Wellness Council of South Africa

Wellness Council of South Africa

The Wellness Council of South Africa (WELLOSA) offers a well-executed & sustainable corporate wellness certification framework and training programs.


Dedicated to Improve Your Health & Well-Being!
The Healthy Workplace Month, presented by the Wellness Council of South Africa (WELLCOSA), is a comprehensive resource that encourages companies to promote healthy workplace challenges all year and celebrate accomplishment every February.


Healthy Workplace Month SA: 1-28 February 2023
'Creating Healthy Workplaces for All'
During the month of February WELLCOSA invites companies/organisations to participate in a variety of Health and Well-Being Challenges. Sign-up for FREE and take the Healthy Workplace Pledge!
More info: www.healthyworkplacemonth.co.za

WELLCOSA – Weaving Healthy Workplaces 29/06/2022

Is your Company ready to be recognised as a Healthy Workplace in SA? Stand out from the crowd and show the public you care about your employees! More info: www.wellcosa.org

WELLCOSA – Weaving Healthy Workplaces Strategic Consulting to Implement a Wellness program Find out more Become a Healthy Workplace Award Recipient More Info Premier Training for Wellness Practitioners View Trainings WELLCOSA is the Leading Respected Resource in Africa for Creating, Implementing and Sustaining Successful Healthy Workpla...


Strategies for Successful Wellness with Remote Workers :-
Recently, more people are working remotely than ever before, although working outside of an office or without other employees is nothing new.
Offering a wellness program to remote workers, on the other hand, involves unique hurdles and obstacles that wellness programs only offered in centralized locations with onsite staff do not face.

Strategies for Successful Wellness with Remote Workers :-
Recently, more people are working remotely than ever before, although working outside of an office or without other employees is nothing new.
Offering a wellness program to remote workers, on the other hand, involves unique hurdles and obstacles that wellness programs only offered in centralized locations with onsite staff do not face.


There is an enormous amount of research to support the benefits of wellness. A comprehensive wellness program is going to improve employee health and improve your organisation’s bottom line. It is not going to make all your problems go away, but it is going to help you create a worksite culture of health.

It will boost and maintain employee morale. With an effective wellness program you will improve the lives of your employees and help drive the success of your organisation.

Free Excerpt Level 1 Program Coordinator – WELLCOSA Institute 21/05/2021

FREE Excerpt: Level 1 Wellness Certification Courses? Try free now: Skill #4: “Selecting your Wellness Strategy”


Free Excerpt Level 1 Program Coordinator – WELLCOSA Institute This skill covers key program models and how to choose the right one for your organisation, depending on your goals and needs. The skill also provides guidance on what stakeholders should be involved in setting the direction of your programs.


Employees who work in organisations who actively promote health & well-being are THREE TIMES more likely to regard their workplace as a highly desirable or above average place to work.

19 Easy Ways to Be Healthy in Your Office 18/03/2019

19 Easy Ways to Be Healthy in Your Office Don't worry, we do mean "easy."


Employee wellness for small businesses.


Facts about Physical Activity

Facts about the need for Physical Activity!


A corporate wellness program offers a terrific opportunity for employers to get out in front of the problem and create a work environment that tackles stress head on.
Instead of only focusing on fitness and nutrition, employers can incorporate elements of emotional, occupational, and financial wellness into their programming. As a result, stress is not only treated, but prevented at the source.

7 Most Important Reasons to Offer Employee Wellness at Work – Sanga Wellness 24/02/2019

Reasons for Employee Well-Being!

7 Most Important Reasons to Offer Employee Wellness at Work – Sanga Wellness 7 Most Important Reasons to Offer Employee Wellness at Work Corporate Wellness programs are more popular than ever. They started out as employee perks for large corporations; in fact, they used to be called corporate fitness programs. Today wellbeing programs are common among both medium and small-s...


A company in Japan is offering its non-smoking workers an extra six days off per year to off-set the amount of time those who smoked took during cigarette breaks!
Wonderful example of the use of Incentives in Workplace Wellness.


A person who is healthy is happy and more likely to live a balanced life. Healthy encompasses physical, emotional and mental health. Healthy lifestyle leads to:
• Better attendance at work
• Confidence
• Feeling good, increased happiness
• Being a good role model
• Increased energy
• Reduced medical costs
• Longer life
• More productive
• Reduced instance of disease or illness
• Less stress


"60% of people report benefits and perks being among their top considerations before accepting a job." And that includes ! Does your company include a wellness offering in its benefits package?

Healthy Workplace Podcasts – Wellness Council of South Africa (WELLCOSA) 11/02/2019

WELLCOSA has launched the WELLBiz Podcasts – a series of interviews with international Health and Wellness Experts. They cover a variety of interesting and relevant issues pertaining to creating healthier workplaces for all.

Healthy Workplace Podcasts – Wellness Council of South Africa (WELLCOSA) Healthy Workplace Podcasts Successful HR and wellness professionals are always looking for new ways to sharpen their skills and gain some fresh perspectives. However, it’s probably safe to assume that many of them don’t have hours of free time to spare to attend multiple conferences or read an e...


Clinical depression has become one of America’s most costly illnesses. Left untreated, depression is as costly as heart disease or AIDS to the US economy.



Stress is cited as
the top health risk and drives workplace wellness programmes
in most areas of the world


Make health and well-being a core priority for the top management of your company. Start to value the strategic importance and benefits of a healthy workplace!


Healthy Workplaces make Better Business Sense: -
Healthy employees suffer fewer health issues, record fewer sick days, are more productive and engage better with colleagues and customers. Having a workplace health and well being program encourages employees to improve their health and can help your business to become an employer of choice.


How Employers Can Improve Employee Health and Productivity:-
The latest evidence shows that by focusing on three goals 1. An integrated approach to employee health promotion, 2. A work environment that enhances health and safety, and 3. A culture that values wellness: – employers not only reduce employee costs but also improve business performance.


WELLCOSA can help your company develop and implement international standards for Psychological/Mental Health in the workplace.

Psychological health is an important part of how people interact with one another on a daily basis. It is part of the way working conditions and management practices are structured and the way decisions are made and communicated.


Researchers at the University of Michigan's Center for Positive Organizational Scholarship describe happy employees as “thriving."
In a thriving workforce, employees actively create the company's future—and their own careers.


WELLCOSA has launched the WELLBiz Podcasts – a series of interviews with international Health and Wellness Experts. They cover a variety of interesting and relevant topics pertaining to creating healthier workplaces.


We have partnered with Larry Chapman from the Chapman Institute offer WellCert – the premier certification program for Employee Wellness practitioners internationally. Read more about the Wellcert programs here.


WELLCOSA is proud to offer to our employer community in South Africa the exclusive opportunity to acquire one of the most coveted international designations in the worksite wellness field - WELLCert Certification by the Chapman Institute!
WellCert synthesizes 40+ years of experience with over 1,000 organisations.
Stay tuned for more information.

Workplace Checklist – Wellness Council of South Africa (WELLCOSA) 12/11/2018

Rate Your Company’s Wellness Program by completing this FREE Workplace Checklist.
This Checklist is an interactive assessment that will help you determine how your company is doing with respect to your workplace wellness.

Workplace Checklist – Wellness Council of South Africa (WELLCOSA) Healthy Workplace Checklist 1 Rate Your Company’s Wellness Program by completing this FREE Workplace Checklist. The WELLCOSA Workplace Checklist is an interactive assessment that will help you determine how your organisation is doing with respect to your workplace wellness. It is a good exercise t...


Wellness Programs Improve Productivity:-
Poor employee productivity can be defined as physically being at work but not working. This type of poor productivity is called presenteeism. It is estimated that the cost associated with presenteeism due to poor employee health is at least 2 to 3 times greater than direct health care expenses. While the estimated cost of presenteeism dwarfs the cost of health care, it does not receive the same level of scrutiny among employers preoccupied with controlling the direct costs of poor employee health.


A workplace health and well-being program is a valuable investment for your organisation. A healthy worker is likely to be more motivated, productive and take less sick leave.


A big Thank You to the amasing Speakers during the very successful online WELL Workplace Summit!
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