.

I went upstairs to apologise to my wife, I arrived upstairs to find her packing my shirts.

Khaya: What are you doing?
Kea: I'm packing.
Khaya: Packing my clothes?
Kea: Yeah they are my clothes too you know.
Khaya: Okay baby do whatever you want.

I hugged her then apologised to her and she forgave me. She finished packing then we went downstairs. I was still talking to Kat when she took her car keys and left.

Khaya: Wait, did she just leave like that🥺😯?
Kat: Yes, yes she did. She even took her bags along with her.
Khaya: I need to go see her🥺.
Kat: No you won't. You know that you are not supposed to come to our house up until your wedding day.
Khaya: Damn, I'll just have to hope that she picks up my calls. 😔
Kat: Yep, I'll pray for you bro. Let me go home to make sure that she is there.
Khaya: Yeah do that, inform me when you get home.
Kat: Will do Khal.


🥰💙INSERT 89💙💋

🥰Kea's POV🥰
Khaya is not cool with me being away from him but he needs to get used to it cause I won't be around that much next year. We all chilled in the living room watching F9 and I we ordered pizza. Kat left at 23:30 and Khaya and I went to bed.

Khaya: Baby.
Kea: Yes baby.
Khaya: I'm gonna miss you😔🥺.
Kea: Baby we will call each other everyday and soon we will be together it's only going to be a few day then we'll be together.
Khaya: Okay baby.

I kissed him on his forehead then we went to sleep. I was woken up by a call from Telia.

(Phone call conversation)
Telia: Babyyyyy😊.
Kea: Telia, it's early in the morning🙄.
Telia: We need you to come to the mall as fast as you can!
Kea: Okay bye🙄.
(End of phone call conversation)

Khaya was still fast asleep, I got out of bed and went to take a shower. I finished doing everything, I wore Khaya’s shirt with fluffy teddy sleepers. I kissed Khaya on the cheek then left. I got to the mall and found the girls waiting for me outside.

Kea: Y'all just had to drag me out of bed.
Telia: Yeah, we had no choice.
Paysal: We missed you.
Kea: Okay, can we grab something to eat I'm hella hungry🤤.
Bontle: Yes please.

We all went to Wimpy and had their breakfast special, we finished eating then went to the stores to buy clothes. The time was 13:30 and Khaya hadn't called me to ask where I am and why I left the house without telling him.

Simbongile: Babes you look like something is bothering you?
Kea: Yeah, Khaya hasn't called me to find out where I am. Does he not remember or know that today is my birthday 🤔?
Nhlanhla: Maybe he's with the guy's playing Fifa.
Kea: But still guy's he would have called, maybe something is wrong I have to go home to check up on my husband.
Telia: Whoa wait, let's go have lunch first then you can go home.
Kea: Okay fine.

We went to spur had lunch, I didn't even enjoy my meal cause I was stressed. I forced myself to finish the food then my friends and I went to my house. We got to the house and I opened the door and everything shouted surprise. I didn't expect that, I cried a little then my darling husband gave me a tight hug.

Khaya: Happy birthday to mama lakwam (my wife)🥰😘.
Kea: Ncoow ngybonga sthandwa Sam (thank you my love)😘🙈
Mr Khoza: Ncoow she's speaking isiZulu 😊👌.
Khaya: She's still learning dad.

Everyone was at my house, my parents, brother, inlaws and friends. They decorated the house so beautiful. I was so happy, we all danced 💃🥳🎊🎉 and we ate the food then I had to cut the cake, it was chocolate cake favorite cake 🎂. Khaya called me upstairs so I went upstairs, got into our bedroom and guess what!🙈🥰😍 my man filled the bed with roses, teddy bears. The candles were lit and there was chocolate, strawberries and a lot of presents 🎁. I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing, I cried🙈 and he held me tight and told me how much I mean to him😍🥰. I wiped my tears and jumped on him then gave him a kiss.

Mrs Willinton: Sorry to disturb such a beautiful moment. I just wanted to inform the both of you that tonight will be the last night of you staying together, you will stay together after the wedding.
Khaya: That hurts😔💔.
Mrs Willinton: Sorry but we need to follow the rules.
Khaya: Okay, we will comply.

My mom left the room and was so sad that I won't sleep next to my husband for days😔.

Khaya: Let's go kick everyone out of our house then throw our own private party🙂😏.
Kea: Good idea cause this is our last night together.

We went downstairs and everyone was enjoying themselves. Khaya turned off the music and everyone turned and looked at us.

Khaya: My wife and I would appreciate some privacy so can everyone kindly leave our house within the next 5 minutes😏.

Everyone took their things and left. I thought that they would have argued especially our parents but nah, everyone left without saying a word. Khaya and I cleaned the house then went upstairs. I was too tired from everything and my feet my painful so my husband gave me a foot massage🥰.

💙Khaya’s POV🥰

I gave Kea a foot massage and she ended up falling asleep, I didn't want to wake her up so I cleaned the room and went to put all her teddy bears and present in the guest bedroom then I helped change into her my shirt. I'm sure she's really tired cause she was at the mall doing shopping. I cuddled her then I fell asleep 😴


Do y'all want an insert?🤔


🌻💙Insert 88💙💫
Kea's POV
I honestly have no idea on what is going on and why Khaya is asking so many questions. His questions ended up making Buhle assume that I am pregnant and now my mother-in-law is all excited about the baby that doesn't even exist.

Mrs K: I'm gonna be a grandmother, I will finally get to see Khaya’s child or children thank God!🥰
Buhle: I'm gonna be an aunt YEIIY.
Khaya: Whoa wait, Baby are you really pregnant!?

I honestly couldn't help myself, I busted out with laughter🤣🤣. They looked at me so confused🤨.

Kea: Khaya, where did you get the idea that I'm pregnant when we haven’t done anything 🤣🤣.
Mrs K: Haii Khaya and Buhle mahn, don't play with me like that.
Khaya: I was curious cause you have been sleeping a lot lately babe.
Kea: Ao babeyou know I was busy with exams and i didn't get enough sleep because I was always studying, now all that sleep has come back for me.
Buhle: Ohh yeah that makes perfect sense.
Khaya: Mom and Buhle can you please excuse my wife and I, we have something to discuss.
Mrs K: Okay.
Buhle: Can't I just stay back with y'all.
Khaya: No Buhle.
Buhle: Okay then, I'll leave.

Mother-in-law and Buhle left the room and Khaya looked me dead into my eyes and he was so serious.

Kea: What's wrong baby?
Khaya: Nothing babe, just wanted to tell you that we will be going back home tonight.
Kea: Okay babe, can I sleep now?
Khaya: Yeah sure.

He laid on his back then pulled me to sleep on his chest. I was about to fall asleep when his phone rang and it scared me. I honestly didn't want to bother myself by asking who it was, I just went back to sleep. I was having such a nice dream when Khaya’s phone woke me up, I was so mad I didn't even want for him to finish the call, I kicked him out of the room then went back to sleep.

💙💫Khaya’s POV🔥🌺
Kea has no patience, I'm not the one that made her to be a light sleeper now she kicked me out of my own room 😅.

Mrs K: Why are you laughing by yourself?
Khaya: My wife just kicked me out of my room.
Buhle: Point of correction, it's also her room and besides what did you do to cause her to kick you out of the room?
Khaya: My phone was ringing a lot and she got annoyed cause she's a light sleeper.
Mr K: Khaya is not nice, most of the time people who are light sleepers get scared when woken up by a sound.
Khaya: Okay mom, I won't do that again and I'll put my phone on silent when we're sleeping 😔.
Mrs K: Good.

I went back into the bedroom and I laid next to her then cuddled her, she turned and wrapped her hands around me and I fell asleep. I woke up then woke Kea up with lots of kisses on her face😘😘 she smiled pulled me with my shirt and kisses me, I got ontop of her and she wrapped her legs around my waist, I was about to kiss her neck when Buhle barged into the room.

Buhle: Uhhhh😊🙈.
Khaya: Buhle get out!😤
Buhle: Nope, not until the both of you follow me to the living room, mom and dad want to talk to you.
Khaya: Fine, we are coming 😤.

She left and I got off Kea and she was about to leave the room when I stopped her.

Kea: May I please pass?
Khaya: Yeah sure but just know that I'm not done with you😉.
Kea: Yeah yeah I know 🙄.
Khaya: Did you just roll your eyes at me🤨?
Kea: Me! I would never do such a thing🙂.

My parents were talking about the wedding preparations then they finished and we left and headed to Joburg. We got there and we found Kat.

Kea: Biggie🤗
Kat: Baby face, Khal.
Khaya: Kat, what's up?
Kat: I know y'all just got back but I just wanted to give you the heads up that your wife will not be staying in this house starting next week due to the wedding date approaching.
Khaya: What😲😳! It's not yet December, we still have a few days left of November.
Kat: Rules are rules Khal.
Khaya: This is messed up, I'll see if I can't change their minds.
Kat: You can't, your parents agreed also so just forget about it.
Khaya: D**n🤬.
Kea: Relax babe, after this I'll always be by your side. I won't be going anywhere .
Khaya: Okay, fine babe😪.


💙Khaya’s POV🌻

I got to the room and Kea was just laying in the bed looking at the ceiling.

Khaya: You good baby?
Kea: Mhm.
Khaya: Come here.

She got up and stood infront of me, she looked really cute in my shirt. I didn’t want to ask her what the problem was I just hugged her tight, we stood like that for minutes then she started laughing🤣.

Khaya: What’s funny baby?🤔
Kea: I don’t know just felt like laughing.
Khaya: Baby are you okay?
Kea: Yes I’m okay babe or do I not look okay to you?🤨
Khaya: Whoa hold on lioness, I’m not trying to fight with you.
Kea: Okay baby.
Khaya: Can we please go to bed.
Kea: Okay.

We went to bed and immediately after 3 minutes of Kea laying on my chest she was knocked out. I really don’t know how cause she was sleeping for almost the entire afternoon. I looked at her only to find her smiling in her sleep, she must be dreaming of something really nice. I fell asleep around 01:45 and I was woken up by a phone call from my mom.

(Phone call conversation)
Khaya: Mom.
Mrs K: Are you joining us for breakfast or are you going to make food there?
Khaya: We’ll join you for breakfast, we’ll be there at 10:30.
Mrs K: Khaya it’s 11:20 right now!
Khaya: What!?😯
Mrs K: Yes, we’ll keep your food in the microwave.
( End of phone call conversation)

I woke Kea up and we went to take a really quick shower then we finished doing everything and drove to the house. Everyone was chilling in the garden and I went to the house to take our breakfast inside then we ate.

Mr K: How did it happen that the two of you missed breakfast?
Khaya: We slept really late that is why.
Mr K: Okay son, then you can’t drive when you are tired you need to rest.
Khaya: Yes father I will rest.

I went to the house to get something to drink then I went to the my bedroom , I found Kea there laying on the bed.

Khaya: Mami.
Kea: Yes papi?
Khaya: Are you on your periods?
Kea: Nope I’m not.
Khaya: Are you feeling sick?
Kea: No babe.
Khaya: Are you pregnant?

Before Kea could answer Buhle got inside the room and started shouting
Buhle: I’m going to be an aunt yayy!😊💃
Khaya: Buhle!
Buhle: What biggie?
Khaya: What are you doing in here?🤨
Buhle: Mom Kea is pregnant(shouting)😊💃.

My mom came running into the room.


Hello lovies 😊

I have one last assessment left then I'll be free to post.
I will be posting on Saturday.
Thank you for your patience💫🌻.



Good evening lovies🥰
I hope everyone is doing good 💫

Just wanted to apologise fir disappearing like that, I'm so sorry🥺.
I'm back for good this time💫



Hello lovies
I hope that y'all are still gud💙🥰

I'll be posting the continuation tomorrow and also edit inset 87.



💙💫INSERT 87💙💫
I was so confused as to what was happening because the moment I opened my eyes Khaya carried me and helped me get into the car and drove. I didn’t even want to say anything cause he was hella serious. We arrived at the house the moment I got out of the car, I remembered everything that happened earlier and I wanted to run away so that I do not face my father-in-law.

Khaya: Baby, are you okay?🤨
Kea: No, no I’m not Khaya! 🥺
Khaya: What’s wrong, are you sick?
Kea: I wish I was. Don’t you remember what happened earlier, the noise, moaning when you were on a call with your father?🤨
Khaya: I remember that babe, are you concerned of what he would say?
Kea: Yes babe.
Mr Khoza: Are you people going to come inside or you are still having a discussion?🤨

S #*t, I’m doomed. We walked inside and I couldn’t look my father-in-law in his eyes.

Mr Khoza: The reason why I asked for the both of you to come home is because I wanted peace to rain in the family.
Khaya: How is peace going to rain when your sister thinks she knows what’s best for me😤?
Mrs Khoza: Khaya calm down, we are not your enemies here.
Mr Khoza: Yes, your mother is right. Bongi don’t you have simething to say to Khaya and Kea.
Aunt Bongi: I do have something to say. Khaya I am sorry for not respecting your wife and trying to control you, I deeply apologise. Kea I would like to apologise to you for speaking harshly to you, for trying to control you, for insulting you and attempting to poison you, I sincerely apologise.
Mr & Mrs Khoza: You what!?😯
Khaya: Yeah, she tried poisoning my wife the last time we were here.
Mr Khoza: How could you try to poison an innocent child?
Khaya: I will never forgive you for that!
Aunt Bongi: I was angry and I lemy emotions get the best of me, I promise I will never try to do that again (crying).
Kea: It’s okay aunt Bongi, I forgive you.
Khaya: No you don’t!😡
Kea: I do baby, I don’t want to start my marriage with you and my union with your family with bad things or a grudge. Please forgive her.
Khaya: Okay fine. I forgive you aunt Bongi.
Mr Khoza: That is great. Bongi you and I need to talk about what you did.
Buhle: Since that is finalized, aren’t we going to talk about what happened earlier?
Khaya: Buhle mahn!
Kea: That is my Que to leave.
Khaya: Baby where are you going?
Kea: To take a shower.
Khaya: Without me?
Mrs Khoza: Really Khaya, behave and give my daughter-in-law a break.
Khaya: But mom!
Mrs Khoza: Don’t but mom me!

I went to our room and took a long warm shower.

Buhle's POV💙
I didn’t know my brother was clingy, he’s like a baby following Kea around.

Buhle: Biggie.
Khaya: Yes?
Buhle: How are you going to cope when Kea is at varsity next year?
Mr Khoza: I’ve also been asking myself that question. 🤔
Khaya: I have no idea but Cape Town isn’t that far, I’ll go there during weekend or I might buy a house there so that I can be around her. I need to make sure that she is safe after the last incident occurred.
Mrs Khoza: What incident?
Khaya: She was kidnapped.
Mr Khoza: What!?😯 Why didn’t we know about it?
Khaya: I made sure that the press doesn’t find out.
Mrs Khoza: If we didn’t know that means her parents also don’t know.
Khaya: Yes. I need to make sure that she is safe that is why I was thinking of increasing her guards.
Mr Khoza: Yes, that is a good idea. I’ll help with that.
Khaya: Thank you father.
Buhle: Why was she kidnapped?🤨
Khaya: Because of her father and me. They were trying to get money.
Aunt Bongi: You went through a lot .
Khaya: Yes, so don’t be offended when I always want to be close to my wife.
Buhle: I fully understand, I can’t imagine what you went through.😪
Khaya: It was hell, I couldn’t even sleep for those few days.
Mrs Khoza: Now she is safe.
Khaya: Yes, I’m going to bed now Goodnight.


Hello Lovies💙🥰
I hope y’all are doing good.

I'm gonna need people who will help me run the page, if you are willing and able to help please send me a message on whatsapp or leave your contact details below(comment section).

Notice: I'll be posting an insert tonight.



Kea's POV
I went to the room and looked for something to wear in the suitcase my husband packed for me🥰. I found a long black dress, I took off my uniform and wore the dress, I tried zipping it but I was struggling I was about to call Khaya to come help me when he opened the door.

Khaya: You need help?
Kea: Yes please.

I turned so that he can zip the dress, he zipped it then held my waist.

Khaya: Baby.
Kea: Yes.
Khaya: Are you sure that you are okay with being here after what happened the last time we were here?
Kea: Yes baby I’m sure.
Khaya: Okay, we can go to my place if you don’t feel comfortable or safe here.
Kea: Okay but I’m fine babe don’t worry.
Khaya: Alright mamas. Let’s go to the lounge.
Kea: Yeah sure, as soon as I find my shoes. O di pakile kae baby? (Where did you pack them baby?)
Khaya: Your shoes!😮
Kea: Yes, my shoes.
Khaya: I forgot to pack your shoes😪.
Kea: Really Khaya!
Khaya: I’m sorry mamas, let me ask Buhle to borrow you her shoes so that we can go to town to get shoes for you.
Kea: Nah, I’ll wear your shoes.
Khaya: Okay.

D**n my feet looked like I was wearing Bigfoot’s shoes🤣. We went to the lounge to inform them that we are going out.

Mrs Khoza: Mom we are going to town we will be back.
Buhle: Can I go with y’all.
Khaya: Yeah sure, let’s go.

We got to the car and Khaya started driving.

Buhle: So what are y’all gonna get at town?
Kea: My shoes, apparently your brother here forgot to pack my shoes while he was packing my bag.
Buhle: Really bro!? You could have just worn my shoes, what size are you?
Khaya: Don’t be like that Buhle, I already feel bad enough. She’s a size three.
Buhle: Eish unfortunately I’m a size five. Are you wearing his shoes now?🤨
Kea: It’s okay Buhle. Yes I’m wearing his shoes.
Buhle: You’re lucky, he never allowed me to wear his shoes.
Kea: Why?
Buhle: He never told me the reason.
Kea: Baby, what was the reason?
Khaya: Why do I feel like y’all are ganging up on me. I was never comfortable with sharing my things or people using my things.
Kea: But you allow me to wear your clothes and shoes.
Khaya: Yes, I don’t even know how I allow that.
Buhle: Wow, I never thought that I’d hear my brother say that nor allow someone to be too close with him.
Khaya: It’s love🥰😍.

We arrived at the mall and went to MR Price to get shoes then Khaya insisted on us getting lunch so we went to Wimpy for lunch. We ate after eating we went to the car, on our way to the car we bumped into Khaya’s high school classmate.

Classmate: Khaya, is this you?😲
Khaya: Yeah.
Classmate: You’re a big man now. Your wife is much more beautiful in person😊.
Khaya: Thanks, uhm we have to go.

Khaya did not wait for his classmate to respond, we got to the car and drove home in silence. I played under the influence by Chris brown, the moment the beat dropped Khaya looked at me with a smirk on his face then he placed his hand on my thigh.

Khaya: Baby, you, yeah
Riding through, yeah
Bring it over to my place
And you be like
"Baby, who cares?"
But I know you care
Bring it over to my place. You don't know what you did, did to me. Your body like wait, speaks to me. I don't know what you did, did to me.
Your body like wait, speaks to me. (Singing).
Buhle: Uhm (clears throat).

Khaya brushed his hand on my thighs, this was turning me on a little, then he put his hand in between my thighs, it was getting hot in the car and I was trying to stay calm. Luckily we arrived home before anything could happen. I opened the door to get out of the car but Khaya stopped me. He pulled me in for a kiss, I kissed him for a minute then pulled out.

Khaya: No no no (lower tone).
Buhle: I’m gonna leave you guys, I’ll take the bags inside.
Khaya: Okay.

Buhle took the bags inside while Khaya closed the windows and locked the car then took my phone and played under the influence by Chris brown. He increased the volume then pulled me in for a kiss, we kissed for a few minutes, I got off my sit and sat on top of him. We were kissing and he was slowly brushing my back, I leaned back and accidentally hit the ho**er, I tried getting off him.

Khaya: Baby, please don’t do that (soft tone).

We kissed while the ho**er was making noise after a few minutes someone knocked on the window. Khaya did not stop, his dad called him.

(Phone call conversation)
Khaya: Mhm.
Mr Khoza: You are making noise with the ho**er and we are waiting for you and Kea to come inside we have something important to the both of you.
Khaya: Mhm.
Mr Khoza: You aren’t answering me.

I don’t know what Khaya did to me, a moan escape my mouth, he quickly closed my mouth.

Mr Khoza & Mrs Khoza: Khaya!😲
Khaya: S**t, uhm sorry and goodbye.😬
(End of phone call conversation)

I quickly got off Khaya and tried to get out of the car, but Khaya said we are going to his Penthouse. I went back to my sit then we drove off to the Penthouse. We got there and had a little bit of fun then I fell asleep.

💫💙Khaya’s POV🥰💙
Kea was sleeping and I was also trying to sleep but my phone kept buzzing.

(Phone call conversation)
Khaya: Father.
Mr Khoza: Where are you, are you and Kea okay?🤨
Khaya: We are at the Penthouse and we are okay father, Kea is sleeping we will come once she wakes up.
Mr Khoza: Okay.
(End of phone call conversation)

I went back to sleep and we woke up at 19: 45 and drove to the house.


Mr Khoza’s POV
I have to make sure that I fix the issue between my son and his aunt. I have no clue on how to tackle this matter but I have to ensure that they make peace with each other before the wedding. I also need to speak to Bongi about being nice to Kea and also apologizing for the way she spoke and treated her.

Mr Khoza: Bongi!
Aunt Bongi: Yebo(Yes).
Mr Khoza: Please come this side, I need to talk to you.

She got to the livingroom and sat down.

Aunt Bongi: You said you want to talk?
Mr Khoza: I need you to make peace with Khaya and his wife.
Aunt Bongi: Why should I🤨, he was not supposed to marry that spoil brat, I had a girl that he had to marry.
Mr Khoza: Why would you even have a girl ready to marry my son without telling? You knew that Khaya had a soulmate, cause this was prophesied long before he was born.
Aunt Bongi: I did that because she is the perfect girl for him. There is no such thing as soulmates, it’s just a myth brother.
Mr Khoza: Bongi stop being childish and listen to me😤! You will apologize to Khaya and his wife or else you will not be allowed to attend their wedding.
Aunt Bongi: Okay, I’ll apologize to them.
Mr Khoza: Better do that and show kindness to them most especially my daughter-in-law.
Aunt Bongi: I’ll do that brother.

She went back to the garden and I called Khaya.

(Phone call conversation)
Khaya: Father.
Mr Khoza: I need you and your wife to come here once your wife is done with her exams.
Khaya: Okay, why should we come there? Did something happen?🤨
Mr Khoza: No not quite but we need the both of you here.
Khaya: Alright. Please give me a moment.
Baby when are you writing your last paper?
Kea: Uhm on the 21 November.
Khaya: Okay, we will come there on the 21 father.
Mr Khoza: Okay, greet my daughter for me . Goodbye
Khaya: Will do so father, bye.

💙Kea’s POV💫
I’m writing my last paper today, I must say that this has been hectic but I believe that I did really good. I got ready and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Khaya: Baby please make sure that you come home straight after writing remember we have to go to KZN😊.
Kea: Yes baby, I’ll do that😊.

We finished eating breakfast and Khaya dropped me off at school. I kissed Khaya then got off the car.

Telia: You ready?
Kea: Yes, let’s go in.

We went inside wrote the last exam, immediately after I left the exam hall one of the guards called me.

(Phone call conversation)
Guard: Mam we are on our way to fetch you, Mr Khoza is already at the airport waiting for you.
Kea: Uhm okay😪.
Guard : We are three minutes away mam.
(End of phone conversation)

Simbongile: What’s up babes?
Kea: I have to go to the airport, my husband is waiting for me there.
Nonhlahla: But your on your school uniform.
Kea: Yeah , maybe he packed a bag for me.

The guards arrived and I said bye to my friends and got into the car. Khaya called me.

(Phone call conversation)
Kea: Baby, why are we leaving so early I’m literally in my school uniform? What am I gonna wear when I get there?
Khaya: Don’t worry, I packed your bags mamas.
Kea: Okay, I’ll see you when I get there.
(End of phone call)

We arrived at the airport and they took me to the jet. I found Khaya busy in his laptop, I just kissed him on his cheeks then sat down. I ate then fell asleep while listening to music.

🥰Khaya’s POV💙
I looked up and my baby was fast asleep. I went back to working because I don’t wanna be busy on her birthday. We arrived at KZN and she was still asleep but she woke up when I picked her up. We got into the car and drove to the house, ten minutes on the road she was gone again😅. We arrived at home and as soon as I got out of the car Buhle came running.

Buhle: Where is my sister?
Khaya: Shh, she’s sleeping.
Buhle: Okay, why is she always sleeping each time you come here?
Khaya: She always falls asleep on long rides or when traveling a distance. I noticed that the first time I took her to the doctor back when we despised each other.
Buhle: That sounds interesting, please do tell.
Khaya: I’ll tell you some other time. Let me take her inside.

I picked her up and we went inside.

Mrs Khoza: Hello son. Ncoow, she’s sleeping😊🥰.
Khaya: Hello mom, yeah.

I got to the room, took of her shoes then laid her on the bed. I went back to the living room to chill with my mother and sister, she woke up 20 minutes later.

Kea: Good afternoon family😊.
Mrs Khoza: Afternoon baby🥰.
Buhle: Afternoon sis🤩.
Khaya: Baby🥰😊.
Kea: Mhm.
Khaya: I think it’s time that you change your clothes.
Kea: Yeah, I’m gonna go change.

Kea left and went to the room.

Khaya: I’m coming with you😊🥰.
Mrs Khoza: Why not wait for her to go change and come back?
Khaya: I can’t, I wanna be there with her when she changes😍
Buhle: Biggie! 😯

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Good evening lovies🥰I hope everyone is doing good 💫Just wanted to apologise fir disappearing like that, I'm so sorry🥺.I'...

