The Living Word of God Ministry

The Living Word of God Ministry

We are a Prophetic Ministry that Delivers the undiluted word of God with Might, Power and Demonstration through the power of the Holy spirit


Do not gloat over me,my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.-Micah 7:8


Isaiah 54:15-17 KJV
Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.


Isaiah 5:20 KJV
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!


When the devil is failing to destroy your gift,Anointing,Calling and God's give assignment here on earth he will definitely use a woman to destroy you,Woman have been a downfall of Men ever since the Genesis,Most man of God Characters,Reputation,Ministry and Lives they were destroyed and brought down completely because of a woman,Satan most fear is servants of God getting together or power mix with power he will make sure and traps you into marrying or impregnating or sleeping with a wrong woman to destroy you and he's very good in doing that there are many great servants or gifted people even outside church calling who were once gret and today they are completely nowhere and no one because of a woman and because of the sweetness and hotness that last for about 20 minutes and destroyed your whole life completely. Watch out.



No matter level of anointing in a church the cameraman never falls.


When Lucifer Falls out of Grace and Cast out of Heaven he managed to Convince one of the 3rd part of host's of Angels with him,he did not want to go to eternal Damnation alone.There are those People in this World who once was Great Some of them were Servants of God and they have fallen out of Grace and they already know their fate of their eternity and they are on a serious mission of not wanting to go down alone yes they want as many soul's as they can to take them with.
5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 1 Peter 5:8
Any spiritual/Religious knowledge/Revelation no matter how convincing and powerful it is if it's Anti-Christ Run as fast as you can. Your SouL Matters.


Many people have the grace to receive or manifests their blessings into existence but they don't know how to maintain them or keep their blessings to last or for a long period of time. It takes another certain type of Grace to Maintain your blessings my friend.Grace is Dangerous. Know the type of Grace and Level you have. The only difference between me and you it's how we are graced🀞🏽.


Normalizepraying with your mother tongue language it's very important and always remember that prayer is a fellowship where one talks toa deity(their God) and he talks backto them,prayer is fellowship and should always remain being ,prayer should not be a rehearsal or sweet poem nor Novel.


Blessed Sunday to you all brethren


There are people in this life who will only like you and love you when you do less the minute you start doing more and extra ordinary you automatically becomes an enemy to them even when you in a field that is way different than what they are into.some people just only want to see you down always.


Open the eyes of my heart Lord i want to see you.


Let not your heart be troubled


Your Gift,Anointing and Calling Can Never Be Taken Away From you but it can be Blocked,Diverted,Delayed And Corrupted .


Your dream matters and your dream is Valid. It doesn't matter how long it can take or where you came from or which family you were born. It doesn't matter your Family background,what you are going through in life,your financial situation or whatever people are saying about you or what Life may bring to descourage you.your dream can true and your dream is Valid.there is a reason why that dream is within you out of 8 Billion people existing and living in the earth realm. Your dream matters and your dream can manifest into reality.


Good morning And have productive Tuesday .Learn a Thing or Two New things Today .Shawalam Aleichem!


As we Begin the year ,Always Write down your Vision where you can see it everyday as A Reminder ,Choose who and What you want to be and wanna achieve and stick by it no matter what,sometimes it is good to be left behind in other things in this life,don't fall for everything or anything and don't just follow anything or everyone,it's much important to listen to your inner voice,intuition and conscious before making any decisions or taking a step,don't move by majority or peer pressure.only you inside of you you know who you are ,what you are and what you wanna be and achieve. Stick to The vision ,plan and idea you always have had .you might have failed implementing your plans for many various reasons or been delayed but Today if you are still are alive you can change that if you choose too.its never too late and don't put your age upon any plans you may have.Share your plans with God only And see if you will fail or be dissapointed .learn to be patient with yourself. Rome was not build in a Day ,you can do step at a time .you have got this and you will succeed. May God be with you.


Change is not easy ,Change Don't Come Easy,Change Requires Sacrifices. Where there's No Pain there's No Gain!.


Some people you have to Forgive them but don't allow to give them access into your life for your own Peace and Safety,Forgiveness And Association are two different things,I Forgive you But I Don't want to Be friends with you Anymore is Okay.
Shawalam Aleichem!


A prophet that Vaccinated for Covid 19 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


My purpose in this world is to teach, guide ,heal and Comfort.


"My sheep hear my voice, and i know them,and they follow me. And I give them eternal life. And they shall Never perish; neither shall anyone sn**ch them out of My hand.


Hell Unleashed


Those That says you won't Make it or You Can't do it They will Look for you To Ask you how you did it and How did you Manage to do it!


Happy New year Beloved πŸ₯‚ And Congratulations


Hope is for people who do not already live in Grace.


There's no Wise General That Can Reveal Their Strategy,Tactics and Mission Before They Execute Them!


Refuse to Go Down ,Don't ever Give Up!

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The Just shall Live By Faith
I am a Son of God
