Kim Slater Designs

Kim Slater Designs

Happy creative living in Cape Town with a passion for art, design, colour, decor, conscious spaces, nature, exploring, travel and being a mom x

Artist, picture framer, free diver, mother, creator, eco-warrior, sister, aunty and friend. My inspiration: the potency of Mother Nature inspires me on all levels of my life journey.

Photos from Kim Slater Designs's post 19/06/2024

It's been an interesting week where a slow trickle of important info has come my way from people in my fanclub that really care for me and my success.

Important feedback such as:

" Kimbo, on your Instagram page, I can't really see that you offer a picture framing service. . ."

and then,

" Can I be honest? From your social media, I can't really tell that you have artwork to sell, yet when I come into your studio there is so much art around!"

And finally, from an inspiring fellow Instagrammer called Amy whose IG handle is called:
She asks " Why are you making the most incredible pieces of art; why are you creating these spectacular creations and then promoting it by posting it on your stories once? You're an artist, you put your whole soul into this creation...." etc etc
(Definitely worth listening to her full reel on this . . . She's wearing a blue jumper)

So, back to the moral of the story:

Hi, my name is Kim. I am an artist and picture framer with an art studio and framing workshop based in Salt River, Cape Town.
I have original art in various mediums and cyanotype prints to sell, and can assist you with custom made frames for your artworks you want to take to that next level for your home or business environment.

Contact me via email or social media to arrange a time to come through to view my art, or for a framing consultantation.

A welcome coffee or tea is always on the cards ๐Ÿ˜„

Photos from Kim Slater Designs's post 15/06/2024

It's mid June . . .do you know what that means?

That means it's been just over a whole year since I opened up my little framing workshop.

I have loved every step of walking back into this world of framing precious art pieces.

And a huge thanks to every person that has partnered with me:
from my origins at Kingsbridge Art in London, to the Italo's Deli team and my sister Kerry for planting the seed, Joe Vermaak for retraining me, Chris from Bug & Bear for saving my inexperienced a** when my machines got glitchy, Jean-Pierre Duchenne & the ever magnificent Manette Lambrechts for pointing me in the right direction for suppliers and tips of the trade, my fabulous suppliers Serame Mouldings Cape Town. Dr Lisa Kane and the Start Finishing groups of 2023 and 2024 for their moral support, Alexander Dino Nikiforou Nikiforou for being such a generous landlord and friend, Sattva Yoga Gear for being the best studio-mate, and very importantly Luke Nikiforou for being my other best studio mate, driver, mover, lifter and best son EVERRR,

AND . . .

The cherry on the cake and top award goes to . . . (Drum roll)

To all the fabulous humans who have walked up those 26 stairs with artworks under their arms, entrusting me to take their artwork to the next level. It has been a true honour.
Every coffee, every consultation session chatting through what you want, deciding on mouldings together and finally handing over the finished product has been the best.

I have truly loved being back in this industry. It has challenged me, inspired me, supported me.

And I have you all to thank.

Deep bow to you all in gratitude.


While (literally) waiting for glue to dry, there's nothing like creating a flat lay of beautiful colours for my 'purple phase'.

Purple has to have some time in the sun! A time to shine!
She gets such a bad rap swinging from one extreme representation to the other: sexual frustration on the one side with spiritual enlightenment on the other.

But this rich jewel tone is the beautiful combination of my two favourite colours: red and blue!

What's not to love!

Oh, and of course, a shout out to for creating the delicious colourwheel mousepad displaying a rapturous collection of purples!

Photos from Kim Slater Designs's post 31/05/2024

How funky are these templates on Instagram where you can drop in your artwork on any item!?!

What do you think?

I've always dreamed of this, but maybe it's time . . .

Photos from Kim Slater Designs's post 27/05/2024

It was August 2001, a month before I gave birth to my greatest creation , I was on maternity leave.

My fabulous mum was sitting next to me at the smallest dining room table ever giving me botanical painting classes over my enormous belly!

I have just found a pack of paintings we did together. This one is of a Gasteria succulent which I still have growing happy and free in garden and in various pots.

Such a special journey back to that precious time.

in time

Photos from Kim Slater Designs's post 23/05/2024

Hey heyyyy, this gorgeous Lindsay Gay Page-Macdonald Art is framed! I'm super happy with the double frame that I suggested.

My client is an 83 year old woman with a leaning towards classical decor style and a love for colour, so a contemporary frame would not have suited her home BUT could have definitely been another framing option.

Happy ๐Ÿ˜Š


Unbelievable colour nuances. Stopped me in my tracks!
Hydrangeas in bloom.


Another part of this planet that I find truly fascinating.


The Smitswinkel Bay Baboon Biennale was a wonderful success!
I sold art, bought art, chatted to artists, hugged artists . . . You know, the usual ๐Ÿ™ƒ
There nothing like being part of an exhibition to remind me that I'm not alone on my artistic quest.


Jeepers!!! Already a year since the 'big' day of completing my picture framing course in Johannesburg in 2023.

I have learnt SO much, and made so many fabulous mistakes that have helped me fine tune this trade.

And I still love it!

I am so grateful that I had the experience of working in a framing shop in my mid 20's which sparked the love, then worked for a high end kitchen design company in my late 30's and also come from a long line of furniture makers on both sides of my ancestral line. My love for creativity with wood is deeply instilled in my heart.

Onwards with gratitude x



On the 19th of May a wonderful collective of artists will be exhibiting their work in Smitswinkel Bay. . . me being one of them :)

10% of the proceeds will go to Baboon Habitat restoration on the Cape Point Nature Reserve.

It would be wonderful to see you!

P.S. Bring your cozzie . . . will make the trail down the hill all the more appealing. That Smits beach is divine!


Happy happy birthday Sandy Wands, Petal Lady!

This cappuccino is in honour of you, and the beautiful life you lived and fought to shine in. You're shining now in our memories of you.

Your favourite cake. Our last place we had a cappuccino together. Our shared love of plants. Our passion for art, colour, detail, the ocean, our family, our friends.

I really miss you today.

Photos from Kim Slater Designs's post 08/05/2024

Studio stories.

Every item in this studio space has been consciously kept as it adds value, has a memory, a special connection with an experience, a time past or a special Hyman or animal that has crossed my path. And some cases, it simply sparks joy ๐Ÿ˜Š

I'm sentimental that way.

I love reworking my studio stories until they feel right.
It's a real feeling of peace when it works.

Happy Wednesday, beautiful people!


While studying Graphic Design in my far distant 20's, I was severely reprimanded by an irate lecturer that red and purple are not allowed to go together.

My garden objects to that statement . . . Obviously, an opinion and not fact!
How gorgeous?!?

Of course, I didn't take him seriously at the time, which didn't go down well.
But those times are long gone.

Nature is my inspiration. Simple.



The gorgeous-ness of magenta, hot pink, quinacridone red is calling me ๐Ÿ˜

And surprise . . . after having to clean my studio for the floor painting exercise, I found my favourite pink palette!


Each of us starts out as a small bud of a life to be lived. This replays day after day when a bud of daily opportunity opens with each new sunrise. Will you take the time to stop and smell the rose once it blooms? Or is your life a race to be won?

Just a bit of philosophical banter on this gorgeous Cape autumn afternoon ๐Ÿ˜Š

Happy Fri-yay, beautiful peeps # # #


Picking up a painting that I started in June 2023.

My reference: an underwater 9 block collage of my underwater photography taken over the prior 2 years.

It's so interesting how I can't force a painting. Today was the perfect day to carry on, and I'm loving the process and colour combinations.

So often, when I have had that mindtalk that says, " You call yourself an artist? Well, you better start f* #$ing painting!", and I do, and it's a complete disaster!

Taking the time to breath into an artwork is a real gift I am so grateful for.

Happy Fri-yay beautiful people!


What a team! Creative collaborations with amazing human beings!

Angelo (left) and Patrick (right) are an incredible team to work with, and provide a free space for local creators to hang their art. Only condition is that 10% of all sales are to to to a charity of the artist's choice.

Thanks to these wonderful humans, my cyanotype prints were on display and sold, and R1745.00 has been donated to PDSA (People's Dispensory for Sick Animals).

My linocut of Angus is a gift to the PDSA in gratitude for the enormous part they play in the world of animals in need.


Is now in action!

If you didn't manage to get to Italo's Deli & Bistro for my cyanotype exhibition, and still want to see the collection, give me a call.

All the works at my studio in Salt River, Cape Town and are available for purchase.

P.S. I make incredible coffee :)


What an amazing week of training up on picture framing with . Thank you Joe!

Intensive, serious, attention to detail training!

Loved it!


Huge thank to Julia for sharing how beautifully this abstract artwork looks now that it is beautifully framed and in her home in Germany!


Free diving in False Bay in winter is always a glorious experience. You've got to be prepped with post dive clothes, warm drinks and Ug Boots BUT the winter upwellings of crystal clear waters can result in the most interesting creatures floating in.

Today's dive was like swimming though blue bubble-tea. These jelly like salps are extraordinary organisms.

I love this pic. A backdrop of cold water kelp with a little community of salps.

Thanks to Wikipedia: "A salp (plural salps, also known colloquially as โ€œsea grapeโ€) or salpa (plural salpae or salpas[2]) is a barrel-shaped, planktic tunicate. It moves by contracting, thereby pumping water through its gelatinous body, one of the most efficient examples of jet propulsion in the animal kingdom.[3] The salp strains the pumped water through its internal feeding filters, feeding on phytoplankton."

Photos from Kim Slater Designs's post 20/03/2023

Re-jig of cyanotype prints yesterday at the charming Italo's Deli.
New works up on the walls.....all those sold are down to go to their special homes.
Thanks to everyone for their support.

Italo's generosity is unbelievable. They take nothing for this art wall exhibition, but instead, the artist gets to choose a charity where 10% of all sales gets donated.
My choice: PDSA (People's Dispensory for Sick Animals).

Huge thanks to Angelo, Patrick, Eddie and all their staff for their incredible support!

P.S. if you're a ciabatta fan, this is your spot!


Exciting opportunity to exhibit and sell my work in another public zone.

Huge thanks to the Italos Team especially Angelo, Patrick, Vivien and Eddie for their support in making this happen.

If you're in the hood, come and join me for a "Meet the Artist" evening on the 16th Feb 6.30pm at Italos. There'll be drinks and snacks while we all celebrate art, gin and life.

Perfect combo!

Art at Italoโ€™s โ€“ Italos A series of ongoing exhibitions featuring varied works from both local and international artists. We trust you enjoy and support the arts as much as we do. Please feel free to enquire about purchasing the featured artistโ€™s work.

Photos from Kim Slater Designs's post 12/12/2022

This little landscape artwork was a wild, untamed representation of a landscape I had just walked through earlier this year.

It's the perfect artwork to represent my greatest creation who is cycling through wild, untamed landscapes with two fabulous friends as I type.

I am so proud of these boys (refer to Instagram if you want to follow their route and adventures). They spoke about this 850 kilometre cycle trip, planned it, trained for it (well, kind of . . . ๐Ÿ˜‚) and are doing it right now! (The two pics are of their training day and the day of departure.)

Huge shout out to these incredible young guys who have made it happen. They are dealing with heat, pouring rain, hunger, thirst and bits and pieces of their bikes breaking.

BUT at the same time the human race is showing it's best side. Strangers are connecting with these young men, showing generosity and compassion and buying them food along the way.

Huge shout-out to for sponsoring these boys. Awesome support for their first adventure!

P.S. This is a little PG warning: if you're a little sensitive about language, I'd definitely not encourage you to follow them on IG.
These boiz are 21 years old and in the prime of their uninhibited self expression.
I love them for it. You may not ๐Ÿ˜Š

Photos from Kim Slater Designs's post 20/11/2022

Market Day at 'Art in the Park' organized by South African Society of Artists was a fabulous success.

Gorgeous weather, funky music, well organized and awesome sales.

I loved it and met so many fab people! AND I treated myself to a GORGEOUS painting by the incredible Lindsay Gay Page-Macdonald Art.

Huge thanks always to my beloved fan club who helped me setup, brought me coffee and pancakes, kept me company and bought my artworks. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Photos from Kim Slater Designs's post 14/11/2022

Hey Capetonians,

This Saturday 19th November is 'Art in the Park' at Rondebosch Park (cnr Campground & Sandown Rd), and I've decided to be part of the arty vibes under the trees.

So, if you're at a loose end, pop in and cruise the market. There's 60 artists exhibiting their creations, music, food . . . . sounds like it's going to be fabulous.

The market will be open from 9am - 3.30pm.

I'll have some of my smaller artworks, prints and cyanotypes up for sale.

Come and say hi # # #

Photos from Kim Slater Designs's post 08/11/2022

Just delivered "Ocean Bliss" to You&I Art Gallery in Sea Point.

I just love this painting and hope it finds a gorgeous home where this piece can really shine.

I love it so much I've scanned it and would love to print onto fabric . . . :)

Artwork Details
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 1 x 1 metre.

Price on request. Speak to Henry at You&I if you're interested # # #

Photos from Kim Slater Designs's post 02/08/2022


All the following artworks (prints as well as originals) are ready to ship immediately.

You need prezzies, jazz up your home or work space?

DM me which artwork you'd love and what the delivery address is, and I'll be in touch with a quote including courier fees # # #

P.S. all UK orders can be delivered by hand/British postal system...I'll be there in 3 weeks :)

Photos from Kim Slater Designs's post 30/07/2022

My morning walk in Newlands Forest became a 'hunt' for the illusive tones of pink & orange (my new pash) in a forest filled with greens, greys and browns (that is based on a very quick scan and huge generalization).

The trick is to walk slowly.
Slow your breathing right down.
Have the mindset that you're not just walking through the forest for exercise sake, but are taking in the energy of the forest. It sounds so cliche, but becoming one with the forest. Cheesy yes, but it works.

Suddenly the subtleties of smells, sounds, colours and textures jump out at you.

Try it. Oh, and don't forget your phone/camera. You'll need it # # #

My Story

I have a passionate love of art, design, colour, form and texture, and daily find myself feeling such delight in the incredible beauty and detail in the natural world. Mother Nature is my inspiration in my art, decor style, colour combinations and gin creating.

Videos (show all)

Birthday Song for me xxx

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 15:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 15:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday 09:00 - 15:00
Friday 09:00 - 15:00