Debt-Sa Debtreview

Debt-Sa Debtreview

Trusted Debt Review Firm. Reduce your monthly payment legally


We are able to reduce your monthly repayment by up to 50%
Want to know more? Registered Debt Counsellor NCRDC3887

DEBT-SA - Trusted Debt Review South Africa | NCR Debt Counsellor - DEBT-SA Debt Review Debt Consolidation 19/02/2024

Find The Right Debt Solution
We Can Improve Your Financial Position And Easily Reduce Your Debt Repayments Without Any Upfront Costs
Registered NCR Debt Counsellor NCRDC3887

DEBT-SA - Trusted Debt Review South Africa | NCR Debt Counsellor - DEBT-SA Debt Review Debt Consolidation Debt-SA. Debt Review, Debt Restructuring, Registered Debt Counsellor. Lower Debt Repayments by Lowering interest rates. Legal Process Sa

Middle-class South Africans are ‘losing’ over R10,000 every month 21/11/2023

Middle-class South Africans are ‘losing’ over R10,000 every month Inflation and stagnant salaries have eaten away at middle class South Africans’ purchasing power, leaving them poorer every month.


Debt Review was introduced in 2007 as part of the National Credit Act. It assists consumers that are over- indebted to reduce their repayments dramatically. We will assist you with all relevant information to stay informed. Registered Debt Counsellor NCRDC3887
[email protected] / WhatsApp 067 843 1555


Let us help with your Financial Stress - No obligation - No upfront fees.
[email protected] / 067 843 1555


Did you know?


Consequences of Debt Review

1. While under debt review, you are not permitted to take out more credit.
2. The reduction of your monthly repayments means that the debt repayment term can be extended and might take longer to finish paying. You are allowed to pay more towards debt than the minimum payment if you have a good month.
3. The debt review listing will remain on your credit report until the program is finished, and all of your debts that were included under debt review has been paid in full, or if you have applied for debt review removal.
4. You will no longer receive calls from credit providers, lawyers and debt collectors demanding payment.
5. While your debt is being reviewed your assets are protected. The debt review court order prevents any repossession activity from credit providers, attorneys or debt collectors.
6. You will never pay more money than you can reasonably afford.
7. When the program is finished, you will experience total financial rehabilitation and a clean credit history.


Free assessments and information about the process

Consolidation without any more loans - Do I qualify?
Limited free assessments done - No upfront payments.
WWW.DEBT-SA.COM - Changing one life at a time

DEBT-SA - Trusted Debt Review South Africa | NCR Debt Counsellor - DEBT-SA 13/04/2023

Financial Pressure doesn't need to effect your living expenses.

DEBT-SA - Trusted Debt Review South Africa | NCR Debt Counsellor - DEBT-SA Debt-SA. Debt Review, Debt Restructuring, Registered Debt Counsellor. Lower Debt Repayments by Lowering interest rates. Legal Process Sa

DEBT-SA - Trusted Debt Review South Africa | NCR Debt Counsellor - DEBT-SA 16/03/2023

DEBT-SA - Trusted Debt Review South Africa | NCR Debt Counsellor - DEBT-SA Debt-SA. Debt Review, Debt Restructuring, Registered Debt Counsellor. Lower Debt Repayments by Lowering interest rates. Legal Process Sa

DEBT-SA - Trusted Debt Review South Africa | NCR Debt Counsellor - DEBT-SA 16/03/2023

There is more to debt review than saving up to 50% of your repayments.
Know the whole truth about the debt review process. What are the benefits and what the process is about?
We provide free information and assessments daily.
Registered with the NCR. NCRDC3887
For more information call of WhatsApp 0678431555
Alternatively visit

DEBT-SA - Trusted Debt Review South Africa | NCR Debt Counsellor - DEBT-SA Debt-SA. Debt Review, Debt Restructuring, Registered Debt Counsellor. Lower Debt Repayments by Lowering interest rates. Legal Process Sa


Tips to Reduce Your Debt
Develop a budget to track your expenses. ...
Don't take on more debt. ...
Pay your bills in full and on time. ...
Check your bills carefully. ...
Pay off your high-interest debts first. ...
Reduce the number of credit cards you have. ...
Look for the best interest rates when consolidating your debts.
Or drastically reduce your repayments and interest by restructuring with us.


Debt Review

Let’s start with the basics — what is debt review?
Debt review is a formal debt rehabilitation program that seeks to help consumers who are genuinely struggling to generate enough income to make ends meet.

If you are under debt review, it means you have appointed a debt counsellor who has deemed you over indebted and in need of a structured repayment plan.

The debt counsellor will communicate directly with your credit providers to negotiate interest rates and repayment terms with the aim of reducing them.

Once your payment plan is finalized and approved, you will be able to start systematically paying off your debt in agreed upon instalments.

Will debt review remain on my credit record?

Unlike blacklisting, debt review does not stay on your permanent credit record. Once you have completed your debt repayment plan, it will be removed from your permanent record and won’t affect your future financial plans

Debt review can change your life. It can help you organize your debt and structure payment plans that are manageable and achievable.

Starting the process of debt review shows that you’re taking control of your finances and want to start living your life debt-free.


Consolidation without any more loans - Do I qualify?
Limited free assessments done - No upfront payments.
WWW.DEBT-SA.COM - Changing one life at a time

DEBT-SA - DEBT-SA 04/02/2023

The truth about debt review. It could be a solution for someone you know.
We will never ask upfront payments

DEBT-SA - DEBT-SA Debt-SA. Debt Review, Debt Restructuring, Registered Debt Counsellor. Lower Debt Repayments by Lowering interest rates. Legal Process Sa


Free Assessments and information provided. We are not selling a product - we are changing one life at a time.
067 843 1555 843 1555 /



Speak to us today - Know the truth about debt restructuring and make an informed decision. WhatsApp 067 843 1555


Registered NCR Debt Counsellor NCRDC3887

Speak to us today - Know the truth about debt restructuring and make an informed decision. WhatsApp 067 843 1555


What is Debt review? It's a process that helps customers who are struggling to meet their debt obligations. A debt counsellor approaches your creditors and makes payment arrangements on your behalf, reducing your payments to a manageable amount monthly.

Debt SA på Google 07/11/2022

Debt SA på Google Don't be a victim of multiple loans. We provide a legal solution to reduce your monthly repayments and lower your current interest rates. No upfront payments. Only your debit orders will be reduced.

Rand takes a hit as markets signal bigger rate hikes to come for South Africa 07/11/2022

There are good financial decisions in trying times.
Free Assessments

Rand takes a hit as markets signal bigger rate hikes to come for South Africa The rand took a hit in trade on Thursday (3 November) following the US Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) raising its target range for the federal funds rate to 3.75% – 4.00% – or 75bp higher.

DEBT-SA - DEBT-SA 02/11/2022

The truth about

DEBT-SA - DEBT-SA Debt-SA. Debt Review, Debt Restructuring, Registered Debt Counsellor. Lower Debt Repayments by Lowering interest rates. Legal Process Sa

SARS warns of new ‘court order’ scam targeting taxpayers 01/11/2022

Please Dont beleive everything. Don't be a victim.

SARS warns of new ‘court order’ scam targeting taxpayers SARS has been a hot target for criminals who use its name and authority to their advantage by misrepresenting their true identity – when trying to defraud someone.


Let’s start with the basics — what is debt review?

Debt review is a formal debt rehabilitation program that seeks to help consumers who are genuinely struggling to generate enough income to make ends meet.
If you are under debt review, it means you have appointed a debt counsellor who has deemed you over indebted and in need of a structured repayment plan.
The debt counsellor will communicate directly with your credit providers to negotiate interest rates and repayment terms with the aim of reducing them.
Once your payment plan is finalized and approved, you will be able to start systematically paying off your debt in agreed upon instalments.

Will debt review remain on my credit record?

Unlike blacklisting, debt review does not stay on your permanent credit record. Once you have completed your debt repayment plan, it will be removed from your permanent record and won’t affect your future financial plans

Debt review can change your life. It can help you organize your debt and structure payment plans that are manageable and achievable.

Starting the process of debt review shows that you’re taking control of your finances and want to start living your life debt-free.

DEBT-SA - DEBT-SA 24/10/2022

Find The Right Debt Solution
Improve Your Financial Position And Legally Reduce Your Debt
Registered NCR Debt Counsellor


DEBT-SA - DEBT-SA Debt-SA. Debt Review, Debt Restructuring, Registered Debt Counsellor. Lower Debt Repayments by Lowering interest rates. Legal Process Sa


Debt counselling is an alternative to processes like administration and sequestration, when defaulting on your debt. Many people are uninformed about what the pros and cons are when it comes to the debt review process. Terms like debt consolidation, debt settlement, undergoing counselling can all seem confusing or overwhelming. With a variety of options out there to choose from, it can be a daunting task thinking about what is going to be the best option for your accumulating debt.

It is essential to get financial matters back on track and you need to know from the start what debt counselling is in order to decide whether or not it is for you. Whether you participate in the process of debt counselling or not, it is always beneficial to understand the level of your debt as it can mean the difference between keeping a roof over your head or not.

What is debt counselling?
Debt counselling is a key component of debt rehabilitation and is a crucial term in the debt review process. Debt counselling is intended to assist over-indebted consumers struggling with debt through budget advice, negotiation with credit providers for reduced payments, and restructuring of debts.

Over-indebtedness occurs when a consumer is unable to repay all financial obligations in a timely manner and/or where total debt repayments exceed net income after living expenses have been paid for.

The pros of debt counselling
Your assets are safe and legal action is prevented
Debt counselling is the key process that determines whether you qualify for debt review or not. This period offers safety from credit providers pending a debt counsellor’s investigation as to whether you can be deemed officially over-indebted. If the debt counsellor has completed an assessment and has reached a conclusion that a consumer will not be able to meet his/her debt commitments at the end of a month, that person is deemed over-indebted.

No permanent record will be kept
As soon as you are deemed over-indebted and you officially qualify for debt review, this information is listed on your credit record, but as soon as you complete the process, this listing is removed from every consumer credit bureau database. You are not blacklisted so if you do complete the entire debt review process, you exit with a clear name and are able to apply for new credit.

Repaying your debt is simplified with only one monthly payment
Once the counselling has been completed and a repayment plan is submitted to the Payment Distribution Agency, you will only need to make a monthly payment to the Agency who will then repay credit providers on your behalf.

Your living expenses will be covered
The counsellor negotiates with creditors on your behalf and in order to do so, your debt counsellor must have a thorough understanding of your living expenses. As part of the repayment agreement with creditors, there will be funds set aside from your salary to cover your living expenses.

Professional debt counsellors will get you further with credit providers
You might try to tackle your piling debt alone and negotiate with credit providers, but it could do more harm than good. Should you be declared as being over-indebted during the counselling process, you will be protected from credit providers taking legal action against you, ensuring that you do not get any further legal action against you.


5 easy ways to stretch your income

1. Plug the leaks that are wasting money!
Write down everything you spend, every day, for one month.
Go through your notes and highlight everything that is NOT a necessity:
* the daily newspaper
* the airtime/data;
* the fast-food lunches and
* the music download.
Now ask yourself if there are ways you can reduce this spend: can you share the newspaper – and the costs – with a colleague? That’ll save you about R50 a month.
You can probably save another couple of hundred rand if you make your own sarmies to bring to work (and you’ll be healthier – bonus!); and you can skip one family outing to the movies a month and replace it with a picnic in the park.
Simply knowing what you’re spending makes it possible to be more disciplined.
2. Go for price rather than convenience
Many shoppers spend way more than they need to by visiting shops that are convenient rather than seeking out the inexpensive outlets.
Going to a warehouse store for toilet rolls in bulk, for instance, can save you more than R1 per roll.
Buying vegetables in season, when they’re cheaper, is another saving, as is keeping an eye on specials advertised in the knock-and-drop newspapers.
By being a conscious consumer, alert to prices, you can save hundreds of rand every month.
3. Negotiate prices or rates
Talk to your bank and ask them what they can do to decrease your bank charges or interest rates.
When you buy appliances, builders' wares or services, don’t be ashamed to ask about discounts for cash or speedy payment.
4. Research benefits available to you
If your child excels in any area, search for scholarships.
If you or your spouse is over 55, there may be discounts available – some greengrocers have pensioners’ days, for example; so do hairdressers, entertainment services such as movie houses and tourism packages and many more.
5. Be canny about premiums
How much insurance premium are you paying for your car? People often simply let the insurer raise the premium each year, but the book-value of the vehicle might not match the insured value. Make sure you’re not over-paying there.

If you are still not making it work or feel there is too little left over monthly. We can assist in a legal process that does not cost money upfront. Simply lower monthly payments.
[email protected]
