Family liberty chapel church

Family liberty chapel church

This church is very powerful God is using the man of God powerful come and see your self


The righteous will never be uprooted, but the wicked will not remain in the land.
Proverbs 10:30

Inspiration ✨✨

This promise is even truer for those of us who live on this side of Calvary and the empty tomb! As Paul said it, "our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body" (Philippians 3:20-21 NIV). The righteous will never be uprooted from their true homeland for no one and no power can steal it, corrupt it, destroy it, or take it away!

My Prayer...💖

Father, thank you for declaring me righteous by the atoning death of Jesus. Please transform me more and more each day to be righteous in all I say, think, and do. In the name of Jesus I pray Amen. Gm saint's have fantastic Saturday. Apostle Daniel. Family liberty chapel church.

Photos from Family liberty chapel church's post 09/10/2020

We need to help all children in the world


MORE UNDERSTANDING ABOUT PRAYER. SCRIPTURE: Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts,"as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil": For thine is the kingdom,"and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. Matthew 6":11-13.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: At the place of prayer,"we access what is given to us by God.

It is very clear in life and also from the Scripture that understanding is key to outstanding life and destiny. Every venture in life becomes outstanding with understanding. Peter stood out from the rest of the disciples because of his understanding of the Master, Jesus (Matthew 16":15-19).

In the same manner,"understanding the subject of prayer is key to maximizing the benefits of prayer and standing out in life.

Earlier, we saw what prayer entails. We noted that prayer is the platform for communion between God and man; the platform for the offering of thanks, praise and worship to God and also the platform for the establishment of the rule and will of God in the earth.

Now, we shall look at three other things that prayer entails":

1. Prayer is a platform for accessing our inheritance in God (Matthew 6:11).

��Give us this day our daily bread...�entails accessing our inheritance in God. At the place of prayer,"we access what is given to us by God. We connect what God has in store for us at the place of prayer. Prayer gives us the platform to access our inheritance in God.

2. Prayer is a platform for the maintenance of true holiness and Godliness (Matthew 6":12).

��And forgive us our debts,"as we forgive our debtors�� This means, at the place of prayer, we receive cleansing. At the place of prayer, we ask God to forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespassed against us. Prayer keeps people from sin, and sin keeps people from praying. At the place of prayer, we receive the maintenance of true holiness and Godliness.

3. Prayer is a platform for the frustration or the abortion of the agenda of the enemy (Matthew 6":13a).

��And lead us not into temptation,"but deliver us from evil�� This means, prayer is the platform for the frustration or the abortion of the agenda of the enemy in the lives of people. It is at the place of prayer that we arrest the enemy�s recklessness. At the place of prayer, we intersect, interfere, and interrupt satanic operations and orchestrations. At the place of prayer, we are delivered from evil; we are made to escape evil.

Beloved, you can see that prayer is beyond just going to God because there is a need; prayer is multifaceted. So, make up your mind to maximize the multifaceted dimensions and benefits of prayer.

Remember this": At the place of prayer,"we access what is given to us by God.


1. Access your inheritance in God through prayer.

2. Make up your mind to maintain a right standing with God at the place of prayer.

3. Frustrate the activities of the enemy at the place of prayer.

PRAYER: Thank You Lord for showing me today the multifaceted dimensions of prayer. I receive Your Help Lord,"to live a buoyant prayer life. At the place of prayer, I access my inheritance, maintain holiness of life and frustrate the enemy�s agenda, Lord in Jesus� Name.


QUOTE: The overflow refers to limitless,"inexhaustible supply from heaven. Limitless and inexhaustible means �unfinishable� supply from heaven. Culled from �21 UNCOMMON KEYS TO FINANCIAL OVERFLOW� by APOSTLE DANIEL NANA KWASI DARKO

AMAZING FACT": If you keep a goldfish in the dark it will turn white.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: Today, every agenda/orchestration of evil around your life is completely frustrated in Jesus� Name.


. Guilt in our conscience
Another huge problem created by sin is the guilt we feel inwardly. God is satisfied with the blood of Jesus as payment for our sins, but we may be plagued by guilt. This is because when we commit a sin, that sin leaves a stain on our conscience. On God’s side we’re forgiven, but on our side sin has left a stain. The feeling of guilt comes from our stained conscience.

The stain of sin on our conscience is serious, and no cleaning agent on earth is powerful enough to obliterate it. However, Hebrews 9:14 shows us the unique “stain remover” for our conscience:

“How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God?”

The same blood that allows God to forgive us also purges our conscience of the stain of sin. We’re both forgiven and cleansed by the blood of Jesus.

To help illustrate, let’s say we’re issued a ticket for violating a traffic law. A record of the violation goes to the court (God), and a copy goes to us (our conscience). The court needs payment for the ticket. When we confess our sin to God, He regards the blood of Jesus as complete payment for our “ticket,” so He forgives us and removes our “ticket” from His record. We, however, may still have a lingering sense of guilt when we look at our copy of the “ticket.”

We have to remember what 1 John 1:9 says: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” On God’s side, He forgives, and on our side, we’re cleansed. This cleansing removes the stain of sin from our conscience.

If a feeling of guilt remains after we confess our sins, we should simply claim the power of the blood of Jesus by faith. We can pray, “Thank You, Lord Jesus, by Your blood I’m forgiven and cleansed. Lord, Your Word says that Your blood even purifies my conscience!” The more we thank the Lord this way, the more we’re assured that our conscience is cleansed.

3. Accused by Satan
After we’ve confessed our sins, received God’s forgiveness, and had our conscience cleansed by the blood of Christ, we may encounter another problem: some lingering inward accusation regarding our sins. This inner accusation can become like a gigantic cloud over our heads, robbing us of all peace as we continue to blame ourselves for what we’ve done.

What should we do? Should we confess our sin again, this time more earnestly? That doesn’t work. No matter how many times we confess the same sin to God, the accusations just won’t go away.

To be freed from these accusations, it’s important to see where they come from. Are they from God? No. God forgave us when we confessed. Then are they from our conscience? No. The blood of Jesus purified our sin-stained conscience. These accusations come from Satan.

This shouldn’t surprise us. In fact, in Revelation 12:10 Satan is called “the accuser of [the] brothers.” He spends all his time accusing the Lord’s believers day and night. His goal is to weaken and even paralyze us. He wants to cheat us of our enjoyment of God’s presence. If we accept his accusations, our fellowship with God will be hindered, and we’ll suffer great loss in our spiritual life.

But Revelation 12:11 tells us what answers these accusations from Satan:

“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb.”

We need to confess our sins to the Lord to be forgiven and have our conscience cleansed from the stain of sin. But after that, if we’re hounded by accusations, we must take further action. We have to say “NO!” to Satan’s accusations and declare the full effectiveness of the blood of Jesus. We have to point Satan, the one who accuses us, to the blood of the Lamb.

Don’t succumb to Satan’s accusations. When he accuses us, we can declare, “Satan, I reject your accusations. Look at the blood of Jesus. God is satisfied by Christ’s redeeming blood, my conscience is purified with His cleansing blood, and you’re defeated by His overcoming blood!”

Experiencing the blood of Jesus
By believing in and experiencing the blood of Jesus, our whole Christian walk will change. We don’t have to remain separated from God, burdened by guilt, or tormented by Satan’s accusations. When we sin, we must confess our sins, believe we’re forgiven and cleansed, and even declare that we’ve been forgiven and cleansed by the blood of Jesus. The blood of Christ is truly precious!

This hymn by Watchman Nee expresses how effective Christ’s blood can be to us in our experience (you can hear the tune here):

Why should I worry, doubt and fear?

Has God not caused His Son to bear

My sins upon the tree?

The debt that Christ for me has paid,

Would God another mind have made

To claim again from me?

Redemption full the Lord has made,

And all my debts has fully paid,

From law to set me free.

I fear not for the wrath of God,

For I’ve been sprinkled with His blood,

It wholly covers me.

For me forgiveness He has gained,

And full acquittal was obtained,

All debts of sin are paid;

God would not have His claim on two,

First on His Son, my Surety true,

And then upon me laid.

So now I have full peace and rest,

My Savior Christ hath done the best

And set me wholly free;

By His all-efficacious blood

I ne’er could be condemned by God,

For He has died for me


UNDERSTANDING PRAYER. SCRIPTURE: After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven,"Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Matthew 6":9-10.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Prayer is a platform for communion between God and man.

The subject of prayer is one of the most misunderstood subjects in Christendom. Many people do not actually understand what prayer is all about. There are people who think that prayer only happens when they face a challenge or have a need. So,"they have no business praying except there is a challenge or a need. And this is why such people can live for weeks, months and even a whole year without praying until there is a challenge. Beloved, is this what prayer is all about? Certainly Not.

Now, the question is, what is prayer all about?

1. Prayer is a platform for communion between God and man (Matthew 6":9a).

��Our Father which art in heaven�� portrays communion or relationship dimension of prayer. Prayer is a platform for communion between God and man.

2. Prayer is a platform for the offering of thanks,"praise and worship to God (Matthew 6":9b).

��hallowed be thy name�� entails the worship dimension of prayer. There is a dimension of prayer that the only reason to pray is the offering of thanks,"praise and worship to God. This is called prayer of adoration. So, prayer is not only about asking God for something but also the offering of thanks, praise and worship to God.

3. Prayer is the platform for the establishment of the rule and will of God in the earth (Matthew 6":10).

��Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth,"as it is in heaven�� (Matthew 6":10). This entails the establishment of the rule and will of God in the earth. One reason for our concern,"passion and prayer for our nation, Nigeria is that what is happening here, like in most places in the world today, is contrary to the will of God for a people. So, prayer is a platform where we enforce and establish the will, purpose and agenda of God in the earth as it is in heaven. It is a platform where we enforce what God wants in our lives.

Beloved, having understood what prayer entails, my counsel is, make up your mind to pray effectively. Make prayer a platform for a buoyant communion with God, offering thanks, praise and worship to Him and establishing His rule and will on the earth.

Remember this": Prayer is a platform for communion between God and man.


1. Maintain a buoyant communion with God always.

2. Offer thanks,"praise and worship to Him consistently.

3. Pray to enforce His rule and will on the earth": in your life,"family, community, church and nation.

PRAYER": Father,"thank You for opening my eyes to see what prayer entails. I receive the grace to commune with You, offer thanks and enforce Your will on the earth, Lord in Jesus� Name.


QUOTE: Prayer is the flow of communication between man and God proceeding from a healthy,"lively relationship. Culled from �PRINCIPLES AND POWER OF PRAYER� by APOSTLE DANIEL NANA KWASI DARKO.

AMAZING FACT": Goldfish can recognize faces. And not just faces,"but also shapes, colours and sounds.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD": Fresh grace for a buoyant prayer life is released upon your life now in Jesus� Name.


YOUR BODY THE TEMPLE OF GOD. SCRIPTURE: What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,"which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 1 Corinthians 6":19

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The Presence of God in you is a guarantee that no other presence can dwell in you.

A major way to access and maintain Divine healing or deliverance is having the understanding that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19).

If you can grasp the fact that you are not your own,"and that God dwells in you, then the issue of your deliverance is a walkover. This means, if you have received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, then, God dwells in you. The Presence of God in you is a guarantee that no other presence can dwell in you. Sicknesses and bondages are sponsored by a spirit � a demonic spirit. That spirit is not qualified to dwell in you for as long as the Presence of God dwells in you.

Romans 8":11 reveals that if the Spirit of God that quickened Jesus and raised Him from the dead dwells in you,"that same spirit quickens, makes alive, regenerates, re-energises, reinvigorates, refuels and repowers your mortal bodies.This means, you can make demands on the Spirit of God, the life-quickening Spirit of God to quicken every cell of your body, artery, nerve, ligament, etc. and then you will see yourself walking about with the energy and vitality of God.

Today, I decree that you shall live permanently in the realm of Divine health and vitality, in Jesus� Name.

REMEMBER THIS": The Presence of God in you is a guarantee that no other presence can dwell in you.


1. Go through today�s study again.

2. Make demands on the spirit of God to destroy any sickness or disease affecting you or your loved ones.

PRAYER: Lord,"I declare that my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Therefore, no infirmity, affliction or depression can come near me, Lord in Jesus� Name.

QUOTE: To maintain a godly character; you must exercise yourself to always have a conscience that is void of offence towards God and men. Culled from WHO ARE YOU? by APOSTLE DANIEL NANA KWASI DARKO


AMAZING FACT: A person can breathe and swallow at the same time.

PROPHETIC WORD/DECLARATION: Every stranger in your body is excused off today by the power of the Spirit in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Photos from Family liberty chapel church's post 27/10/2019

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Photos from Family liberty chapel church's post 12/10/2019

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Photos from Family liberty chapel church's post 27/09/2019

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Photos from Family liberty chapel church's post 27/09/2019


Photos from Family liberty chapel church's post 12/09/2019

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Photos from Family liberty chapel church's post 02/09/2019

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