Laura Berry - Registered Dietitian

Laura Berry - Registered Dietitian

Private practising dietitian based in Cape Town, South Africa - Passionate about food, nutrition and

Laura recognizes that there is much controversy in the media regarding nutrition, which can make it difficult to know what is right for your particular situation. Laura is committed to helping individuals understand their particular nutritional needs and through using evidence based nutrition principles, translate this into practical eating habits, to achieve optimal health and wellbeing.

Dr. Kaylene Henderson | Step-Ladder Approach to Help Anxiety in Children 19/03/2016

Some really practical principles one can use to help manage a child's anxiety around food, fear of new foods and fussy eating...

Dr. Kaylene Henderson | Step-Ladder Approach to Help Anxiety in Children Step-Ladder Approach to Help Anxiety in Children April 2, 2015/in Kaylene's Articles /by Dr Kaylene HendersonAn effective approach for helping your anxious child The step-ladder approach for the treatment of anxiety is medically known as hierarchical or graded exposure. It’s one of the ‘behavioural’…

Busting a Nutrition Myth 25/02/2016

World Food Programme highlights how it can be tricky for young children to get all the micro-nutrients they need and why it's important to ensure they get a good variety of nutrient rich foods.

Busting a Nutrition Myth WFP’s Nutrition team gets creative to show why it is difficult for young children to get all the nutrients they need to grow up healthy and strong.

Timeline photos 12/02/2016

February is Environmental Health Awareness Month. Here are 3 tips from ADSA...

February is Environmental Health Awareness Month. Green eating is about making healthy, natural choices when it comes to the foods we eat along with choosing foods that are healthy for our planet. We need to buy food locally, cut back on wastage and choose fresh food.

Pregnancy - 1,000 Days 09/02/2016

8-14th February is Pregnancy Awareness Week: 'The foundation of a child's health begins with a mother's nutrition'.
The '1000 days' organisation sheds light on why it is so important for women to focus on eating a varied diet with the right amount of energy and supplements during pregnancy, including the importance of nutrition for baby's growth and brain development and shaping lifelong health.

Pregnancy - 1,000 Days For starters, during pregnancy mom’s nutrition fuels the development of a baby’s rapidly growing brain so by the time that a baby is born their brain will contain 100 billion neurons! An expanding body of scientific evidence is also discovering how the quality of a mother’s diet during pregnancy aff…


'South African Food Based Dietary Guidelines are in line with the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Both focus on foods rather than nutrients and both emphasize a variety of foods, eat more fruit and vegetables, limit added sugar and stay away from wrong types of fat.'

ADSA comments on the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans

The Truth About Vitamin B12 Deficiency 19/01/2016

Do you suffer from fatigue? A simple quizz to see if you could be at risk of a Vitamin B12 deficiency and what to do about it...

The Truth About Vitamin B12 Deficiency Find out what increases your risk of vitamin B12 deficiency, which food has the most B12, and more.

Cupcake challenge competition winner 16/12/2015

A winning gluten free cupcake recipe!

Cupcake challenge competition winner We asked you to come up with your most inventive gluten-free cupcake recipe to be crowned the best gluten-free cupcake. Take a look at the winning entry below.

Breastfeeding after Gestational Diabetes Mellitus 07/12/2015

Support women with gestational diabetes to breast feed for longer - it helps reduce risk of developing type 2 diabetes...

Breastfeeding after Gestational Diabetes Mellitus In mothers with gestational diabetes, longer duration of breastfeeding showed a correlation with reduction in risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

What are pulses and why are they important crops for food security 18/11/2015

A great little video clip, highlighting the important health benefits of pulses, how good they are for the environment and why they are important for food security.

What are pulses and why are they important crops for food security The International year of Pulses 2016 (IYP) aims to heighten public awareness of the nutritional benefits of pulses as part of sustainable food production aimed towards food security and nutrition.

Timeline photos 17/11/2015

Swapping from sugary drinks to water can help reduce your risk of developing diabetes...

Healthy eating is a right, not a privilege. Download and promote the World Diabetes Day infographics

Veggie Burger 16/11/2015

A delicious veggie burger option for ! It is packed with butternut, sweet potato, lentils and almonds, so contains important antioxidants, fibre, protein and low GI carb's!

Veggie Burger We love this veggie burger recipe. The lettuce leaf is a perfect low kilojoule & low carb ‘roll’! The burger includes sweet potato, butternut, almonds and lentils! Our dietitians say... Sweet p...

National Diabetes Month 16/11/2015

November is Diabetes Awareness month. Making healthy food choices, is 1 of 4 top tips for managing diabetes...

National Diabetes Month It's time for a refresher on managing your type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Learn How To Prevent A Stroke 29/10/2015

World Stroke Day is here! With woman being more at risk of having a stroke than men, this year's theme is 'I am Woman'. Find out more about prevention here...

Learn How To Prevent A Stroke Here are six steps anyone can take to reduce the risk and the danger of stroke: Know your personal risk factors: high blood pressure, diabetes, and high blood cholesterol. Be physically active and exercise regularly. Maintain a healthy diet high in fruit and vegetable and low in salt to stay a


As well as nourishing bones with the right nutrients, weight bearing exercise is important for strengthening bones...dust off that rope and get the kids skipping! See for more info.

Home 20/10/2015

It's World Osteoporosis Day...some key nutrients for bone health include calcium, Vitamin D and just the right amount of protein! More reason to eat those green leafy veg and sardines!

Home Home

Creamy Broccoli & Barley Soup 19/10/2015

Top reasons to eat more broccoli - it has 'cancer-fighting power and may even help to improve memory'. Here is a great recipe from ADSA.

Creamy Broccoli & Barley Soup Our latest NutritionConfidence recipe is all about the super vegetable BROCCOLI. Part of the cruciferous vegetable family, broccoli has cancer-fighting power and may even help to improve memory. To...

Infant & Child Nutrition Information from a Dietitian 15/10/2015

Infant & Child Nutrition Information from a Dietitian Get advice and information from a registered dietitian in Cape Town - Contact Laura Berry, make an appointment for yourself and baby.

Blog of Cape Town based Registered Dietitian Laura Berry 13/10/2015

Blog of Cape Town based Registered Dietitian Laura Berry Get the latest nutritional news, advices and reviews regarding: Food Products, Recipes, Restaurants, Equipment, Legislation, Calendar

Help! My child is a ‘picky eater’ | Laura Berry Registered Dietitian, Cape Town 12/10/2015

5 Tips for dealing with a fussy eater...

Help! My child is a ‘picky eater’ | Laura Berry Registered Dietitian, Cape Town ‘My child is so fussy’ is one of the frustrations I hear Mums express most often. I can certainly agree that I have had my own experiences

Making Food Allergy Manageable | Laura Berry Registered Dietitian, Cape Town 12/10/2015

Making food allergy more manageable...

Making Food Allergy Manageable | Laura Berry Registered Dietitian, Cape Town Food allergies can be pretty scary. Reactions range in severity from mild rashes and lip swelling to wheeze, tightening of the airways, difficulty

Vegetables – more matters | heartandstroke 12/10/2015

A great reason to eat more veg and have at least one meat free day a week...

Vegetables – more matters | heartandstroke Since childhood, we are told that eating our greens will help us to grow up big and strong, and it is no surprise that including a variety of vegetables as part of your diet is a great recommendation for a healthy diet at any age. Vegetables have numerous health benefits as they are brimming with nu…


It's National Nutrition Week in SA with the focus of this year's campaign being 'Healthy eating in the work place'...

LET’S TALK ABOUT ‘HEALTHY EATING IN THE WORKPLACE’ What we eat at our place of work has a huge impact on our overall diet and influences our productivity. The prevalence of overweight and obesity combined is now 65% for females and 31% for males (2...

ADHD and Diet – is there a link and what should parents of a child with ADHD consider? 07/10/2015

Looking at ADHD and there a link?

ADHD and Diet – is there a link and what should parents of a child with ADHD consider? Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a syndrome diagnosed in many children. The exact percentage of children with ADHD is not known but figures are estimated at about 3-5% of school age children¸ with the incidence being slightly higher in boys. The main symptoms of ADHD are reduced at…

Timeline photos 29/09/2015

Heart Awareness Month . . .




Celebrate your heart and by getting your free test this month at your nearest Dis-chem pharmacy!


Weekly competition closes at 9pm TONIGHT!

(T’s & C’s:

Timeline photos 29/09/2015

Post a selfie of yourself getting tested, like and share our page with to stand a chance to win.
Deadline 9pm TONIGHT!
Winner will be announced on FRIDAY,
(T’s & C’s:
