Hearts and Healing

Hearts and Healing

Become everything of who you are made to be. Discover who you are and be authentic. Experience reconnection, recovery and restoration.

We offer Therapeutic coaching, Counselling, Pastoral counselling, Ecometric Assessments and more.


Hunt for wisdom, leave no rock unturned to find wisdom
For wisdom is better than rubies; And all the things that may be are not to be compared to it (Proverbs 8:11-12).


We've opened a new office to bring Hearts and Healing closer to you 🙂


What does it mean to "take offense"? It means that we need to improve on our personal boundaries. When our boundaries are healthy they allow us to be selective about what we take to heart. Do you hear the words "take to heart" and "take offense" are about taking. When we take something from someone it is our choice to do so or to not do so.
Being easily offended means that a process of strengthening your inner self is a necessity towards transformation. Setting healthy boundaries is a process of being set free from the heaviness of taking offense - taking on that which does not belong inside you. How do we do it? Take a moment to contact us. We are here to help you to build yourself up to become who you are.
Shake off the dust and fly.


There's a quote I find profound: 'God is not to be explained; He is to be experienced' - Hugh Palmer. He goes on to say that we are each a 'living book.' We've all heard the expression or faced the question: What's your story?

In my journey, I've developed a deep appreciation for the idea that the true worth of an experience goes beyond the events or circumstances that unfold. It's about the lens through which I choose to perceive, interpret, and harness those experiences—their value defining my life. Life, as we all know, often unfolds beyond our control. Yet, where we hold agency is in how we respond to and navigate through these events. My attitudes, perspectives, and actions, I've learned, play a profound role in shaping the impact and meaning of my experiences.

Taking ownership of my responses and actions has allowed me to transform adversity into opportunity. It's a belief that the true value of our experiences lies not in the events themselves but in how we interpret, learn from, and act upon them. Who I am is not an explanation.

To experience what Hearts and Healing can do for you, please send an email or WhatsApp message to us. Our approach is fully client-focused; we cannot answer phone calls while in session. You are important, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Want to Boost Your Inner Confidence? - Hearts and Healing 01/10/2023


Want to Boost Your Inner Confidence? - Hearts and Healing Confidence acts as a catalyst that enables you to explore your abilities, express your thoughts and feelings, and take risks. There are a variety of strategies, ways of thinking, patterns of behaviour, and practical tips for improving your life and feeling better about yourself. But they’re all re...


We can help 😊 If only you contact us. Check this out 😁 I find it contagious 😁Let me know what you think - it's the first time I created a video clip.


A course for anyone, wherever you find yourself in life.

Click on the LinkedIn link


It takes the whole family to be a whole family. It takes one to make a booking. Confidential individual sessions to begin with. Let's begin. Highly specialized assessment tools.


Subject Choice Time
It's that time of the year to make that very important decision, and in education, subject choices can be influenced by various factors, including an individual's personality type, thinking traits, and work values. While these factors may not solely determine subject choices, they can play a role in shaping preferences and interests.
Personality Type: This can influence the subjects that individuals find appealing or enjoyable.
Thinking Trait: This can influence how individuals approach and process information, which may affect their subject choices.
Work Values: Refer to the personal beliefs and preferences individuals have regarding their work and career. These values can influence subject choices that align with their envisioned future professions.
It's important to note that these factors serve as general guidelines, and subject choices are highly personal and can be influenced by a combination of factors. It's advisable for students to explore their interests, seek guidance, and consider their long-term goals when making subject choices.
We can assist in making better-informed decisions regarding subject choices for the next year 2024. Leave a message on Whatsapp 0825214164 or email us at [email protected] for further information and/or to book your appointment.


GIFT YOUR CHILD a special assessment with HUMAN FEEDBACK, similar to what we offer adults and corporates. Envision the positive impact on your child's development and well-being. Virtual or face-to-face, English or Afrikaans. Ranging from Senior Primary (CFI-SPrim) onwards.

For example, the CFI-SPrim determines:
-to what extent your child still wants to achieve,
-whether your child is still satisfied with his/her circumstances,
-if your child’s future expectations are realistic,
-to what extent your child is experiencing frustration, stress, and helplessness,
-and of self-image to what extent your child may suffer from feelings of fear, guilt and worthlessness,
-how traumatized your child might be with regard to stigma, memory loss, mistrust, attitude towards adults, body-image, etc.,
-and what the strength of your child’s relationships are.


The first organ to develop from the embryo is the heart which has a brain that acts independently of the cranial brain – to learn, remember, and even feel and sense. What is the current state of your emotional wellbeing?


Are you wondering about and questioning your current emotional functioning?

Hearts and Healing - Therapy, Coaching & Assessments | Cape Town Our aim is to help you with Emotional healing and growth in emotional intelligence (EI/EQ). We also offer Ecometric Assessments and more.


Here is the link https://heartsandhealing.com/book-appointment/ if you choose to book an appointment


Facing challenges and obstacles while parenting presents valuable opportunities to enhance and develop your parenting skills. Parenting is undoubtedly demanding and time-consuming, yet investing time in it brings you closer to nurturing creativity. For instance, it involves effectively communicating your expectations to your children and making them aware of the consequences, both positive and negative, that result from their behavior. This fosters their understanding that certain rules and regulations within your household are not meant to be disregarded.


Discover solace and renewal in our heart-centered healing space, nurturing your emotional well-being and personal growth. Take active steps towards development and well-being.

Re-Discovering Awe (Part 3) - Hearts and Healing 24/05/2023


Re-Discovering Awe (Part 3) - Hearts and Healing Above all, awe, a profound and often forgotten emotion, invites us to pause, reconnect, and embrace the extraordinary in our everyday experiences. Let us embark on a fresh exploration of awe, delving into its essence and the remarkable benefits it bestows upon us. Awe, defined as an overwhelming sen...


Have you become the word/words that have been spoken over you? Are they collecting dust "cos God didn't come through for you"?


A helpful metaphor I created now. What's yours? Mine is "A life lacking healthy boundaries is like a building lacking walls".




How are you feeling?
Physically- Intellectually- Emotionally- Spiritually?


Technology can be awesome! We provide ONLINE SESSIONS. And, today I'm in Croatia available ONLINE. Hello to all in Cape Town!

Hearts and Healing - Therapy, Coaching & Assessments | Cape Town 21/10/2021

BE HEARD for a change. FREE support for you. I'm in training as a Peer Recovery Specialist and have some hours of practical left to certify. Contact me at www.heartsandhealing.com

Hearts and Healing - Therapy, Coaching & Assessments | Cape Town Our aim is to help you with Emotional healing and growth in emotional intelligence (EI/EQ). We also offer Ecometric Assessments and more.


Are you in a process of recovery and wish someone would HEAR YOU AS YOU ARE and support you in it?


If you want FREE Peer Recovery Specialist support contact me; I have only 20 hours practical left to certify.


Are you trying to no longer do what you were doing yet battling alone to STOP it?


Learn how to conquer your fear of saying 'No' to discover freedom


How has 'rehab' worked for you or loved ones?

Videos (show all)

We can help 😊 If only you contact us. Check this out 😁 I find it contagious 😁Let me know what you think - it's the first...
