Moss Maluleke

Moss Maluleke

Jesus Is Lord!


Three Things You Should Do Well in Your 20s

Your 20s are a time of great opportunity and growth. It's a time to explore your passions, take risks, and build a foundation for your future. Here are three things you should do well in your 20s:

1. Take risks: The notion of perfection has killed many dreams. You don't have to have everything figured out before you take action. In fact, taking risks is often the best way to learn and grow. So go out there and try new things, even if you're not sure if you'll succeed. You might be surprised at what you're capable of.

2. Build your own brand: In today's world, everyone is a brand. What do you want people to think of when they hear your name? What kind of impact do you want to have on the world? Start building your brand now by clarifying your values, defining your target audience, and creating content that resonates with them.

3. Build valuable connections. Your network is your net worth. The people you know can open doors for you and help you achieve your goals. So make an effort to connect with people who are doing interesting things, who have skills you admire, and who can help you grow your business or career.

I hope this article has inspired you to take action now!!

Don't forget to like and share! 😊👌



In Life there are stages, Every stage is very vital. By human nature we are programmed to recognise the begging and the end, but not the process. When a man dreams, he only sees where he wants to be and this is great. But the problem arises when he doesn't take into consideration the stages (process) needed to get there.

What you do in the process determines whether u will arrive or not. It doesn't matter how harsh the conditions may be, what matters is how you respond back. Examination is set for everyone, while some get ready and prepared, some already concluded they have failed. Life happens to us all, no test is set beyond a student's ability to prepare for it. Our challenges along the way are not greater than our faith.

Embrace your current stage, it's meant to uplift you not to destroy you. You may not rise to high by stepping on soft sand, sometimes you need stones and rocks to climb higher. ♥️


When a baby falls, his brain marks the spot where he fell. Next time he comes to the same spot, he’ll try to avoid falling again.

Falling is not a problem, the problem is falling over again at the same spot because that means you are not learning! Embrace your mistakes, draw some wisdom from them and use it to grow and be better than you were before!!


Useful tips to start poultry farming in SA

Poultry Farming Basics

Let’s get some things right before we go to the steps in starting a poultry farm.

What is poultry farming?

It simply means raising different types of domestic birds in a commercial scale purposely for meat and or egg production.
Types of poultry farming
A lot of people actually think poultry farming is only about raising only chicks. However, it is a broader niche. This post only focuses on raising chickens. Other types of poultry you can raise in your farm include:

• Geese
• Ducks
• Turkeys
• Quail
• Guinea fowl

Is poultry farming profitable in South Africa?

Generally, poultry farming comes with high returns within a specified period of time if everything is done the right way.
The demand of poultry products in South Africa is always in high demand. The poultry farming industry in SA is worth more than R27 billion and continues to grow each year.
This is a clear indication that poultry farming is a booming business every individual can enter into.

Choosing a poultry sector

You are required to choose from two types: the broilers and layers. Although you can go ahead and farm both broilers and layers. But as a beginner, it is important to start with one in order to build experience and expertise before you expand.
Successful poultry farms in South Africa are into either of the following

• Meat production
• Egg production
• Incubating and raising chicks

Writing a business plan

Like any other business, writing a business plan before starting up is a very crucial step every farmer needs to take. If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.
A business plan serves as a road map leading you to success in poultry farming.
A carefully written poultry farm business plan should have the following:

• Objectives
• Mission
• Location and facilities
• Production process
• Market research and analysis
• Startup expenses
• Marketing strategy
• Swot analysis

If you are able to craft a poultry farm business plan in regards to the list above, you are good to go.

However, if you can’t write one, Climax Media House has industry standard pre-written business plans including financial analysis for only R800.

Startup capital

How much is involved to startup a poultry farm in South Africa? You need to make a budget of all the expenses needed to commence a successful poultry farm.
If you are planning to start a small-scale backyard poultry farming starting with very few chicks, you may need minimum capital as compared to a large-scale project.
Since you are starting as small-scale poultry farmer you need to start with about 10 birds or less kept in cages at the backyard of your house.
This won’t cost you much. Speak to other local farmers on how much you’ll need to start up a backyard poultry farm.

Choose a location

Getting space or land can be a daunting task. You can however, start from a backyard space.
You can choose a place slightly far from town which has available labour and relatively cheaper.
Don’t set up your farm in a residential area due to the bad odour poultry farms produce.
Lastly, do consider transportation and availability of water.

Constructing a structure for the birds

There are several types of poultry housing system you can consider. The common poultry housing in South Africa are:

• Deep litter system
• Battery cage system
• Free range system

Which one you’ll choose actually depends on your financial strength. The recommended one is the deep litter system. Battery cage systems are more expensive.

Equipment needed for poultry farming

Below is a list of basic items need to start your farm.

• Feeders
• Waste disposal system
• Crates
• Brooders or heaters
• Good ventilation system
• Egg trays
• Incubators
• Cages
• Nests
• Waterers
• Lightening instruments
• Perches
• Coops

Growing chicks
Buying the chicks

After completing the structure, getting all the required equipment, what is next?
You need to get chicks to stock the farm and start growing them.
Purchase quality chicks from renowned breeders in your locality. Start with day old chicks and grow them overtime.

Much work is involved here. The least least mistake made here can actually ruin your business. Paying attention in raising your birds is very important

Once you’ve stocked your poultry farm structure with the chicks it is time to care for them by feeding them, providing them with adequate light and giving them the required medications for maximum protection.
Feeding is also cost intensive; it takes about 50% of your total project expenses.
Success in your poultry farm business depends on the quality of feeds you give your chicks.
Poultry feed can be prepared by self or bought from feed producers. If you are a beginner, it is recommended that you buy already made feed to save yourself the stress of preparing feed.

Health management

Managing your chicken’s health poultry means the following.

• Vaccinate them on time
• Provide fresh feed
• Provide fresh water
• Clean their house periodically

Sale and Marketing your products

The part of the market large amount of eggs should be supplied to are the industries that need eggs. They are bakeries, restaurants, boarding schools, home delivery food centers, retail shops and supermarkets.
Another part of the target market that will order poultry products in medium quantities are the homes that will require home deliver. Homes generally utilize eggs in the preparation of edibles like chicken burger, chicken pie, salads, Scotch egg, omelets, egg soup.

Now we would like to hear from you. Leave your comments below and let us discuss poultry farming in South Africa. Share some experiences with us if you are an existing farmer. Thanks for reading 😀

Disclaimer: This article originated from and compiled/edited by CMH for non-commercial use. Climax Media House is not Affiliated with the above site, for more info please do visit their site.


Useful Tips to running a small business in SA

To succeed in business today, you need to be flexible and have good planning and organizational skills. Many people start a business thinking that they’ll turn on their computers or open their doors and start making money, only to find that making money in a business is much more difficult than they thought.

You can avoid this in your business ventures by taking your time and planning out all the necessary steps you need to achieve success. Whatever type of business you want to start, using the following nine tips can help you be successful in your venture.


• Starting a business requires analytical thinking, determined organization, and detailed record-keeping.
• It’s important to be aware of your competition and either appropriate or improve upon their successful tactics.
• You’ll almost certainly end up working harder for yourself than you would for someone else, so prepare to make sacrifices in your personal life when establishing your business.
• Providing good service to your customers is crucial to gaining their loyalty and retaining their business.

1. Get Organized

To achieve business success you need to be organized. It will help you complete tasks and stay on top of things to be done. A good way to be organized is to create a to-do list each day. As you complete each item, check it off your list. This will ensure that you’re not forgetting anything and completing all the tasks that are essential to the survival of your business.

2. Keep Detailed Records

All successful businesses keep detailed records. By doing so, you’ll know where the business stands financially and what potential challenges you could be facing. Just knowing this gives you time to create strategies to overcome those challenges.

3. Analyze Your Competition

Competition breeds the best results. To be successful, you can’t be afraid to study and learn from your competitors. After all, they may be doing something right that you can implement in your business to make more money.

4. Understand the Risks and Rewards

The key to being successful is taking calculated risks to help your business grow. A good question to ask is “What’s the downside?” If you can answer this question, then you know what the worst-case scenario is. This knowledge will allow you to take the kinds of calculated risks that can generate tremendous rewards.

Understanding risks and rewards includes being smart about the timing of starting your business. For example, did the severe economic dislocation of 2020 provide you with an opportunity (say, manufacturing and selling face masks) or an impediment (opening a new restaurant during a time of social distancing and limited seating allowed)?

5. Be Creative

Always be looking for ways to improve your business and make it stand out from the competition. Recognize that you don’t know everything and be open to new ideas and different approaches to your business.

6. Stay Focused

The old saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day” applies here. Just because you open a business doesn’t mean you’re going to immediately start making money. It takes time to let people know who you are, so stay focused on achieving your short-term goals.

7. Prepare to Make Sacrifices

The lead-up to starting a business is hard work, but after you open your doors, your work has just begun. In many cases you have to put in more time than you would if you were working for someone else, which may mean spending less time with family and friends to be successful.

8. Provide Great Service

There are many successful businesses that forget that providing great customer service is important. If you provide better service for your customers, they’ll be more inclined to come to you the next time they need something instead of going to your competition.

9. Be Consistent

Consistency is a key component to making money in business. You have to keep doing what is necessary to be successful day in and day out. This will create long-term positive habits that will help you make money in the long run.

The Bottom Line

approximately 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first 10 years. Only 25% of new businesses make it to 15 years or more.1ďťż If you want to be among that 25%, rigorous attention to these nine tips is the smart way to get there.

Disclaimer: This article is courtesy of Santam, Compiled by CMH for non-commercial use. Please do visit their side for more information.


Top 10 useful apps for small businesses in South Africa.

As a small business owner, time is everything and budgets are no doubt always tight. Your smartphone or tablet is probably at your side 24 hours a day, which is why apps are becoming one of an entrepreneur’s best time and money-saving tools. As with anything, the key is whether it works well and is not just a download that gathers dust on your home screen between the weather and Angry Birds apps!

We’ve rounded up some of the most popular apps for the South African entrepreneur:

ACCOUNTING: claims they can make small business accounting easier and “fun”. You can see your real-time cash flow, do invoices and estimates, handle expenses, do pay runs, and much more.
Cost: 30-day free trial then $30/month (approximately R380/month) to send unlimited estimates and invoices.


Wave has many big companies on their books but they specifically target businesses with 9 employees or less, offering secure “accountant-approved” accounting tools. Create estimates and invoices, run reports, link bank accounts, and track your transactions. You can also take photos of receipts and track them in your expenses.
Cost: It’s 100% free.



If you travel a lot for business, TripIt will be an absolute lifesaver. The app lets you consolidate all your travel plans into a single master itinerary ¬– regardless of what website you used to purchase your ticket. You can check departure times, directions to the airport, and even weather reports. The app will notify you about any delays.
Cost: The basic app is free, but there is also a TripIt Pro version for $49 (R622) a year and a TripIt for Teams version for $29 (R348) a month (for up to 10 users).


TripLog is one of the most popular apps that help you track your mileage for SARS purposes. It automatically tracks mileage with MagicTrip™, or Auto Start when your phone is connected to Power or Bluetooth.
Cost: Free for 1 user with 5 cars, then from $10 (R127) a year.



Ever wished you had one place to save all the useful advice and ideas you are bombarded with every day? You might see a great billboard on the road or hear a great interview on the radio. Evernote is like a journal, allowing you to collect and store audio and video clips, photos, files, and notes in the cloud. You can share this with your employees and everyone can add their own notes in a central place.
Cost: The basic app is free; subscriptions to Evernote Premium are $5 (R63) per month.


Frustrated with a desk piled high with receipts? Expensify lets you take a photo of any slip of paper with your smartphone, then assign it to a trip, category, or client and save it. You can also link your credit/debit card to your Expensify account so that charges are directly placed on an expense report. The app works on all phones, including iPhone, Android, Blackberry, and Windows Phone, and on all desktops.
Cost: $5 (R63) per user per month.



Mailchimp is one of the most popular tools for e-mail marketing, helping you to easily create newsletters to send to your customers.
Cost: It’s free (with the Mailchimp branding on your e-mails) if you have less than 2000 subscribers and send up to 12,000 emails per month. If you want to personalize your emails, send more, or enjoy reporting tools such as how many people opened your email, then upgrade to a monthly or pay-as-you-go plan.


If you manage your own social media, Hootsuite is a great choice for scheduling posts in advance and having a dashboard of all accounts (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter) in one place.
Cost: The app is free; small-business plans start at $9.99 (R127) per month.



iKhokha is both an app and a great South African-made mobile Point of Sale (mPOS) system. When you join iKhokha as a merchant, you will get The Edge – a small compact card reader that plugs into your Apple or Android smartphone. Customers swipe their debit or credit cards to buy, input their PIN safely and pay for your product right there on the spot. As a merchant, you can also sell airtime.
Cost: There are once-off fees to buy and activate the reader; then fees for monthly rental and commission.


There are many mobile payment systems around (FlickPay, Zapper, VCPay, and Geopayments to name but a few), where a customer takes a photo of a QR code to pay instead of having to pay in cash. With Snapscan – powered by Standard Bank – a merchant can be up and running in just a few minutes. SnapScan can be used with any MasterCard and VISA credit or cheque card, as well as selected debit cards. It allows customers to pay for goods and services via their mobile phones by simply taking a photo of your Snapscan QR code or punching in the amount they need to pay. They are then notified either via SMS or their PoS system that the transaction was successful.

5 Bonus Apps you can use for your business

1. Canva: design marketing posts for social media and for print. It also comes with a free version
2. CamScanner: Scan any document into PDF for free
3. Spark: This is an alternative to Canva, if you like to use Adobe software, this app might be for you.
4. Quotation Maker: Create a professional quotation for your client and be shared it via Email or WhatsApp.
5. WhatsApp Bot: The last time I checked this app was only available on Android, it’s a great app to help you automate replies to new customers on Whatsapp.

Disclaimer: The original article is a courtesy of Santam, edited and compiled by Climax Media House for non-commercial use. CMH is not affiliated with Santam in any way, for more info on the original article, please visit their site.


Best free platforms to learn new skills in South Africa.

1. YouTube

Need to fix your sink? Or troubleshoot a problem on your phone? Maybe you want to pick up a skill like crochet or knitting? YouTube is an obvious go-to for many.
YouTube has thousands of creators that post content to the website every day, often teaching followers and subscribers skills like crochet, yoga, or even languages.

2. Memrise

Memrise is an app and website that teaches users languages for free. It uses native speakers and real-life scenarios to show people how to converse in a fluent and natural way. There are a total of 23 languages on Memrise—so whatever you want to learn, a course is probably waiting there for you to pick up.

3. Coursera

This is my personal favorite, Coursera partners with universities and colleges all over the world to deliver top-tier content and courses—all for free.
There is a wide range of in-depth courses for you to pick and choose from.

4. Alison

Alison is a free education site that offers courses on business, health, technology, and languages.
The website even gives your certification on certain skills, so you can show off your new skills to an employer.

5. Khan Academy

The Khan Academy is an incredible resource for anyone wanting to pick up a skill for free.
The website offers free tutoring on a number of topics, including Biology, English, and Math, and comes with simply-explained videos and work-through exercises.

6. Codecademy

Coding is one of those skills that makes anyone in the modern world instantly more employable.
You can learn how to code for free on Codecademy, which allows students to use follow the lessons and practice along live. It has a centralized dashboard for you to monitor your progress and lessons are organized into modules.

7. Ted Ed

Most people will be aware of Ted Talks which are often inspirational, educational, and thought-provoking.
Ted Ed is the educational arm of Ted Talks and contains videos to teach users about anything and everything. If you want to know about history, science, and even biology - Ted Ed will have a video to tell you what you want to know.

8. edX

edX is an online learning platform that offers courses from top universities like Stanford and MIT for free online.
The website was founded in 2012 and has developed to the point where students can even earn a bachelor's degree if they pick up enough credits.

9. SkillShare

SkillShare matches users together to share skills.
Say, for example, that you want to learn to tap dance, or want to learn how to cook.
If you have a skill to share, like a language or music, you can pair with someone looking for that skill and have them teach you in exchange.

10. CreativeLive

For those wanting to pick up creative skills like photography, design, and craft, CreativeLive is a great option. The website broadcasts free, live lessons on a range of topics—for no cost at all.

Disclaimer: This article is courtesy of and the article was compiled by Climax Media House for noncommercial use. CMH is not in any way affiliated with, for more information please visit their site.


Busines leader of the year. Congratulations to Mr Theo Baloyi Founder and CEO of Bathu.


Every year the tech world changes and grows, leading to a demand in new IT skills and jobs. The entire world changed drastically in 2020 due to the global pandemic which has led to a huge shift in the working world, from Zoom meetings to remote work. And with the job market being as competitive as ever, it is incredibly important to know what the top IT and tech skills are in order to secure the right role.
Knowing what the employers are looking for will enable candidates to gain those skills and stand out from the very saturated pool of candidates. So, here are the top 10 skills and tech skills for 2021/22 that you can develop.

We will cover top 10 platforms to learn and increase your skills on the next article. Enjoy 😊

1. IT Support

IT support has always been in demand and the need for it has increased even more recently due to the shift to remote working. The majority of businesses now have employees working from home, so it’s likely they will need extra support whilst doing so. Therefore, the need for those with IT Support skills is still going to be strong in 2021. There are numerous roles within IT support such as 1st line support, 2nd line support and many more.

2. Remote IT Jobs

Although remote working is not a skill in itself there is a set of skills required in order to work effectively on a remote basis. For example, you need to have excellent communications skills especially if you work in a team environment. Another key skill needed for remote work is being able to self-motivate as you won’t have your colleague/managers there to motivate you as you would in an office environment. The rise of remote working and remote jobs was slowly increasing over the years already, however, the lockdown due to the pandemic has catapulted this movement in the working world, and we can expect to see even more remote job vacancies.

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence which is also referred to as machine learning is in demand due to a lack of skilled professionals in the field. When there are not enough skilled professionals in a field, the demand for them is high which also means that the pay-packet is usually very good. AI has been around for a couple of years and it’s a skill that can be future-proofed, meaning that it is unlikely it will become outdated as some other skills in the future. So if you’re looking to enter a complex field which has an abundance of opportunities, give AI a go.

4. Cybersecurity

As with remote and IT support jobs, the pandemic has only pushed the need for individuals in cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is incredibly important to every business especially those dealing with customer data. With the risk of being fined millions if they have failed to set strong cybersecurity measures, businesses must ensure that they have professionals who are able to provide that security. According to research by Cybersecurity Professionals, there are predicted to be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs in the World by 2021. If are looking to take on a tech role, then Cybersecurity could be for you.

5. Project Management

According to a report by the Project Management Institute, there will be a demand for 88 million professionals for project management roles by the end of 2021. Project management can be an incredibly rewarding role to take on and the skills acquired are extremely valuable in uncertain times. For example, some of the key skills for project managers are leading and managing teams whilst staying focused on achieving the objectives set. These are skills which can be applied to a number of other roles should you ever wish to move away from project management in the future.

6. Software Development

The demand for software development is on the rise with the increasing use of mobiles, apps and technology in general. According to research by Stack Overflow, 75% of developers learn a new technology every year, meaning they are always developing their skills and growing their knowledge. This makes developers adaptable to change and allows them to keep their skills updated. This ensures job security, especially in an uncertain environment. If you are looking to get into software development then the most in-demand programming languages to learn are SQL and Java.
Find Software Development Jobs
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is still fairly new and the demand for professionals skilled in cloud computing is set to rise. With the new cloud technology such as Amazon Web Services coming into play, it pays to have the right skills for the job opportunities this creates. Businesses are also moving towards cloud solutions for its many benefits such as security and cost-effectiveness, therefore the demand for this skill is something that will likely rise in 2021. Cloud engineer vacancies saw growth of over 100% from 2016-2019 on Technojobs, which could be a good indicator of what we can expect in the future.

7. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

This again is a new area in tech that will likely explode in the upcoming years, as can already be seen by VT tech/hardware having record sales in 2020 according to Circuity Stream. AR/VR is already adopted in a number of industries such as entertainment (video games), advertising as well as education and health.

8. Data Science

Now more than ever because of technological developments in data collection, companies have an incredible amount of data which is a major benefit. However, it can also be overwhelming to make any sense of it. This is where data scientists come in, they look at the data and interpret it in order to make business decisions. A Future of Jobs report listed the role of Data Scientists as the most in-demand role by 2022.

9. Business Intelligence (BI) Analysis

BI Analysts are an integral part of companies looking to stay on top of competitors and be continuously developing and growing. They provide direction and focus by analysing data. A BI analyst will need to have skills such as Data Analysis, problem solving and communication.

10. UX and UI design

User experience (UX) design is the process design teams use to create products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. This involves the design of the entire process of acquiring and integrating the product, including aspects of branding, design, usability and function.

“User Experience Design” is often used interchangeably with terms such as “User Interface Design” and “Usability”. However, while usability and user interface (UI) design are important aspects of UX design, they are subsets of it – UX design covers a vast array of other areas, too. A UX designer is concerned with the entire process of acquiring and integrating a product, including aspects of branding, design, usability and function. It is a story that begins before the device is even in the user’s hands.

Disclaimer: This blog is a courtesy of Climax Media House, Climax Media House is not Affiliated with any link that may lead to different sites. This blog doesn’t serve as an official advice, please do more research before investing money into any of the above tips.


Stop saying “there’s already many of those out there”, when you believe in your idea, doesn’t matter who else is doing it. They are not you!


What’s that massive step you going to take this week for your dream ? Note it down, break it into realism goals and do it!!


3 simple but effective way to make tremendous moves:

1. Remind yourself of what you really want everyday.
2. Talk to yourself as though you talk to someone, tell yourself that you are capable until it sinks in.
3. When worry, anxiousness and fear creeps in, Pray! Prayer is the best way to speak peace into your heart and remain positive.


Check this out! How to build your focus


10 Side Hustle You Can Start Today In South Africa (Blog 001)

Looking to start a side hustle, but not sure what it should be? Here are 10 side hustle ideas for ways to earn a little extra income with not much hassle or fuss.

Whether you want to earn a bit of extra cash on the side or your aim is to eventually make your side hustle your full-time gig, here are some of the ways you can get started today, after hours, from your home. Ready? Let’s go!

10 side hustle ideas and how to make them happen:

1. Sell your preloved items online

From gently used clothes to furniture that’s taking up too much space or items that are getting dusty in your cupboards, there’s never been a better time to list them online. That’s right – sell them! Budgets are tight but people still enjoy shopping, and what you no longer want could be just the thing someone else is looking for.

How to make it happen:

Do some research into where your community is looking for goods online and the average prices that they’re selling at and start listing your stuff. Next, be sure to take clear, well-lit photos of your pieces. You want them to look as good as possible. There are dedicated marketplaces on Facebook that you can join and a host of sites, such as and where you can list your goods for free. Just remember to practice caution when making the exchange of cash for goods. Arrange to meet in a public space and don’t go alone if you can avoid it.

2. Take online surveys to earn extra income

This is something you can do in the mornings before you go to work, while you’re on your way to your day job (if you take public transport), and even just before you go to bed. All you need is a smartphone and some data.

How to make it happen:

Sign up to survey sites, such as Swagbucks, Survey Ju**ie and InboxDollars, and start giving your feedback. Brands are always researching their potential customer bases, testing new products and trying to figure out what you’re interested in (and what you don’t care about) – and they’re willing to pay you for your opinions: win-win!

3. Make lunches for people in your office block

If you’re a whizz in the kitchen this is something you can do in the evenings that will make you extra cash the next day.
Many people don’t enjoy making themselves lunch or they simply don’t have the time. If you work in an office park or a busy area during the day, you can pre-make healthy, hearty meals and then sell them during your lunch hour.

How to make it happen:

You’ll need a bit of upfront cash for ingredients and it’s worth asking people what they’d love to be eating for lunch, and then take it from there. Keep your packaging simple but pay attention to the presentation of your lunches – your customers are more likely to buy food that looks good. Once people know you’re doing this regularly, you might even score some pre-orders.

4. Watch online videos

That’s right – businesses will pay you to watch videos. The catch is that you won’t be watching your favourite movies or Youtube channels, but you’ll still be making money in your free time, and with a smartphone and some data, you can watch videos at any time, from anywhere (including a taxi!).
How to make it happen:
Sign up on a platform such as Swagbucks (that’s right, you’re already making cash taking surveys with them), make sure you have data or access to a steady internet connection, and get started! (Data is generally cheaper from midnight to dawn if you want to maximise your early mornings and travel time).

5. Become a translator

With 11 national languages, there are many opportunities to put your bilingual abilities to work in South Africa and make some extra money on the side.

How to make it happen:

Sign up on freelance platforms such as Upwork and Fiverr, list the languages you’re fluent in and start getting some experience. The more experience you have, the more you can charge. The great thing about freelance work is that you can do it after hours, so it’s the perfect side hustle if you still have a full-time job.

6. Become a voice-over artist

Television, radio, IVR (phone messages), news reading, radio presenting, documentary narrations, movie trailers, walk through games, boxing announcing and sport and traffic for radio. Because we have so many languages, there’s always a need for more Sesotho, isiXhosa, isiZulu, Setswana, Tshivenda voices.

How to make it happen:

Start reading out loud every opportunity you get, record yourself and become comfortable with your own voice. There are many voiceover artist studios across the country. All you need to do is record a demo, list yourself on their books and wait for work to roll in.

7. Bake up a storm

People love hand-made and gourmet baked products, but most of us aren’t very good at making cakes and cupcakes for special occasions that taste good and look amazing! If this is one of your skills, maybe it’s time to make some extra cash from it?

How to make it happen:

Set up a page, let your friends and family know what you’re doing and start baking! You’ll need to buy some ingredients and think about themed cakes and cupcakes, but other than that, nothing is holding you back! You can find some great ideas online, and make sure you take well-lit photos of all of your creations to post on your social media account.

8. Sewing and alterations

You’d be amazed how many people no longer have this skill. If you’re handy with a sewing machine and know how to make basic alterations to clothing, this could be the side hustle for you.

How to make it happen:

Use social media and word of mouth to let your friends and family know that you’re open for business and ask them to let their wider circles know as well. Everyone has clothes, which means everyone in your community is a potential customer.

9. Become a driver

If you’ve got your own set of wheels this is a great side gig because you can drive people around or deliver food after hours. Food deliveries in particular have picked up and you can control your own schedule.

How to make it happen:

Apply to join one of the many food delivery or ridesharing services in South Africa. Visit their websites to make sure you meet the minimum requirements and then hit the road!

10. Save and invest in your future

Yes, this one isn’t exactly an extra income earner, but it’s an excellent way to build a better future for yourself and your family. To get started, try to save at least 5% of your income every month (more if you’ve launched one of the side hustles ideas we’ve mentioned), and try to grow this up to eventually put 20% into savings and investments.

How to make it happen:

Start a GoalSave today with TymeBank. GoalSave is a powerful savings tool that you can activate when you open an EveryDay account with TymeBank.


This blog is a courtesy of TymeBank, Climax Media House is not Affiliated with TymeBank. Please do consult with the original blog for more information. This blog doesn’t serve as an official advice, please do more research before investing money into any of the above tips.


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