Vivier - Mindfulness Coaching

Vivier - Mindfulness Coaching

Mindfulness classes for kids and adults, online and in person. Mindfulness is is a way of being pres

Photos from Vivier - Mindfulness Coaching's post 26/11/2023

So amazing to be back in the desert, spending some very much needed recharging time with friends and the doggies🐶🌞

Also excited to be starting mindfulness classes again in the coming week. Online as well as live in Qatar.


My new happy place 🐶

Photos from Vivier - Mindfulness Coaching's post 09/01/2022

Started off the new year with a great camping trip along the Brede rivier near Robertson with great friends. We took some time for a mindful yoga class in the morning so much fun and also a nice calm time in between the business and activities.


What would the world look like if all our leaders would be kind and great? ♥️ Lots to learn from kids everyday, we just need to pay attention and listen.


Found this beautiful meditation room at the in Wolseley and had to try it out. Such a calming environment 🙏♥️


Loving kindness

Lovely kids class today in which we explored sending love to ourselves. Put your hand on your heart, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. You can send some wishes to yourself, I am happy, I am healthy, I am loved. Try to really feel into the words. What do you notice in your body? What thoughts come up?

In our meditation we also sent love to a loved one and even someone we don't really like. Not that easy! But we just try and notice what comes up.


Who says you need to sit still on a pillow to meditate?

In my spinning class this week, we did an active meditation. A 10 minute long ride where we connected to our breath and the music. Every time our minds wondered elsewhere, we noticed where it went and then gently brought it back to our breath and the movement of our legs. Feeling into our bodies, noticing out heart rates going up, sweat coming out.

There are so many ways to practice mindfulness, challenge yourself to find what works for you!


What is mindfulness?

Its paying attention, extraordinary attention to what's happening inside of us and all around us.

Why is this so important?

Well because most of the time our brain tends to go on automatic pilot when it comes to the 'ordinary' stuff in life. That's serves us in certain situations, work or studying. But when it comes to relationships, with ourselves or the world around us, we tend to miss the rich beauty that lies in the ordinary.

So this week we used some binoculars to focus and really look at the world around us. The patterns on the bask of the tree, the colours of the springbokkies face, the pattern of the swallows flight.

In this way we practice our brain to take it all in and switch off that auto pilot to experience the full richness of life.


This week in the mindfulness class we focused on the sense of touch to bring us back to the present. Playdough is such a great way to be creative and mindful for young and old. We also had some fun with pompoms.


In our kids mindfulness class we talked about the circle of control. It's important to understand which things in life you can control and which you can't. Seems so simple right???

Our birthday girl today could control how much cake she would eat today. Love it🎂😊🍰💜


Pets love mindfulness too!

So our pets love joining the mindfulness classes. Today while doing some mindful artwork, Oros the cat joined for some extra love♥️😻


Tea party!

In our teens and in our kids class this week, we had a tea party. But this was no ordinary tea party, as we picked a difficult emotion we experienced this week and invited them to tea! At first a bit strange as we are so used to pushing our anger, sadness, fear or embarrassment away. What does it feel like to actually invite them into your house as a visitor? And listen to what they have to say? These emotions have things to teach us. Important messages. Without figuring them out, next time when you experience one of these emotions, try and let them in for a bit, listen and then let them go.


Looking for ways to improve your focus? Manage stress levels during exam time? Regulate your emotions better? Find more peace and calm in your life? Better cope with anxiety during corona times? Kids mindfulness class every Thursday at 4pm in Langebaan. For teens and adults Online and in person classes available. Contact me at [email protected] or


Me - time... First time in a while to have the whole morning to myself, no work, no kids, nobody to take care off but me... Its so strange.. At first you don't know what to do with yourself, but once you ease into that feeling... Space to come to yourself and expand your mind. After all these months of lockdown, a great time to build up those family relationships. Most of the time we forget to work on that most important relationship in life, the one with yourself.


I love libraries, the smell, the books, it gives me a combination of excitement to find out what books there are and peace at the same time. This must be one of my favourites, we came across while camping at Jongensfontein in a rondavel at the beach. Read your book while enjoying a free cup of coffee while looking out over the sea. All supported by the local community. Love it!



In the teenage and kids class today we had a change of scenery and explored the outdoors mindfully. We slowed down and walked at half the pace, first noticing our feet on the ground and the various surfaces. We then brought awareness to the sounds around us listening to the beautiful birds songs. We focused on the feeling of the sun touching our skin, warming us up and the wind blowing through our hair. We finished off with a body scan meditation on a swing, a great way for those kids that don't like sitting still too much.

Next time you go for a walk in nature, try slowing down and use your senses to explore the world around you.


This week in my adult mindfulness class we talked about the "doing" mode vs. the "being" mode. Most of the time we are busy and it's almost addictive to stay busy in our minds too. As long as we are busy we feel worthy. Recognise that pattern? In mindfulness we try and step out of that doing mode to simply just be. Nowhere to go nothing to achieve, no ifs or I shoulds. Your are enough just as you are right here right now, by simply just being.


So much fun in our kids mindfulness class today! We connected to our senses to bring us back in the present moment. We did a smell test, trying not to identify the smell, but rather describe it and noticing if any thoughts or memories came up. We noticed how one smell brought strong tingles right up our noses.


In today's teens and kids mindfulness class we imagined we were mountains, strong, tall, calm, stable, always the same no matter the weather, come rain or shine. We can be in life like mountains within the chaos we can find our mountain of peace and stability.


Setting the scene for a one on one adult mindfulness session this morning. So grateful and excited ❤️


This was a great way to relax and create a pause in my life after a very busy day yesterday. Some music, some paint and just time for myself. Thanks to my friend for this awesome pressie and


Today we talked about how your thoughts, lead to feelings, lead to actions, leads to words, which effect other people. So a simple thought can actually influence the world around you. It's important to be aware what those thoughts are. Mindfulness can help with this. We closed the class with a short meditation, a great way to create some peace in your life.


In this week's kids mindfulness class we focused on our senses. A great way to draw you back in the present moment and out of your busy mind. We did a sound safari, keeping quiet and identifying the first three sounds we heard. We also traced our feet, while focusing on the feeling of the pen touching our feet and then coloured them in. Love the variety of colours and patterns used.


Gratefulness and loving kindness

Two intentional ways to bring more love and light in our lives, even when times are tough.

We made a gratefulness flower in the kids class. But you can also just write down 3 things your grateful for at the end of every day. Just try to pay attention to what your feeling inside your body as your writing it down.

Another way is by sending loving kindness to yourself and others. In the teenage class we came up with our own words to repeat to ourselves a few times a day. It felt a bit silly at first but once you really pay attention you can feel the loving sensations in your body.

We also did a loving kindness meditation where we sent love to ourselves, people we like and people we don't like (not always that easy) across the world.


Teens Mindfulness Class

In class today we discussed how stress effects our bodies and how our brain works. A bit of anatomy to better understand ourselves and the reactions we have. We practised to wash our hands mindfully an easy way to create a short mindful moment in your day. We ended the class with a body scan meditation.


Bateleur, the African snake Eagle was the subject of our kids mindfulness class yesterday, we saw quite a few in the Kruger. Inspired by its aerial acrobatics, we worked on some balancing yoga poses, including Eagle pose and tried some tight rope walking ourselves (Bateleur means tight rope walker in French). We also listened to a meditation where we are pretending to be an Eagle high in the sky. In mindfulness we practice taking a higher perspective of our thoughts and feelings, watching them from afar rather then being stuck in the middle of them.



This week we are starting Teen mindfulness classes. If you are looking for a way to be more present in the moment, aware of your thoughts and feelings, increase focus, manage stress, create better self understanding, emotional regulation and improve empathy...this is the class for you. Classes are every Thursday 3pm. Small groups, covid regulations in place. Few spots left. Book now on or email [email protected]


Every week we start our kids mindfulness class with a check in. This week we used our glitter wands to take some deep breaths and follow the magic of the glitter. How are you feeling right in this moment? In stead of naming the emotion, the kids expressed how they felt with what african animal they felt like. We had two elephants, a leopard, an alligator and a lion.


So great to be back! This week's kids mindfulness class was all about Leopards. Inspired by this amazing animal which we were lucky enough to see so many of on our adventure. We took mindfulness lessons from this gracious, solitary and strong animal. We took lazy leopard breaths and did a safari yoga sequence. And we made our own leopard masks to feel the inspiration! So much fun. Join us for our next class every Thursday at 3pm. For more information look on


Kids mindfulness classes in Langebaan starting this week! Thursdays at 3pm. Mindfulness is a way of being present in the moment, aware of your thoughts and feelings and helps increase focus, manage stress, create better self understanding, emotional regulation and improve empathy.

The kids class provides a fun and safe space to practice mindfulness through breathing exercises, emotional check inns, mindful movement, arts and other fun activities. Corona regulations in place.

Join a FREE trial class for kids from 6 - 11 years old. Contact us at [email protected] or

Videos (show all)

Washing your hands - the perfect opportunity to take a mindful moment and come back to the present moment - great for ki...
