Prisoner of Christ

Prisoner of Christ

I will live to the glory of God. If I die, then I could die to the glory of God.


There is only two elements that controls the human being. That's either doubt or faith, one or the other. You are possessed of one that dominates your life.


"For ye are written epistles, read of all men." If the Life that's in Christ be in you, you'll bear the Life that Christ bore.
If the Life that's in Christ be in you, you will have the kind of faith that Christ had here on earth. Christ's faith was based on the Word of His Heavenly Father.


When you’re a genuine Christian, you just bear the fruit of the Spirit. You don't manufacture it. You don't try to make it up. The sheep 🐑 does not manufacture wool. It bears wool and it does it because it's a sheep.


Our lives must fit with the Word, that the Word become flesh in us.


Jesus said, in Matthew 24th chapter, that "In the last days, the two spirits would be so close together till it would deceive the very elected if it was possible."
They're determined by their characteristic. Only can you know it by its characteristic.


The Scripture is Jesus Christ's identification! He had no fellowship card, He belonged to no organization. But God spoke of Him, that was His identification!
That's the genuine identification of God in any hour, is His identification. That's what it is, the Scripture that's promised made Identified by the characteristic of the promise which is God, and God is the Word. And the characteristic of that promise being Identified, that makes the believer.


There is two spirits. And one of them is the Holy Spirit; the other one is unholy spirit, and one is governed by that. And both of them religious. Now, yeah, that's the strange part, they're both religious. And just like Esau and Jacob was, both religious; like Cain and Abel was, both religious; like Judas and Jesus was. We see it today, both side, religious. The people die, but the spirit doesn't die. It goes right on, both religious.


Faith without works is dead; if you say, "I believe it," and don't make no act. Just like the Message, if you say, "I believe it," don't make an act, what good does it do? Noah went to work with his hammer 🛠 and built an ark. We have to go to work and prove our faith, by our works. Our works proves our faith.


Never try to mix the Word of God with the knowledge of the world. If you try to mix It, you will kill yourself with It. It will not work. It will not mix like oil and water.
The Word of God comes by the power of the Holy Spirit! "Not by power, by might, but by My Spirit," saith the Lord.


Churches says, "And we don't believe This, and we believe that." God will never judge the world by a church ⛪. He judges it by Jesus Christ, and Jesus is the Word. He will judge the Church by the Word.


If God's ordained you to do something, then He's your Protection. See, He will protect you. If He's sent you, He'll back up your word. You're an ambassador then"

61-0112 Questions And Answers


If you and I leave without Jesus, we're going to get in trouble too. The devil is going to set a trap for us just as soon as we get out from under that shelter of His protection.


God alone has purchased for us our healing. It's up to us to do everything that we can, in our life, and in every way that God has give us, for our healing, but it's God that heals. If God calls you to go home tonight, there isn't enough medicine in the world to keep you here. There's nothing going to keep you here. And if He determines you to stay on the earth, no matter how many physicians says you're going tonight, you're not going. So it's just all up to God"

64-0304 Sirs We Would See Jesus


When you love God enough to know that He can't lie to you, it'll create a faith in there, that'll make you believe His Word, and every Word He said is positive Truth, and you accept It with an unadulterated faith that won't say no, it'll produce just exactly what He said It would do.


Christianity is not beauty on the outside; it's on the inside: of peace, quiet, adorn themselves in a peaceful, quiet spirit, which is a great price before the Lord. That's what we want to look for on women, and on men, and whoever it is"

Questions And Answers_2 08-23-64e


This day that we're living in, it's such a day of unsettled peace and unsettled rest everywhere. People are running to-and-fro seeking whatever they may seek. Most anybody can get a following. No matter what they teach or think, somebody will listen to them. And it's a day that the prophets spoke of"

Faith Is The Substance 47-0412


You cannot have fellowship with the world and with the Holy Spirit at the same time. You've got to abstain from the things of the world, live clean, honorable, upright, and holy, then the Holy Spirit will dwell with you, and will work with you, and will perform miracles through you, and will heal you, give you joy, peace, and love.


Any church that's not fertile, that is from the fertility of the coming of the Holy Spirit into the human heart, no matter how good a church it is, how well the members dress, how educated the pastor is, how finer songs you got, what a fine building you got; if Christ isn't there, the Spirit of God isn't there, you got nothing but the same unfertile bunch of eggs. That's exactly. And you'll never get anywhere with them"

Jehova Jireh 59-0417


What you do to others, you have done to Christ." So no matter what he thinks about you, it's what you think about him (See?), that brings the blessing"

Pergamean Church Age 60-1207What you do to others, you have done to Christ." So no matter what he thinks about you, it's what you think about him (See?), that brings the blessing"

Pergamean Church Age 60-1207


A man has to be a prisoner to Christ against anything... Therefore, you cannot be connected with anything but Christ. Even your father, your mother, your brother, your sister, your husband, your wife, anybody--you're only connected with Christ and Him only. Then God can use you. Until then, you can't"

Paul A Prisoner Of Christ 63-0717


As much as your faith will be released, that's how much power you can have, because in you dwells the power to make heavens and earth. God dwells in you, and you are sons and daughters of God. Amen. There you are. But it's your faith"

Ever Present Water61-0723m


A good born-again faith in God, a real genuine Holy Ghost faith, nothing's going to turn it down. It can't do it. It's persistent. It's going to the goal that God has promised to it. There's nothing going to turn it down; it's going anyhow"

Perseverant 64-0305


A real Christian fights for his position. He has to stand alone, him and God, and he fights every inch of ground, so you don't have to baby them around"

Perseverant 64-0305


A genuine borned again Christian know where he come from. His origin wasn't with John Wesley, Luther, or somebody else. It begin on the day of Pentecost when God Himself came among His people"

Perseverant 64-0305


When you see these crowds gathering, that doesn’t mean revival; that’s just a gathering. But a revival is when people get really right with God, and pray through"

William Branham 63-0804A


If we lose faith, then we will never get a prayer answered by God. For He that cometh to God must first believe that He is, and a rewarder of those that diligently seek after Him. So if we lose faith, our prayers are annulled; we get nowhere"

William Branham 58-0720M


Get back into the program of God and find out, after all, what God wants us to do. And the only way I know to do it is prayer Prayer is the key"

William Branham 61-0207


God must have first place in your heart, first place in your life, first place in everything that you do or what you are. God must be first.


Life is what controls us. We are known by the life that we live. And it's been said that your life speaks so loud that I can't hear your testimony. So therefore, to live a sermon would much better, than to preach one. The life you live, shows what character you are, because your life always builds your character"

Life 58-0512


Let the mind that was in Christ be in you.


Salvation cannot be based upon any church, or any creed, nothing but the Word of God, for it's God's Word. God's Word is so perfect, that not one iota of It will ever fail"

God Keeps His Word-2 57-0307


Full obedience to the full Word of God entitles us to the Token.


Joining a Church is good. Reading the Bible is good. It must not end there. Our lives must reflect the image of Christ. The Word Christian means "Christ-like." We must in our souls reflect His Spirit image and His manner of life. Truly you must be born again and let Christ reflect Himself through you.

