ATAS is formulated as a structure that serves to support Artists in various ways.


Good Day Colleaques

Kindly note that ATAS Chairperson Pastor Thivha Lidzhade together with Huli Mbambale (CEO) would be live today on SABC Radio Phalaphala FM talking about ATAS functions and Craft Project Compentition.

Details are as follows:

Time: 17:15
Show: Dzia Orowa

Thank you

ATAS Board


A very Good Morning to Everyone.

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of you back as we get fully geared to work.

Receive this as a formal welcome from The ATAS Board to the year 2022. This is a year to grow and to stretch our walls in order to excel in our respective fields.

Like any other organization, as ATAS grows we will implements new ideas and action changes within the organization with one goal in mind - To improve the level professionalism and services rendered from the Board to its members bers. I will communicate further all protocol steps and additions made to our day to day operational structure.

So many developments are up our sleeves and one of them is The ATAS website which is almost up and running - I did say we need to stretch our walls right ?! We are on the right track.

We would like congratulate all members who have diligently, without fail paid in their monthly contributions in the year 2021 - Thank you. We are also still open to receive new members.

For any suggestions or any matter that might need our attention as the board, please feel free to email me on [email protected] or call/whatsapp me on 0796073002.

Thank you.

Boitumelo Sejeng (Tumi B)
ATAS Secretary General


As we are heading towards bidding farewell to our brother ; please take note the below updates/changes.


Updated Media Statement🙏


FYA & FYI, one of our members passed away on Saturday the 18th of December 2021.

Please see information below.

May his soul Rest in peace.


As ATAS; We are an artist support organisation which seeks to enhance and display constant motivation within our vast Arts sector.

Are you an Artist? ATAS is your home.


ATAS is behind you to make your journey memorable as you focus more on your craft.