I Need Help

I Need Help

We help families in need


This Spring and Summer Season of 2023 – 2024, iNeedHelp NPO is engaging in an Environmental and Community Outreach Program in KwaZulu-Natal that involves environmentalists, agriculturalists, farmers and hobbyist gardeners who want to get into the spirit of sharing their love for nature.

The programme involves local plant growers (of any level) to engage via our platform to by help each other in sharing; seeds, cuttings, plants, spores and other easily growable plant organisms,

The primary aim of the project is towards growing biodiversity and promoting a permaculture approach to small scale farming and domestic gardening / landscaping.

Our secondary objective of the project is to promote and showcase the simplicity of sustainable living, and how easy, cost free it can be to grow one’s own vegetable, fruit and basic food supplies with few resources.

There are NO COSTS or FEEs to get involved in the project, all you need is a few plants, cuttings or seeds to trade with others. Members of the project will converse with each other via our dedicated campaign WhatsApp Group and discuss which plants or seedlings they wish to exchange with who and for what in return they would like to receive in the way of plants. There will be facilitated meetups arranged by iNeedHelp NPO, where members will meet at central planting locations and farms across the City to exchange plants.

Join Plant Exchange WhatsApp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/H7nOJafRlh0GSzGEWQb9Az

*members will be vetted / screened for safety of all participants

KZN Women’s Day Donation Drive 2023 – iNeedHelp! | Non-Profit Organization 11/09/2023

KZN Women’s Day Donation Drive 2023 – iNeedHelp! | Non-Profit Organization We Need Your Help pulling off an ambitious charity campaign this Woman's Month in KwaZulu-Natal!!! iNeedHelp Non-Profit Organization will be collecting donations and raising funds for Women in need across KZN.

Win this Women’s Month in KZN with iNeedHelp NPO – iNeedHelp! | Non-Profit Organization 04/09/2023

Our Women's Month Competition is still open until 15 September to allow all the ladies out there in need a fair chance to enter.
Fill in our survey and stand a chance to win a care package of donations. See link for more info.

Win this Women’s Month in KZN with iNeedHelp NPO – iNeedHelp! | Non-Profit Organization Stand a chance to Win a Parcel of; food, groceries, toiletries and essential items for women in need across KZN this Women's Month in The iNeedHelp NPO Donation Drive


I Need Help needs you assistance; pulling off an ambitious charity campaign this Woman’s Month in KwaZulu-Natal!!!
🚺 https://ineedhelp.org.za/kzn-womens-day-donation-drive-2023/

iNeedHelp Non-Profit Organization will be collecting donations and raising funds for Women in need across KZN - please see the link to make your contribution 🙏


I Need Help's Community Hero, Zanel Allison is at it again; collecting donations and raising funds for people and animals in need. Make sure to support the iNeedHelp movement and make a pledge to contribute towards a cause that's close to your heart!

www.iNeedHelp.org.za - Giving Back By Paying It Forward!

KZN Women’s Day Donation Drive 2023 – iNeedHelp! | Non-Profit Organization 18/08/2023

Get involved and make your contribution in the I Need Help Women's Month Donation Drive for KwaZulu-Natal!

KZN Women’s Day Donation Drive 2023 – iNeedHelp! | Non-Profit Organization We Need Your Help pulling off an ambitious charity campaign this Woman's Month in KwaZulu-Natal!!! iNeedHelp Non-Profit Organization will be collecting donations and raising funds for Women in need across KZN.


This August, I Need Help has been active and busy with community outreach, collecting donations and items for handouts to people in need.
Take a watch and see our recent charity drive for King Edward Psychiatric Ward in Durban and see what we have in store ahead for the rest of August and September!


Happy heritage day
To all our south African followers!

May you braai and smile
And remember you are enough , you are loved
And your mental health will never be greater than what you can handle ♡
GOD doesn't make mistakes beautiful soul's ♡


Can humans learn from the past?

Some people might learn from some of their mistakes BUT the historic record shows that Humanity does not learn from its mistakes, Humanity does not learn from its past.

No one is immune to making mistakes – we are human, after all! But if we simply apologize and carry on as before, we're in danger of repeating the same errors. When we don't learn from our mistakes, we inflict unnecessary stress on ourselves and on others, and we risk losing people's confidence and trust in us

Reflect but don't get lost in your mind about what your past was .
It's hard to believe when we can't see the light that there is a future but promise you now after the mountain there is always a more beautiful sunrise.

Photos from I Need Help's post 02/09/2022

"Be great in small ways.
This September

WAYS TO REMAIN positive and stay focused on the goals you have set out :

Writing 100 words today doesn’t seem worthwhile when you see people publishing bestsellers.

Exercising for 10 minutes doesn’t seem valuable when you see world records posted on Instagram.

But winning the next 10 minutes is its own form of greatness.

People are so busy wishing for more time and better resources that they fail to make the most of the time and resources they have. Be great in small ways and you may be surprised by what you've achieved within a year or two."

Best thing I have to say have helped is talk to people who truly understand
You are not alone !!
May your next season be Blooming !!!♡



- REMAIN KIND & know that so many are in the struggle with you , just reach out !! You are not alone - Take off the headphones and make those friendship calls ♡ .

Here's a few Feel good songs when you feel like you Needing hope on those hopeless night's:




Never Forget those who checked on you ♡
-♡Give heart & Give LOVE ❤


Tips &Tricks


Happy Mandela Day! 🇿🇦 🇿🇦

No matter how small your action, Mandela Day is about changing the world for the better, just as Nelson Mandela did every day! How will you be spending your Mandela Day? 🇿🇦


What to do when your not happy with your career?
The five steps you need to take to revise your career to something better are these:

#1 - Step Back for an empowered perspective of who you are and what you're capable of.
#2 - Let Go – of the thinking, patterns and behaviors that keep you stuck.
#3 - Say YES! .to never hobbies , ideas of income
#4 - Explore it and try it on.
#5 - Create it S.M.A.R.T.


The art of "Gaslighting "
And surviving from it .

Don't risk your mental health worrying about that Guy or Girl taking you for granted .
Read up on " Gaslighting "
The art form of a new natural love language

Gaslighting happens when an abuser tries to control a victim by twisting their sense of reality. An example of gaslighting would be a partner doing something abusive and then denying it happened. Gaslighters may also convince their victims that they're mentally unfit or too sensitive

Can gaslighting cause PTSD?
Gaslighting may lead a person to develop mental health concerns. The constant self-doubt and confusion can contribute to anxiety. A person's hopelessness and low self-esteem may lead to depression. Posttraumatic stress and codependency are also common developments.

The long-term effects of gaslighting may include anxiety, depression, trauma, and low self-esteem. Gaslighting often appears in abusive relationships but also takes place in other contexts. People from marginalized groups are especially vulnerable.

Below are some common gaslighting phrases, as highlighted by some professionals:

Stop being so sensitive.
That never happened.
Your mind seems off, you need help.
Why can't you take a joke?
Why are you always so angry?
Why can't you let go of the past?
Stop exaggerating it wasn't that bad

Here are eight tips for responding and taking back control.
First, make sure it's gaslighting.
Take some space from the situation.
Collect evidence.
Speak up about the behavior.
Remain confident in your version of events.
Focus on self-care.
Seek professional support
Involve other's

Understand that it's okay if you have done it , it's okay if you fallen victim to this narcissistic technique but just know that knowledge is power see the warning signs, learn and keep growing &healing - YOU CAN DO THIS!!♡
don't be a fool


Su***de warning signs ♡
○Kay to be n○t ○Kay.
But n○t ○Kay to leave the room to soon♡

Help th○se around you !
Stay alert & Let's help save lives♡




With every single step, they move closer to the goal, while building confidence each step of the way (creating momentum). Furthermore, Leaders must be able to focus on one thing at a time (see week 4). Once you have seen success, move onto another thing. Following through is important

Here are some Links if anyone is every feeling like those steps are getting to much -

For marriage counselling, please connect with either City Hill Hillcrest on : [email protected]

For grief : www.griefshare.org to find groups / online meetings.

For trauma counselling please connect www.traumacleansing.co.za

: if we needing to add on any links to list please feel free to also reach out for posting arrangements ♡

>>>Please know you are not alone♡>


Count to 5 ....
When we weren't dealing with stress and anxiety it took a different name and form .

But this is a great way to start your grounding and find your footing because the reality is
Taking 5 min a day to yourself isn't illegal , Sadly it's actually needed .

Hi5 in the mirror or even
just a 5min Hug from your friend's .
5min is enough time to make a distinction to change your life once and for all ♡


To the girl who moved away from her family...

Some days you feel independent and loved and other days you feel forgotten and confused!
Nobody said it would be emotionally and physically hard on you, but nobody said it was easy!
These times help us grow into strong woman, but the process can come in waves!
The phone calls, texts, Facebook posts, and FaceTiming can only do so much on the days you need advice, you need a hug, or you just need someone to vent to. You feel like you start to forget their voices, and they’re living happily without you
All the birthdays, and holidays you miss, and their fun family photos to follow that you aren’t in, and some days you wish you could drop everything and go back. You wish you could just fly home, you wish you could hug your dad, mom, sister, all family. You wish your dad would lecture you one more time, you and your mom could go get coffee and talk, your sister would have a sleepover with you and you were just present..

But the hard thing about all of this, is there is no going back. You are here to grow, you are here to provide for your family now, you are here to remember all the family moments and cherish them as much as you can, and never take any moment for granted when you see them next.
Some days I’m in my bathroom breaking down, and some days I miss my families calls cause I’m so busy enjoying life. It comes in waves but when it hits just remember:
they didn’t leave you, they’ll always be there &
It’s okay to miss home, it misses you
Open your Bible & find the Word's to the answers you are craving On the daily ♡
You are not alone k? ♡
Feel free to DM us

New Christian Worship Songs 2019 With Lyrics - Best Christian Gospel Songs Lyrics Playlist 14/06/2022

The Playlist you listen to ...

May we ask you think of adjusting it ♡
Because even when you sad
Your songs don't have to be
Uplift yourself.
Find encouragement in the words of music and don't get roped into breaking yourself more down.
That dark head space is a dangerous place - iNeedHelp! we understand you.

And we want to make sure you know you are worthy of everything and more keep believing
And keep pushing- IN THE END IT IS WORTH IT .
FIND THAT LITTLE LIGHT AND KEEP FORGIVING THOSE WHO HAVE CAUSED YOU trauma that's the first part of any healing journey- FORGIVING yourself and those around you ♡


New Christian Worship Songs 2019 With Lyrics - Best Christian Gospel Songs Lyrics Playlist New Christian Worship Songs 2019 With Lyrics - Best Christian Gospel Songs Lyrics Playlist▽ Follow "Christian Worship Lyrics"➞Subscribe for More: https://go...


Tips for Letting Go of Emotional Baggage
If you have identified that your emotional baggage is holding you back, here are some ideas on what to do about it.

Ask yourself what actually is causing your pain. Sometimes we aren’t aware of the real issues; we need to get curious. For this young man, it was the growing realisation that he felt abandoned and missed the relationship with his father, as he got up close and personal with a more functional family. Once we understand what the cause is, we can start to decide on the next step.
Learning to sit with the pain, grief, anger and sadness. This is an important step towards coping and building our ability to move through the situation. Acknowledge the feeling and accept that it’s okay to feel like that. Too often we try and bury it, or brush it away. That only works for a little while and after time it just builds up. Learn to notice the emotion and allow yourself time to breathe slowly through it, noticing it touching the physical area where it hurts.

Acknowledge the pain and then remind yourself that you will get through this.
Identify whether there is something that you can do to resolve the situation. Often we talk about letting things go (which is the next point) but sometimes we need to actually see whether there is something that can be done to change what has happened. Again this young man recognised he couldn’t just keep getting angry but needed to find out further information so found the courage to have a conversation with his father.

This can be a difficult step. It can take time to work through this, and you may want to seek professional help.
Learn to let it go. Sometimes holding on to things can feel comfortable because it’s a familiar habit. We think holding on will keep those who have caused the pain to feel punished, when in reality it is us who is being held prisoner. Letting go doesn’t mean we forget. It means that it doesn’t control us or influence our behaviour anymore. Our thinking patterns are a key part in this, so learning to notice our thoughts and challenging those that keep us tied to the past, is going to help us move forward.

It's never easy .
It's the hardest thing to harvest and understand your emotional baggage
But unpacking it one for one
Dealing to heal
One by one
That's when you will truly attive victory and be happier and healthier ❤


Anyone in Durban needing a reliable rehabilitation center get intouch with this amazing team now .



We are living in tough times and people keep dying from GUNSHOT wounds. Some of this deaths can be stopped.

A lot of these people die because of bleeding, and not necessarily organ damage.

This article handles GUNSHOT wounds on the Chest and Stomach. The next article will be on the legs and arms.

1) If the patient is conscious, let him lie down in the most comfortable position. If he is unconscious, lay him down in a way that exposes the wound.

2) DO NOT TRY TO REMOVE THE BULLET: this will only worsen the bleeding.

3) Apply Pressure: You can use your hands, or even your knee to prevent blood flow. Forget about the pain and save his life. Pain hardly kills, but bleeding does.

4) If the wound is on the Chest, block it with plastic. This is to prevent air from collapsing the lungs

5) If any internal organs are exposed, try not to touch them with your hands. ❌❌❌

6) Do not waste time taking pictures, every second wasted takes the victim closer to death 📵📵📵

7) Try to keep the legs lower than the rest of the body. This so increase blood flow to the legs, thus reducing blood flow to the affected area.

😎 If patient stops breathing, administer mouth to mouth breathing. If the heart stops beating, carry out chest compressions.

9) Get to a hospital ASAP.

By Better Health

Share widely, you may save a life changing moments in time


Stand a chance to win Big!






Proud 👏 🥲 keep on pushing on


Sadly true


Zan -theOneAndONLY has made this video in her attempt to show all those That have tried taking their lives ... that we are happy you are all here still surviving ❤

You are truly never alone.
Please always know you can reach out and there will be help for you .

Stay strong and keep pushing
Have Hope in a better tomorrow we beg you

we help


We need to normalize men calling men crying ×××

Dont EVER Be ashamed to send a message like this. Friends are friends for a reason - and if they’re a true mate, they’ll listen and support you through the tough times 💛

If you ever get a message like this from a mate, please be there for them - you never know what they might be going through 🙌🏻

And you never know when you might need their support either 💛

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